Positive Mental Health Surveillance Indicator Framework: Quick Stats, adults (18 years of age and older), Canada, 2016 Edition - HPCDP: Volume 36-1, January 2016

Volume 36 · Number 1 · January 2016

Positive Mental Health Surveillance Indicator Framework: Quick Stats, adults (18 years of age and older), Canada, 2016 Edition


Indicator Group Indicator Measure(s) Latest Data Data Source

Abbreviations: CADUMS, Canadian Alcohol and Other Drug Use Monitoring Survey; CCHS, Canadian Community Health Survey; CHMS, Canadian Health Measures Survey; GSS, General Social Survey; SLID, Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics.

Note: “In development” refers to measures that are under development either because a data source is currently not available or because more research has to be done to identify a promising measure and data source.

Correspondence: Surveillance and Epidemiology Division, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention, Public Health Agency of Canada, 785 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON  K1A 0K9; Email: chronic.publications.chroniques@phac-aspc.gc.ca

For more details, please go to the Chronic Disease Infobase, where you will find a series of Internet-based tools to help visualize, analyze, interpret and disseminate positive mental health indicator data.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention. Positive Mental Health Surveillance Indicator Framework: Quick Statistics, adults (18 years of age and older), Canada, 2016 Edition. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2016.

Positive Mental Health Outcomes
Self-rated mental health % of population who self-rate their mental health as “excellent” or “very good” 64.9% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Happiness % of population who report being happy “every day” or “almost every day” 81.9% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Life satisfaction % of population who report being satisfied with life “every day” or “almost every day” 82.1% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Mean life satisfaction rating (0–10 scale) 7.9 CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Psychological well-being % of population who have high psychological well-being 69.6% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Social well-being % of population who report that they “very strongly” or “somewhat strongly” belong to their local community 62.4% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Individual Determinants
Resilience In development
Coping % of population who report a high level of coping 56.9% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Control and self-efficacy % of population who report a high level of perceived control over life chances 41.6% GSS Social Networks (2008)
Violence % of population who experienced any of three types of child abuse before age 16 (physical abuse, sexual abuse or exposure to intimate partner violence) 32.3% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
% of population who report being the victim of physical or sexual assault in the past 12 months 3.9% GSS Victimization (2014)
% of population who report being the victim of spousal violence in the past 5 years 2.7% GSS Victimization (2014)
Health status % of population who self-rate their health as “excellent” or “very good” 58.6% CCHS (2013)
% of population with no or mild disability 68.1% CCHS (2013)
Physical activity % of population who are “active” or “moderately active” during their leisure time based on self-reported data 53.8% CCHS (2013)
% of population aged 18–79 years who accumulate at least 150 minutes per week of moderate or vigorous physical activity in 10-minute bouts based on measured data 13.6% CHMS (2009–2011)
Substance use % of population whose reported alcohol consumption falls within the low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines 85.0% CADUMS (2012)
Spirituality % of population who report that religious or spiritual beliefs are “very important” or “somewhat important” in their daily life 62.9% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Family Determinants
Family relationships In development
Family health status and substance use by family members % of population with a family member who has problems with their emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs 39.8% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
% of population with a family member who has problems with their emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs who report that their life is affected “a lot” or “some” by their family member’s problems 35.6% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Household composition % of population who live with spouse or partner 70.2% CCHS (2013)
% of population who live in a lone parent household 8.9% CCHS (2013)
% of population who live alone 15.6% CCHS (2013)
Household income % of the total Canadian population, all ages, below low-income cut-off after tax 8.8% SLID (2011)
Community Determinants
Community involvement % of population who are members of, or participate in at least one recreational or professional organization, group, association or club 63.6% GSS Social Networks (2008)
Social networks % of population who report having no close friends or family members 6.1% GSS Social Networks (2008)
% of population who report having 1–5 close friends or family members 59.2% GSS Social Networks (2008)
% of population who report having 6 or more close friends or family members 34.7% GSS Social Networks (2008)
Social support % of population who report high level of perceived social support 94.1% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Workplace environment % of employed population aged 18–75 years experiencing high job strain 14.8% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Neighbourhood social environment % of population who report that their neighbourhood is a place where neighbours help each other 86.6% GSS Victimization (2009)
% of population who report that social disorder in their neighbourhood is “a very big problem” or “a fairly big problem” 13.4% GSS Victimization (2009)
Neighbourhood built environment In development
Society Determinants
Inequality In development
Discrimination and stigma % of population who experienced unfair treatment at least once in the past year based on characteristics such as gender, race, age, or appearance. 32.4% CCHS (2013) Discrimination Rapid Response
% of population with a mental health problem who report being affected by negative opinions or unfair treatment due to their mental health problem 21.0% CCHS Mental Health (2012)
Political participation % of registered electors who voted in the 2015 federal election 68.5% Elections Canada (2015)

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