Contact Mental Health

The Mental Health Promotion Unit does not provide a general information, counselling or referral service. For other kinds of communications, click on one of the following options:

The address of the Mental Health Promotion Unit is:

Mental Health Promotion Unit
785 Carling Avenue
Address Locator: 6805A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Fax: (613) 941-7551

Please note that the Mental Health Promotion Unit of the Public Health Agency of Canada cannot provide medical or other clinical advice. Please consult your family doctor, local health centre, crisis line or other community resources listed in your telephone directory. Crisis lines and other emergency numbers are listed at the front of the directory.

If you are in immediate danger or need urgent medical help, contact the police or ambulance services, by calling 9-1-1 or the emergency number for your community.

If you are feeling suicidal or in crisis, if you are coping with the loss of a loved one to suicide, or if you know someone who needs help for this kind of situation, the following non-governemental organizations offer information about available support lines:

In Canada

Consult the directory of crisis lines at the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention.

In the United States

Call the National Hopeline Network

Elsewhere in the world

Consult the directory maintained by the Samaritans/Befrienders International.

Responsibility for the planning, delivery and monitoring of health services (including mental health services) is primarily the responsibility of the provincial and territorial governments, not the Public Health Agency of Canada. To communicate concerns or questions about mental health service delivery, hospitalization and related issues, please contact your provincial or territorial ministry of health (or equivalent), listed in your telephone directory. For information about federal and provincial/territorial responsibilities related to health care, see the Health Care area of the main Health Canada website.

The Mental Health Promotion Unit does not offer a program of grants and contributions for community projects, research or education. For information about eligibility for project funding from the Innovation Strategy of the Public Health Agency of Canada or related initiatives, please visit the Innovation Strategy website.

To obtain information or to express your views about mental health research, please visit the web site of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addictions (INMHA), one of the recently established Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) that now provide most federal funding for health research.

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