Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Volume 37 · Number 5 · May 2017
Special Issue: Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Part II
Inside this issue
- Introduction
Siobhan O'Donnell
- Factors associated with delayed diagnosis of mood and/or anxiety disorders
Ricky Cheung, Siobhan O'Donnell, Nawaf Madi, Elliot M. Goldner
- Self-management of mood and/or anxiety disorders through physical activity/exercise
Louise Pelletier, Shamila Shanmugasegaram, Scott B. Patten, Alain Demers
- Use of medication and psychological counselling among Canadians with mood and/or anxiety disorders
Siobhan O'Donnell, Maria Syoufi, Wayne Jones, Kathryn Bennett, Louise Pelletier
- Letter to the Editor - The implications of the professionalization of health promotion in Canada: a response to JR Graham's letter to the editor
Thierry Gagné, Josée Lapalme, Janette Leroux
- Other PHAC publications