ARCHIVED - Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Diseases - Knowledge Development and Exchange Functional Component


Management Response and Action Plan

Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease -

KD&E Functional Component, April 8, 2009

  Evaluation Recommendations Management Response Management Action Plan Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsibility Accountability
KD&E Functional Component Program and Evaluation Recommendations

Clarify scope and resource allocation of KD&E Functional Component work vs. broad KDE work of CCDPC.

  • Modify the scope and resource allocation of the KD&E Functional Component, in relation to CCDPC & ISHLCD activities overall to focus on the development and exchange of intervention evidence for the ISHLCD.
  • SMC meeting RODs re: scope of KD&E Component work and interface with other KD&E work of CCDPC.

September 2009

CCDPC, Senior Management Committee


  • Revised KD&E Component work plan based on refined scope of KD&E Component initiatives, including plan for activities related to intervention effectiveness.

December 2009

CCDPC, Director, Evidence and Risk Assessment (ERAD)

  • Discuss and agree on senior management leadership for KD&E Component across ISHLCD (CCDPC, CHP, Regions) and develop strategic priorities for the Component management and communication mechanisms.
  • Summary of strategic priorities for KD&E Component from Senior Management leads, and communication plans with ongoing updates.

March 2010

CCDPC, Director, ERAD


Clarify program theory of change for the various KD&E initiatives and program areas for the KD&E Functional Component.

  • Revise and/or develop program theory of change and related outputs and outcomes for the respective KD&E initiatives.
  • Documentation of KD&E initiatives, program theory of change, outcomes and links to KD&E Component logic model.

December 2009

CCDPC, Director, ERAD



Institute a performance measurement (PM) system and ongoing monitoring strategy for KD&E Functional Component that contributes to ISHLCD overall PMF monitoring system.

  • Consult with internal stakeholders to determine the scope of performance measurement strategy.
  • Identify key KD&E indicators of outputs and outcomes.

September 2009

CCDPC, Director, ERAD


  • Develop PM Framework and common tracking indicators relevant to KD&E activities.
  • Performance measurement framework for the KD&E initiatives and program areas

December 2009

  • Implementation of the PMS.

March 2010


Strengthen KD&E coordination and joint planning:



a) Develop and share KD&E plans and priorities through quarterly meeting.


a) Develop and share KD&E plans and priorities through quarterly meeting.

  • Quarterly joint ERAD plans and priorities for KD&E.

September 2009

CCDPC, Director, ERAD

b) Develop joint plans and set priorities across Functional Components relating to KD&E through semi-annual meetings of the KD&E Internal Network, and Senior Management direction to KD&E managers and staff of the importance of active participation in joint activities of the Internal KD&E Network membership.

b) Develop joint plans and set priorities across Functional Components relating to KD&E through semi-annual meetings of the KD&E Internal Network, and Senior Management direction to KD&E managers and staff of the importance of active participation in joint activities of the Internal KD&E Network membership.

  • Joint KD&E plans and priorities set by Internal KD&E Network.

January 2010

CCDPC, Director, ERAD


Build broad and dedicated KD&E staff capacity internally in PHAC.

  • Strengthen NCR capacity for KD&E by identifying dedicated KD&E positions and ‘knowledge broker’ roles throughout CCDPC.

Develop staff plan for KD&E positions and roles.

March 2010

CCDPC Director, ERAD


  • Development and delivery of knowledge, skill building and interactive workshops to strengthen capacity and understanding of everyone's unique roles related to KD&E for all CCDPC (and CHP) staff and management.
  • Presentation/
    discussion at 2 SMC meetings, hold series of 2-3 workshops and 2-3 interactive meetings with CCDPC (& CHP) staff.

March 2010

CCDPC Director, ERAD

Overall ISHLCD Program and Evaluation Recommendations

Ensure all ISHLCD Functional Components Gs&Cs adhere to the forthcoming findings and recommendations from the PHAC Gs&Cs Realignment Initiative.

  • Review Gs&Cs monitoring annually and implement new recommendations and policies as appropriate.
  • Annual review of Gs&Cs monitoring as per Standard Operating Procedures

December 2009 & Biannually

CCDPC, Director, Chronic Disease Prevention Division

ARO Director



Develop an approach and instruments to systematically assess the common immediate outcome of engagement which crosses all ISHLCD Functional and Program Components.

  • Determine scope, consult with stakeholders, identify designs, indicators and measures to systematically assess engagement.
  • Achieve consensus on a definition of engagement

September 2009

CCDPC, Director, Chronic Disease Prevention Division


  • Develop, pilot and implement tool(s) and methodology to assess engagement.
  • Pilot report
  • Finalized Tool(s)
  • Initiate data collection

January 2010

June 2010

December 2010

ARO Director


Establish a performance measurement framework and monitoring system for the ISHLCD as a whole to track key outputs and immediate outcomes.

  • Consult Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group members on an on-going basis to align the functional and program components’ performance measurement frameworks with the ISHLCD’s framework and PHAC’s Performance Measurement Framework.
  • Performance measurement framework.
  • Report outlining partial implementation of performance measurement system.

March 2010

December 2010

CCDPC, Director, Chronic Disease Prevention Division


  • Determine scope, consult with stakeholders, develop performance measurement framework, including targets, design system, pilot and implement the performance monitoring system.
  • Implementation of performance measurement system.

March 2011

ARO Director


Identify and communicate the KD&E linkages across Functional and Program Components of the ISHLCD matrix.

  • Define a Strategy-wide KD&E approach.
  • Consensus meeting to build a working relationship.

September 2009

CCDPC, Director, Chronic Disease Prevention Division


  • Updated ISHLCD roles & responsibilities documents.

October 2009

CCDPC, Director
Evidence and Risk Assessment Division

  • Joint ISHLCD KDED Operational plan.

January 2010

ARO Director


Identify, assess and communicate to stakeholders internal and external ISHLCD coordination mechanisms reflecting best practices for matrix management and an integrated approach to healthy living and chronic disease prevention and management.

  • Examine current ISHLCD matrix functions to identify lessons learned.
  • Lessons Learned Report.

August 2009

CCDPC, Director, Chronic Disease Prevention Division


  • Compare ISHLCD matrix lessons learned with lessons learned and best practices of matrix management organizations in the public sector and share this analysis with PHAC Matrix Management Training Working Group.
  • Environmental scan of matrix management research and evaluations in the public sector to determine critical success factors and lessons learned.

December 2009

  • Develop a business case outlining risks and required resources for future success.
  • Business case to support ISHLCD coordination mechanisms presented to Branch Executive Committee.

March 2010

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