Change my address - Glossary of terms

Apartment number
Apartment number suffix
For a "care of" address (c/o)
Future dated address
Home address
Instalment notices address
Log out
Mailing address
Notice of Assessment address
Phone number(s)
PO Box number
Postal Code
Street number suffix
Welcome Page

Apartment number - This is the number of the apartment that you live in. This could also be referred to as unit, suite, or building unit number.

Apartment number suffix - This is the suffix attached to your apartment number (such as ¼, ½, ¾ or A, B, C, etc.).

For a "care of" address (c/o) - When your mail is delivered to the address of another person or organization. The "care of" line was designed for your representative, name of bank, trust company, or legal firm. etc. The "care of" line is not to be used to key in address information such as P.O. Box or 1234 Main St. You have limited space to type in, so you may have to use abbreviations.

Future dated address - When updating your mailing or home address you may enter a future date that is equal to or less than six months in the future.

Home address - This is the address where you live. This may or may not be the same as your mailing address. It is important that we have your current home address information on file to ensure that you receive the benefits and credits that you are entitled to. When updating your home address you may enter a prior effective date that is equal to or less than 12 months in the past.

Instalment notices address - Your instalment notices address is where we mailed your instalment notices. This address appears on the "Address and phone numbers" page if you have already asked that we send your instalment notices to an address other than your regular mailing address.

An instalment notice is a statement that shows the regular payments some people make to the CRA during the year. These payments cover the tax that the person would otherwise have to pay on April 30 of the following year.

You cannot use this online service to change the mailing address for your instalment notices. For more information, see Paying Your Income Tax by Instalments on the CRA Web site or contact your local tax services office.

Log out - This will take you out of the secure "Change my address" site.

Mailing address - This is the address where we send your mail. This may or may not be the same as your home address. If your address consists of a P.O. Box number and a street address such as 123 Main St., your mailing address should be entered as the P.O. Box number and your home address should be entered as 123 Main St.

Notice of Assessment address - You cannot use this online service to change the mailing address for your next Notice of Assessment. Instead, follow these instructions:

Your authorization will be in effect for one year only. You must file Form T183 or Form T1132 each time you file an income tax return. For more information, contact your local tax services office.

Phone number(s) - This is the phone number information currently on your file. This may include your home, work, cell, teletypewriter and pager numbers, as well as your fax numbers.

PO Box number - This is the number of your post office box. Select the down arrow beside the "PO box number" box and choose from the list provided. You must provide this information to proceed with your mailing address change.

Postal Code - A postal code is a part of an address that identifies a specific location to deliver mail. You must type your postal code using the format "X1X 1X1". You can use either upper-case letters (X1X 1X1) or lower-case letters (x1x 1x1) to enter your postal code.

Street number suffix - This is the suffix attached to your street number (such as ¼, ½, ¾, or A, B, C, etc.).

Welcome Page - This will take you out of the secure "Change my address" site and back to the "My Account" Welcome Page.

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