Vacation and Compensatory Leave Cash-out for years 2018 and 2019
To: Heads of Human Resources Directors/Chiefs of Labour Relations and Compensation Public Service Pay Centre, Miramichi
Following consultations with bargaining agents, the Treasury Board Secretariat has decided to postpone the automatic cash-out of vacation and compensatory leave for 2018 and 2019, unless requested by the employee.
This decision is based on the ongoing issues with the Phoenix Pay System and the workload of compensation advisors.
This bulletin applies to Executives (EX), unrepresented, excluded and represented employees, except for employees in the Correctional Services (CX), Ships' Officers (SO), and Aircraft Operations (AO) groups.
The vacation and compensatory leave pay outs will not be automatically cashed-out during 2018 and 2019, unless requested by the employee.
The next automatic cash out date of excess hours will be, in most cases, on March 31, 2020, or as stipulated in the relevant collective agreement.
Please inform all concerned employees within your respective department about this measure within best possible delays.
All questions should be directed to your departmental corporate labour relations or corporate compensation official who, if required, will direct their questions to the following email address:
Original signed by
Zia Proulx
Senior Director
Compensation and Collective Bargaining Management
Compensation and Labour Relations
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer
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