Filling out the T4FHSA slip

Find out how to fill out the T4FHSA slip.

For a copy of the T4FHSA slip, First Home Savings Account Statement, go to T4FHSA slip, First Home Savings Account Statement.

How to fill out the T4FHSA slip

You must file your annual information return electronically, do not send us the paper copy of the slips. For more information about filing methods, go to How to file the T4FHSA annual information return.

Report amounts in Canadian dollars and cents. For each T4FHSA slip you prepare, fill out boxes 18 to 38 as they apply. The amount you enter in each of the boxes 18 to 38 is the gross amount before deducting tax or any other deductions.

How to distribute the T4FHSA slip

You must provide recipients their T4FHSA slips by the last day of February following the calendar year to which the slips apply.

You can distribute T4FHSA slips using a secure portal without obtaining written or electronic consent from the recipients before distributing the slips. With written or electronic consent from the recipient, you can distribute T4FHSA slips by email. If you are distributing slips electronically, only one copy of the slip needs to be provided to the recipient.

If the recipient cannot reasonably be expected to have access to the T4FHSA slips in electronic format at the time the slips are issued or when the recipient requests it, you must provide two copies of the slip, in paper format, to the recipient in person or by mail.

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