Chapter 7 - Participating in a PBC Hearing and Presenting a Victim Statement

Transcript: Chapter 7 - Participating in a PBC Hearing and Presenting a Victim Statement

The screen opens to a sunny day on a quaint neighbourhood street with cars passing by.

Text displays: “Parole Board of Canada (PBC)”

Text displays: “Victims and the Parole Process”

The screen transitions to a solid green background

Text displays: “Participating in a PBC Hearing and Presenting a Victim Statement”

The screen transitions to the outside of a city building where a silhouette of the Victim stands outside looking in.

NARRATOR: As a registered victim, you have the right to attend Parole Board of Canada hearings of the offender who harmed you.

The screen changes to a Parole Board hearing taking place with Board members, a Hearing Officer, a CSC Parole Officer, an Offender and Observers.

NARRATOR: Hearings may be conducted in person or…

The screen transitions to the victim sitting at her home office, watching the hearing on her laptop. There are books, papers and a cup of coffee beside her on the desk.

NARRATOR: …virtually by way of videoconference.

The screen changes to a close-up of a clock on the wall as the hour hand moves forward.

NARRATOR: Hearings typically last several hours and normally include…

The screen changes back to the Parole Board hearing.

NARRATOR: …board members, a hearing officer, a CSC parole officer, and the offender. They may also include other participants, such as an Elder if it is a culturally responsive hearing, and observers, such as victim and offender supports, members of the public and media.

Text displays: “Board members”

Text displays: “Hearing Officer”

Text displays: “CSC Parole Officer”

Text displays: “Offender”

Text displays: “Elder”

Text displays: “Observers”

Text displays: “Victim and Offender Supports”

Text displays: “Members of the Public”

Text displays: “Media”

The screen transitions to a stylised blue sky scene with clouds.

NARRATOR: To attend a hearing simply complete and submit the ‘Request to Observe a Parole Hearing’ and/or present a ‘Victim Statement’ form, available on the PBC’s website or through the Victims Portal, at least 30 days before the hearing.

Text displays: “Request to Observe a Parole Hearing and/or Present a Victim Statement Form”
A laptop appears

Text displays: “30 days before the hearing”
A calendar appears

NARRATOR: The Department of Justice Victims Fund provides financial assistance to victims, as well as a support person, to attend PBC hearings.

Text displays: “Financial Assistance”
A cheque and pen appear

The screen changes to the victim in person at the Parole Board hearing standing reading her victim statement.

NARRATOR: If you have prepared a victim statement, you can read it at the hearing yourself…

Screen changes to the two Board members listening intently to the victim.

NARRATOR: …or designate a support person to read it on your behalf.

The screen changes to the victim at home recording her victim statement. She is sitting at her home office, in front of her laptop. There are books, and papers and a cup of coffee beside her on the desk.

NARRATOR: You can also choose to submit your victim statement in a pre-recorded video or audio recording, whether or not you attend the hearing.

The screen changes back to the hearing room with the two Board members watching the victim on their laptop screens.

NARRATOR: Board members will consider your statement in their decision-making regardless of what format you provide it in.

The screen transitions back to the stylised blue sky background with an illustration of a checklist with Do and Do Not columns.

Display text: “Victim Statement Checklist”

NARRATOR: The PBC’s website includes a checklist to help victims develop their statements.

The screen transitions to the neighbourhood street from the opening scene with an opaque solid teal layer over it.

NARRATOR: For more information, visit Or call the PBC Victim Information Line toll-free at: 1-866-789-4636

Text displays: “For more information:”

Text displays: “PBC Victim Information Line: 1-866-789-4636 (toll-free)”

Screen transitions to all black screen with the Parole Board of Canada signature with a Canadian flag.

The Canada wordmark appears with a waving Canadian flag.

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