Promoting physical activity

Government funded projects and initiatives in your community are helping Canadians to live active and healthy lives. These partnerships are part of our approach to promoting healthy living by working with organizations and sectors across Canada.

Alliance Wellness and Rehabilitation: Healthy Weights Initiative

Provides free supervised physical activity, dietary education, group cognitive behaviour therapy and social supports to 1,000 adults in each of the cities of Moose Jaw and Regina. Supports participants with tools and knowledge for long-term success.

APPLE Schools Foundation: Transforming Healthy School Communities

An Alberta-based program that adds healthy living messaging and activities to the school environment. Involves teachers, parents and community partners to help students stay active and eat healthily outside school hours.

Canada Soccer: FIFA 11+ and Movement Preparation

A soccer injury prevention program being implemented in soccer clubs across Canada, in partnership with Soccer Canada and Canadian Sport for Life.

Canadian Cancer Society: Walk or Run to Quit

Builds on the successful programs of the Running Room and the expertise of the Canadian Cancer Society. Provides Canadians with a unique opportunity to participate in a walk or running program while receiving resources and support to quit smoking.

Canadian Men’s Health Foundation “Don’t Change Much:” A Novel Assessment and Intervention Program for Men’s Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

Delivered online. Promotes healthy habits in men. Helps prevent chronic diseases by empowering them to make and keep up behaviour changes that reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases.

Capsana: Activate your Health

Aims to motivate and support individuals in their workplaces and help them improve their lifestyle choices by eating healthier and being more active. Includes practical tools, supports and resources. Also includes assistance to employers by creating environments that help in developing higher levels of wellness.

Carrot Insights Inc.: Carrot Rewards

Supports creation of a healthy living mobile app and platform that reward Canadians with popular loyalty points for participating in healthy living activities and making healthy lifestyle choices.

Centre for Addictions and Mental Health: Picking up the PACE Promoting and Accelerating Change through Empowerment

Promoting and Accelerating Change through Empowerment (PACE) provides online courses for health practitioners and gives them tools they can use with patients to help address multiple risk factors (such as physical inactivity and poor nutrition) for smoking tobacco. 

Childhood Obesity Foundation: Online Program for Living Green and Healthy: A Mobile Program for Youth and their Families

Aims to start long-term behaviour change in overweight and obese children and youth and their families, to help them shift from an unhealthy lifestyle toward improved health habits. Focuses on physical activity, nutrition and non-active behaviors. Delivered through a mobile application incorporating game elements, coaching and peer support networks. 

Community Food Centres of Canada: Food Fit: Promoting Healthy Eating and Fitness in Low-Income Communities

Aimed at low-income youth and adults. Uses hands-on food-based activities, group exercise and goal-setting cooking sessions to help people make realistic and sustainable change.

Community Matters Toronto: Healthy Living in St. James Town

Strives to improve health self-reliance among the South Asian and African populations by creating "circles of care." Activities grounded in local resources and supports, including foreign-trained health care professionals, established cultural practices, local nutrition initiatives, physical activities and newly established tracking tools.

Elgin St. Thomas Public Health: Creating Connections

A project aimed at improving walkability in the City of St. Thomas. Helping residents lead healthier, more active lifestyles.

Flat Bay Band Inc.: The Tajike’k Centre Indigenous Based Centres for Healthy Living and Prevention of Chronic Disease

Tailored to address the unique needs of the Mi’kmaq community. It promotes healthy living and addresses several chronic disease risk factors. The Creating Wellness intervention is an 8 week program focused on helping participants reach individual health and wellness goals and achieve healthier practices in a supportive environment.

Girls Action Foundation: Girls’ Health and Wellness Project: Promoting Healthy Living, Healthy Weights and Tobacco Reduction Among Girls

Encourages active and healthy living among girls aged 10 to 18 years. Development of programming and resources address common risk factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and smoking.  

Heart and Stroke Foundation: Community Hypertension Prevention Initiative

A community-based lifestyle modification program. It increases awareness of high blood pressure and CVD risk among participants 60 years and over to improve their ability to effectively manage their modifiable risk factors. Uses online tools and referrals to community resources.

Integrated 24 Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth

Examines children aged 5-17 years and makes recommendations on non-active behavior, sleep and physical activity for this age group.

Integrated 24 Hour Movement Guidelines for Early Years (ages 0-4­)

Combines physical activity, sleep and non-active behaviour guidelines into one, to how the relationship between all 3 behaviours.

National Ballet School of Canada: Sharing Dance

Aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children, youth and seniors. Includes a program for boys and girls that includes dance activities to build physical literacy for health and wellness. Also has a dance program for seniors that focuses on creative movement, injury prevention and improving quality of life. These programs combine live participation with online resources, including written guidelines, demonstration videos, music and live-streamed classes.


Originally established in 1971, ParticiPACTION works with partner organizations to make physical activity a part of everyday life.

Public Inc.: UPnGO with ParticipACTION

The UPnGO with ParticipACTION initiative is a workplace physical activity intervention designed to increase steps and reduce sitting time among employees. It aims to increase their behaviour change capability and skills and create an active and supportive workplace culture.

Public Inc.: Sit Kicker

Encourages Canadians who work in offices to engage in less sedentary behaviour and “kick the sit.” Aims to shift workplace culture towards more stand-friendly physical work environments. 

Reebok Canada and the Reebok Foundation: Build Our Kids Success (BOKS)

A before-school program aimed at improving academic performance and overall health of children through physical activity.

Right to Play Canada: Play for Prevention (Phase II)

Addresses the diabetes prevention needs of Indigenous youth by:

  • focusing on education, awareness and promotion of healthy living
  • promoting leadership skills among Indigenous youth
  • providing culturally appropriate tools and resources
  • promoting community development and sustainability

University of Ottawa, SMART MOMS Canada: Pregnancy: A Critical Window for Behaviour Change and Prevention of Excessive Weight Gain

Uses pregnancy as a critical window for behaviour change and prevention of excessive weight gain. Tests the impact of using mobile and other technologies to help women monitor and track body weight, physical activity and food intake on a daily basis.

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