Call for Interest
The Government of Canada supports open and transparent public sector appointment processes that result in the recommendation of highly qualified candidates who truly reflect Canada's diversity. In an effort to build a diversified pool of experienced candidates to serve on Departmental Audit Committees (DAC), the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is currently seeking to recruit individuals who self-identify as Indigenous Canadians, persons with a disability and/or members of visible minority groups. However, all qualified individuals are welcome to submit applications.
Ideal candidates will possess business management skills, governance experience and expertise that aligns with departmental mandates (for example, change leadership, strategic information management, risk management, service delivery, and financial expertise).
As a guideline, depending on the complexity of the department's mandate, a time commitment of approximately 10 days per year is expected. Appointments to act as Chair could require an additional time commitment. Remuneration for these positions is set by the Treasury Board.
If you would like to submit your candidacy to become a DAC member, please send your curriculum vitae to the Departmental Audit Committee Secretariat to Personal information that you provide is collected pursuant to the Financial Administration Act for the purpose of recruiting audit committee members appointed by the Treasury Board. This information will be protected under the Privacy Act and will be stored in Personal Information Bank TBS PSU 919.
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