Call for applications to administer the Vaccine Injury Support Program
RCGT Consulting has been selected as the third party administrator for the Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP). The program is now open and accepting claims. For more information on the program, eligibility requirements and the claims process, visit
The information below relates to the process undertaken to identify the third party administrator. This process is now closed. The information remains accessible for information purposes only.
On this page
- About the program
- Third-party administrator
- Purpose and main elements of the program
- Experience criteria
- Application process and information required
- Deadline for submission
About the program
All vaccines used in Canada are regulated by Health Canada and must meet rigorous standards for safety, efficacy and quality before their use is authorized. Vaccinations are administered by trained professionals who follow established protocols. As a result, serious and permanent vaccine injuries are rare in Canada but, as with any medical product, they can occur.
On December 10, 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the Public Health Agency of Canada will be implementing a pan-Canadian no-fault Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP).
The VISP will ensure that people in Canada who experience a serious and permanent injury after receiving any Health Canada authorized vaccine, including an authorized COVID-19 vaccine, have access to financial support. Building on the model that has been in place in Quebec for over 30 years, this pan-Canadian program will ensure fair and equitable access to support for all individuals immunized in Canada.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is pleased to invite eligible organizations to submit an application to administer a no-fault support program for people in Canada with a serious and permanent vaccine injury.
Third-party administrator
A third-party administrator will be selected to administer the VISP via an open solicitation process. Canadian not-for-profit and for-profit organizations and corporations can apply.
The successful applicant will work independently to achieve the program's objectives, based on criteria outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada requires that the third-party administrator have experience and expertise in administering similar support programs. Funding to administer the program and manage financial support payments will be provided to the third-party administrator through a 5-year Contribution Agreement with the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Purpose and main elements of the program
The purpose of the VISP is to ensure that people in Canada have access to financial support in the event that they experience a serious and permanent injury after receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine, administered in Canada. Main program elements include:
Open and transparent claims intake process: a publicly accessible system for submission of injury claims that clearly outlines the process and eligibility criteria for claimants.
Causality assessment: a process that objectively determines a probable causal relationship between injury and vaccine and the degree and duration of disability for the purposes of establishing payments.
Administration of financial support payments to beneficiaries: financial support payments to beneficiaries based on a compensation schedule that aligns with accepted industry practices for injury compensation, and is consistent with other public and private sector compensation regimes. Financial support will include income replacement; death benefits; reimbursement of eligible costs such as otherwise uncovered medical expenses; and, injury indemnities.
Appeals process: a process by which claimants can appeal decisions made by the third party, with regards to causality and financial support.
Experience criteria
The organization must demonstrate how it meets each of the following experience criteria:
- health claim adjudication (including an appeal mechanism);
- experience in injury causality assessments;
- cost-effective delivery in administering payments;
- managing personal information; and,
- providing program delivery at a national level in both official languages.
Application process and information required
The Public Health Agency of Canada's Vaccine Injury Support Program Application Template must be used to submit a funding application. To obtain a copy of the Application Template, please contact: with the subject line "Application Template - Vaccine Injury Support Program".
Using the template, claimants will be required to provide the following:
- outline of how the organization is able to undertake the proposed program;
- description of the organization's management structure, governance and financial capacity to carry out the program;
- demonstration of how the organization meets each of the experience criteria;
- detailed information regarding how the organization is able to undertake each of the program elements; and
- detailed information regarding expenses, resources and processes required for the program.
Further guidelines will be included within the template for the application submission.
Applications will undergo a review process. The successful applicant will be awarded funding to administer the VISP.
It is anticipated that a 5-year Contribution Agreement will be signed with the successful applicant. This 5-year period will begin on the date that the agreement is signed by both parties. The initial agreement will end five years after signing but may be extended or renewed, as appropriate.
Claimants with ineligible, incomplete or unsuccessful applications will be notified.
Deadline for submission
The deadline for submitting an Application is 11:59 p.m. EST on February 24, 2021. Complete applications must be submitted to
Please note, the Public Health Agency of Canada is under no obligation to enter into a funding agreement as a result of this invitation to submit an application. The Public Health Agency of Canada also reserves the right to reject or accept any submission in whole or in part, as well as cancel and/or re-issue this invitation to submit an application at any time. In addition, the Public Health Agency of Canada will not reimburse costs incurred in the preparation and/or submission of an application.
Application will be acknowledged by email within two business days, so please ensure your email address is included. The Public Health Agency of Canada will update you by email on the status of your submission within 10 business days following the due date of applications.
To obtain additional information about this funding opportunity, please contact
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