Chapter 4: Cancer incidence in Canada: trends and projections (1983-2032) – Colorectal cancer - HPCDP: Volume 35, Supplement 1, Spring 2015

Chapter 4: Projections by Cancer Site

4. Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer for both males and females in Canada. In 2003–2007, the average annual number of new cases of colorectal cancer in Canada was 10 620 in males and 9010 in females, 13.1% and 12.1% of all male and female cases, respectively (Tables 4.4.1 and 4.4.2, Figure 3.9). Slightly more than two thirds of new cases of colorectal cancer were cancers of the colon. One in 13 males and 1 in 15 females can expect to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in their lifetime, and 1 in 29 males and 1 in 31 females can expect to die from it.Endnote 1 The 5-year relative survival rate following a diagnosis of colorectal cancer was 65% in 2006–2008.Endnote 1

TABLE 4.4.1
Observed (2003–2007) and projected average annual new cases by age and province/territories combined (TC), cancers of colon and rectum, males, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age New cases
2003–07 <45 335 35 35 5 15 135 75 10 15 0 5 0
45–54 1060 120 110 30 40 405 250 30 35 5 30 5
55–64 2375 280 185 75 90 875 625 60 95 15 70 10
65–74 3285 405 250 115 105 1220 885 75 120 15 75 10
75–84 2785 365 230 100 110 995 740 70 100 15 60 5
85+ 780 115 60 35 40 260 195 20 40 5 15 0
Total 10 620 1320 865 365 400 3890 2770 270 405 55 255 30
2008–12 <45 335 40 35 10 10 135 65 5 10 0 5 0
45–54 1105 130 120 30 45 425 240 30 40 5 25 5
55–64 2795 315 240 85 105 1065 690 75 100 15 85 15
65–74 3650 465 285 130 125 1315 1000 90 135 20 95 15
75–84 3160 405 270 110 115 1130 860 80 115 20 70 5
85+ 1045 155 85 40 45 355 270 25 45 5 15 0
Total 12 090 1505 1035 405 440 4430 3130 310 450 60 295 40
2013–17 <45 365 45 40 10 10 160 65 5 15 0 5 0
45–54 1125 135 120 30 45 445 230 35 40 5 25 5
55–64 3070 350 295 95 115 1200 710 80 100 10 85 15
65–74 4455 560 360 150 155 1605 1190 120 170 30 125 20
75–84 3445 445 300 120 120 1225 960 90 125 20 85 10
85+ 1320 180 115 50 50 465 360 35 55 5 20 0
Total 13 780 1715 1235 455 495 5095 3515 360 505 70 345 50
2018–22 <45 420 55 50 10 10 190 70 5 15 0 5 0
45–54 1075 140 120 30 40 425 210 30 35 5 20 5
55–64 3310 390 335 100 130 1320 725 85 110 10 80 15
65–74 5290 655 465 180 185 1980 1340 145 190 30 155 30
75–84 4035 530 355 145 140 1405 1150 110 155 30 110 10
85+ 1540 205 145 55 55 545 435 40 55 5 25 0
Total 15 670 1980 1465 515 565 5870 3930 415 560 80 395 65
2023–27 <45 440 55 50 10 10 205 70 5 15 0 5 0
45–54 1155 150 135 35 35 485 215 25 35 5 20 5
55–64 3360 410 340 95 135 1370 710 95 110 10 75 15
65–74 5915 760 575 215 215 2270 1435 155 195 25 160 35
75–84 5090 670 465 175 180 1790 1430 150 195 40 150 15
85+ 1780 245 165 65 60 625 520 45 70 10 30 5
Total 17 735 2290 1730 595 635 6750 4385 480 625 85 435 75
2028–32 <45 450 60 50 10 10 215 65 5 15 0 5 0
45–54 1330 180 155 35 35 590 235 25 35 5 20 5
55–64 3230 425 340 105 125 1335 660 85 105 10 65 15
65–74 6465 850 655 220 240 2545 1515 175 210 30 150 35
75–84 6155 800 605 215 220 2245 1660 185 225 35 185 25
85+ 2180 310 210 80 75 745 655 60 90 15 45 5
Total 19 815 2625 2015 665 705 7675 4790 540 685 95 470 85

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding.

TABLE 4.4.2
Observed (2003–2007) and projected average annual new cases by age and province/territories combined (TC), cancers of colon and rectum, females, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age New cases
2003–07 <45 310 35 25 5 15 130 70 5 15 0 5 0
45–54 830 105 80 25 30 310 205 20 30 5 20 5
55–64 1545 180 115 45 55 575 425 40 55 10 45 5
65–74 2225 265 175 70 70 845 590 50 85 10 50 5
75–84 2740 335 195 95 115 1020 740 70 110 15 50 5
85+ 1355 165 100 60 60 460 385 40 60 10 20 0
Total 9010 1090 690 300 345 3345 2410 225 350 50 195 20
2008–12 <45 310 35 30 5 15 120 65 5 10 0 10 0
45–54 895 115 90 30 30 345 215 20 35 5 25 5
55–64 1800 225 160 55 60 660 475 45 65 10 60 5
65–74 2385 280 185 75 80 880 645 60 95 15 70 5
75–84 2790 335 215 90 100 1025 785 65 105 15 55 5
85+ 1685 220 135 65 75 575 475 45 65 10 25 0
Total 9870 1210 815 315 360 3605 2660 235 380 55 240 25
2013–17 <45 320 40 30 5 15 120 65 5 10 0 10 0
45–54 925 115 95 25 35 365 205 15 35 5 30 5
55–64 1985 255 210 65 70 740 490 45 70 10 60 5
65–74 2855 340 235 85 90 1030 780 70 120 15 100 5
75–84 2880 350 240 90 95 1040 805 70 110 15 65 5
85+ 1935 240 160 70 80 660 570 45 75 10 30 0
Total 10 900 1340 970 345 385 3955 2915 250 420 60 290 30
2018–22 <45 345 50 30 5 15 135 45 5 10 0 10 0
45–54 895 110 90 20 40 345 200 15 30 5 30 5
55–64 2180 285 240 70 75 840 510 50 80 10 65 5
65–74 3355 425 315 100 105 1220 870 75 140 20 115 10
75–84 3250 400 280 100 105 1140 915 80 135 20 90 5
85+ 2110 265 195 70 75 715 630 50 75 15 30 5
Total 12 135 1525 1150 375 415 4395 3170 275 465 65 340 35
2023–27 <45 395 50 35 5 15 165 45 5 10 0 10 0
45–54 910 125 95 20 45 330 195 15 30 5 30 5
55–64 2245 295 240 65 80 900 485 50 75 10 65 5
65–74 3770 490 400 125 125 1405 910 85 150 20 120 10
75–84 4010 495 360 115 125 1395 1115 100 170 25 120 10
85+ 2290 295 220 80 75 770 670 55 85 15 40 5
Total 13 620 1750 1350 415 465 4970 3420 305 520 75 385 40
2028–32 <45 365 50 35 5 15 170 45 5 10 0 10 0
45–54 1040 150 100 25 45 395 145 15 30 5 30 5
55–64 2200 280 235 55 95 865 470 45 70 10 65 5
65–74 4175 550 460 140 135 1615 945 90 165 25 125 15
75–84 4780 630 480 145 145 1690 1260 115 200 25 140 15
85+ 2700 335 265 85 90 885 805 65 105 15 55 5
Total 15 260 2000 1570 455 525 5620 3680 335 580 85 420 50

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding.

In both males and females, the overall incidence rates of colorectal cancer have continued to decrease since 1983–1987, although the decrease was interrupted between 1993–1997 and 1998–2002 (Figure 4.4.1). This pattern appeared for all regions except in Atlantic Canada, where male rates in the last 2 observed periods increased slightly. From 2000 to 2007, colorectal cancer rates in Canada decreased significantly in both males and females by 0.8% per year (Figures 3.1 and 3.2).

FIGURE 4.4.1
Age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) by region, colorectal cancer, 1983–2032

figure 4.4.1

[Click to enlarge]

[FIGURE 4.4.1, Text Equivalent]

In both males and females, the overall incidence rates of colorectal cancer have continued to decrease since 1983-1987, although the decrease was interrupted between 1993-1997 and 1998-2002.The predictions indicate that the incidence rates of colorectal cancer for both males and females will marginally decrease and then stabilize in most regions of Canada except Quebec, where rates will show a relatively striking decrease. Only male rates in the Atlantic region are predicted to increase up to 2013-2017, followed by a levelling off. Internal ranking of the ASIRs in geographical areas is projected to be similar for both sexes, with elevated rates in the Atlantic region, and the lowest rates in British Columbia.

Like most other cancers, the occurrence of colorectal cancer is strongly related to age, with 87% of cases in people 55 or older in 2003–2007. The ASIRs rose steeply with age, from 3.1 per 100 000 in males aged under 45 to 510.3 per 100 000 for those aged 85 and over and, correspondingly, from 2.9 to 394.9 per 100 000 in females (Tables 4.4.3 and 4.4.4).

TABLE 4.4.3
Observed (2003–2007) and projected age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) by age and province/territories combined (TC), cancers of colon and rectum, males, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age ASIRs
2003–07 <45 3.1 2.7 3.0 2.3 3.5 3.2 3.0 3.4 4.7 2.6 3.8 4.3
45–54 42.5 36.7 41.9 43.1 47.5 43.5 40.7 49.7 45.4 25.8 67.5 60.7
55–64 139.5 118.9 121.4 156.1 153.6 138.7 143.7 138.9 169.7 177.6 213.3 206.6
65–74 305.2 266.2 275.7 339.1 285.3 299.0 332.0 288.9 351.9 324.1 406.4 530.9
75–84 449.0 401.2 454.3 424.0 445.9 413.3 511.3 473.1 547.0 535.9 629.0 605.7
85+ 510.3 480.5 454.5 471.1 528.6 456.2 611.7 539.1 715.8 504.8 607.4 580.6
Total 60.8 53.5 56.8 62.8 61.6 58.7 66.0 61.8 73.7 66.4 84.7 91.1
2008–12 <45 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.5 3.4 2.8 3.1 4.8 2.8 4.1 4.1
45–54 39.9 35.2 39.5 39.4 45.7 40.0 36.8 47.5 47.9 27.4 59.7 58.9
55–64 136.1 108.8 120.8 141.9 145.8 139.7 136.4 144.5 157.7 132.9 222.5 223.2
65–74 295.0 263.0 273.0 355.4 298.5 284.0 319.7 289.0 342.5 362.6 424.7 574.2
75–84 452.3 397.1 460.2 462.1 460.6 420.4 512.2 488.4 550.6 556.4 655.2 673.5
85+ 497.4 464.6 494.3 480.7 512.2 440.3 589.4 521.5 727.2 592.3 633.8 903.9
Total 59.7 52.1 56.9 64.7 61.9 57.6 63.8 62.2 72.6 67.0 87.3 100.9
2013–17 <45 3.5 3.2 3.2 3.6 2.7 3.9 2.7 3.1 5.2 2.8 4.2 4.1
45–54 40.5 35.7 40.0 39.6 50.3 39.9 36.6 55.1 51.7 28.0 56.9 58.9
55–64 130.9 108.0 122.6 140.0 141.5 136.4 125.4 139.6 145.7 101.0 218.8 230.6
65–74 285.8 251.6 261.0 347.0 300.8 275.9 306.4 291.9 338.7 379.7 438.4 599.9
75–84 446.9 392.5 455.9 509.5 460.0 415.1 512.3 479.6 531.5 580.5 680.9 702.7
85+ 494.6 438.8 512.7 509.8 502.3 436.4 598.5 539.0 742.2 580.7 645.7 940.8
Total 58.6 51.1 56.4 65.9 61.6 56.9 62.0 62.7 71.4 66.2 88.7 104.7
2018–22 <45 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.7 4.4 2.7 3.0 5.3 2.8 4.2 4.1
45–54 41.8 38.6 41.3 48.3 47.9 41.5 37.4 54.3 55.7 28.5 57.4 58.9
55–64 127.4 109.7 123.7 134.7 147.6 131.0 119.3 149.1 146.1 105.2 198.6 235.7
65–74 279.6 240.0 257.1 332.5 291.3 279.5 294.0 297.4 317.3 306.3 452.1 617.5
75–84 434.3 391.0 440.7 544.1 457.3 399.2 501.7 469.7 536.1 643.4 702.5 722.7
85+ 487.0 425.0 519.7 524.5 509.8 432.1 597.5 550.2 688.7 579.1 670.8 966.0
Total 57.7 50.8 56.1 66.7 61.2 56.6 60.3 63.5 701.1 63.9 89.0 107.4
2023–27 <45 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.4 2.7 4.5 2.7 3.0 5.3 2.8 4.2 4.1
45–54 45.4 42.6 44.8 47.6 38.1 48.5 37.8 53.9 60.3 28.7 57.6 58.9
55–64 129.2 112.5 125.2 137.6 159.2 131.7 121.4 171.1 154.6 105.8 189.9 238.3
65–74 270.4 242.5 261.3 335.9 287.6 273.5 278.7 290.3 295.6 246.9 437.6 626.4
75–84 423.4 377.6 424.2 535.9 461.6 393.5 491.7 480.2 526.2 653.4 719.3 732.9
85+ 483.4 431.7 508.6 611.8 504.2 429.3 611.0 532.3 683.8 615.1 692.8 978.9
Total 57.2 51.2 56.2 67.7 61.0 56.8 59.2 65.1 69.5 60.6 88.1 108.7
2028–32 <45 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.4 2.7 4.5 2.6 3.0 5.3 2.8 4.2 4.1
45–54 49.1 46.4 48.8 46.8 38.1 55.4 38.7 53.5 60.5 28.9 57.8 58.9
55–64 132.7 120.5 128.7 162.3 153.5 136.5 124.7 170.1 163.4 106.5 190.5 240.9
65–74 265.4 245.7 263.2 321.2 297.6 266.7 270.5 315.9 299.2 253.7 402.4 635.5
75–84 414.9 364.4 420.8 518.3 445.0 399.6 475.4 489.1 493.5 518.1 738.5 743.2
85+ 464.0 427.9 489.1 621.8 503.3 406.0 588.6 530.5 694.7 694.5 711.4 991.9
Total 57.0 51.9 56.8 68.2 60.5 57.5 58.2 67.0 69.4 57.1 86.7 110.0

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

TABLE 4.4.4
Observed (2003–2007) and projected age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) by age and province/territories combined (TC), cancers of colon and rectum, females, Canada, 2003–2032
Period Age ASIRs
2003–07 <45 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.5 4.0 3.1 2.8 2.6 4.2 4.2 3.9 4.6
45–54 33.1 31.4 32.1 33.7 33.9 32.7 33.0 29.9 38.3 38.8 48.7 62.3
55–64 88.0 74.8 77.2 94.3 89.0 87.4 92.8 90.5 99.0 101.4 137.8 128.0
65–74 185.9 167.1 177.4 193.5 171.0 184.0 193.3 168.4 226.7 214.0 263.7 248.8
75–84 311.9 283.0 284.7 296.5 320.0 299.8 339.7 314.4 393.7 348.3 390.4 394.0
85+ 394.9 346.2 364.1 368.6 380.5 368.4 472.1 396.1 463.0 493.3 360.6 482.6
Total 41.0 36.7 37.8 41.1 41.1 40.2 43.6 39.6 49.8 47.9 55.5 56.9
2008–12 <45 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.4 4.2 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.9 3.6 5.1 6.1
45–54 32.7 30.7 32.3 36.6 34.2 32.7 32.8 27.7 40.1 38.4 58.8 67.7
55–64 84.4 75.1 82.3 88.6 81.5 82.7 89.6 79.2 97.7 99.1 148.6 111.4
65–74 176.3 151.8 168.0 194.0 170.7 170.1 186.2 173.6 222.2 206.9 299.8 220.6
75–84 304.1 273.0 290.5 296.0 299.8 287.6 337.3 296.6 380.6 357.0 406.3 422.1
85+ 387.2 360.2 388.1 367.4 391.3 347.5 456.1 383.2 460.1 454.6 388.8 614.2
Total 39.8 35.4 38.1 40.8 40.0 38.1 42.7 38.2 48.9 46.7 61.6 57.5
2013–17 <45 3.1 2.9 2.5 2.4 4.2 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.8 3.7 5.7 6.0
45–54 34.0 31.2 32.7 35.0 38.8 33.7 33.7 28.4 42.1 39.9 67.4 66.5
55–64 81.7 74.7 87.6 92.7 85.7 80.3 84.0 76.3 95.4 95.9 147.0 109.6
65–74 169.4 143.5 163.9 183.7 163.0 161.3 182.4 160.4 217.1 198.9 328.6 217.6
75–84 296.4 268.6 295.9 313.8 281.8 275.3 329.0 293.5 374.5 347.9 436.6 417.2
85+ 379.5 338.3 384.6 381.1 383.2 339.5 451.2 359.9 492.0 445.5 426.0 607.4
Total 38.9 34.7 38.5 41.1 39.6 36.8 41.6 36.6 48.6 45.7 66.3 56.7
2018–22 <45 3.2 3.2 2.5 2.4 4.1 3.1 1.9 2.7 3.8 3.7 6.2 6.0
45–54 35.4 30.3 33.2 32.9 49.9 33.3 37.7 29.3 43.0 41.6 77.1 65.8
55–64 82.3 76.7 89.6 96.0 85.1 81.2 82.9 79.4 97.6 96.6 157.6 108.5
65–74 163.9 145.4 168.2 181.5 153.9 157.3 174.5 145.7 211.5 192.4 314.1 215.7
75–84 287.9 255.1 291.4 319.4 277.8 262.7 320.9 287.3 375.2 338.0 473.0 413.9
85+ 373.6 338.3 398.7 375.5 352.8 329.9 447.2 360.1 456.7 438.6 428.1 602.9
Total 38.4 34.6 39.0 41.1 39.6 36.2 40.5 35.7 48.2 45.1 68.9 56.2
2023–27 <45 3.4 3.1 2.5 2.4 4.1 3.6 1.9 2.6 3.8 4.0 6.4 6.0
45–54 35.7 34.5 33.1 32.8 49.7 31.6 34.9 28.8 42.9 41.9 79.8 65.4
55–64 85.9 79.4 90.3 92.9 95.5 85.3 84.3 83.2 102.2 100.9 166.0 107.9
65–74 161.0 146.0 176.9 189.4 163.5 157.0 164.2 145.4 208.6 189.1 301.3 214.7
75–84 280.3 247.2 285.0 304.1 266.4 255.9 313.4 271.9 369.1 329.0 488.8 412.3
85+ 366.4 335.3 399.8 416.4 341.1 321.2 429.5 363.3 472.5 430.1 450.6 600.7
Total 38.3 35.0 39.4 41.2 40.6 36.4 39.1 35.4 48.3 45.0 70.0 56.0
2028–32 <45 3.1 3.1 2.5 2.4 4.1 3.5 1.9 2.6 3.8 3.6 6.7 6.0
45–54 38.5 37.8 33.1 32.8 49.4 36.2 25.0 28.3 42.7 45.2 82.6 65.0
55–64 89.5 78.0 91.2 88.0 118.6 85.8 92.2 86.2 104.2 105.1 180.9 107.4
65–74 163.4 152.4 179.7 194.6 160.2 160.5 162.7 152.0 213.9 191.8 309.6 213.7
75–84 273.3 252.5 293.5 303.0 254.9 252.7 299.8 252.2 360.8 320.8 452.1 410.6
85+ 356.9 313.2 388.8 399.9 343.1 308.0 423.3 354.6 463.8 419.0 477.6 598.5
Total 38.6 35.5 39.9 41.0 41.9 36.9 38.1 35.3 48.4 45.3 71.3 55.8

Abbreviations: AB, Alberta; BC, British Columbia; CA, Canada; MB, Manitoba; NB, New Brunswick; NL, Newfoundland and Labrador; NS, Nova Scotia; ON, Ontario; PE, Prince Edward Island; QC, Quebec; SK, Saskatchewan; TC, All Territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

The incidence rates in males and females were almost the same in those under 45 (Figure 4.4.2). Above this age, the male-to-female incidence rate ratio increased with age to 1.6:1 in the 65–74 age group and then decreased to 1.3:1 in those aged 85 or older.

FIGURE 4.4.2
Age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) for colorectal cancer by age group, Canada, 1983–2032 (red lines denote males, blue lines denote females)

figure 4.4.2

[Click to enlarge]

[FIGURE 4.4.2, Text Equivalent]

The rates of colorectal cancer are expected to rise in younger people (<55), displaying a downward trend in the under-45 age group after 2018-2022 in males and 5 years later in females. The rates will decrease in the opposite ages (≥55), showing a reverse trend in 55-64 age range after 2018-2022 in men and 5 years sooner in women.

The predictions indicate that the incidence rates of colorectal cancer for both males and females will marginally decrease and then stabilize in most regions of Canada except Quebec, where rates will show a relatively striking decrease (Figure 4.4.1). Only male rates in the Atlantic region are predicted to increase until 2013–2017, followed by a levelling off. Internal ranking of the ASIRs in geographical areas is projected to be similar for both sexes, with elevated rates in the Atlantic region, where the highest rates will be in Newfoundland and Labrador, and the lowest rates in British Columbia. The long-term trends of the rates are projected to approach convergence everywhere except in the Atlantic region.

The rates are expected to rise in younger people (<55), displaying a downward trend in the under 45 age group after 2018–2022 in males and 5 years later in females. The rates will decrease in the opposite ages (≥55), showing a reverse trend in 55–64 age range after 2018–2022 in men and 5 years sooner in women.

From 2003–2007 to 2028–2032, the ASIRs of colorectal cancer for Canada are expected to decrease by 6% in both sexes, from60.8 to 57.0 per 100 000 for males and from 41.0 to 38.6 per 100 000 for females (Tables 4.4.3 and 4.4.4). Because of projected Canada population growth and aging, the annual number of new male cases is predicted to increase by 87%, from 10 620 to 19 815, and the number of new female cases, by 69%, from 9010 to 15 260 (Tables 4.4.1 and 4.4.2).


The decrease in colorectal cancer incidence likely reflects changes in prevalence of risk and protective factors and screening uptake. Lifestyle factors play a major role in colorectal cancer etiology. These risk factors include high consumption of red and processed meat, alcohol, smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.Endnote 47, Endnote 84, Endnote 85 High intake of fruit and vegetables may be protective.Endnote 86, Endnote 87 Since the early 1960s, annual per capita red meat consumption rates in Canada increased by 25% from 65 kg (carcass weight) in 1963 to 81 kg in 1976, but has since dropped by 30% to 56 kg in 2009.Endnote 81 The proportion of Canadians who were at least moderately active increased from 39% in 1994/1995 to 52% in 2003, then stabilized in 2005.Endnote 88 A decrease in smoking prevalence began in the mid-1960s in males and in the mid-1980s in females in Canada.Endnote 42, Endnote 43 These risk factor changes may partly account for the decrease in incidence.

The use of hormone replacement therapy (estrogen plus progesterone) by women appears to reduce colorectal cancer risk;Endnote 89 this may partially explain the lower incidence in females than in males, especially in those older thanEndnote 55. In addition, compared with males, females in Canada have been engaging in healthier eating patterns.Endnote 90 Endnote 91 This may also contribute to the gender difference in colorectal cancer risk. Known modifiable risk factors and genetic factors explain only a fraction of colorectal cancer cases.Endnote 36

The decrease in colorectal cancer incidence rates may also result from the introduction or increased use of screening that allows the detection and removal of adenomatous polyps.Endnote 92, Endnote 93 The screening rates increased from 2005 to 2008 in most provinces in Canada.Endnote 94 In 2008, 32% (range: 16%–46%) of Canadians aged 50 to 74 reported having either a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) in the past 2 years or a sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy in the past 5 years.Endnote 36, Endnote 94 Uptake of screening in Canada lags behind that in the US.Endnote 36, Endnote 95 As of 2010, all provinces had announced or started implementing organized colorectal cancer screening programs. It should be noted that these estimates may change with the increased use of screening in the near future, which may result in more colorectal cancer cases being diagnosed in the early stages.

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