Exceptional Leave (paid) - Law (LA)


To: Heads of Compensation; Heads of Labour Relations

The purpose of this bulletin is to advise departments on the use of the Leave Reporting System (LRS) code to track exceptional leave with pay for the LA group.

The leave code 696 – Exceptional Leave (EX) was introduced in 2007 in the LRS and, at that time, was meant for use by the EX group only.

Pursuant to paragraphs 18(5), 18(6) and 18(7) of the LA group arbitral award, awarded on October 23, 2009, the represented LA2Bs, LA3As, LA3Bs and LA3Cs are eligible for exceptional leave with pay. For more information, please refer to the pertinent articles of the arbitral award.

Since the provisions and limitations of the LA exceptional leave are the same as those of the exceptional leave for the EX group, code 696 will be used to track this leave for both groups.

Information extracted from the LRS can be sorted by group and level; therefore, departments will be able to distinctly monitor exceptional leave usage for both groups.

The title of code 696 will be changed to

696 – Exceptional Leave without any association to occupational groups.

Consequently, it is requested that departments ensure their leave systems are amended at their earliest convenience. Code 696 is to be used to track exceptional leave for the LA group effective , regardless of whether the HR systems have been updated by that date.

Departmental Compensation and Labour Relations managers should direct any questions to their appropriate corporate officials who, if need be, can contact the Compensation Administration Section.

Original signed

Marc Thibodeau
Compensation Operations,
Core Public Administration
Compensation and Labour Relations
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

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