Motor Vehicle Markings
These technical specifications (T-705) set out the requirements for signatures and the Canada Wordmark on Crown-owned and leased motor vehicles. This includes all on-road passenger or cargo vehicles of all sizes and weights.
These requirements do not apply to vehicles that are part of the executive fleet, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and military assets and vehicles that are used for tests related to compliance verification and research.
Consult your Federal Identity Program coordinator for more information.

- The Government of Canada signature or the departmental signature and the Canada Wordmark are applied to all Crown-owned and leased government fleet vehicles, consistent with Parts II, III and IV of the Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide published by Public Works and Government Services Canada.
- All elements of the signature and the Canada Wordmark are produced in either black or white, whichever provides the greatest contrast with the vehicle colour.
- The signature is positioned above the Canada Wordmark and separated by a minimum space of 60 mm. Both symbols are left aligned.
- The signature and the Canada Wordmark are positioned on the vehicle's front doors and are sized according to the width of the door, as illustrated in Figure T-705 above.
- The symbols are applied as vinyl pressure-sensitive decals.
- Vehicles under short term lease and rental may use temporary markings such as magnetic or window placards.
- Vehicles operating mainly in the province of Quebec position the French applied title to the left of the English in the signature. Vehicles in the National Capital Region may alternate the order of official languages in the signature on the left and right doors of the vehicle.
- Other operational text markings are permitted on fleet vehicles to indicate:
- individual vehicle numbers or special refueling instructions, as part of fleet management
- a vehicle's function (e.g. emergency vehicles)
- the function of authority of the occupant (e.g. park warden, fisheries officer, etc.)
- Deputy heads have the authority to approve the removal of markings from specific vehicles, or to approve the use of unmarked vehicles, in specific instances where national security, surveillance operations or workplace safety are likely to be negatively affected.
- Vehicles used solely for promotional purposes, such as community events, program promotion and recruitment activities, may include other graphic elements or designs when approved by the head of communications of the department.
Related information
- Canada Wordmark (T-130)
- Flag Symbol Signature (T-135)
- Arms of Canada Signature (T-140)
- Colour Values (T-145)
- Policy on Communications and Federal Identity
- FIP Manual - 3.1 Motor Vehicles: Requirements for markings
Note: If there is a discrepancy between an official Treasury Board policy instrument and information on this Web page, the Treasury Board policy or standard prevails.
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