Respiratory Virus Report, Week 3 ending January 20, 2018

List of abbreviations

Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
Influenza A(H3N2)
Influenza A (Unsubtyped)
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
human metapneumovirus
Health Sciences Centre
Not Applicable
Public Health Laboratory
Public Health Ontario Laboratory
Respiratory syncytial virus
University Health Network

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Respiratory Virus Detections and Isolations

Table 1: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending January 20, 2018 (Reporting Week 201803)
Table 1: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending January 20, 2018 (Reporting Week 201803)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Tested A(H1N1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive PIV Tested PIV 1 Positive PIV 2 Positive PIV 3 Positive PIV 4 Positive Other PIV Positive Adeno Tested Adeno Positive hMPV Tested hMPV Positive Entero/Rhino Tested Entero/Rhino Positive Coron Tested Coron Positive
Newfoundland 178 0 0 9 9 2 178 8 178 8 1 3 0 0 178 2 178 18 178 14 N.A. N.A.
Prince Edward Island 90 0 5 0 5 27 91 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Nova Scotia 207 0 0 40 40 13 207 27 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 2
New Brunswick 440 0 0 85 85 68 440 22 136 0 1 0 0 0 136 2 136 6 136 5 136 3
Atlantic 915 0 5 134 139 110 916 65 322 8 2 3 0 0 322 4 322 24 322 19 144 5
Région Nord-Est 700 0 0 105 105 72 602 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 836 0 0 208 208 93 855 101 88 2 0 0 1 0 89 2 73 0 N.A. N.A. 73 0
Centre-du-Québec 1274 0 0 240 240 194 1031 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montréal-Laval   2160 0 0 335 335 257 1678 153 788 6 0 1 2 0 794 18 776 18 N.A. N.A. 705 39
Ouest du Québec 693 0 0 137 137 87 397 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montérégie 571 0 0 94 94 73 571 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Province of Québec 6234 0 0 1119 1119 776 5134 484 876 8 0 1 3 0 883 20 849 18 N.A. N.A. 778 39
Ottawa P.H.L. 64 0 11 13 24 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHEO - Ottawa 348 0 0 44 44 33 348 48 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 1 17 1 17 2 17 2
Kingston P.H.L. 72 0 4 5 9 14 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 4 0 0 0
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 515 0 0 41 41 48 515 31 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
P.H.O.L. - Toronto   734 4 113 31 148 86 402 23 402 5 0 0 0 0 402 3 391 8 11 0 0 0
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 126 3 4 7 14 14 72 8 72 0 0 0 0 0 72 2 72 8 72 6 72 7
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 116 0 6 0 6 18 116 5 116 0 0 0 0 0 116 0 116 1 116 1 116 7
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 41 0 2 10 12 3 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Timmins P.H.L. 21 0 7 2 9 2 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
St. Joseph's - London   250 0 0 16 16 60 250 17 39 0 0 0 0 0 39 2 39 2 16 1 16 0
London P.H.L. 318 0 39 15 54 69 179 8 179 2 0 0 0 0 179 2 179 0 0 0 0 0
Orillia P.H.L.   101 0 8 4 12 5 8 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 6 0 2 0 0 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 120 0 30 8 38 3 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0
Sudbury P.H.L.   45 0 3 0 3 4 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 1 0 0 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 181 0 14 9 23 26 98 4 98 1 1 0 0 0 98 0 97 2 1 0 0 0
Peterborough P.H.L. 117 1 6 2 9 12 42 0 42 1 0 0 0 0 42 0 42 0 0 0 0 0
Province of Ontario 3169 8 247 207 462 404 2074 145 1030 10 1 0 0 0 1017 10 1012 22 240 10 221 16
Manitoba 631 0 19 122 141 19 627 42 108 2 3 1 0 0 108 0 59 9 108 4 59 14
Regina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Saskatoon 215 0 0 18 18 14 215 6 215 0 1 0 0 0 215 0 215 3 215 2 215 2
Province of Saskatchewan 215 0 0 18 18 14 215 6 215 0 1 0 0 0 215 0 215 3 215 2 215 2
Province of Alberta 1491 4 143 54 201 173 1120 0 1120 31 9 3 12 0 1120 17 1120 80 1120 65 1120 88
Prairies 2337 4 162 194 360 206 1962 48 1443 33 13 4 12 0 1443 17 1394 92 1443 71 1394 104
British Columbia 1462 54 269 87 410 330 1462 9 416 5 0 2 3 0 416 0 416 12 259 25 259 35
Yukon 22 1 3 6 10 2 22 0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Northwest Territories 40 1 10 0 11 6 40 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 40 3 40 4 40 0
Nunavut 14 0 5 0 5 1 14 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 14 2 2 0 2 0
Territories 76 2 18 6 26 9 76 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 54 5 42 4 42 0
CANADA 14193 68 701 1747 2516 1835 11624 751 4141 64 16 10 18 0 4135 51 4047 173 2306 129 2838 199

Specimens from Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU) are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces. Results reported for the Territories reflect the number of specimens that are identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Table 2: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 27, 2017 - January 20, 2018 (Reporting Weeks 201735-201802)
Table 2: Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 27, 2017 - January 20, 2018 (Reporting Weeks 201735-201803)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Tested A(H1N1)pdm09 Positive A(H3) Positive A(UnS) Positive Total Flu A Positive Total Flu B Positive RSV Tested RSV Positive PIV Tested PIV 1 Positive PIV 2 Positive PIV 3 Positive PIV 4 Positive Other PIV Positive Adeno Tested Adeno Positive hMPV Tested hMPV Positive Entero/Rhino Tested Entero/Rhino Positive Coron Tested Coron Positive
Newfoundland 1256 0 3 39 42 19 1256 23 1256 78 6 26 0 0 1256 20 1257 61 1256 136 N.A. N.A.
Prince Edward Island 441 2 45 0 47 66 452 26 34 0 0 0 2 0 34 1 34 0 34 5 34 0
Nova Scotia 1197 0 0 152 152 30 1209 101 278 4 1 1 0 0 278 4 278 3 278 53 278 2
New Brunswick 3538 0 84 465 549 125 3093 50 1230 24 19 2 10 0 1230 26 1230 30 1230 192 1230 18
Atlantic 6432 2 132 656 790 240 6010 200 2798 106 26 29 12 0 2798 51 2799 94 2798 386 1542 20
Région Nord-Est 4552 0 0 654 654 264 4025 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 5646 0 0 836 836 381 5796 556 1712 29 1 0 18 0 1752 64 1477 4 N.A. N.A. 1415 5
Centre-du-Québec 6540 0 0 884 884 685 5241 573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montréal-Laval   20524 0 0 1882 1882 1053 17315 1313 10521 167 22 56 33 0 10686 419 10132 97 N.A. N.A. 9444 304
Ouest du Québec 4541 0 0 567 567 328 2216 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Montérégie 3372 0 0 476 476 194 3372 281 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N.A. N.A. 0 0
Province of Québec 45175 0 0 5299 5299 2905 37965 3205 12233 196 23 56 51 0 12438 483 11609 101 N.A. N.A. 10859 309
Ottawa P.H.L. 407 1 35 28 64 37 228 1 228 3 0 0 0 0 228 2 223 0 20 6 10 1
CHEO - Ottawa 3686 0 0 250 250 140 3685 262 441 11 1 2 7 0 467 10 523 9 467 115 467 19
Kingston P.H.L. 533 0 49 20 69 26 375 8 375 8 0 0 1 0 375 5 345 1 83 7 22 0
UHN / Mount Sinai Hospital 5168 0 0 184 184 164 5168 206 384 6 1 0 8 0 0 0 362 5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
P.H.O.L. - Toronto   7478 45 469 62 576 275 6389 180 6389 96 6 13 1 0 6389 57 6186 41 519 48 234 5
Sick Kids Hospital - Toronto 1454 8 22 11 41 27 1330 152 1330 28 2 5 25 0 1330 31 1330 75 1330 341 1330 59
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 1395 1 57 1 59 49 1395 38 1395 19 8 2 3 0 1395 0 1395 18 1395 154 1395 42
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 234 0 16 13 29 3 175 1 175 3 0 0 1 0 175 0 169 1 19 3 12 0
Timmins P.H.L. 161 5 17 6 28 8 118 1 118 0 0 0 0 0 118 1 110 0 14 1 2 0
St. Joseph's - London   1922 0 0 118 118 241 1922 201 647 23 1 0 11 0 647 20 573 9 404 102 354 5
London P.H.L. 2081 3 184 48 235 273 1471 67 1471 32 2 5 3 0 1471 7 1419 11 151 21 63 0
Orillia P.H.L.   682 0 58 19 77 27 440 14 440 14 0 2 0 0 440 4 435 5 24 4 11 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 539 0 125 21 146 4 326 3 326 6 1 2 0 0 326 0 323 3 6 0 3 0
Sudbury P.H.L.   566 3 46 3 52 12 468 4 468 5 0 0 0 0 467 3 442 0 41 1 13 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 1684 8 61 32 101 83 1412 85 1412 28 4 4 3 0 1412 14 1363 26 137 21 64 2
Peterborough P.H.L. 1074 1 33 20 54 57 863 30 863 19 0 1 0 0 863 3 860 7 49 12 44 2
Province of Ontario 29064 75 1172 836 2083 1426 25765 1253 16462 301 26 36 63 0 16103 157 16058 211 4659 836 4024 135
Manitoba    6073 6 311 580 897 77 5909 137 2628 53 12 1 8 0 2628 40 1310 60 2628 291 1310 35
Regina   6109 27 705 35 767 195 6109 77 6109 330 62 5 23 0 6109 119 6109 246 6109 1468 6109 207
Saskatoon    3041 0 0 260 260 105 3041 66 2940 30 3 7 2 0 3041 35 3041 43 3041 365 3041 38
Province of Saskatchewan 9150 27 705 295 1027 300 9150 143 9049 360 65 12 25 0 9150 154 9150 289 9150 1833 9150 245
Province of Alberta 22018 82 3583 1187 4852 1787 17671 0 17671 469 123 66 202 0 17671 258 17671 682 17671 2716 17671 679
Prairies 37241 115 4599 2062 6776 2164 32730 280 29348 882 200 79 235 0 29449 452 28131 1031 29449 4840 28131 959
British Columbia 10398 197 846 358 1401 1322 10398 225 4609 142 36 20 71 0 4609 35 4609 86 3447 949 3447 140
Yukon 198 1 11 6 18 35 198 8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Northwest Territories 381 1 109 0 110 15 378 0 378 9 0 0 12 0 378 3 378 19 378 54 378 18
Nunavut 249 0 21 0 21 2 236 1 237 7 1 8 0 0 236 10 235 7 66 27 59 1
Territories 828 2 141 6 149 52 812 9 615 16 1 8 12 0 614 13 613 26 444 81 437 19
CANADA 129138 391 6890 9217 16498 8109 113680 5172 66065 1643 312 228 444 0 66011 1191 63819 1549 40797 7092 48440 1582

Specimens from Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU) are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces. Results reported for the Territories reflect the number of specimens that are identified as originating from YT, NT or NU.

Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.

Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses

Figure 1: Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2017-18

Figure 1

Figure 1: Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2017-18 - Text Equivalent
Number positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2017-18
Week Week end ParaInfluenza Adenovirus Human metapneumovirus Enterovirus/Rhinovirus Coronavirus Respiratory syncytial virus
35 2017-09-02 48 15 29 222 9 8
36 2017-09-09 42 25 6 225 2 16
37 2017-09-16 57 43 28 358 5 11
38 2017-09-23 47 40 15 422 8 19
39 2017-09-30 65 43 15 505 9 13
40 2017-10-07 73 53 21 574 10 17
41 2017-10-14 82 45 13 462 9 22
42 2017-10-21 96 45 21 457 7 43
43 2017-10-28 103 50 42 452 11 40
44 2017-11-04 132 61 30 412 6 65
45 2017-11-11 162 77 38 386 11 94
46 2017-11-18 132 73 41 367 19 110
47 2017-11-25 221 68 62 303 29 171
48 2017-12-02 169 58 65 277 60 199
49 2017-12-09 205 77 99 320 83 276
50 2017-12-16 199 97 137 304 121 371
51 2017-12-23 182 82 182 306 179 554
52 2017-12-30 174 67 160 237 224 631
1 2018-01-06 181 76 200 203 316 886
2 2018-01-13 149 45 172 171 265 875
3 2018-01-20 108 51 173 129 199 751

Positive Influenza tests

Figure 2: Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 2

Figure 2: Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week end Can Tests Can A
Can B
Atl Tests Atl A
Atl B
QC Tests QC A
ON Tests ON A
Pr Tests Pr A
Pr B
BC Tests BC A
Terr Tests Terr A
Terr B
35 2017-09-02 1816 1.60 0.28 98 1.02 0.00 431 0.00 0.00 593 0.51 0.00 551 2.36 0.54 123 9.76 0.81 20 0 5
36 2017-09-09 1707 2.11 0.18 85 0.00 0.00 412 0.24 0.00 482 1.87 0.41 605 1.82 0.17 114 11.40 0.00 9 22.22 0
37 2017-09-16 2137 1.59 0.19 75 0.00 0.00 511 0.39 0.00 693 3.17 0.00 721 1.25 0.28 126 0.79 1.59 11 0 0
38 2017-09-23 2423 2.15 0.21 85 0.00 0.00 516 1.16 0.00 753 0.80 0.13 867 1.85 0.35 189 12.70 0.53 13 0 0
39 2017-09-30 2713 2.65 0.29 147 2.04 0.00 586 0.51 0.17 742 2.02 0.13 977 2.25 0.31 244 11.89 1.23 17 0 0
40 2017-10-07 3048 2.17 0.16 120 0.83 1.67 707 2.12 0.28 888 0.90 0.00 966 2.59 0.00 340 4.71 0.29 27 3.7 0
41 2017-10-14 3080 2.66 0.36 143 2.80 0.00 761 2.10 0.53 874 1.03 0.34 1028 3.79 0.10 255 5.10 0.78 19 5.26 5.26
42 2017-10-21 3409 2.96 0.44 180 8.33 0.00 847 0.47 0.35 907 0.77 0.11 1124 5.07 0.53 324 4.94 1.23 27 7.41 3.7
43 2017-10-28 3810 4.04 0.55 273 6.23 0.00 864 1.39 0.12 1084 0.83 0.28 1238 7.92 1.21 322 5.28 0.31 29 3.45 3.45
44 2017-11-04 4234 3.99 0.71 285 12.63 0.35 1030 1.46 0.58 1182 1.10 0.08 1356 7.01 1.33 342 2.63 1.17 39 2.56 0
45 2017-11-11 4856 4.76 0.97 289 3.11 0.35 1309 0.99 0.38 1245 1.93 0.24 1477 11.51 2.23 505 2.97 0.99 31 0 0
46 2017-11-18 5027 6.23 1.49 289 2.42 0.35 1459 2.33 0.62 1188 2.78 0.42 1640 13.54 3.17 423 3.78 1.89 28 3.57 0
47 2017-11-25 5250 8.42 2.13 252 3.97 0.00 1677 2.92 0.83 1205 1.91 0.66 1721 19.58 4.42 365 5.75 3.29 30 6.67 6.67
48 2017-12-02 6044 11.73 3.14 303 4.62 0.00 1917 4.17 1.15 1246 3.53 1.61 2174 24.52 5.70 367 8.99 5.99 37 13.51 5.41
49 2017-12-09 6508 14.29 4.21 370 2.43 0.27 2087 7.33 2.11 1244 4.10 1.37 2390 27.03 7.66 357 16.25 7.28 60 21.67 5
50 2017-12-16 7926 14.79 5.97 296 12.50 1.69 2738 7.67 4.53 1495 5.82 2.01 2850 28.46 8.84 474 1.27 11.60 73 28.77 9.59
51 2017-12-23 9760 17.57 7.37 402 16.92 2.99 3274 11.64 5.71 1939 8.25 4.95 3379 27.52 8.64 668 21.11 18.26 98 35.71 10.2
52 2017-12-30 10597 18.82 9.51 387 19.64 4.39 4421 16.63 7.96 2002 12.09 8.64 3000 28.20 10.10 745 11.54 21.21 42 21.43 11.9
1 2018-01-06 14886 18.95 10.34 650 18.62 6.31 6361 18.71 9.70 2738 14.79 9.35 3844 22.74 9.50 1215 17.61 20.82 78 21.79 8.97
2 2018-01-13 15714 18.09 11.01 788 28.30 6.22 7033 17.93 10.49 3395 13.28 11.84 2996 22.10 7.54 1438 16.27 21.70 64 18.75 4.69
3 2018-01-20 14193 17.85 12.93 915 15.19 12.02 6234 17.95 12.45 3169 14.58 12.75 2337 15.40 8.81 1462 29.21 22.57 76 34.21 11.84

Positive Respiratory synctial virus tests

Figure 3: Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 3

Figure 3: Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week end Can Tests RSV
Atl Tests RSV
QC Tests RSV
ON Tests RSV
Pr Tests RSV
BC Tests RSV
Terr Tests RSV
35 2017-09-02 1779 0.45 98 0 440 0.91 563 0.36 535 0.19 123 0 20 5
36 2017-09-09 1708 0.94 85 1.18 442 2.26 476 0.42 582 0.34 114 0 9 11.11
37 2017-09-16 2108 0.52 76 2.63 543 1.29 679 0.29 673 0 126 0 11 0
38 2017-09-23 2375 0.8 85 0 522 1.92 748 1.07 818 0.12 189 0 13 0
39 2017-09-30 2667 0.49 148 0.68 600 1.17 734 0.14 924 0.32 244 0.41 17 0
40 2017-10-07 2941 0.58 104 0 690 1.16 867 0.81 913 0.22 340 0 27 0
41 2017-10-14 2943 0.75 109 0.92 739 1.49 861 1.16 960 0 255 0 19 0
42 2017-10-21 3210 1.34 126 4.76 816 1.23 888 1.91 1031 0.68 324 0.93 25 0
43 2017-10-28 3603 1.11 273 0 789 3.04 1068 0.47 1122 0.45 322 1.86 29 0
44 2017-11-04 3846 1.69 192 0 879 4.32 1168 1.54 1227 0.24 342 1.75 38 0
45 2017-11-11 4398 2.14 290 0.69 1078 4.45 1217 2.88 1278 0.16 505 1.39 30 0
46 2017-11-18 4555 2.41 288 1.39 1214 5.02 1161 2.58 1441 0.35 423 2.36 28 0
47 2017-11-25 4605 3.71 254 0.79 1328 8.06 1169 4.36 1461 0.07 365 2.47 28 3.57
48 2017-12-02 5303 3.75 306 0.65 1607 7.78 1195 5.19 1797 0.28 367 1.36 31 0
49 2017-12-09 5663 4.87 369 2.44 1739 10.35 1192 5.96 1946 0.41 357 2.24 60 0
50 2017-12-16 6884 5.39 297 3.37 2301 11.04 1403 6.49 2337 0.47 474 1.05 72 0
51 2017-12-23 8503 6.52 406 3.45 2764 12.66 1746 7.96 2823 0.96 668 3.14 96 3.13
52 2017-12-30 9234 6.83 387 3.36 3613 11.43 1725 8.46 2723 0.92 745 4.43 41 2.44
1 2018-01-06 12447 7.12 410 7.32 5114 10.72 2190 9.41 3440 1.45 1215 4.12 78 2.56
2 2018-01-13 13284 6.59 791 4.8 5613 9.01 2641 7.76 2737 2.7 1438 3.62 64 0
3 2018-01-20 11624 6.46 916 7.1 5134 9.43 2074 6.99 1962 2.45 1462 0.62 76 0

Positive Parainfluenza tests

Figure 4: Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 4

Figure 4: Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Parainfluenza (PIV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests PIV
Atl Tests PIV
QC Tests PIV
ON Tests PIV
Pr Tests PIV
BC Tests PIV
35 2017-09-02 1518 3.16 64 0 369 4.34 427 3.28 535 2.62 109 3.67
36 2017-09-09 1393 3.02 48 6.25 339 1.47 324 4.01 581 2.58 96 6.25
37 2017-09-16 1751 3.26 66 3.03 431 0.93 490 2.04 649 4.16 105 12.38
38 2017-09-23 1963 2.39 70 2.86 380 3.16 546 1.47 794 2.9 163 0.61
39 2017-09-30 2159 3.01 74 4.05 467 3.21 536 2.8 905 3.09 160 2.5
40 2017-10-07 2361 3.09 98 3.06 465 4.3 609 1.81 883 3.28 282 2.84
41 2017-10-14 2357 3.48 96 5.21 473 3.38 655 2.44 936 3.95 182 3.85
42 2017-10-21 2469 3.89 102 4.9 503 2.58 644 3.26 991 4.94 213 3.29
43 2017-10-28 2586 3.98 122 4.1 486 3.09 776 2.71 968 4.44 215 8.84
44 2017-11-04 2918 4.52 164 6.1 515 3.11 816 2.33 1174 5.45 220 10
45 2017-11-11 3048 5.31 115 1.74 528 3.03 857 3.5 1237 6.87 285 9.47
46 2017-11-18 3022 4.37 142 6.34 519 1.73 796 2.89 1351 5.92 196 5.1
47 2017-11-25 3159 7 119 11.76 624 4.81 757 3.57 1389 8.86 256 9.77
48 2017-12-02 3426 4.93 119 5.88 623 3.69 730 3.15 1718 5.7 215 7.91
49 2017-12-09 3630 5.65 147 12.24 610 3.61 787 1.91 1841 6.79 196 8.67
50 2017-12-16 4226 4.71 130 11.54 753 2.52 889 2.36 2204 5.94 192 5.21
51 2017-12-23 4838 3.76 144 7.64 737 2.58 1039 2.31 2611 4.21 231 6.06
52 2017-12-30 4518 3.85 143 7.69 721 2.36 997 3.11 2409 4.11 219 6.85
1 2018-01-06 5447 3.32 219 7.31 886 1.58 1253 3.19 2735 3.4 291 4.12
2 2018-01-13 5135 2.9 294 6.46 928 1.4 1504 2.19 1994 3.06 364 5.49
3 2018-01-20 4141 2.61 322 4.04 876 1.37 1030 1.07 1443 4.3 416 2.4

Positive Adenovirus tests

Figure 5: Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 5

Figure 5: Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Adenovirus (adeno) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Can Tests Adeno
Atl Tests Adeno
QC Tests Adeno
ON Tests Adeno
Pr Tests Adeno
BC Tests Adeno
35 2017-09-02 1508 0.99 64 0 376 1.33 410 0.73 535 1.12 109 0.92
36 2017-09-09 1394 1.79 48 0 347 1.73 317 1.26 581 2.41 96 0
37 2017-09-16 1765 2.44 66 3.03 441 3.17 494 1.21 649 2.93 105 0.95
38 2017-09-23 1963 2.04 70 1.43 392 3.83 534 1.5 794 2.02 163 0
39 2017-09-30 2148 2 74 1.35 476 3.57 516 0.97 905 1.66 160 2.5
40 2017-10-07 2358 2.25 98 1.02 478 6.07 593 1.01 883 1.25 282 1.77
41 2017-10-14 2351 1.91 96 0 489 3.07 633 0.47 936 2.78 182 0.55
42 2017-10-21 2473 1.82 102 0 514 4.09 637 0.16 991 1.82 213 1.41
43 2017-10-28 2679 1.87 122 0 494 3.85 760 0.39 1069 2.43 215 0.47
44 2017-11-04 2907 2.1 164 2.44 529 4.73 791 0.88 1174 1.87 220 0.45
45 2017-11-11 3023 2.55 115 5.22 534 7.49 826 0.73 1237 1.78 285 1.05
46 2017-11-18 3019 2.42 142 4.93 532 5.45 780 1.03 1351 2 196 0.51
47 2017-11-25 3163 2.15 119 1.68 640 3.91 745 1.07 1389 2.3 256 0.39
48 2017-12-02 3430 1.69 119 1.68 639 3.76 718 1.53 1718 1.16 215 0.47
49 2017-12-09 3615 2.13 147 3.4 620 3.87 763 1.57 1841 1.9 196 0
50 2017-12-16 4211 2.3 130 2.31 758 5.54 869 2.19 2204 1.45 192 0.52
51 2017-12-23 4827 1.7 144 2.08 743 4.58 1022 0.88 2611 1.11 231 2.6
52 2017-12-30 4496 1.49 143 4.2 728 2.88 968 0.93 2409 1.2 219 0.91
1 2018-01-06 5438 1.4 219 0.91 894 3.47 1236 1.13 2735 0.95 291 0.69
2 2018-01-13 5108 0.88 294 0.68 931 2.9 1474 0.34 1994 0.5 364 0.27
3 2018-01-20 4135 1.23 322 1.24 883 2.27 1017 0.98 1443 1.18 416 0

Positive Human metapneumovirus tests

Figure 6: Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 6

Figure 6: Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive human metapneumovirus (hMPV) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Can Tests hMPV
Atl Tests hMPV
QC Tests hMPV
ON Tests hMPV
Pr Tests hMPV
BC Tests hMPV
35 2017-09-02 1423 2.04 64 0.00 359 1.67 402 1.24 475 2.95 109 2.75
36 2017-09-09 1302 0.46 48 0.00 313 0 309 0 531 0.75 96 2.08
37 2017-09-16 1737 1.61 66 1.52 415 0.48 537 1.12 604 1.99 105 5.71
38 2017-09-23 1840 0.82 70 0.00 343 0.29 522 0 732 1.78 163 0.61
39 2017-09-30 2078 0.72 74 0.00 450 0.22 526 0.38 851 1.29 160 0.63
40 2017-10-07 2275 0.92 98 0.00 451 0.22 586 0.17 834 1.56 282 2.13
41 2017-10-14 2278 0.57 96 0.00 460 0 637 0.16 888 1.35 182 0
42 2017-10-21 2370 0.89 102 0.00 494 0.2 628 0.96 917 1.53 213 0
43 2017-10-28 2561 1.64 122 0.00 468 0.85 752 0.4 985 3.45 215 0
44 2017-11-04 2783 1.08 164 0.61 499 0.4 786 0.64 1085 1.75 220 0.91
45 2017-11-11 2926 1.3 115 2.61 511 0.39 831 1.2 1158 1.64 285 1.4
46 2017-11-18 2860 1.43 142 0.70 502 0.8 779 0.51 1223 2.62 196 0
47 2017-11-25 3072 2.02 119 2.52 607 0.49 737 1.36 1339 3.14 256 1.56
48 2017-12-02 3347 1.94 120 2.50 601 0.5 722 1.39 1668 2.82 215 0.93
49 2017-12-09 3536 2.8 147 2.72 585 0.85 766 1.31 1794 4.29 196 0
50 2017-12-16 4129 3.32 130 3.85 703 1.56 880 1.7 2166 4.48 192 3.13
51 2017-12-23 4637 3.92 144 5.56 643 0.78 991 2.02 2552 5.53 231 0.87
52 2017-12-30 4358 3.67 143 5.59 692 1.01 939 2.45 2336 4.84 219 3.65
1 2018-01-06 5334 3.75 219 5.48 844 1.42 1235 2.59 2683 4.96 291 2.75
2 2018-01-13 4926 3.49 294 7.14 820 1.59 1481 1.76 1916 4.8 364 5.22
3 2018-01-20 4047 4.27 322 7.45 849 2.12 1012 2.17 1394 6.6 416 2.88

Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus tests

Figure 7: Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 7

Figure 7: Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (entero/rhino) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Entero/rhino
Atl Tests Entero/rhino
QC Tests Entero/rhino
ON Tests Entero/rhino
Pr Tests Entero/rhino
BC Tests Entero/rhino
35 2017-09-02 950 23.37 64 12.5 #N/A #N/A 262 23.66 535 24.67 80 23.75
36 2017-09-09 922 24.4 48 10.42 #N/A #N/A 215 22.33 581 26.33 75 21.33
37 2017-09-16 1116 32.08 66 10.61 #N/A #N/A 306 28.1 649 35.75 89 34.83
38 2017-09-23 1228 34.36 70 25.71 #N/A #N/A 234 26.07 794 39.04 125 24.8
39 2017-09-30 1244 40.59 74 29.73 #N/A #N/A 151 37.75 905 43.76 106 23.58
40 2017-10-07 1390 41.29 98 19.39 #N/A #N/A 161 22.36 883 41.34 236 62.29
41 2017-10-14 1374 33.62 96 14.58 #N/A #N/A 188 24.47 936 36.11 146 41.1
42 2017-10-21 1401 32.62 102 21.57 #N/A #N/A 149 24.16 991 34.01 148 38.51
43 2017-10-28 1573 28.73 122 26.23 #N/A #N/A 199 19.6 1069 29.93 173 32.95
44 2017-11-04 1730 23.82 164 17.07 #N/A #N/A 195 22.05 1174 24.11 182 30.22
45 2017-11-11 1815 21.27 115 20.87 #N/A #N/A 202 13.86 1237 17.62 241 45.23
46 2017-11-18 1858 19.75 142 22.54 #N/A #N/A 206 22.82 1351 18.13 149 26.17
47 2017-11-25 1962 15.44 119 22.69 #N/A #N/A 220 21.82 1389 13.32 223 17.49
48 2017-12-02 2182 12.69 119 10.08 #N/A #N/A 175 20 1718 11.53 158 18.35
49 2017-12-09 2366 13.52 147 12.93 #N/A #N/A 191 18.85 1841 12.71 150 18
50 2017-12-16 2798 10.86 130 11.54 #N/A #N/A 277 14.08 2204 9.26 140 25.71
51 2017-12-23 3231 9.47 144 11.11 #N/A #N/A 228 10.96 2611 8.46 180 23.33
52 2017-12-30 2978 7.96 143 12.59 #N/A #N/A 249 7.63 2409 6.72 148 23.65
1 2018-01-06 3475 5.84 219 4.57 #N/A #N/A 302 5.96 2735 5.27 169 17.16
2 2018-01-13 2898 5.9 294 6.46 #N/A #N/A 309 5.5 1994 4.61 267 14.61
3 2018-01-20 2306 5.59 322 5.9 #N/A #N/A 240 4.17 1443 4.92 259 9.65

Positive Coronovirus tests

Figure 8: Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Figure 8

Figure 8: Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Coronavirus (coron) Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Coron
Atl Tests Coron
QC Tests Coron
ON Tests Coron
Pr Tests Coron
BC Tests Coron
35 2017-09-02 1177 0.76 38 0 329 0 246 2.03 475 0.42 80 1.25
36 2017-09-09 1142 0.18 23 0 312 0 198 0.51 531 0.19 75 0
37 2017-09-16 1413 0.35 40 0 389 0 286 1.05 604 0.33 89 0
38 2017-09-23 1450 0.55 39 2.56 343 0.29 206 0.97 732 0.55 125 0
39 2017-09-30 1560 0.58 35 0 422 0.24 138 1.45 851 0.35 106 2.83
40 2017-10-07 1671 0.6 51 0 404 0 134 0.75 834 0.24 236 2.97
41 2017-10-14 1672 0.54 46 0 424 0.71 160 0 888 0.45 146 1.37
42 2017-10-21 1729 0.4 63 0 463 0.22 127 0 917 0.44 148 0
43 2017-10-28 1787 0.62 69 0 390 1.03 161 1.24 985 0.41 173 0
44 2017-11-04 2004 0.3 110 0 455 0.44 157 1.27 1085 0.18 182 0
45 2017-11-11 2129 0.52 82 0 467 0.64 161 0 1158 0.69 241 0
46 2017-11-18 2113 0.9 88 0 463 0.86 180 0 1223 1.06 149 0.67
47 2017-11-25 2429 1.19 62 0 607 0.82 187 2.67 1339 1.27 223 0.9
48 2017-12-02 2610 2.3 71 0 548 1.82 153 0.65 1668 2.52 158 4.43
49 2017-12-09 2777 2.99 74 0 558 3.23 165 2.42 1794 3.23 150 0.67
50 2017-12-16 3282 3.69 59 0 648 3.55 223 4.93 2166 3.6 140 5.71
51 2017-12-23 3722 4.81 87 0 640 3.28 195 6.15 2552 5.37 180 3.33
52 2017-12-30 3435 6.52 94 1.06 621 5.48 207 10.14 2336 6.55 148 8.11
1 2018-01-06 4066 7.77 123 5.69 779 9.37 264 9.85 2683 6.9 169 13.61
2 2018-01-13 3434 7.72 144 4.17 819 8.18 255 8.24 1916 7.1 267 11.99
3 2018-01-20 2838 7.01 144 3.47 778 5.01 221 7.24 1394 7.46 259 13.51

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