ARCHIVÉ - Bibliographie


  1. intro a, intro b Cartes de mortalité due aux maladies chroniques majeures au niveau des provinces/territoires[]
  2. intro a, part1 b, part3 c, part3 d Government of British Columbia: Measuring Our Success: Baseline Document for ActNowBC. Government of British Columbia; 2006.
  3. part1 a Snow D, Anderson L: Researching the homeless: The characteristics, features, and virtues of the case study. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press; 1991.
  4. Yin R: Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication; 2007.
  5. part1 a Yin R: Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage; 1989.
  6. part1 a Earl S, Carden F, Smutylo T: La cartographie des incidences : intégrer l’apprentissage et la réflexion dans les programmes de développement. Centre de recherches pour le développement international; 2001.
  7. part1 a Patton M: Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications; 1990.
  8. part1 a QSR International: Nvico7. 6e édition.; 2005.
  9. part1 a Strauss A, Corbin J:Les fondements de la recherche qualitative : techniques et procédures de développement de la théorie enracinée. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication; 1998.
  10. intro a, part1 b Crabtree B, Miller W: Doing Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications; 1992.
  11. part2 a Sous-comité sur la santé des populations du Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires sociales, des sciences et de la technologie:Politiques sur la santé de la population : enjeux et options. Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires sociales, des sciences et de la technologie, gouvernement du Canada; 2008.
  12. part2 a Australian Government Management Advisory Committee: Connecting Government: Whole-of-government responses to Australia’s priority challenges. Commonwealth of Australia; 2004.
  13. part2 a World Health Organization: 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2008.
  14. part2 a Organisation mondiale de la Santé:La Charte de Bangkok pour la promotion de la santé à l’heure de la mondialisation. Genève, Organisation mondiale de la Santé; 2005.
  15. part2 a, part2 b, sect4 c Organisation mondiale de la Santé:L’équité en santé grâce à l’action intersectorielle : analyse d’études de cas dans 18 pays. Ottawa, Organisation mondiale de la Santé; 2008.
  16. part2 a Organisation mondiale de la Santé, Maladies non transmissibles et santé mentale: Des soins novateurs pour les affections chroniques : éléments constitutifs.Genève, Organisation mondiale de la Santé; 2002.
  17. part2 a Christensen T, Laegreid P: The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform. Public Administration Review 2007, 67(6):1059-1066.
  18. part2 a Richards D, Smith M, Tom C, Per Lg: The Tension of Political Control and Administrative Autonomy: From NPM to a Reconstituted Westminister Model. In Autonomy and Control: Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar; 2006:181-202.
  19. part2 a Gregory R, Tom C, Per Lg: Theoretical Faith and Practical Works: De-Autonomizing and Joining-Up in the New Zealand State Sector. In Autonomy and Regulation: Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar; 2006:137-161.
  20. part2 a, part2 b Mansholt Graduate School of Social Sciences: Governance structures or mechanisms of governance: What is it and why do we need them? Slide 10: Four groups of coordination mechanisms; 2008.
  21. part2 a Hodges R, Wright M, Keasey K: Corporate governance in the public services: Concepts and issues. Public Money and Management 2008, 16(2).
  22. part2 a Smircich L, Frost P, Moore L, Louis M, Lundberg M, Martin J: Is the concept of culture a paradigm for understanding organizations and ourselves? In Organizational culture. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage; 1985:55-72.
  23. part2 a, part2 b Centre canadien de gestion:De l’effort héroïque au travail quotidien : les enseignements découlant de la direction de projets horizontaux.. Ottawa, Centre canadien de gestion; 2001.
  24. part2 a, part2 b, part2 c Bakvis H, Juillet L: Le défi de l’horizontalité : ministères responsables, organismes centraux et leadership.Ottawa, École de la fonction publique du Canada; 2004.
  25. part2 a Bauld L: Promoting Social Change: The Experience of Health Action Zones in England. Journal of Social Policy 2005, 34(3):427-445.
  26. part2 a National Audit Office, Comptroller, Auditor General: Developing Effective Services for Older People. London: National Audit Office; 2003.
  27. part2 a Keith A: The five practices of exemplary leadership. In The Leadership challenge. Edited by Kouzes J, Posner B. Hoboken: Jossey-Bass; 2009:3-22.
  28. part2 a Roper W: Why the problem of leadership in public health. In Milbank Memorial Fund. New York: Milbank Memorial Fund; 1994.
  29. part2 a, part2 b, sect4 c Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Commission de l’ Organisation mondiale de la Santé sur les déterminants sociaux de la santé, réseau régional Network for Equity in Health in East and Southern Africa : L’équité en santé grâce à l’action intersectorielle : analyses d’études de cas dans 18 pays.Ottawa, Agence de la santé publique du Canada; 2007.
  30. part2 a Pan American Health Organization: Productive municipalities and food security at the local level. Washington: Pan American Health Organization; 2001.
  31. part2 a, part2 b Watt N: Enforcer by name, not by nature. In The Guardian. Northern Ireland; 1999.
  32. part2 a Burch M, Holliday I: The Blair Government and the Core Executive. Government and Opposition 2004, 39(1):1-21.
  33. part2 a Hyder A, Bloom G, Leach M, Shamsuzzoha S, Peters D: Futures Health Systems: Innovations for Equity. In BMC Public Health. 2007:309.
  34. part2 a, part2 b Alliance for Health P, Systems R, World Health Organization: Neglected Health Systems Research: Governance and Accountability. 2008.
  35. part2 a, part2 b Mulgan R: Accountability: An ever-expanding concept? Public Administration 2000, 78(3):555-573.
  36. part2 a, part2 b Performance Innovation Unit: Wiring it up: Whitehall’s Management of Cross-cutting Policies and Services. London: The Stationary Office; 2000.
  37. part2 a, part2 b, sect4 c Wilkins P: Accountability and Joined-up Government. Australian Journal of Public Administration 2002, 61(1):114-119.
  38. part2 a, sect4 b Perry, Leat D, Seltzer K, Stoker G: Towards Holistic Governance: The New Reform Agenda: Palgrave MacMillan; 2002.
  39. part2 a Mackian S, Elliot H, Busby H, Popay J: 'Everywhere and nowhere’: locating and understanding the 'new public health’. Health Place 2003, 9(9):219-229.
  40. part2 a Barnes M, Sullivan H, Matka E: Building capacity for collaboration: The national evaluation of Health Action Zones. Birmangham: University of Birmangham; 2001.
  41. part2 a Audit Commission: Performance measurement as a tool for modernizing government. London: Audit Commission; 1999.
  42. part2 a Page E, Vernon B: Joined-Up Government and the Civil Service. In Joined-Up Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2005.
  43. part3 a, part3 b B.C. Outlines new vision for Primary Health Care []
  44. part3 a Government of British Columbia: Balanced budget 2008. Victoria: Government of Bristish Columbia; 2008.
  45. part3 a Population H, Wellness, Ministry of Health P: A engmework for a Provincial Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Health Planning; 2003.
  46. part2 a, part2 b Select Standing Committee on Health: The Path to Health and Wellness: Making British Columbians Healthier by 2010. Victoria, British Columbia: The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia; 2004.
  47. Speech from the Throne: 2005 Legislative Session: 6th Session, 37th Parliament []
  48. Message from the Minister of State for ActNowBC and Accountability Statement []
  49. part3 a Premier Campbell announces Cabinet changes []
  50. part3 a ,sect4 b Mitic W, Shinto M, Nyberg D: ActNowBC - A Whole-of-Government Approach to Improving the Health of British Columbians. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2009, In Press.
  51. part3 a BC Healthy Living Alliance: Working together to promote wellness and prevent chronic disease []
  52. part3 a, part3 b The Winning Legacy: A Plan for Improving the Health of British Columbians by 2010 []
  53. part3 a Office of the Premier: Leadership council named on ActNowBC day. Victoria: Government of British Columbia; 2007.
  54. part3 a The Government of British Columbia: Measuring Our Success: Progress Report 1. The Government of British Columbia; 2008.
  55. part3 a The Government of British Columbia: Province of British Columbia 2008/09-2010/11 Strategic Plan. The Government of British Columbia; 2008.
  56. sect4 a Page EC, Bogdanor V: Joined-up government and the civil service. In Joined-up government. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2005:139-155.
  57. sect4 a Althaus C, Bridgman P, Davis G: The Australian Policy Handbook. 4th edition. Melbourne: Allen & Unwin; 2008.
  58. sect4 a Pearce C: The future of leadership: Combining vertical and shared leadership to transform knowledge work. Academy of Management Executive 2009, 18(1):47-57.
  59. sect4 a Weick K: Making sense of the organization. Malden: Blackwell Publishing; 2001.
  60. sect4 a Thayers L: Leadership/communication: A critical review and a modest proposal. In Handbook of organizational communication. Edited by Goldhaber G, Barnett G. Norwood, NJ: Ablex; 1988:231-263.
  61. sect4 a, sect4 b Van Herten L, Gunning-Shepers: Targets as a tool in health policy. Part 2: guidelines for application. Health Policy 2000, 53:13-23.
  62. sect4 a, sect4 b Lager A, Guldbrandsson K, Fossum B: The change of Sweden’s public health targets making a difference. Health Policy 2007:413-421.
  63. sect4 a McCarthy M: Population health targets in Europe. The Lancet 1999, 364:1664.
  64. sect4 a Hunt S: Whole-of-government: Does working together work? In Policy and Governance. Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government; 2005.
  65. sect4 a Barrett P: Governance and joined-up government- Some issues and early successes. Melbourne: Australian National Audit Office; 2003.
  66. sect4 a Perry, Leat D, Seltzer K, Stoker G: Governing in the Round: Strategies for Holistic Government. London: Demos; 1999.
  67. sect4 a Sullivan P: Strange Bedfellows: Whole-of-government Policy and Shared Responsibility Agreements – Implications for Regional Governance, Ngiya: Talk the Law Volume One Goverance in Indigenous Communities. Sydney: Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning; 2005.
  68. sect4 a Kavanagh D, Richards D: Departmentalism and joined-up government: Back to the future? Parliamentary Affairs 2001, 54:1-18.
  69. sect4 a, sect4 b International Network of Health Promotion Foundations: Supporting the establishment of new Health Promotion Foundations: Strategies for resource mobilization. Bangkok: International Network of Health Promotion Foundations; 2005.
  70. sect4 a Promotion BCfH: Working together for the future: Health Promotion Foundation in British Columbia. Duncan: BC Coalition for Health Promotion; 2007.
  71. sect4 a Soteriades ES, Hadjichristodoulou C, Kremastinou J, Chelvatzoglou FC, Minogiannis PS, Falagas ME: Health promotion programs related to the Athens 2004 Olympic and Para Olympic games. BMCPublic Health 2006, 6:47.
  72. sect4 a Shipway R: Sustainable legacies for the 2012 Olympic Games. JRSocHealth 2007, 127(3):119-124.
  73. sect4 a Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Public health: Ethical issues. London: Nuffield Council on Bioethics; 2007.

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