Public Services and Procurement Canada
Intern and Junior Intern Officer Development Programs

Are you looking for a profession that allows you to be a negotiator, buyer, mediator, and team player? The Intern and Junior Intern Officer Development Programs recruit eligible candidates to develop and become supply officer trainees at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). Participants will have the opportunity of an exciting career with PSPC’s Acquisitions Program, which procures a very wide range of goods and services on behalf of the federal government.

Video: The right fit—Become a procurement Intern officer

This video shares that PSPC is looking for motivated individuals to join its Intern Officer Development Program.

Transcript of The right fit—Become a procurement intern officers

Start of video

[Music plays]

(Text on screen: Public Services and Procurement Canada)

[Shot of a blue background slides down from the top of the screen. Text animated in]

(Text on screen: Post-Secondary Graduate)

Are you a post-secondary graduate?

[Shot of text fading up. Blue text highlights words that are spoken]

(Text on screen: Purchasing and Acquisition?)

Or top of your field in purchasing and acquisitions?

[Shot of six photos appearing in a grid layout. Photos are of a helicopter, IT Server, Several different trucks, an office layout with chairs, desks and computers, different styles of face masks and a transport truck hauling oxygen tanks. Large text appears on the photos.]

(Text on screen: Professional Buyer)

[Shot of grey and blue text animating in on screen]

(Text on screen: Advance your career)

Want to become a professional buyer, and advance your career in the Federal Government?

[Shot of grey and blue text animating up on screen]

(Text on screen: Intern Officer Development Program)

[Shot of three blue and grey puzzle pieces animating in and fitting together. Text appears on the central puzzle piece]

(Text on screen: Right fit)

Then the Intern Officer Development Program may be the right fit for you!

[Shot of text animating up in light grey, grey and blue colour]

(Text on screen: Motivated, Motivated, Motivated)

[Shot of grey and blue text animating up on screen]

(Text on screen: Interest in procurement)

[Shot of grey and blue text animating in from both sides of the screen]

(Text on screen: Join our team at PSPC)

We’re looking for motivated individuals with an interest in procurement to join our team at Public Services and Procurement Canada!

[Shot of blue text rotating and animating up on screen]

(Text on screen: On-the-job training)

[Shot of grey and blue text animating up in the center of the screen]

(Text on screen: Launch an exciting career)

[Shot of grey and blue text animating up onto the screen]

(Text on screen: Procurement Specialist)

Receive the on-the job training you need to launch an exciting career as a procurement specialist during this three-year development program.

[Shot of four grey and blue puzzle pieces animating in and fitting together. Text appears in the center of the puzzle pieces]

(Text on screen: Are you the right fit?)

Are you the right fit?

[Shot of grey and blue text animating up on screen]

(Text on screen: Details now at

Get the details now at

(Text on screen: Check us out:,,,

[Music stops]

(Public Services and Procurement Canada signature)

(Canada Wordmark)

End of video

Video: Become a professional buyer

This video features some of the different types of items professional buyers purchase for the federal government.

Transcript of the Become a Professional Buyer

The screen opens with the narrator looking to the audience and begins saying:

“Did you know that there are jobs in the Government of Canada that allow you to buy all kinds of items?”

As the narrator says “items” the screen shifts to show the narrator next to a guard and a dog who is sitting in-between both. The narrator then points down to the dog as the dog makes a noise, and says:

“We bought him.”

Music begins to play in the background – the video then shifts to the next scene where the narrator is standing beside a police officer. The narrator looks to his left to the police officer, and touches the shoulder on her uniform saying:

“We bought this.”

The narrator then turns his head to the police officer, as the screen moves out. The narrator then points down to the gun that the police officer is carrying in her belt and says:

“And this.”

The screen moves out even further to show a police car right next to the narrator. The narrator then uses both hands to point to the police car and says:

“And this!”

The next scene shows the narrator in a lab with another character. The character is on the left side of the screen and the narrator enters from the right. The narrator sits next to the character who is using a microscope. The narrator then points at the microscope and whispers:

“We bought this.”

The character looks up from her microscope and looks at the narrator disgruntled. The character and the narrator then exchange a look of confusion. The character then continues to look through the microscope as the narrator looks at the screen and smiles.

The video then switches to a shot of the narrator standing on a helicopter pad outdoors. A helicopter is hovering beside the narrator on the left side of the screen, and the narrator uses both hands and points to the helicopter and says:

“We bought this!”

The video switches to the scene in the lab again, the narrator looks at the microscope, sees a spot that is dirty, and uses his finger to clean it. The character then looks up at the narrator more disgruntled.

While this is happening a voice over simultaneously begins saying:

“Become a professional Buyer. The government of Canada is now recruiting.”

“The screen moves up to a grey background with” on the screen. The voice over continues and says:

“Visit our website for more information and to apply.”

The Government of Canada logo appears after and the video ends.

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