Workplace standards

Information about federal and provincial labour laws, workplace standards, federal health and safety standards and labour relations programs.

Services and information

Federally regulated industries and workplaces

List of industries that follow federal labour standards and links to provincial and territorial labour standards.

Federal labour standards

Information on rights, termination and severance pay, minimum wage, hours of work, vacation and leave.

Workplace health and safety

Learn about workplace hazards, rights and responsibilities, health and wellness, injury prevention, compensation and the federal Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.

Federal labour relations

Information about the collective bargaining process to workplaces within the federal jurisdiction, dispute prevention programs, training workshops and arbitration appointments.

Equality and inclusion

Learn about your rights and the resources available to you.

Public naming of employers

Successful prosecutions, payment orders filed in the Federal Court, or administrative monetary penalties.

The Labour Bulletin

The latest operational labour news for federally regulated workplaces.


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