Drinking tonight? (poster)

Drinking tonight?

  • Drink water
  • Set your limits
  • Pace yourself

Tips for a good night

Drink water between each drink to stay hydrated. You'll thank yourself in the morning!

Know your limits and establish a maximum number of drinks.

Avoid leaving your drink unattended and be mindful about accepting drinks from others.


  • Sugary drinks mask the taste of alcohol but the effects remain.
  • Caffeinated drinks can make you feel more alert but you might drink more than intended.

It's not for everyone!

About 1 in 4 postsecondary students haven't had a drink in the past month, and 1 in 6 haven't had a drink in the past year.

Be careful about mixing alcohol with other drugs since they can interact in unpredictable ways, including:

Weed and alcohol

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

Prescription medications and alcohol

  • Nausea
  • Blacking out

Other drugs and alcohol

  • Various unintended effects

Look up interactions before mixing.

For a fun and safe night, don't forget:

  • Charged phone
  • House keys
  • Full stomach
  • Contraceptives
  • A plan to get home safely (for example, rideshare apps, campus driving services, public transit information, designated driver)

For more tips: How young adults can reduce risks related to alcohol use

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