Technical amendments to the qualification standards


To: Heads of Human Resources

c.c.: Chiefs of Staffing, Chiefs of Classification, and Heads of Executive Group Services

The purpose of this bulletin is to advise departments and agencies of the recently approved technical amendments to the Qualification Standards. The revised Qualification Standards take effect on and are available on the Government of Canada site.


Based on feedback from stakeholders over the past two years, changes include updated definitions and terminology and correction of translation agreement issues. These changes are intended to provide more clarity in interpreting and applying the Qualification Standards.

It is important to note that the changes do not affect the substantive intent of any standard. Education and occupational certification requirements have not changed.


Definitions and terminology:

  • The definition of the term “degree” has been modified from:

    A baccalaureate or higher level degree, as established by educational authorities, unless the type of credential is specified in the relevant Qualification Standard


    Unless it is otherwise specified (e.g., Master’s degree), the term "degree" refers to a baccalaureate as established by educational authorities.

  • Where it connotes a degree, the French term “diplôme” has been replaced with the term “grade”.

Language/Translation agreement issues:

  • Edits have been made throughout the Qualification Standards in both languages to address translation agreement issues.


From the effective date forward, departments are to use the revised Qualification Standards.

Selection processes which were started prior to the effective date of the amended Qualification Standards will be subject to the Qualification Standards in effect prior to .

The Qualification Standards team at OCHRO will review advertised job postings to ensure compliance with the amendments. Where issues are identified, departments will be contacted.


All questions pertaining to this bulletin should be directed to your Departmental Corporate Staffing Official who, if required, will direct their questions to the Qualification Standards team at

Original signed by
Sandra Hassan
Assistant Deputy Minister
Compensation and Labour Relations
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

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