Consultations on the Integrity Regime

Find current and past consultations on the Integrity Regime.

Current consultations

There are currently no open consultations on the Integrity Regime.

Past consultations (closed)

Fall 2018

As the Government of Canada prepared to release the Integrity Regime’s revised Ineligibility and Suspension Policy in December 2018, a public consultation was held to seek comments on the application of the proposed draft policy and any of its requirements. This feedback is taken into consideration in further refining the draft policy before its effective date. This consultation did not include the Remediation Agreement regime.

Consultation: Administering Canada’s enhanced Integrity Regime

Fall 2017

A summary report based on feedback obtained through consultation, between September 25, 2017 and December 8, 2017

Consultation: Expanding Canada's toolkit to address corporate wrongdoing

From: Public Services and Procurement Canada

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