NC-102 - Stoppage of Pay and Allowances

The Appellant appealed a decision by the Force ordering the Stoppage of his Pay and Allowances. The Stoppage of Pay and Allowances Order (SPAO) was imposed as a result of Code of Conduct allegations of indecent acts and voyeurism. A statutory investigation into the Appellant’s alleged behaviour had been conducted by a local police department and the Appellant was charged with indecent acts, exposure and voyeurism.  

The Appellant appealed the SPAO Decision arguing that he was not clearly involved in the indecent acts or the voyeurism. The Appellant argued that the SPAO Decision was clearly unreasonable because the imposition of SPAO resulted in severe financial and personal consequences for the Appellant and his family. The Appellant also was of the view that the SPAO Decision was made in a manner that was at odds with the principles of procedural fairness.

ERC Findings

The ERC found that the Appeal was referable and was presented within the relevant time limitation period. The ERC found that a number of arguments raised by the Appellant were inadmissible because they were raised for the first time on Appeal and the Appellant had not explained why he did not raise the arguments to the Respondent in his earlier submissions. The ERC explained why it dismissed the procedural fairness concerns raised by the Appellant. Regarding the merits, the ERC found that:

The ERC recommended that the Commissioner dismiss the appeal because the Respondent’s decision to impose a SPAO was not clearly unreasonable and was not reached in a manner that was procedurally unfair.

Commissioner of the RCMP Decision dated October 26, 2022

The Final Adjudicator accepted the ERC’s recommendation and dismissed the appeal.

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