Reinstatement of Environmental Allowance for Fort Nelson and Toad River, BC and Addition of new Isolated Posts to Appendix A


To: Functional Heads of Administration, Human Resources and Financial Services

CC: Chairs and Executive Directors of Northern Federal Regional Councils, Departmental Designated Coordinators for the IPGHD, Committee members of the NJC IPGHD (for information)

The National Joint Council (NJC) Isolated Posts and Government Housing Committee (IPGHC) approved changes to Appendix A and Appendix G retroactive to .

A review of communities following the release of the 2011 Census of Canada indicated that the towns specified above did not qualify for the Environment Allowance due to the amalgamation of cities into the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality. Their combined population rendered these two locations no longer eligible to be considered isolated posts under the criteria for determining levels as per the Directive.

The Isolated Post and Government Housing Committee presented a report to the National Joint Council Executive committee for review on the amalgamation of these two locations. The Executive Committee recommended that due to multiple factors, the two locations should be reconsidered as isolated posts for the purposes of the allowances and benefits under the Directive.

This unique situation was based on specific factors of these two locations and does not extend to other locations. These populations will be re-evaluated upon each release of the Household Survey results (former Census) to determine if they continue to meet these unique circumstances.

Five (5) new locations have been deemed isolated posts effective . Fuel and Utilities levels will be pro-rated for these five locations when the F&UD levels are established in .

Please distribute this notice and include the amended Appendix A and Appendix G to persons at your headquarters and regional offices who are involved in the administration of the allowances. Departmental employees or regional staff should direct any questions on this subject to the appropriate departmental corporate official. View the list of Designated Departmental Contacts.

Claudia Zovatto
Senior Director
Union Engagement and National Joint Council support
Compensation and Labour Relations Sector
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

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