ARCHIVED - Reference List
- intro a, intro b Major Chronic Disease Mortality Maps at the Province/Territory Level []
- intro a, sect1 b, sect3 c, sect3 d Government of British Columbia: Measuring Our Success: Baseline Document for ActNowBC. Government of British Columbia; 2006.
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- sect2 a Pan American Health Organization: Productive municipalities and food security at the local level. Washington: Pan American Health Organization; 2001.
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- sect3 a Population H, Wellness, Ministry of Health P: A engmework for a Provincial Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Health Planning; 2003.
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- sect3 a Office of the Premier: Leadership council named on ActNowBC day. Victoria: Government of British Columbia; 2007.
- sect3 a The Government of British Columbia: Measuring Our Success: Progress Report 1. The Government of British Columbia; 2008.
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- sect4 a Perry, Leat D, Seltzer K, Stoker G: Governing in the Round: Strategies for Holistic Government. London: Demos; 1999.
- sect4 a Sullivan P: Strange Bedfellows: Whole-of-government Policy and Shared Responsibility Agreements – Implications for Regional Governance, Ngiya: Talk the Law Volume One Goverance in Indigenous Communities. Sydney: Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning; 2005.
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- sect4 a Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Public health: Ethical issues. London: Nuffield Council on Bioethics; 2007.
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