Summary of NACI statement of July 12, 2024: Statement on the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus disease in older adults

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Date published: 2024-07-12

Cat.: HP40-364/2-2024E-PDF
ISBN: 978-0-660-71993-1
Pub.: 240205

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Following a thorough review of the evidence of RSVPreF3 and RSVpreF in adults over 60 years of age, NACI makes the following recommendations for public health decisions:

And for health care providers advising individual clients:

Clinically significant chronic health conditions

Clinically significant chronic health conditions for which RSV vaccination is particularly important:

What you need to know

NACI will continue to monitor the evolving evidence and will update guidance as needed and as new products or indications for RSV vaccines are authorized by Health Canada.

For more information on NACI's recommendations on the use of RSV vaccines in older adults, please refer to the RSV vaccine chapter in the Canadian Immunization Guide (CIG), as well as additional statements on the NACI web page.

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