Introduction for Supplementary estimates (B), 2015-16


Structure of these Supplementary Estimates

This Supplementary Estimates document is presented in four sections:

  1. Introduction to Supplementary Estimates;
  2. Summary Tables;
  3. Details by Organization; and
  4. Annex.

Purpose and General Information

Each year, the government prepares Estimates in support of its request to Parliament for authority to spend public funds. This request for spending authority is formalized through the introduction of appropriation bills in Parliament. The Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates are tabled in the House of Commons by the President of the Treasury Board and support Parliament’s consideration of the appropriation bills. As with other bills, appropriation bills become law after being approved by both the House of Commons and the Senate and receiving Royal Assent.

The purpose of Supplementary Estimates is to present to Parliament information on the Government of Canada’s spending requirements which were either not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates, or have subsequently been refined to account for developments in particular programs and services. Also included for Parliament’s information and eventual approval through an appropriation bill are such items as: transfers of money between Votes; debt deletion; loan guarantees; new or increased grants; and changes to Vote wording.

Supplementary Estimates documents are tabled in Parliament in advance of the related appropriation bill that, when approved, provides the necessary authority for the Government of Canada to spend monies from the Consolidated Revenue Fund to deliver its programs and services. This provides the various Standing Committees of Parliament with time to review proposed spending before the introduction of the appropriation bill.

Supplementary Estimates also provide updated information on changes to expenditure forecasts of statutory items for information purposes only. These expenditures already have legislative authority and so will not appear in the appropriation bill related to these Supplementary Estimates, but expenditure forecasts are available online.

It is the practice to table a Supplementary Estimates for each of the three Parliamentary Supply periods ending June 23, December 10, and March 26. The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2015–16 are the second Supplementary Estimates for this fiscal year.

Summary of Estimates

Estimates to date 2015–16

The 2015–16 Main Estimates were tabled on February 24, 2015, supporting the government’s request to Parliament for authority through annual appropriations to spend $88.2 billion in voted budgetary expenditures and $71.1 million in voted non-budgetary expenditures. The 2015–16 Main Estimates also presented information on the statutory amounts of $153.4 billion in budgetary expenditures and $933.4million in net non-budgetary outlays. Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 1, 2015–16 was granted on and provided interim supply to appropriation-dependent organizations until the end of . Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 2, 2015–16 was granted on and provided supply for the remainder of Main Estimates.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2015–16 were tabled on May 14, 2015 and provided information in support of $3.1 billion in voted budgetary appropriations which represent an increase of 3.5% over Main Estimates. Information related to an increase of $19.8 million in forecast statutory expenditures was also presented. Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 3, 2015–16 was granted on .

Given the timing of the dissolution and reconvening of Parliament, Supplementary Estimates (B), 2015–16 has been limited to items for which specific authority through the appropriation act is required before and which could not be funded through existing appropriations. The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2015–16 provide information in support of $810.1 million in voted budgetary appropriations which represent an increase of 0.9% over Main Estimates. Information related to an increase of $2.7 million in forecast statutory expenditures is available in a separate document online.

Figure 1. Comparison of Estimates, Supply and Expenditures - Budgetary
Data table used to populate this graph is found below.
Figure 2. Comparison of Estimates, Supply and Expenditures - Non-budgetary
Data table used to populate this graph is found below.
Table 1. Comparison of Estimates, Supply and Expenditures (dollars)
  2013–14 Expenditures 2014–15 Estimates to date Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities


  1. Budgetary expenditures include the cost of servicing the public debt; operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
  2. Non-budgetary expenditures (loans, investments and advances) are outlays that represent changes in the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
  3. Voted appropriations are those for which parliamentary authority is sought through an appropriation bill.
  4. Statutory expenditures are those authorized by Parliament through enabling legislation and for which forecasts are provided for information purposes.
Voted 86,881,410,076 93,350,224,915 91,712,365,991 810,104,813 92,522,470,804
Statutory 142,943,019,074 148,103,181,994 153,453,538,844 2,705,939 153,456,244,783
Total Budgetary 229,824,429,150 241,453,406,909 245,165,904,835 812,810,752 245,978,715,587
Voted 46,442,104 71,103,005 71,103,001 0 71,103,001
Statutory 29,660,159,947 (9,804,042,407) 933,446,071 0 933,446,071
Total Non-Budgetary 29,706,602,051 (9,732,939,402) 1,004,549,072 0 1,004,549,072
Table 2. Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates, 2015–16 Estimates (dollars)
  Main Estimates Supplementary A Supplementary B Supplementary C Total
Voted 88,184,096,852 3,135,266,064 810,104,813 0 92,129,467,729
Statutory 153,390,199,856 19,766,670 2,705,939 0 153,412,672,465
Total Budgetary 241,574,296,708 3,155,032,734 812,810,752 0 245,542,140,194
Voted 71,103,001 0 0 0 71,103,001
Statutory 933,446,071 0 0 0 933,446,071
Total Non-Budgetary 1,004,549,072 0 0 0 1,004,549,072

Major Items

The following section provides an overview of major voted initiatives included in these Supplementary Estimates in support of Parliamentary approval.

Treasury Board Secretariat: $519.6 million

Funding to replenish the Government Contingencies Vote

Treasury Board’s Government Contingencies Vote provides the government with flexibility to make urgent or unforeseen expenditures in advance of the next Supply period. The December 3 reconvening of Parliament does not allow sufficient time for a review of a more detailed Supplementary Estimates before the end of the supply period on . To allow government operations to continue, $519.6 million in Treasury Board’s Government Contingencies Vote was allocated to meet the requirements of departments and agencies. This funding will replenish the Vote, providing flexibility to address expenditure needs across the federal government in advance of the next regular supply opportunity in March 2016.

Citizenship and Immigration: $277.9 million

Funding to implement the Government’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis

To bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by February 2016, the Department will work with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to identify people in Jordan and Lebanon, where they have an extensive list of registered refugees. Interested refugees will be scheduled for processing in dedicated visa offices in Amman and Beirut. Each refugee will undergo security and health screening overseas, including the collection and verification of biographic and biometric information. Selected refugees will be transported to Canada, largely by chartered aircraft. Syrian refugees will be transported to communities across Canada, where they will be provided with immediate, essential services and long-term settlement support to ensure their successful settlement and integration into Canadian society.

Table 3. Major net changes to individual Votes in these Supplementary Estimates
Organization Vote Number and Description Amount ($)
Treasury Board Secretariat Vote 5b – Government Contingencies 519,572,387
Citizenship and Immigration Vote 1b – Operating expenditures 177,970,047
Citizenship and Immigration Vote 5b – Grants and contributions 99,939,154
House of Commons Vote 1b – Program expenditures 9,511,972
Parliamentary Protective Service Vote 3b – Program expenditures 3,111,253

Changes to the structure of Government reflected in these Supplementary Estimates

The following change is displayed in these Supplementary Estimates:

Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, established a new office called the Parliamentary Protective Service. The Service will be responsible for all matters relating to physical security throughout the Parliamentary Precinct and the grounds of Parliament Hill. The Speaker of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Commons are responsible for and provide general policy direction to this new service.

The following vote wording (underscore) has been amended since the Supplementary Estimates (A), 2015–16:

Citizenship and Immigration
Vote 5b: The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions including the provision of goods and services

Estimates by Organization

133 organizations are represented in the 2015-16 Estimates. Of these, 4 organizations have identified additional requirements as part of these Supplementary Estimates.

Table 4. Estimates by Organization (dollars)
Department, Agency or Crown corporation 2013–14 Expenditures 2014–15 Estimates to date Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 0 1 64,004,072 0 64,004,072
Agriculture and Agri-Food 2,386,898,330 2,303,068,265 2,334,920,923 0 2,334,920,923
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 314,158,108 299,885,801 301,837,668 0 301,837,668
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 385,462,900 332,428,000 516,843,000 0 516,843,000
Auditor General 84,265,019 77,741,830 81,817,917 0 81,817,917
Canada Border Services Agency 1,850,111,502 1,747,310,264 1,867,305,849 0 1,867,305,849
Canada Council for the Arts 181,974,388 182,219,917 182,097,387 0 182,097,387
Canada Industrial Relations Board 13,257,206 13,363,956 0 0 0
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 2,084,849,627 2,097,353,000 2,025,629,000 0 2,025,629,000
Canada Post Corporation 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000 0 22,210,000
Canada Revenue Agency 4,062,859,356 3,848,374,916 4,066,699,811 0 4,066,699,811
Canada School of Public Service 84,761,581 86,289,735 72,875,776 0 72,875,776
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 559,065,861 676,185,743 705,220,347 0 705,220,347
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,083,473,798 1,038,018,212 1,038,023,798 0 1,038,023,798
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 5,247,191 5,059,041 9,998,689 0 9,998,689
Canadian Commercial Corporation 15,656,400 15,654,204 8,880,000 0 8,880,000
Canadian Dairy Commission 4,456,273 3,610,936 3,605,377 0 3,605,377
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 32,628,480 31,103,159 31,259,325 0 31,259,325
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 805,751,653 691,866,912 751,281,039 0 751,281,039
Canadian Grain Commission 25,353,978 16,383,894 5,719,862 0 5,719,862
Canadian Heritage 1,331,571,130 1,482,199,385 1,259,965,355 0 1,259,965,355
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 0 0 9,339,963 0 9,339,963
Canadian Human Rights Commission 23,673,650 22,099,726 22,918,026 0 22,918,026
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal 4,430,426 4,532,525 0 0 0
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 997,971,988 1,013,009,499 1,012,751,265 0 1,012,751,265
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 5,864,881 5,957,163 6,244,989 0 6,244,989
Canadian International Development Agency 692,465,904 0 0 0 0
Canadian International Trade Tribunal 10,896,125 9,476,739 0 0 0
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 32,016,180 21,700,000 21,700,000 0 21,700,000
Canadian Museum of History 62,850,567 63,600,033 83,369,477 0 83,369,477
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 18,450,000 9,900,000 7,700,000 0 7,700,000
Canadian Museum of Nature 26,770,876 26,127,096 26,129,112 0 26,129,112
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 50,779,478 51,873,037 51,230,234 0 51,230,234
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 145,617,021 131,804,560 135,234,351 0 135,234,351
Canadian Polar Commission 2,590,009 2,576,360 1,277,650 0 1,277,650
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 10,379,861 12,068,646 14,913,837 0 14,913,837
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 516,305,729 520,727,831 577,838,275 0 577,838,275
Canadian Space Agency 408,715,240 466,456,818 502,666,157 0 502,666,157
Canadian Tourism Commission 57,975,770 57,972,388 57,975,770 0 57,975,770
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 33,303,194 29,382,391 30,519,197 0 30,519,197
Canadian Transportation Agency 28,976,938 27,650,622 28,928,984 0 28,928,984
Chief Electoral Officer 120,227,749 97,110,432 397,494,490 0 397,494,490
Citizenship and Immigration 1,378,694,695 1,425,035,591 1,487,463,820 280,242,050 1,767,705,870
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 8,789,834 10,010,382 10,464,179 0 10,464,179
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 501,342,281 513,375,265 528,377,708 0 528,377,708
Communications Security Establishment 443,673,045 839,840,739 559,361,727 0 559,361,727
Copyright Board 2,779,672 3,116,312 3,253,994 0 3,253,994
Correctional Service of Canada 2,750,291,475 2,331,034,284 2,453,578,132 0 2,453,578,132
Courts Administration Service 67,342,559 68,044,743 74,753,993 0 74,753,993
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 269,305,817 255,111,243 262,977,555 0 262,977,555
Employment and Social Development 49,646,912,521 52,194,265,600 54,301,894,156 0 54,301,894,156
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation 50,844,000 49,536,000 0 0 0
Environment 978,949,548 992,881,581 1,035,451,531 0 1,035,451,531
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 234,280,405 206,764,115 216,553,590 0 216,553,590
Finance 85,578,872,179 87,023,013,907 89,651,129,977 0 89,651,129,977
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 51,704,183 50,843,127 56,625,076 0 56,625,076
Fisheries and Oceans 1,806,403,186 1,806,803,467 2,206,035,497 0 2,206,035,497
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 5,065,277,810 5,817,604,810 5,641,135,954 0 5,641,135,954
Governor General 20,306,504 19,987,719 22,757,994 0 22,757,994
Health 3,828,179,497 3,717,804,149 3,821,342,300 0 3,821,342,300
House of Commons 414,611,038 447,487,761 459,430,041 9,586,862 469,016,903
Immigration and Refugee Board 121,920,320 120,015,607 117,606,934 0 117,606,934
Indian Affairs and Northern Development 8,039,491,675 8,640,026,870 8,624,787,455 0 8,624,787,455
Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission 6,861,396 6,444,363 6,410,343 0 6,410,343
Industry 1,115,475,464 1,151,077,986 1,311,481,346 0 1,311,481,346
International Development Research Centre 202,416,279 190,019,647 183,478,242 0 183,478,242
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) 6,669,895 6,746,957 7,069,517 0 7,069,517
Justice 737,040,864 682,154,685 702,713,677 0 702,713,677
Library and Archives of Canada 100,803,692 96,864,789 96,699,868 0 96,699,868
Library of Parliament 42,330,541 42,170,007 42,739,595 0 42,739,595
Marine Atlantic Inc. 154,430,000 127,484,000 374,331,000 0 374,331,000
Military Grievances External Review Committee 5,981,005 6,730,577 7,050,843 0 7,050,843
Military Police Complaints Commission 5,520,205 8,000,006 5,874,952 0 5,874,952
National Arts Centre Corporation 34,647,720 34,969,188 54,897,056 0 54,897,056
National Battlefields Commission 10,154,844 14,151,109 13,573,868 0 13,573,868
National Capital Commission 106,161,174 91,442,659 92,721,330 0 92,721,330
National Defence 18,764,374,206 19,679,828,728 19,525,198,623 0 19,525,198,623
National Energy Board 81,682,681 77,820,846 79,918,629 0 79,918,629
National Film Board 66,866,065 59,912,241 63,006,237 0 63,006,237
National Gallery of Canada 44,193,242 43,770,723 45,646,878 0 45,646,878
National Museum of Science and Technology 27,003,126 33,141,274 59,109,746 0 59,109,746
National Research Council of Canada 894,418,206 893,760,823 993,269,206 0 993,269,206
Natural Resources 2,091,044,593 2,764,617,925 2,523,234,682 0 2,523,234,682
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 1,066,679,030 1,087,078,427 1,089,036,114 0 1,089,036,114
Northern Pipeline Agency 1,172,624 750,000 750,775 0 750,775
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 3,513,825,491 3,712,825,721 3,700,129,634 0 3,700,129,634
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 4,463,523 4,432,300 4,637,658 0 4,637,658
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 24,187,763 20,776,952 21,179,378 0 21,179,378
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner 1,943,120 2,024,288 2,123,418 0 2,123,418
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 6,035,050 6,938,405 6,952,226 0 6,952,226
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women 31,422,283 29,757,730 30,987,940 0 30,987,940
Office of the Correctional Investigator 4,726,181 4,659,652 4,861,556 0 4,861,556
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 185,293,541 167,815,874 187,424,123 0 187,424,123
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 5,543,041 5,426,234 5,694,166 0 5,694,166
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 17,037,449 142,763,529 147,934,112 0 147,934,112
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 43,424,217 35,455,313 36,398,325 0 36,398,325
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc. 17,196,000 0 0 0 0
Parks Canada Agency 690,941,356 671,387,496 1,157,656,624 0 1,157,656,624
Parliamentary Protective Service 0 0 0 3,409,453 3,409,453
Parole Board of Canada 50,410,477 47,128,994 48,479,028 0 48,479,028
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 10,540,567 10,927,030 11,320,931 0 11,320,931
PPP Canada Inc. 265,200,000 209,500,000 231,200,000 0 231,200,000
Privy Council 126,385,127 121,409,968 124,124,760 0 124,124,760
Public Health Agency of Canada 621,497,636 638,062,053 583,273,775 0 583,273,775
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 1,341,250,243 1,179,660,869 1,138,216,833 0 1,138,216,833
Public Service Commission 85,567,265 84,197,488 87,897,450 0 87,897,450
Public Service Labour Relations Board 12,705,948 13,745,412 0 0 0
Public Service Staffing Tribunal 4,768,690 5,481,116 0 0 0
Public Works and Government Services 2,847,124,134 2,840,928,437 3,141,628,383 0 3,141,628,383
Registry of the Competition Tribunal 1,155,423 2,345,306 0 0 0
Registry of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal 1,229,362 1,845,622 0 0 0
Registry of the Specific Claims Tribunal 2,141,436 2,897,525 0 0 0
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2,892,380,696 2,652,009,818 2,778,736,348 0 2,778,736,348
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 1,605,928 1,671,419 1,595,777 0 1,595,777
Security Intelligence Review Committee 2,782,521 2,786,799 2,821,642 0 2,821,642
Senate Ethics Officer 765,918 1,166,750 1,168,700 0 1,168,700
Shared Services Canada 1,653,237,805 1,571,839,644 1,533,781,251 0 1,533,781,251
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 695,719,438 715,358,641 719,487,430 0 719,487,430
Standards Council of Canada 8,081,241 11,829,000 9,829,000 0 9,829,000
Statistics Canada 471,511,775 426,601,019 535,929,448 0 535,929,448
Supreme Court of Canada 31,430,939 31,508,094 32,888,008 0 32,888,008
Telefilm Canada 99,975,111 95,363,072 95,453,551 0 95,453,551
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 13,190,982 21,040,000 35,281,996 0 35,281,996
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 189,218,871 432,832,159 426,801,000 0 426,801,000
The Senate 84,694,050 92,385,177 88,747,958 0 88,747,958
Transport 1,340,632,835 1,817,414,797 1,771,572,608 0 1,771,572,608
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada 1,471,037 1,416,074 0 0 0
Treasury Board Secretariat 2,892,520,949 8,236,577,961 4,761,353,213 519,572,387 5,280,925,600
Veterans Affairs 3,513,572,889 3,587,828,846 3,556,212,735 0 3,556,212,735
Veterans Review and Appeal Board 11,458,088 10,887,938 11,370,464 0 11,370,464
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 405,661,000 433,261,756 356,277,000 0 356,277,000
Western Economic Diversification 188,328,291 163,276,978 161,760,362 0 161,760,362
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 0 8,064,384 461,094,912 0 461,094,912
Total Budgetary 229,824,429,150 241,453,406,909 245,165,904,835 812,810,752 245,978,715,587
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (41,950,460,603) (10,880,408,000) (139,123,000) 0 (139,123,000)
Canadian Dairy Commission (54,968,445) 0 0 0 0
Canadian International Development Agency 29,291,205 0 0 0 0
Citizenship and Immigration 802,804 0 0 0 0
Correctional Service of Canada 405 0 0 0 0
Employment and Social Development 1,099,875,159 826,283,289 1,027,422,531 0 1,027,422,531
Finance 70,481,709,512 200,000,002 0 0 0
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 53,377,672 50,082,307 45,146,541 0 45,146,541
Indian Affairs and Northern Development 40,943,752 70,303,000 70,303,000 0 70,303,000
Industry 0 800,000 800,000 0 800,000
National Defence 6,094,057 0 0 0 0
Public Works and Government Services (63,675) 0 0 0 0
Veterans Affairs 208 0 0 0 0
Total Non-Budgetary 29,706,602,051 (9,732,939,402) 1,004,549,072 0 1,004,549,072

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