Call for applications to the Immunization Partnership Fund: Overview

This invitation to submit a funding proposal is now closed. The following is for information purposes only. Successful applicants will be contacted and invited to submit a full funding proposal.

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Funding opportunity

The Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF) is inviting eligible organizations to submit funding proposals for projects that aim to increase confidence in and uptake of vaccinations across the life course among certain priority populations.

About our program

The Immunization Partnership Fund is a Public Health Agency of Canada grants and contributions program. It was created in 2016 to support the National Immunization Strategy's investments in addressing barriers to vaccination and improving immunization coverage. The program's goal is to increase vaccine confidence and uptake in Canada, particularly among populations who may face:

The program achieves this by supporting vaccine education and promotion initiatives that are culturally safe, evidence-informed and equity-promoting.

Purpose of this call for applications

The following remain vaccine-related public health priorities in Canada:

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the differences people living in Canada experience in:

Some populations face greater barriers to vaccination and generally have lower vaccine coverage. These include populations who:

The pandemic disrupted routine immunization across all age groups. Vaccine confidence and uptake also continue to be challenged by widespread vaccine-related misinformation and disinformation. These challenges demonstrate the need to:

These approaches must also be tailored and responsive to community needs.

During the pandemic, funding focused on projects supporting confidence in, access to and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. The scope of this call for applications has been broadened. We now focus on routine vaccination across the life course, including those focusing on vaccination for COVID-19 and influenza, and catching up on vaccines missed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It does not include projects focusing on:

This call for applications seeks innovative approaches that are tailored and responsive to the needs of populations who have been identified as a priority to help:

We invite eligible organizations to submit a letter of intent for time-limited projects that meet this description (1 to 2 years in duration).

Deadline to apply

This call for applications is a 2-step process:

We will review and assess all letters of intent from the first step and communicate the outcome to all applicants, whether they were successful or not.

Call for applications to the Immunization Partnership Fund: Application process and requirements

Funding amount and duration

Funding for this call for applications will be distributed over 2 fiscal years:

Projects will be funded for a minimum of 1 fiscal year up to a maximum of 2 fiscal years. We will approve the duration and funding amount for each project on a case-by-case basis.

The maximum amount of funding an organization may request is $250,000 per fiscal year.

Funding agreements will begin no earlier than April 1, 2024, and will end no later than March 31, 2026.

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