Planning for the future of the Parliamentary Precinct campus

The buildings and grounds on and near Parliament Hill are symbols of our democracy and part of our history. They play an important role in the nation's capital. We have a detailed plan to renovate, restore and modernize them. This plan is now being updated. It will continue to guide the future work to maintain Parliament Hill and its surroundings as a national treasure, a centre of democracy and a tourist destination.

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Parliamentary Precinct campus boundaries

The precinct is made up of the following buildings on Parliament Hill:

  • Centre Block
  • West Block
  • East Block
  • Library of Parliament
  • Parliamentary Welcome Centre
  • Confederation Building
  • Justice Building

It also includes the grounds, the Senate of Canada Building, the 3 blocks south of Wellington Street and the buildings near Parliament Hill.

In total, the precinct includes 35 Crown-owned buildings, of which 28 are designated heritage properties.

About the Long Term Vision and Plan

Queen Victoria selected Ottawa as Canada's capital in 1857. Since then, Parliament Hill and the area around it has grown and evolved. Through all its evolutions, one element is consistent: careful planning.

Carrying on the tradition of planning for the Parliamentary Precinct, we work from a master plan that we call the Long Term Vision and Plan (LTVP) for the Parliamentary Precinct. The plan provides a detailed and coordinated approach to renovating, restoring and modernizing the Parliament buildings and federal buildings near them. The LTVP is not a fixed plan, but rather a flexible strategy.

Annual reports

Each year, we publish the LTVP Annual Report. The report outlines the work we did and the major milestones we met to advance the LTVP for the Parliamentary Precinct.

Annual reports: Long Term Vision and Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct

Past annual reports are available on

Government of Canada Publications: The Long Term Vision and Plan: annual report

Updating the Long Term Vision and Plan

The LTVP for the Parliamentary Precinct is being updated. The last time we did a major update to the plan was in 2006.

Parliamentary and judicial precincts area, 2006 update

We’re now updating the plan with our parliamentary partners:

  • the Senate
  • the House of Commons
  • the Library of Parliament
  • Parliamentary Protective Service

Until recently, the main goal of the LTVP was to create space for Parliament, thereby vacating the Centre Block so it can be restored and modernized. The Senate is temporarily located in the Senate of Canada Building. The House of Commons has its interim Chamber in the West Block.

With these moves complete, the Centre Block is now closed and work is underway.

The Centre Block project

The focus of the LTVP is now shifting towards creating an integrated and connected parliamentary campus for a modern Parliament. Thinking about the Centre, West and East blocks as part of a larger parliamentary complex will tie together the facilities on the Hill. It will also tie in buildings in the 3 city blocks facing Parliament Hill, such as the Wellington, Sir John A. Macdonald and Valour buildings.

The new master plan will provide direction well into the future. It will focus on key themes, such as:

  • accommodating parliamentarians
  • determining how people and materials move around the campus
  • environmental sustainability
  • accessibility
  • security
  • urban design
  • visitor experience

The updated plan will realize the full potential of the Parliamentary Precinct and its important role in the nation's capital. It will also ensure appropriate integration with Crown-owned lands west of the Parliamentary Precinct.

In 2021, we did public opinion research to better understand how we can improve the visitor experience for Canada’s Parliamentary Precinct. The findings will support the planning of major ongoing and future projects and provide meaningful insight for updates being made to the 2006 LTVP. Survey results will also help to ensure that planning is developed in a way that addresses the needs and interests of parliamentarians, staff and visitors.

For more detailed information on the results of the public opinion research:

Survey concerning the Parliamentary Precinct: Final report

This next phase of the plan will be the result of the collaborative work of the parliamentary partners, Public Services and Procurement Canada and stakeholder groups. This will ensure that upcoming work is done using tactics that highlight and preserve the area's history for future generations of Canadians and visitors.

Progress since the last update

Many of the buildings in the Parliamentary Precinct are more than 100 years old. Time and weather have taken a toll on them and as a result, their renewal is vital. We've made significant progress carrying out the 2006 plan. We completed the following major restoration and modernization projects:

How we are restoring and modernizing the Parliament buildings

Current projects

We're working on the largest heritage restoration project that Canada has ever seen: the restoration and modernization of the Centre Block.

The Centre Block project

We're also moving ahead with plans and work to restore and modernize the East Block and the Confederation Building.

The East Block project

Confederation Building

We continue to work on several other projects along Wellington and Sparks streets.

We also held a design competition to re-develop the city block in front of Parliament Hill.

Block 2 redevelopment project

These projects will ensure that some of the most iconic heritage buildings in Canada are adapted to meet the needs of a modern 21st-century Parliament. The projects are also part of building a modern capital that does not lose touch with its past.

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