ARCHIVED - Advertised vs. Non-Advertised Appointments for collective staffing processes (08-02)


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Contact persons: Jennifer Miles, Director, Regulations and Legislation Division, Policy Branch (613) 947-0716

I am writing further to our recent Note to Deputy Heads (copied to Heads of Human Resources (HR) ) on Advertising in the Appointment Process and in response to questions raised from within the HR community about advertised versus non-advertised appointments in the context of the collective staffing processes.

While the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) does not contain a specific reference to collective staffing processes, the Public Service Commission's (PSC) Appointment Framework applies to all appointments made under the PSEA, including appointments made as a result of a collective staffing process.

Collective staffing processes enable managers to use one staffing process to fill several positions within or between organizations. By using a collective effort, managers can save time and resources by establishing a pool of qualified candidates from which appointments can be made.

Advertised and Non-Advertised Appointments in the Context of Collective Staffing Processes

To maximize flexibility, managers can make advertised appointments from a pool if the advertisement includes information clearly indicating how, by whom; and for what occupational groups and/or level(s) the results of the collective appointment process may be used. For example, an advertisement for a collective appointment process could state that:

  • The results of this appointment process may be used to fill similar positions at the EX-1 level across the federal public service; or
  • The results of this appointment process may be used to fill similar positions at the PE-06 level within the Public Service Commission and Canada Public Service Agency.

Corresponding appointments from the pool should also be aligned with the area of selection identified in the job advertisement.

When appointments (i.e. the first and all subsequent appointments) made from the pool are consistent with the information provided in the advertisement, they are considered advertised appointments.

Managers can make appointments in cases where the information regarding the position, level or organization has not been included in the advertisement; however, the ensuing appointment(s) is considered non-advertised. The non-advertised appointment is based on the assessment made during the advertised collective staffing process, but is an independent appointment process. The decision to use a non-advertised process should be linked to the organization's HR plan and include a written rationale demonstrating how a non-advertised process meets the established criteria and appointment values.

I trust that this clarification will serve to support all departments and agencies in providing timely, complete and accurate quarterly staffing reports to the PSC on Advertising, National Area of Selection and Post-Secondary Recruitment. Additional information on these requirements is provided in our recent Letter to HR on PSC Post-Secondary Recruitment Reporting Requirements for 2007-2008 and includes reporting templates.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Miles, Director, Regulations and Legislation Division at (613) 947-0716 or

Jean Ste-Marie
Senior Vice-President
Policy Branch

c.c.: Chiefs of Staffing

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