G-751 - Travel

The Grievor was posted in location A. He was arrested and charged criminally with an offence. Through the court proceedings, an order requiring the Grievor to leave location A was issued. As a result, the Grievor provided an address in location B, for the court to apply conditions of his interim release.

The Grievor was suspended from duty.

The Grievor travelled from location A to location B. On March 4, 2013, he submitted a claim (form 1393) for the expenses incurred during his trip.

On June 17, 2013, the Grievor’s unit commander signed the expense claim to confirm that the expenses occurred. On July 16, 2013, the Respondent denied the Grievor’s claim for reimbursement.

The Grievor did not present a submission at level I. An adjudicator denied the grievance on the basis that the Grievor was not travelling on government business and therefore, he was not eligible to receive the sought-after benefits.

At Level II, the Grievor provided his version of the events leading up to his move to location B. 

ERC Findings

ERC Recommendation

The ERC recommended that the Commissioner deny the grievance. 

Commissioner of the RCMP Decision dated March 3, 2022

The Commissioner’s decision, as summarized by her office, is as follows:

The Grievor challenged a decision to deny his travel expense claim. At Level I, the Adjudicator denied the grievance, finding that the Grievor had not established his case. The Grievor sought a review at Level II. The ERC recommended that the grievance be denied, on the basis that the Grievor had failed to demonstrate that the denial of his expense claim was inconsistent with the provisions of the RCMP Travel Directive or the National Joint Council Travel Directive. The Commissioner agreed, and dismissed the grievance.

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