Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

From: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

These Supplementary Estimates are presented in six sections:

  • Highlights of these Estimates, including their overall impact on the Government’s spending plan and appropriated authorities for the fiscal year;
  • General Information about the Estimates process and how to use this document;
  • Key Summaries of the authorities presented in these Estimates for Parliament’s approval or information, major items, and horizontal initiatives;
  • Detail by Organization on the voted authorities sought through these Estimates, as well as updates to statutory forecasts;
  • Annex – Items for inclusion in the Proposed Schedules to the Appropriation Bill; and
  • Additional Information available online on statutory and voted authorities.

On this page

Highlights of these Estimates

In this section

The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20 seek parliamentary approval of $3.8 billion in new voted spending. The majority of this new spending is for:

  • Forgiveness of comprehensive land claim negotiation loans;
  • Child and family services for First Nations;
  • Capital projects for National Defence; and
  • Health, social and education services and support for First Nations children.

Overall, funding requirements for the top 10 organizations account for approximately 92% of the $3.8 billion in voted spending sought through these Estimates. Of those 10 organizations, these 5 are each seeking more than $100 million to support their priorities:

  • Department of Indigenous Services ($1,038.2 million);
  • Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs ($975.0 million);
  • Department of National Defence ($795.1 million);
  • Department of Employment and Social Development ($194.1 million); and
  • Office of Infrastructure of Canada ($137.7 million).

Planned expenditures shown in Table A2.11 of the 2019 Federal Budget were included in organizationsʼ 2019–20 Main Estimates in measure-specific budget implementation votes. Allocations from those votes are reported online and updated on a monthly basis.

These Estimates show, for information purposes, changes in planned statutory expenditures. The increase of $1.8 billion in budgetary statutory expenditures relates mainly to:

  • $950.0 million to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for the Green Municipal Fund;
  • $345.0 million for grants under the Dairy Direct Payment Program;
  • $229.6 million for Canada Student Grants; and
  • $109.1 million for the Climate Action Incentive Fund.

Non-budgetary statutory expenditures reflect changes in net expenditures for student and apprenticeship loans.

General Information

In order to spend money, the government must receive Parliament’s approval, either through previously adopted legislation that provides ongoing authority or on an annual basis through the introduction and passage of appropriation bills in Parliament. As with other bills, appropriation bills become law after being approved by both the House of Commons and the Senate and receiving Royal Assent.

To support Parliament’s consideration and review, the President of the Treasury Board tables in Parliament, prior to the introduction of each appropriation bill, an Estimates publication (Interim, Main or Supplementary) that provides information and details on spending authorities sought.

While the Main Estimates provide an overview of spending requirements for the upcoming fiscal year, Supplementary Estimates present information on additional spending requirements which were either not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates, or have subsequently been refined to account for developments in particular programs and services.

The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20 is the second and final Supplementary Estimates planned for this fiscal year.

For this exercise, the President of the Treasury Board tables a document in Parliament that includes:

  • A summary of the government’s incremental financial requirements;
  • An overview of major funding requests and horizontal initiatives;
  • Highlights of new authority requirements and structural changes;
  • Funding details by organization; and
  • A proposed schedule to the appropriation bill to be approved by Parliament.

In addition to the tabled document, the following supplemental information is also available online:

  • Detailed listing of statutory expenditures reported through the Estimates;
  • A complete breakdown of planned expenditures by standard object, such as personnel, professional services and transfer payments;
  • Planned expenditures by program or purpose in accordance with the organizationʼs Departmental Reporting Framework;
  • Frozen Allotments in Voted Authorities;
  • Allocations from Treasury Board Central Votes; and
  • A listing of transfers between organizations.

The following terminology is used throughout this document:

  • 2017–18 Expenditures refer to the actual expenditures published in the 2018 Public Accounts;
  • 2018–19 Estimates to date include the aggregate of the requirements reported in the Main Estimates, and Supplementary Estimates A and B of that fiscal year;
  • Authorities to date are comprised of amounts reported in the prior Estimates of the current fiscal year, two-year appropriations and allocations votes managed by Treasury Board;
  • These Supplementary Estimates refer to the requirements reported through Supplementary Estimates (B);
  • Proposed Authorities is the sum of all the amounts reported in the Estimates of the current fiscal year, two-year appropriations and allocations from votes managed by Treasury Board;
  • Budgetary expenditures include the cost of servicing the public debt; operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations;
  • Non-budgetary expenditures – or loans, investments and advances – are outlays that represent changes in the composition of the Government’s financial assets. Negative figures indicate that recoveries exceed expenditures;
  • Voted describes appropriations or expenditures for which parliamentary authority is sought through an appropriation bill; and
  • Statutory describes appropriations or expenditures which are authorized by Parliament through legislation other than an appropriation act; forecasts are provided for Parliament’s information.

Summary of Estimates

The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20 provides information in support of voted budgetary expenditures in the amount of $3.8 billion for a total of $135.1 billion in 2019–20. This is an increase of 2.9% over the authorities to date.

Table 1. Comparison of Estimates, Supply and Expenditures (dollars)
  2017–18 Expenditures 2018–19 Estimates to date Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Voted 103,688,179,872 122,906,410,240 131,332,018,171 3,793,291,722 135,125,309,893
Statutory 157,642,212,739 167,337,574,133 175,115,748,037 1,762,471,607 176,878,219,644
Total Budgetary 261,330,392,611 290,243,984,373 306,447,766,208 5,555,763,329 312,003,529,537
Voted 42,623,154 71,103,005 57,103,001 0 57,103,001
Statutory 43,169,672,174 1,250,414,793 2,097,008,729 114,791,684 2,211,800,413
Total Non-Budgetary 43,212,295,328 1,321,517,798 2,154,111,730 114,791,684 2,268,903,414

Note: Authorities To Date and Proposed Authorities include two-year appropriations of $865,622,365 for Canada Border Services Agency, Canada Revenue Agency and Parks Canada Agency. These three agencies have the authority to carry forward funds approved in 2018–19 to 2019–20. The following chart – Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates – reflects only 2019–20 Estimates, so it excludes the two-year appropriations.

Estimates to date 2019–20

Three Estimates have been tabled previously for 2019–20. The 2019–20 Interim Estimates were tabled on January 28, 2019, and presented $37.7 billion in voted budgetary expenditures and $14.3 million in loans, investments and advances.

The 2019–20 Main Estimates were tabled on April 11, 2019, supporting the government’s request to Parliament for authority through annual appropriations to spend $125.6 billion in voted budgetary expenditures and $57.1 million in voted non-budgetary expenditures. The 2019–20 Main Estimates also presented information on statutory amounts of $174.0 billion in budgetary expenditures and $2.1 billion in loans, investments and advances. The amounts presented were inclusive of, not in addition to, amounts previously shown in Interim Estimates.

The Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20 were tabled on December 5, 2019 and presented $4.9 billion in voted budgetary expenditures and $88.0 million in statutory budgetary expenditures.

The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20 provide information in support of $3.8 billion in voted budgetary expenditures. Information is also presented on increases to statutory expenditures of $1.8 billion in budgetary expenditures and $114.8 million in loans, investments and advances.

Appropriation Acts in 2019–20

Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 1, 2019–20, granted on March 22, 2019, provided interim supply to appropriation-dependent organizations to cover requirements until the end of June 2019.

Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 2, 2019–20, granted on June 21, 2019, provided supply for the remainder of planned expenditures presented in the 2019–20 Main Estimates.

Royal Assent for Appropriation Act No. 3, 2019–20, granted on December 12, 2019, provided supply for additional spending requirements presented in Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20.

In March 2020, the President of the Treasury Board will introduce a bill to approve the funding in Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20.

Table 2. Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates, 2019–20 Estimates (dollars)
  Main Estimates Supplementary A Supplementary B Total
Voted 125,611,137,979 4,855,257,827 3,793,291,722 134,259,687,528
Statutory 174,031,508,717 87,994,155 1,762,471,607 175,881,974,479
Total Budgetary 299,642,646,696 4,943,251,982 5,555,763,329 310,141,662,007
Voted 57,103,001 0 0 57,103,001
Statutory 2,097,008,729 0 114,791,684 2,211,800,413
Total Non-Budgetary 2,154,111,730 0 114,791,684 2,268,903,414

Major Items

The following section provides an overview of major voted initiatives included in these Supplementary Estimates in support of parliamentary approval.

Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs: $919.0 million
Funding to forgive comprehensive land claim negotiation loans

Loans were used to allow Indigenous groups to participate in comprehensive land claim negotiations. As announced in Budget 2019, loan debts accumulated by First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities will be forgiven.

Department of Indigenous Services: $588.3 million
Funding for Child and Family Services

This funding will improve access to prevention and early intervention programs, and maintain the well-being and cultural connections of First Nation children in care.

Department of National Defence: $487.3 million
Funding for capital investments in support of Strong, Secure, Engaged

This funding will support a range of capital projects under the Strong, Secure, Engaged defence policy, including military equipment, physical infrastructure and information management and technology systems.

Department of Indigenous Services: $232.0 million
Funding for health, social and education services and support for First Nations children under Jordan’s Principle

This funding will be used to respond to a wide range of health, social and educational needs under Jordanʼs Principle, which makes sure all First Nations children living in Canada can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them.

Department of Employment and Social Development: $180.4 million
Funding to write-off unrecoverable debts owed to the Crown for directly financed Canada Student Loans

The Canada Student Loans Program provides financial assistance to post-secondary students in financial need. This funding will be applied to write off 33,098 debts for which reasonable efforts to collect the amounts owed have been unsuccessful. Consistent with standard accounting practices, defaulted loans are written off on a regular basis.

Department of Indigenous Services: $150.0 million
Funding to reimburse First Nations and emergency management service providers for on-reserve response and recovery activities

This funding will be used to reimburse First Nation communities, provinces, territories and non-governmental emergency service providers for costs incurred during response and recovery activities on reserves across Canada. Activities can include, but are not limited to, the response and recovery of emergency events such as floods, wildfires, tornadoes, severe weather and loss of essential services.

Department of National Defence: $148.2 million
Funding for the Heyder and Beattie class actions final settlement agreement

The Heyder and Beattie class actions sought damages related to gender-based discrimination, sexual assault and sexual harassment. This funding will be used to fulfill immediate obligations and payments under the final agreement, including payments to claimants, reimbursement of plaintiff legal fees, awareness building activities, administration and case management.

Department of National Defence: $128.5 million
Funding for North Atlantic Treaty Organization assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe (Operation REASSURANCE) and for UN Peace Support Operation Africa (Operation PRESENCE)

This funding will support overseas missions, including the continued deployment of a land task force in Latvia, an air task force for patrol and training, naval vessels to work with NATO partners, transport aircraft and supporting personnel for UN operations in Uganda.

Structural Changes and Changes to Voted Authorities

The following structural changes have taken effect since the publishing of Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20:

  • The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs was designated the appropriate Minister for the Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (Orders in Council P.C. 2019-1380 and 2019-1379);
  • The Minister of Digital Government was designated the appropriate Minister for Shared Services Canada (Orders in Council P.C. 2019-1372 and 2019-1366);
  • The Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages was designated the appropriate Minister for the Canadian Tourism Commission and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (Orders in Council P.C. 2019-1371 and 2019-1368);
  • The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry was designated the appropriate Minister for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Orders in Council P.C. 2019-1359 and 2019-1360);
  • The Minister of Public Services and Procurement was designated the appropriate Minister for the National Capital Commission (Order in Council P.C. 2019-1354);
  • The President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada was designated the appropriate Minister for the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer and the Leaders’ Debates Commission for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act (Order in Council P.C. 2019-1382); and
  • Portions of the federal public administration known as the Youth Secretariat and the LGBTQ2 Secretariat were transferred from the Privy Council Office to the Department of Canadian Heritage (Order in Council P.C. 2019-1370).

The following new or amended authorities are sought through the Appropriation Act for these Estimates:

  • The Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food is amending Vote 1 to expend revenues received from the grazing and breeding activities of the Community Pasture Program;
  • The Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs has added Vote 60 to forgive debts related to land claim negotiation loans;
  • The Department of Employment and Social Development has added Vote 90 to write off debts related to student loans; and
  • The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development is amending Vote 20 to increase the maximum amount of direct payments to international financial institutions.

Estimates by Organization

126 organizations are represented in the 2019–20 Estimates. Of these, 61 organizations have identified additional requirements as part of these Supplementary Estimates.

Table 4. Estimates by Organization (dollars)
Department, Agency or Crown corporation 2017–18 Expenditures 2018–19 Estimates to date Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 65,514,897 67,344,935 69,519,914 490,289 70,010,203
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 358,985,597 356,045,701 348,244,330 6,912,795 355,157,125
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 826,595,000 1,043,582,932 1,197,282,026 550,000 1,197,832,026
Canada Border Services Agency 1,768,435,342 1,902,991,866 2,451,135,961 3,439,831 2,454,575,792
Canada Council for the Arts 258,714,308 292,759,337 327,644,295 127,000 327,771,295
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 2,689,239,574 2,435,460,894 2,666,423,159 77,828,091 2,744,251,250
Canada Post Corporation 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000 0 22,210,000
Canada Revenue Agency 4,707,767,345 4,255,603,822 4,836,839,203 (640,673) 4,836,198,530
Canada School of Public Service 76,289,634 81,574,345 89,982,201 0 89,982,201
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization 0 0 9,891,190 0 9,891,190
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 723,429,207 622,196,268 898,271,254 0 898,271,254
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,222,083,485 1,210,777,365 1,210,797,846 0 1,210,797,846
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 10,156,973 9,036,145 9,414,017 0 9,414,017
Canadian Dairy Commission 3,924,160 3,854,264 3,903,993 0 3,903,993
Canadian Energy Regulator 0 0 63,593,362 2,610,546 66,203,908
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 739,017,584 710,475,142 820,364,071 3,753,391 824,117,462
Canadian Grain Commission (2,963,543) 5,606,029 6,322,168 0 6,322,168
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 21,528,127 27,402,607 33,891,916 0 33,891,916
Canadian Human Rights Commission 22,907,295 22,467,863 28,939,291 2,600,000 31,539,291
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 1,097,161,185 1,102,959,905 1,186,786,427 15,091,103 1,201,877,530
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 5,373,727 5,971,078 6,376,035 0 6,376,035
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 25,352,335 21,308,564 26,954,953 0 26,954,953
Canadian Museum of History 74,013,063 75,952,129 75,692,284 0 75,692,284
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 7,962,724 8,215,347 7,905,183 0 7,905,183
Canadian Museum of Nature 33,268,608 31,080,812 29,052,927 0 29,052,927
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 54,420,053 30,032,911 68,018,647 838,568 68,857,215
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 149,793,305 140,802,405 147,727,709 0 147,727,709
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 12,044,633 11,662,843 18,069,554 0 18,069,554
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 586,998,954 586,582,276 623,375,119 12,154,458 635,529,577
Canadian Space Agency 353,457,987 379,958,951 372,333,331 69,750,477 442,083,808
Canadian Tourism Commission 95,475,770 98,655,544 100,665,913 0 100,665,913
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 32,409,285 33,166,396 34,639,187 290,100 34,929,287
Canadian Transportation Agency 29,147,817 33,325,531 36,747,705 3,565,774 40,313,479
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 9,021,831 10,751,485 11,650,984 0 11,650,984
Communications Security Establishment 622,473,482 641,816,992 775,836,173 10,753,996 786,590,169
Copyright Board 3,230,999 3,418,506 4,363,394 0 4,363,394
Correctional Service of Canada 2,628,111,980 2,453,865,970 2,739,795,801 0 2,739,795,801
Courts Administration Service 82,791,051 77,638,291 96,804,122 2,130,766 98,934,888
Department for Women and Gender Equality 0 666,923 118,117,156 (34,999) 118,082,157
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 1,984,897,777 2,546,258,211 2,549,767,762 434,992,266 2,984,760,028
Department of Canadian Heritage 1,499,066,633 1,352,116,028 1,580,227,977 26,674,384 1,606,902,361
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 1,917,248,912 2,607,562,260 3,425,359,618 (11,056,928) 3,414,302,690
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 0 0 6,082,959,518 1,002,827,553 7,085,787,071
Department of Employment and Social Development 57,971,247,622 61,715,897,237 65,085,716,122 392,182,656 65,477,898,778
Department of Finance 90,326,718,131 94,467,445,472 99,671,018,584 0 99,671,018,584
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 2,620,464,368 3,441,924,795 3,701,532,145 10,792,404 3,712,324,549
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 6,574,287,014 7,048,516,696 7,424,590,870 75,225,059 7,499,815,929
Department of Health 3,491,052,712 2,191,046,991 2,699,084,738 136,148 2,699,220,886
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 8,029,422,095 4,948,558,173 837,544,007 0 837,544,007
Department of Indigenous Services 4,287,798,604 10,828,898,139 12,775,965,958 1,009,112,521 13,785,078,479
Department of Industry 2,355,938,282 3,070,251,194 3,010,241,994 66,084,294 3,076,326,288
Department of Justice 707,002,071 703,169,143 791,987,431 35,666,343 827,653,774
Department of National Defence 22,877,086,721 21,257,086,517 22,793,300,764 796,916,684 23,590,217,448
Department of Natural Resources 1,566,252,215 1,476,553,293 1,571,802,955 1,001,143,244 2,572,946,199
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 959,071,617 1,142,823,218 957,073,063 (48,921,309) 908,151,754
Department of Public Works and Government Services 3,660,908,325 3,371,781,627 4,573,289,127 9,565,854 4,582,854,981
Department of the Environment 1,164,806,867 1,533,882,586 1,871,016,288 134,897,486 2,005,913,774
Department of Transport 1,205,720,765 1,564,723,725 2,154,998,447 11,069,925 2,166,068,372
Department of Veterans Affairs 4,773,891,080 4,769,350,202 5,292,938,804 (1,649,504) 5,291,289,300
Department of Western Economic Diversification 227,068,119 203,085,022 311,942,398 4,952,935 316,895,333
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 311,428,742 276,505,468 328,367,372 3,953,397 332,320,769
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 250,251,130 187,234,167 263,475,003 4,466,950 267,941,953
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 55,247,790 51,645,636 57,923,390 1,286,638 59,210,028
House of Commons 490,382,710 522,918,561 520,719,615 0 520,719,615
Immigration and Refugee Board 131,692,383 135,385,778 234,166,118 (86,000) 234,080,118
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 39,822,160 54,494,904 76,347,018 (1,834,850) 74,512,168
International Development Research Centre 139,951,886 140,338,189 142,907,117 0 142,907,117
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) 7,419,288 12,849,144 11,795,613 0 11,795,613
Invest in Canada Hub 2,032,683 23,184,924 37,166,761 0 37,166,761
Leaders’ Debates Commission 0 287,130 4,629,699 0 4,629,699
Library and Archives of Canada 127,416,749 120,185,109 171,922,183 1,595,666 173,517,849
Library of Parliament 45,632,112 48,455,063 49,952,016 1,148,282 51,100,298
Marine Atlantic Inc. 146,682,515 151,104,000 155,904,000 0 155,904,000
Military Grievances External Review Committee 6,726,457 6,761,423 7,182,789 0 7,182,789
Military Police Complaints Commission 4,535,698 4,717,398 5,017,160 0 5,017,160
National Arts Centre Corporation 141,324,356 35,408,623 35,270,142 0 35,270,142
National Capital Commission 89,630,228 95,187,885 136,262,540 0 136,262,540
National Energy Board 93,832,990 91,581,074 42,519,871 0 42,519,871
National Film Board 66,354,291 74,667,274 74,321,100 0 74,321,100
National Gallery of Canada 49,413,243 51,383,427 46,613,922 0 46,613,922
National Museum of Science and Technology 145,277,576 30,158,102 30,923,150 0 30,923,150
National Research Council of Canada 1,016,523,437 1,027,272,115 1,223,844,702 16,161,888 1,240,006,590
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat 0 0 23,182,509 0 23,182,509
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 1,219,141,888 1,256,448,044 1,383,586,156 (18,881,264) 1,364,704,892
Northern Pipeline Agency 5,541,166 493,880 1,084,070 0 1,084,070
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 4,326,297,009 6,699,026,672 10,947,875,749 198,922,638 11,146,798,387
Office of the Auditor General 82,429,864 78,224,516 91,227,361 0 91,227,361
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 131,485,721 135,185,384 496,706,047 4,843,839 501,549,886
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 568,449,931 583,118,253 618,221,720 0 618,221,720
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 4,771,945 4,480,936 5,111,508 0 5,111,508
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 21,047,590 21,282,588 22,765,484 0 22,765,484
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner 1,967,061 2,120,638 567,461 0 567,461
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 6,638,422 6,867,923 7,142,923 0 7,142,923
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women 43,304,233 62,344,795 0 0 0
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada 4,850,447 4,730,063 5,494,872 0 5,494,872
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 181,500,615 185,410,277 212,686,988 (2,001,694) 210,685,294
Office of the Governor General’s Secretary 23,456,562 23,077,004 24,154,637 0 24,154,637
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner 0 0 1,671,573 0 1,671,573
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer 1,985,153 7,614,038 7,755,698 0 7,755,698
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 4,949,833 5,485,938 5,820,492 0 5,820,492
Office of the Senate Ethics Officer 1,014,842 1,387,179 1,357,010 0 1,357,010
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 155,002,465 153,078,925 165,583,054 0 165,583,054
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 39,318,009 36,347,739 49,077,924 0 49,077,924
Parks Canada Agency 1,317,032,810 1,518,806,612 2,177,626,758 3,494,091 2,181,120,849
Parliamentary Protective Service 77,184,289 91,077,475 90,944,466 0 90,944,466
Parole Board of Canada 47,729,824 48,235,506 50,175,042 1,689,443 51,864,485
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 9,739,194 14,971,068 17,284,673 0 17,284,673
PPP Canada Inc. 5,900,000 0 0 0 0
Privy Council Office 202,940,898 226,783,606 195,021,898 0 195,021,898
Public Health Agency of Canada 607,102,554 596,150,514 651,132,958 15,110,610 666,243,568
Public Service Commission 85,668,696 85,775,486 93,766,900 0 93,766,900
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 37,417,169 35,150,853 38,886,433 0 38,886,433
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 3,210,983,890 3,726,538,957 3,992,756,601 106,631,573 4,099,388,174
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 1,576,424 3,361,093 3,616,025 639,278 4,255,303
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians 579,141 6,772,046 3,628,009 0 3,628,009
Security Intelligence Review Committee 6,174,192 5,233,036 1,675,362 0 1,675,362
Senate 105,954,947 109,080,103 114,188,759 0 114,188,759
Shared Services Canada 1,797,913,295 1,697,977,179 2,254,466,579 (10,767,128) 2,243,699,451
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 783,979,328 791,322,366 934,445,311 8,732,896 943,178,207
Standards Council of Canada 13,828,495 14,943,000 17,910,000 0 17,910,000
Statistics Canada 545,771,155 444,592,745 562,155,089 0 562,155,089
Telefilm Canada 103,572,036 101,866,729 109,378,949 0 109,378,949
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 20,047,538 3,472,857 0 0 0
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 179,229,642 264,727,000 296,580,451 25,483,333 322,063,784
The National Battlefields Commission 9,751,684 9,811,775 9,649,045 0 9,649,045
Treasury Board Secretariat 3,806,902,003 17,845,259,300 4,820,765,709 1,893,136 4,822,658,845
Veterans Review and Appeal Board 10,852,369 11,002,933 11,394,746 0 11,394,746
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 357,536,154 644,870,998 731,594,011 1,200,000 732,794,011
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 184,000,000 479,598,047 802,476,546 29,257,079 831,733,625
Total Budgetary 261,330,392,611 290,243,984,373 306,447,766,208 5,555,763,329 312,003,529,537
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (1,076,543,130) (259,433,000) 954,899,667 0 954,899,667
Canadian Dairy Commission 3,342,330 0 0 0 0
Correctional Service of Canada 500 0 0 0 0
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 13,177,616 0 0 0 0
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 0 0 55,360,346 0 55,360,346
Department of Employment and Social Development 1,186,807,468 1,093,433,839 1,073,709,062 114,791,684 1,188,500,746
Department of Finance 43,008,432,158 400,796,922 51,400,000 0 51,400,000
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 40,841,827 15,617,037 17,000,001 0 17,000,001
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 44,040,002 56,303,000 942,654 0 942,654
Department of Industry 0 800,000 800,000 0 800,000
Department of National Defence (5,180,525) 0 0 0 0
Department of Public Works and Government Services (2,622,918) 14,000,000 0 0 0
Total Non-budgetary 43,212,295,328 1,321,517,798 2,154,111,730 114,791,684 2,268,903,414

Horizontal Items

The items listed in this table are horizontal initiatives and other jointly funded items. Both types of horizontal items involve two or more organizations with a formal funding agreement (e.g. Memorandum to Cabinet or Treasury Board submission). Through horizontal initiatives, the organizations work in partnership toward the achievement of shared outcomes. In jointly funded items, organizations receive incremental funding, and each independently contributes to the realization of the stated objective(s).

Table 5. Horizontal Items (dollars)
Organization Amount

Funding to strengthen environmental protections and address concerns raised by Indigenous groups regarding the Trans Mountain Expansion Project

This funding will be used to support marine safety and spill prevention and response capacity, address cumulative environmental effects, and protect freshwater fish populations and habitats.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 43,847,251
Total Statutory 2,394,902
Total 46,242,153
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

Department of Natural Resources

  • Operating expenditures and contributions to respond to concerns related to the health of the land ecosystems along the project corridor and to accelerate the development of oil spill response technologies.

Department of the Environment

  • Operating expenditures and contributions for marine bird monitoring and protection in the Salish Sea.
Total Statutory 985,073
Total 18,161,293
Cumulative Total for 2019–20 64,403,446

Funding to protect the Southern Resident Killer Whale

This funding supports activities to help increase prey availability (including rebuilding Chinook salmon stocks), to reduce physical and acoustic disturbances, as well as research and monitoring.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 7,227,184

Department of Transport

Parks Canada Agency 6,189,770
Total Statutory 1,095,848
Total 16,012,802
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

Department of Transport

  • Grants to support expansion of the Whale Report Alert System.
Cumulative Total for 2019–20 16,112,802

Funding for the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy

This funding will support women-owned and women-led businesses to grow and pursue new market opportunities. The Strategy expands access to financing, talent, networks and expertise. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. FedNor (under the Department of Industry) will deliver the program in Northern Ontario.

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 800,000
Department of Industry 1,554,400
Department of Western Economic Diversification 3,400,000
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 1,700,000
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 3,300,000
Total 10,754,400

Funding to implement an Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement

This funding will be used to implement an agreement with the Qikiqtani Inuit Association to establish a National Marine Conservation Area in Lancaster Sound.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 909,954
Department of Transport 550,718
Parks Canada Agency 6,177,092
Total Statutory 293,413
Total 7,931,177
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

  • Grants to conduct a study on the feasibility of constructing a regional training facility in Pond Inlet, Nunavut.
Cumulative Total for 2019–20 8,431,177

Funding to reduce plastic pollution

This funding will support research, regulations, and measures to reduce plastic waste and to promote the reuse and recycling of plastics.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 338,720
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 150,138
Department of Public Works and Government Services 1,423,000
Total Statutory 7,472
Total 1,919,330
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

Department of the Environment

  • Operating expenditures and grants and contributions to develop plans and measures to reduce use of single-use and disposable plastics, extend life of plastic products, reduce plastic waste, increase recycled content, collect data, advance science and develop standards.
Total Statutory 550,125
Total 5,277,171
Cumulative Total for 2019–20 7,196,501

Funding for a strong sanctions regime

This funding will be used to increase and modernize Canada’s capacity to coordinate, monitor and enforce sanctions.

Canada Border Services Agency

  • Operating expenditures to support and enforce sanctions to individuals under the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law).

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

  • Operating expenditures for coordination across government, policy and regulations development, research, advice and stakeholder engagement.
  • Contributions to fund research.
Total Statutory 549,326
Total 4,061,169

Funding for the Canadian Experiences Fund

This funding will support the creation and enhancement of tourism products, facilities and experiences. The program will be delivered by the regional development agencies in their respective areas. FedNor (under the Department of Industry) will deliver the program in Northern Ontario.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 79,000
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 97,498
Department of Industry 58,424
Department of Western Economic Diversification 1,202,387
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 1,125,240
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 1,181,150
Total Statutory 30,686
Total 3,695,385
Cumulative Total for 2019–20 3,774,385

Funding for the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking

This funding will be used to detect and prevent human smuggling, intercept victims and offenders, expand public awareness and support victims.

Supplementary Estimates (A), 2019–20
Canada Border Services Agency 698,561
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 765,185
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 456,925
Department of Public Works and Government Services 420,085
Total Statutory 422,150
Total 2,762,906
Supplementary Estimates (B), 2019–20

Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada

  • Operating expenditures to identify and analyze linkages between human trafficking and money laundering.
Total Statutory 16,734
Total 89,269
Cumulative Total for 2019–20 2,852,175

Funding for the 2019-2021 Immigration Levels Plan

The Plan, tabled in Parliament in 2018, increased annual target levels for admission of permanent residents. This funding will support processing and service delivery costs related to the increase in admissions.

Canada Border Services Agency

  • Operating expenditures for screening, identity verification, investigation, detention and removal activities.

Department of Citizenship and Immigration

  • Operating expenditures and contributions to process permanent resident applications, issue card renewals, and provide income and settlement support.
Total Statutory 108,224
Total 2,653,499

Funding for implementation of An Act to provide no-cost, expedited record suspensions for simple possession of cannabis

Beginning in August 2019, individuals with only a conviction for simple possession of cannabis have been able to apply for a record suspension without being subject to the normal wait period and without fees. This funding is for organizational needs due to the predicted increase in record suspension applications.

Parole Board of Canada

  • Operating expenditures to support the processing of additional record suspensions under the new process and to offset revenue loss due to lower than anticipated record suspension applications related to non-cannabis offences.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  • Operating expenditures to seal approved cases in the National Repository of Criminal Records.
Total Statutory 265,917
Total 1,664,797

Funding for the Genomics Research and Development Initiative

Genomics is the science that studies DNA sequences and molecular functions in living organisms. This funding allows departments to continue genomic research projects and to make project results available.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

  • Operating expenditures to develop genomics tools, technologies and knowledge which reduce risks to food safety, and plant and animal resources.

Department of the Environment

  • Operating expenditures to enhance genomics capacity and conduct research.
Total Statutory 30,900
Total 1,520,000

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2020,
ISBN: 1702-5141

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