Expenditures by Program or Purpose for Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

Table. Expenditures by Program or Purpose - Budgetary
  Estimates to Date Operating Capital Transfer Payments Revenues and other reductions Total Revised Estimates
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

Support services and facilities to federal administrative tribunals and its members

43,324,722 5,556,797 0 0 (5,066,508) 490,289 43,815,011

Internal Services

19,839,176 2,496,605 0 0 (2,496,605) 0 19,839,176
Programs not included in these Estimates 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000
Total 63,663,898 8,053,402 0 0 (7,563,113) 490,289 64,154,187
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Economic Development in Atlantic Canada

289,063,006 3,990 0 6,908,032 0 6,912,022 295,975,028

Internal Services

26,553,941 773 0 0 0 773 26,554,714
Programs not included in these Estimates 26,991,224 0 0 0 0 0 26,991,224
Total 342,608,171 4,763 0 6,908,032 0 6,912,795 349,520,966
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Nuclear laboratories

460,629,290 550,000 0 0 0 550,000 461,179,290
Programs not included in these Estimates 736,652,736 0 0 0 0 0 736,652,736
Total 1,197,282,026 550,000 0 0 0 550,000 1,197,832,026
Canada Border Services Agency

Border Management

1,346,134,847 3,041,369 (323,000) 0 0 2,718,369 1,348,853,216

Border Enforcement

206,693,897 356,900 0 0 0 356,900 207,050,797

Internal Services

379,409,873 364,562 0 0 0 364,562 379,774,435
Programs not included in these Estimates 261,833,788 0 0 0 0 0 261,833,788
Total 2,194,072,405 3,762,831 (323,000) 0 0 3,439,831 2,197,512,236
Canada Council for the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts

327,644,295 127,000 0 0 0 127,000 327,771,295
Total 327,644,295 127,000 0 0 0 127,000 327,771,295
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Financing for housing

472,690,103 69,489,591 0 0 0 69,489,591 542,179,694

Assistance for housing needs

2,018,290,286 7,400,000 0 0 0 7,400,000 2,025,690,286

Housing expertise and capacity development

142,613,165 938,500 0 0 0 938,500 143,551,665
Programs not included in these Estimates 32,829,605 0 0 0 0 0 32,829,605
Total 2,666,423,159 77,828,091 0 0 0 77,828,091 2,744,251,250
Canada Revenue Agency


3,171,759,125 7,267,383 0 0 (6,512,886) 754,497 3,172,513,622


499,962,083 461,676 0 0 (86,167) 375,509 500,337,592

Internal Services

791,536,528 17,321,492 0 0 (19,092,171) (1,770,679) 789,765,849
Programs not included in these Estimates 64,344,569 0 0 0 0 0 64,344,569
Total 4,527,602,305 25,050,551 0 0 (25,691,224) (640,673) 4,526,961,632
Canadian Energy Regulator

Safety and Environment Oversight

0 1,302,734 0 0 0 1,302,734 1,302,734


0 720,399 0 0 0 720,399 720,399

Energy Adjudication

0 418,822 0 0 0 418,822 418,822

Internal Services

0 290,818 0 0 0 290,818 290,818

Energy Information

0 (122,227) 0 0 0 (122,227) (122,227)
Total 0 2,610,546 0 0 0 2,610,546 2,610,546
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Safe food and healthy plants and animals

537,142,804 1,821,765 1,863,749 0 0 3,685,514 540,828,318

Internal Services

138,638,594 0 67,877 0 0 67,877 138,706,471
Programs not included in these Estimates 56,441,833 0 0 0 0 0 56,441,833
Total 732,223,231 1,821,765 1,931,626 0 0 3,753,391 735,976,622
Canadian Human Rights Commission

Engagement and Advocacy

3,996,979 2,030,600 0 0 0 2,030,600 6,027,579

Internal Services

6,725,358 569,400 0 0 0 569,400 7,294,758
Programs not included in these Estimates 12,463,934 0 0 0 0 0 12,463,934
Total 23,186,271 2,600,000 0 0 0 2,600,000 25,786,271
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Funding Health Research and Training

1,145,413,310 105,496 0 16,467,412 0 16,572,908 1,161,986,218

Internal Services

33,908,815 (1,481,805) 0 0 0 (1,481,805) 32,427,010
Programs not included in these Estimates 6,058,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,058,000
Total 1,185,380,125 (1,376,309) 0 16,467,412 0 15,091,103 1,200,471,228
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Economic Development in the Territories

44,412,352 0 0 838,568 0 838,568 45,250,920
Programs not included in these Estimates 22,339,125 0 0 0 0 0 22,339,125
Total 66,751,477 0 0 838,568 0 838,568 67,590,045
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Regulate and Supervise the Communications System

10,185,517 1,684,512 0 0 (1,684,512) 0 10,185,517

Internal Services

2,661,877 128,479 0 0 (128,479) 0 2,661,877
Programs not included in these Estimates 2,545,092 0 0 0 0 0 2,545,092
Total 15,392,486 1,812,991 0 0 (1,812,991) 0 15,392,486
Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Security and Intelligence

586,633,746 12,154,458 0 0 0 12,154,458 598,788,204
Programs not included in these Estimates 23,646,746 0 0 0 0 0 23,646,746
Total 610,280,492 12,154,458 0 0 0 12,154,458 622,434,950
Canadian Space Agency

Canada in space

278,432,576 0 69,178,862 930,000 0 70,108,862 348,541,438

Internal Services

50,516,000 0 (358,385) 0 0 (358,385) 50,157,615
Total 328,948,576 0 68,820,477 930,000 0 69,750,477 398,699,053
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

Internal Services

6,646,634 290,100 0 0 0 290,100 6,936,734
Programs not included in these Estimates 26,586,536 0 0 0 0 0 26,586,536
Total 33,233,170 290,100 0 0 0 290,100 33,523,270
Canadian Transportation Agency

Independent regulatory and dispute-resolution services for transportation providers and users

23,176,780 2,652,696 0 0 0 2,652,696 25,829,476

Internal Services

11,792,835 913,078 0 0 0 913,078 12,705,913
Total 34,969,615 3,565,774 0 0 0 3,565,774 38,535,389
Communications Security Establishment

Provide and Protect Information

735,507,441 10,753,996 0 0 0 10,753,996 746,261,437
Programs not included in these Estimates 17,839,976 0 0 0 0 0 17,839,976
Total 753,347,417 10,753,996 0 0 0 10,753,996 764,101,413
Courts Administration Service

Administration Services for the Federal Courts

61,743,388 2,130,766 0 0 0 2,130,766 63,874,154
Programs not included in these Estimates 30,989,793 0 0 0 0 0 30,989,793
Total 92,733,181 2,130,766 0 0 0 2,130,766 94,863,947
Department for Women and Gender Equality

Advancing Gender Equality

93,394,939 (297,865) 0 262,866 0 (34,999) 93,359,940
Programs not included in these Estimates 22,565,662 0 0 0 0 0 22,565,662
Total 115,960,601 (297,865) 0 262,866 0 (34,999) 115,925,602
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Domestic and International Markets

236,376,062 (482,199) 0 365,847,724 0 365,365,525 601,741,587

Sector Risk

1,506,697,119 0 0 35,591,174 0 35,591,174 1,542,288,293

Science and Innovation

587,129,203 1,804,024 12,391,618 22,567,395 (3,000,000) 33,763,037 620,892,240

Internal Services

150,662,962 1,572,530 0 0 (1,300,000) 272,530 150,935,492
Programs not included in these Estimates 19,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 19,000,000
Total 2,499,865,346 2,894,355 12,391,618 424,006,293 (4,300,000) 434,992,266 2,934,857,612
Department of Canadian Heritage

Creativity, Arts and Culture

498,510,002 (159,000) 0 22,376,000 0 22,217,000 520,727,002

Diversity and Inclusion

107,767,118 (300,000) 0 4,817,081 0 4,517,081 112,284,199

Heritage and Celebration

104,992,919 0 0 295,000 0 295,000 105,287,919

Official Languages

451,598,291 0 0 150,000 0 150,000 451,748,291


240,455,901 (10,000) 0 (494,697) 0 (504,697) 239,951,204
Programs not included in these Estimates 163,519,315 0 0 0 0 0 163,519,315
Total 1,566,843,546 (469,000) 0 27,143,384 0 26,674,384 1,593,517,930
Department of Citizenship and Immigration

Immigrant and Refugee Selection and Integration

2,296,603,709 (101,618) (660,000) (1,140,589) 0 (1,902,207) 2,294,701,502

Visitors, International Students and Temporary Workers

257,842,121 (3,208,506) (6,095,141) 0 0 (9,303,647) 248,538,474

Internal Services

228,461,460 493,389 (344,463) 0 0 148,926 228,610,386
Programs not included in these Estimates 581,887,748 0 0 0 0 0 581,887,748
Total 3,364,795,038 (2,816,735) (7,099,604) (1,140,589) 0 (11,056,928) 3,353,738,110
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs

Rights and Self-determination

233,617,487 941,294,673 1,193,936 48,459,515 0 990,948,124 1,224,565,611

Community and Regional Development

39,163,611 0 0 12,500,000 0 12,500,000 51,663,611

Internal Services

1,382,935 (620,571) 0 0 0 (620,571) 762,364
Total 274,164,033 940,674,102 1,193,936 60,959,515 0 1,002,827,553 1,276,991,586
Department of Employment and Social Development

Learning, Skills Development and Employment

5,935,718,067 224,245,932 0 195,541,218 (32,835,597) 386,951,553 6,322,669,620

Pensions and Benefits

57,204,122,363 9,273,612 0 0 (6,367,571) 2,906,041 57,207,028,404

Working Conditions and Workplace Relations

186,246,199 0 0 600,001 0 600,001 186,846,200

Internal Services

288,948,474 17,893,193 0 0 (16,168,132) 1,725,061 290,673,535
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,332,090,348 0 0 0 0 0 1,332,090,348
Total 64,947,125,451 251,412,737 0 196,141,219 (55,371,300) 392,182,656 65,339,308,107
Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Marine Operations and Response

1,197,648,868 2,617,463 0 0 0 2,617,463 1,200,266,331

Marine Navigation

359,186,162 2,218,673 0 0 0 2,218,673 361,404,835

Aquatic Ecosystems

281,117,629 1,091,509 0 (587,485) 0 504,024 281,621,653


1,074,973,681 331,809 0 (613,335) 0 (281,526) 1,074,692,155

Internal Services

429,070,883 563,770 5,170,000 0 0 5,733,770 434,804,653
Programs not included in these Estimates 16,405,425 0 0 0 0 0 16,405,425
Total 3,358,402,648 6,823,224 5,170,000 (1,200,820) 0 10,792,404 3,369,195,052
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Support for Canadaʼs Presence Abroad

1,032,455,803 42,751,307 1,351,500 0 0 44,102,807 1,076,558,610

Development, Peace and Security Programming

4,460,820,830 1 0 21,396,098 0 21,396,099 4,482,216,929

International Advocacy and Diplomacy

873,628,607 5,947,576 0 912,013 0 6,859,589 880,488,196

Trade and Investment

350,635,849 1,774,510 0 0 0 1,774,510 352,410,359

Help for Canadians Abroad

50,998,308 371,688 0 0 0 371,688 51,369,996

Internal Services

248,181,346 720,366 0 0 0 720,366 248,901,712
Programs not included in these Estimates 269,548,531 0 0 0 0 0 269,548,531
Total 7,286,269,274 51,565,448 1,351,500 22,308,111 0 75,225,059 7,361,494,333
Department of Health

Health Protection and Promotion

698,805,328 419,525 341,000 (279,561) 0 480,964 699,286,292

Health Care Systems

1,609,336,578 (58,000) 0 (429,495) 0 (487,495) 1,608,849,083

Internal Services

264,703,216 142,679 0 0 0 142,679 264,845,895
Programs not included in these Estimates 51,475,388 0 0 0 0 0 51,475,388
Total 2,624,320,510 504,204 341,000 (709,056) 0 136,148 2,624,456,658
Department of Indigenous Services

Health and Social Services

4,612,026,185 22,381,613 0 783,763,382 0 806,144,995 5,418,171,180

Governance and Community Development Services

2,562,162,787 (1,468,642) 0 208,130,225 0 206,661,583 2,768,824,370

Services and Benefits to Individuals

1,964,990,628 (30,664,875) (639,000) 30,266,052 0 (1,037,823) 1,963,952,805

Indigenous Self-Determined Services

2,350,269,508 0 0 (2,991,859) 0 (2,991,859) 2,347,277,649

Internal Services

121,947,381 335,625 0 0 0 335,625 122,283,006
Programs not included in these Estimates 694,868,688 0 0 0 0 0 694,868,688
Total 12,306,265,177 (9,416,279) (639,000) 1,019,167,800 0 1,009,112,521 13,315,377,698
Department of Industry

Science, Technology, Research and Commercialization

935,768,418 (26,667) 0 26,026,873 0 26,000,206 961,768,624

Companies, Investment and Growth

1,262,721,251 2,403,157 993,363 21,570,023 0 24,966,543 1,287,687,794

People, Skills and Communities

453,557,392 75,344 0 15,148,867 0 15,224,211 468,781,603

Internal Services

162,424,330 (106,666) 0 0 0 (106,666) 162,317,664
Programs not included in these Estimates 93,120,890 0 0 0 0 0 93,120,890
Total 2,907,592,281 2,345,168 993,363 62,745,763 0 66,084,294 2,973,676,575
Department of Justice

Justice System Support

444,923,893 448,165 0 34,836,400 0 35,284,565 480,208,458

Legal Services

194,853,652 178,124 0 0 0 178,124 195,031,776

Internal Services

78,105,514 203,654 0 0 0 203,654 78,309,168
Programs not included in these Estimates 26,636,730 0 0 0 0 0 26,636,730
Total 744,519,789 829,943 0 34,836,400 0 35,666,343 780,186,132
Department of National Defence

Procurement of Capabilities

3,351,555,238 35,074,462 346,317,681 0 0 381,392,143 3,732,947,381


1,075,818,044 122,262,583 7,553,000 0 0 129,815,583 1,205,633,627

Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure

3,161,289,188 10,016,794 94,830,500 0 0 104,847,294 3,266,136,482

Ready Forces

9,660,412,782 8,490,809 0 0 0 8,490,809 9,668,903,591

Defence Team

3,320,244,202 2,621,000 0 0 0 2,621,000 3,322,865,202

Future Force Design

936,178,127 (3,284,691) (5,299,415) 0 0 (8,584,106) 927,594,021

Internal Services

596,781,926 176,724,621 1,609,340 0 0 178,333,961 775,115,887
Programs not included in these Estimates 254,530,596 0 0 0 0 0 254,530,596
Total 22,356,810,103 351,905,578 445,011,106 0 0 796,916,684 23,153,726,787
Department of Natural Resources

Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development

594,180,420 1,332,596 0 964,565,654 0 965,898,250 1,560,078,670

Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors

572,418,934 5,200,010 0 26,431,849 0 31,631,859 604,050,793

Natural Resource Science and Risk Mitigation

205,570,026 2,813,691 0 0 0 2,813,691 208,383,717

Internal Services

122,871,508 799,444 0 0 0 799,444 123,670,952
Programs not included in these Estimates 42,636,724 0 0 0 0 0 42,636,724
Total 1,537,677,612 10,145,741 0 990,997,503 0 1,001,143,244 2,538,820,856
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Management

329,821,389 2,000,000 0 230,913 0 2,230,913 332,052,302

Community Safety

365,002,614 1,800,000 0 (52,952,222) 0 (51,152,222) 313,850,392
Programs not included in these Estimates 251,833,111 0 0 0 0 0 251,833,111
Total 946,657,114 3,800,000 0 (52,721,309) 0 (48,921,309) 897,735,805
Department of Public Works and Government Services

Property and Infrastructure

2,581,711,996 9,880,975 230,000 0 0 10,110,975 2,591,822,971

Government-Wide Support

130,276,919 (90,753) 0 0 0 (90,753) 130,186,166

Purchase of Goods and Services

178,076,339 (454,368) 0 0 0 (454,368) 177,621,971
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,542,083,700 0 0 0 0 0 1,542,083,700
Total 4,432,148,954 9,335,854 230,000 0 0 9,565,854 4,441,714,808
Department of the Environment

Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change

704,736,084 9,141,991 0 97,267,753 0 106,409,744 811,145,828

Preventing and Managing Pollution

345,273,615 6,363,590 0 16,841,859 0 23,205,449 368,479,064

Conserving Nature

298,536,798 1,214,953 0 (1,057,840) 0 157,113 298,693,911

Predicting Weather and Environmental Conditions

247,030,038 122,030 0 0 0 122,030 247,152,068

Internal Services

206,173,082 5,003,150 0 0 0 5,003,150 211,176,232
Programs not included in these Estimates 26,345,401 0 0 0 0 0 26,345,401
Total 1,828,095,018 21,845,714 0 113,051,772 0 134,897,486 1,962,992,504
Department of Transport

Green and Innovative Transportation System

452,954,393 (448,223) 7,109,000 100,000 0 6,760,777 459,715,170

Efficient Transportation System

889,315,508 1,722,144 (3,000,000) 2,911,153 0 1,633,297 890,948,805

Safe and Secure Transportation System

390,731,549 639,880 873,000 0 0 1,512,880 392,244,429

Internal Services

194,438,478 964,822 198,149 0 0 1,162,971 195,601,449
Programs not included in these Estimates 162,255,496 0 0 0 0 0 162,255,496
Total 2,089,695,424 2,878,623 5,180,149 3,011,153 0 11,069,925 2,100,765,349
Department of Veterans Affairs

Benefits, Services and Support

5,057,216,584 (4,178,505) 0 2,529,001 0 (1,649,504) 5,055,567,080
Programs not included in these Estimates 220,375,194 0 0 0 0 0 220,375,194
Total 5,277,591,778 (4,178,505) 0 2,529,001 0 (1,649,504) 5,275,942,274
Department of Western Economic Diversification

Economic development in Western Canada

240,112,839 58,910 0 4,894,025 0 4,952,935 245,065,774
Programs not included in these Estimates 65,204,177 0 0 0 0 0 65,204,177
Total 305,317,016 58,910 0 4,894,025 0 4,952,935 310,269,951
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Economic Development in Quebec

302,995,403 15,153 0 3,935,135 0 3,950,288 306,945,691

Internal Services

19,151,289 3,109 0 0 0 3,109 19,154,398
Programs not included in these Estimates 3,097,848 0 0 0 0 0 3,097,848
Total 325,244,540 18,262 0 3,935,135 0 3,953,397 329,197,937
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Economic Development in Southern Ontario

242,116,200 32,319 0 4,434,631 0 4,466,950 246,583,150
Programs not included in these Estimates 19,384,216 0 0 0 0 0 19,384,216
Total 261,500,416 32,319 0 4,434,631 0 4,466,950 265,967,366
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada

Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Legislation and Regulations

17,381,162 371,525 0 0 0 371,525 17,752,687

Production and Dissemination of Financial Intelligence

15,961,606 341,100 0 0 0 341,100 16,302,706

Internal Services

18,314,160 574,013 0 0 0 574,013 18,888,173
Programs not included in these Estimates 3,603,952 0 0 0 0 0 3,603,952
Total 55,260,880 1,286,638 0 0 0 1,286,638 56,547,518
Immigration and Refugee Board

Internal Services

37,331,439 (86,000) 0 0 0 (86,000) 37,245,439
Programs not included in these Estimates 186,221,913 0 0 0 0 0 186,221,913
Total 223,553,352 (86,000) 0 0 0 (86,000) 223,467,352
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

Environmental Assessment

63,191,842 (1,834,850) 0 0 0 (1,834,850) 61,356,992
Programs not included in these Estimates 10,983,171 0 0 0 0 0 10,983,171
Total 74,175,013 (1,834,850) 0 0 0 (1,834,850) 72,340,163
Library and Archives of Canada

Providing access to documentary heritage

34,218,072 1,250,000 0 0 0 1,250,000 35,468,072

Acquiring and preserving documentary heritage

94,061,984 345,666 0 0 0 345,666 94,407,650
Programs not included in these Estimates 34,432,578 0 0 0 0 0 34,432,578
Total 162,712,634 1,595,666 0 0 0 1,595,666 164,308,300
Library of Parliament

Internal Services

10,989,443 1,148,282 0 0 0 1,148,282 12,137,725
Programs not included in these Estimates 38,962,573 0 0 0 0 0 38,962,573
Total 49,952,016 1,148,282 0 0 0 1,148,282 51,100,298
National Research Council of Canada

Science and Innovation

1,051,040,644 (135,941) 1,593,794 15,060,708 0 16,518,561 1,067,559,205

Internal Services

135,834,451 (356,673) 0 0 0 (356,673) 135,477,778
Total 1,186,875,095 (492,614) 1,593,794 15,060,708 0 16,161,888 1,203,036,983
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Funding Natural Sciences and Engineering Research and Training

1,351,631,112 2,151,720 0 (21,032,984) 0 (18,881,264) 1,332,749,848
Programs not included in these Estimates 30,153,403 0 0 0 0 0 30,153,403
Total 1,381,784,515 2,151,720 0 (21,032,984) 0 (18,881,264) 1,362,903,251
Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Public Infrastructure

10,685,305,408 67,777,549 42,378,495 82,297,867 0 192,453,911 10,877,759,319

Internal Services

51,359,545 6,468,727 0 0 0 6,468,727 57,828,272
Total 10,736,664,953 74,246,276 42,378,495 82,297,867 0 198,922,638 10,935,587,591
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

Electoral Administration and Oversight

452,267,740 4,843,839 0 0 0 4,843,839 457,111,579
Programs not included in these Estimates 40,968,036 0 0 0 0 0 40,968,036
Total 493,235,776 4,843,839 0 0 0 4,843,839 498,079,615
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Prosecution Services

169,188,530 23,919 0 0 0 23,919 169,212,449

Electoral Compliance and Enforcement

7,478,571 (2,025,613) 0 0 0 (2,025,613) 5,452,958
Programs not included in these Estimates 27,496,342 0 0 0 0 0 27,496,342
Total 204,163,443 (2,001,694) 0 0 0 (2,001,694) 202,161,749
Parks Canada Agency

Protecting and Presenting Canadaʼs Natural and Cultural Heritage

1,533,942,768 2,378,059 0 883,500 0 3,261,559 1,537,204,327

Internal Services

140,850,959 232,532 0 0 0 232,532 141,083,491
Total 1,674,793,727 2,610,591 0 883,500 0 3,494,091 1,678,287,818
Parliamentary Protective Service

Physical Security

90,944,466 1,000,000 0 0 (1,000,000) 0 90,944,466
Total 90,944,466 1,000,000 0 0 (1,000,000) 0 90,944,466
Parole Board of Canada

Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations

490,946 1,689,443 0 0 0 1,689,443 2,180,389
Programs not included in these Estimates 46,899,147 0 0 0 0 0 46,899,147
Total 47,390,093 1,689,443 0 0 0 1,689,443 49,079,536
Public Health Agency of Canada

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

257,822,279 2,553,911 0 6,853,348 0 9,407,259 267,229,538

Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

207,886,062 2,541,014 (1,000,000) 364,562 0 1,905,576 209,791,638

Health Security

52,331,185 164,428 0 0 (126,300) 38,128 52,369,313

Internal Services

99,299,635 3,759,647 0 0 0 3,759,647 103,059,282
Programs not included in these Estimates 8,309,000 0 0 0 0 0 8,309,000
Total 625,648,161 9,019,000 (1,000,000) 7,217,910 (126,300) 15,110,610 640,758,771
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Contract and Indigenous policing

1,652,560,821 106,268,727 0 0 0 106,268,727 1,758,829,548

Federal Policing

916,708,738 1,562,875 0 0 0 1,562,875 918,271,613

National police services

502,077,621 (437,939) 112,700 0 0 (325,239) 501,752,382

Internal Services

629,420,701 (2,178,194) 1,303,404 0 0 (874,790) 628,545,911
Programs not included in these Estimates 123,024,637 0 0 0 0 0 123,024,637
Total 3,823,792,518 105,215,469 1,416,104 0 0 106,631,573 3,930,424,091
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee

Independent review of RCMP employment matters

3,414,034 639,278 0 0 0 639,278 4,053,312
Total 3,414,034 639,278 0 0 0 639,278 4,053,312
Shared Services Canada

Data Centres

567,511,944 (7,553,984) 11,544,301 0 0 3,990,317 571,502,261

Email and Workplace Technology

121,303,371 (478,714) 0 0 0 (478,714) 120,824,657

Cyber and IT Security

168,384,207 (3,765,730) 198,055 0 0 (3,567,675) 164,816,532


676,602,308 699,149 (4,351,520) 0 0 (3,652,371) 672,949,937

Customer Relationships and Service Management

399,201,929 (9,524,554) 148,759 0 0 (9,375,795) 389,826,134

Internal Services

203,701,973 2,317,110 0 0 0 2,317,110 206,019,083
Programs not included in these Estimates 1,619,949 0 0 0 0 0 1,619,949
Total 2,138,325,681 (18,306,723) 7,539,595 0 0 (10,767,128) 2,127,558,553
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training

499,477,322 49,000 0 10,077,132 0 10,126,132 509,603,454

Institutional support for the indirect costs of research

407,834,859 0 0 (747,321) 0 (747,321) 407,087,538

Internal Services

18,325,992 (645,915) 0 0 0 (645,915) 17,680,077
Programs not included in these Estimates 7,537,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,537,000
Total 933,175,173 (596,915) 0 9,329,811 0 8,732,896 941,908,069
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

296,580,451 35,212,333 (9,729,000) 0 0 25,483,333 322,063,784
Total 296,580,451 35,212,333 (9,729,000) 0 0 25,483,333 322,063,784
Treasury Board Secretariat

Administrative Leadership

105,525,843 1,343,600 0 0 0 1,343,600 106,869,443

Regulatory Oversight

10,370,668 533,512 0 0 0 533,512 10,904,180

Internal Services

83,862,033 16,024 0 0 0 16,024 83,878,057
Programs not included in these Estimates 7,386,770,595 0 0 0 0 0 7,386,770,595
Total 7,586,529,139 1,893,136 0 0 0 1,893,136 7,588,422,275
VIA Rail Canada Inc.

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

731,594,011 1,200,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 732,794,011
Total 731,594,011 1,200,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 732,794,011
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

802,476,546 29,257,079 0 0 0 29,257,079 831,733,625
Total 802,476,546 29,257,079 0 0 0 29,257,079 831,733,625
Organizations not included in these Estimates 114,710,253,032 0 0 0 0 0 114,710,253,032
Total Budgetary 304,585,898,678 2,041,322,477 576,752,159 3,033,553,621 (95,864,928) 5,555,763,329 310,141,662,007
Table. Expenditures by Program or Purpose - Non-Budgetary
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates
Department of Employment and Social Development

Learning, Skills Development and Employment

1,073,709,062 114,791,684 1,188,500,746
Total 1,073,709,062 114,791,684 1,188,500,746
Organizations not included in these Estimates 1,080,402,668 0 1,080,402,668
Total Non-budgetary 2,154,111,730 114,791,684 2,268,903,414

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