Child-rearing provisions

You may have taken time off from work or worked less to look after young children. If so, the child rearing provisions may increase the amount of your CPP retirement pension and other CPP benefits. These provisions help protect the value of your CPP benefits during periods of low or no earnings.

Do you qualify for child-rearing provisions

The child rearing provisions may apply to you if:

  • you or your spouse or common-law partner received Family Allowance payments
  • you or your spouse or common-law partner qualified for the Canada Child Benefit (even if you did not receive the benefit)
  • you had children born after December 31, 1958
  • you had low or no earnings because you were the primary caregiver of a dependent child under age 7
    • A primary caregiver is a person who was most responsible for the day-to-day needs of a child or children for the specified periods

How they work

Child rearing drop-out:

  • this provision applies when we calculate the base component of your CPP benefit
  • if you were the primary caregiver of a child under age 7, we will “drop out” (or not include) the months during that period when you had low or no earnings
  • we will only do this if it increases your benefit amount
  • this could also help you qualify for a CPP disability benefit
  • in the event of your death, this could help you meet the contributory requirements to give benefits to your estate and survivors

Child rearing drop-in:

  • this provision applies when we calculate the enhanced component of your CPP benefit
  • if you were the primary caregiver of a child under age 7, we will “drop-in” (or provide) pension credits for any year during that period when you had low or no earnings
  • these credits are based on your enhanced contributions to the CPP in the 5 years before you became the primary caregiver
  • you will receive these pension credits if they are higher than your actual earnings
  • these credits will help increase the value of your benefits for the months in which you had low or no earnings after January 1, 2019

Apply for child-rearing provisions

You can apply for the child-rearing provisions when you apply for any CPP benefit. You can apply through your My Service Canada Account (MSCA). If you don’t have a My Service Canada Account, you can register for one. You’ll receive a personal access code to complete your registration.

Required documents

If you’re applying for retirement or disability benefits, you can apply for the provisions directly on the following forms:

If you’re applying for other CPP benefits, you’ll need to complete the child rearing provision form (ISP1640) separately.

Additional information

In your application, you must also include the information listed below for each child:

  • the child's name, date of birth, and Social Insurance Number (if you cannot provide a Social Insurance Number, you must provide proof of birth)
  • proof of entry date into Canada for children born outside Canada

If you’re already receiving a CPP benefit

You can still request the child-rearing provisions:

You can mail it to the address listed on the form for Service Canada.

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