Call for Proposals: Pan-Canadian Oral Health Match Website

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The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to invite eligible organizations to submit applications to adapt and launch a "stand alone" pan-Canadian oral health provider website that will increase access to culturally sensitive and trauma-informed oral health care in underserviced areas in northern, remote and isolated locations across Canada.

Project Objective

The Pan-Canadian Oral Health Match website will contribute to equity-oriented care by linking oral health practitioners with underserviced communities across Canada (i.e. northern, remote, and isolated). It will also include cultural competency and trauma-informed care online training modules specific to oral health practitioners.

Mandatory Key Activities

1) Enhance, launch, and promote an existing "Oral Health Match" pilot website.

This website will include a listing of:

  1. oral health providers willing to work in underserviced locations (northern/remote/isolated); and,
  2. facilities, clinics, and communities in need of providers.

Note: The possibility of developing an entirely new website can be considered. A rationale will be required demonstrating a proposed approach that is more cost-effective and confirms the project's key objectives would still be met.

2) Develop cultural competency and trauma-informed care training modules specifically adapted to oral health providers for inclusion on the website.

The module(s) on cultural competency will help oral health providers to increase their:

  • understanding of the role and impact of culture as a social determinant of health; understanding of distinct local cultures of vulnerable populations in northern, remote and isolated areas, and more specifically of First Nations and Inuit, in northern, remote and isolated areas, and;
  • capacity to provide adapted, culturally sensitive and gender sensitive services to people living in northern, remote and isolated areas.

The module(s) on trauma-informed care will:

  • provide tools and guidance to oral health providers working with patients and families who face challenges and trauma related to issues such as family violence, dental anxiety, and sexual abuse.

These modules will provide specific material related to each group: First Nations & Inuit specific content and material on other vulnerable populations living in northern, remote and isolated areas. The modules will be developed in taking the particular context of a dental setting in consideration.

These modules will also be developed by taking a sex and gender based analysis approach.

3) Data collection and evaluation in the final 4 to 6 months after the launch of the website.

  • Data collection includes, but is not limited to: number of visitors to the website, number of registered users (professionals and communities), number of visits per page, number of visitors and users viewing the training modules. Information on user satisfaction should also be evaluated.

4) Develop a sustainability plan outlining the website's maintenance after the project's end.

Additional Requirements

  • The website must be adapted to be "mobile-friendly" for smartphone users.
  • The website and the modules must be made available in both official languages.
  • Indigenous representatives must be consulted.
  • The website, including the training modules, must be launched online at least 4 to 6 months before the end of the 24 month period.
  • Special consideration will be given to applicants seeking regulatory authorities' criteria for continuing education credits.

Funding Available/Duration

At the end of the selection process, only one successful applicant will receive funding.

The maximum amount of funding available for the project is $100,000 for a period of up to 24 months.

Eligible recipients

Only applicants who fall under the following categories will be considered for funding:

  • Canadian not-for-profit voluntary organizations and corporations;
  • Organizations and institutions supported by provincial and territorial governments (regional health authorities, schools, post-secondary institutions, etc.).

Applicants must demonstrate that they have the capacity in place to maintain the website and the modules in the long-term (after the project's end).

For-profit organizations and corporations are not eligible.

Application deadline

The deadline to submit the full proposal is October 14, 2016 at 3:00pm Eastern Time.

How to Apply

Information sessions will be scheduled in the first two weeks of September to provide additional information on the application process and the existing pilot website to interested applicants.

To sign up for an information session and request a full application package, please send an email to the following address: .

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