Terms and conditions of employment for the members of the newly created Law Management (LM) Occupational Group


To: Heads of Human Resources, Chiefs of Compensation and Chiefs of Labour Relations

Treasury Board Ministers recently approved the creation of a new unrepresented Law Management (LM) Occupational Group. The creation of this group impacts currently excluded management positions within the Law (LA) Group as follows:

Currently Excluded LA Managers

Effective excluded manager positions within Law (LA) Group are to be converted to the new Law Management (LM) Occupational Group such that:

LA Manager Current Level LM Manager New Level
LA-2B LM-1
LA-3A LM-2
LA-3B LM-3
LA-3C LM-4

For the purpose of this conversion, the new LM rate of pay for each incumbent remains identical to his/her previous LA pay rate; however, as of the date of conversion, the terms and conditions of employment applicable to the unrepresented Law Management (LM) Occupational group will mirror the terms and conditions of employment of the Executive (EX) cadre including the Directive on Executive Compensation, and the Directive on Career Transition for Executives. The Directive on the Performance Management Program for Executives will become effective .

The provisions of these directives are to be applied to the new LM cadre as per the equivalency table below:

Concordance Table
EX-1 LM-1
EX-2 LM-2
EX-3 LM-3
EX-4 LM-4

Chiefs of Compensation, Departmental Compensation and Labour Relations Managers should direct any questions to their appropriate corporate officials.

Departmental Labour Relations and Corporate Compensation Managers and Officers are advised that all enquiries should be sent directly to the following e-mail address: Contact Departmental Labour Relations and Corporate Compensation Managers and Officers at:lnterpretations@tbs-sct.gc.ca

Original signed by:

A/Senior Director
Compensation management
Core Public Administration
Compensation and Labour Relations
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

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