Collaborative procurement opportunities for governments and other eligible organizations: After you join

Once you have joined the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative (CCPI), learn how to procure commodities and explore other resources to help you make full use of CCPI.

Procurement process for Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative participants

The Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application (SOSA App) is the Government of Canada’s secure web portal where standing offers and supply arrangements are published. By connecting to this portal, CCPI participants have access to detailed information, including pricing.

Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application

The following provinces and territories have signed an agreement to allow their municipalities, academic institutions, schools and hospitals (MASH) sector and affiliated organizations direct access to the SOSA App for their buying needs:

Once you have joined through your province or territory, the Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) account manager will provide the registration information to create your GCaccounts which will allow you to access the secure SOSA App.

Additional training on the use of the SOSA App is available upon request.

Provinces with specific instructions

The following provinces have signed agreements to allow their MASH sector and affiliated organizations to participate in the CCPI through specific provincial and territorial government instructions. Organizations participating in the CCPI will receive pricing information for CCPI procurement instruments to which they are eligible from their provincial coordinator.

Contact your provincial coordinator to obtain further details.

List of commodities

Hundreds of goods and services have been identified as part of the CCPI 3 year plan. Several commodities are currently available for purchase to participating organizations through PSPC procurement instruments.

List of commodities available through the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative (3 year plan)

Publicly available standing offer information

Find information on pre-qualified businesses holding standing offers without having to sign in to the SOSA App by:

Advanced search features

You can also use the snapshot of SOSA data to simplify your search by:

  • sorting by province or territory
  • sorting by the start and expiry date of the procurement tool
  • finding information by good and service, rather than by pre-qualified supplier

Snapshot of standing offers and supply arrangements data

Use this information to find opportunities to partner with suppliers or to learn about the types of opportunities that are available.

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