Supplementary Estimates (B), 2022-23

In order to make expenditures, the government must receive Parliament’s approval, either through previously adopted legislation or, on an annual basis, through the introduction and passage of appropriation bills. Prior to the introduction of each appropriation bill, the President of the Treasury Board tables an Estimates publication (Main or Supplementary) in Parliament to provide information and details on spending authorities sought.

While the Main Estimates provide an overview of spending requirements for the upcoming fiscal year, Supplementary Estimates present information on additional spending requirements which were either not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates, or have subsequently been refined to account for developments in particular programs and services.

The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2022–23 is the second of three Supplementary Estimates planned for this fiscal year.

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In this section

The Supplementary Estimates (B), 2022–23 present a total of $25.8 billion in incremental budgetary spending, which reflects $20.8 billion to be voted and a $5.0 billion increase in forecast statutory expenditures.

Table 1. Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates, 2022–23 Estimates (dollars)
  Main Estimates Supplementary A Supplementary B Supplementary C Total
Voted 190,312,584,394 8,795,403,218 20,796,964,176 0 219,904,951,788
Statutory 207,262,949,827 859,623,605 4,985,356,119 0 213,107,929,551
Total Budgetary 397,575,534,221 9,655,026,823 25,782,320,295 0 433,012,881,339
Voted 227,703,003 0 0 0 227,703,003
Statutory 138,973,821 0 1,950,000,000 0 2,088,973,821
Total Non-Budgetary 366,676,824 0 1,950,000,000 0 2,316,676,824

If approved by Parliament, voted budgetary spending would increase by $20.8 billion (10.4%) to a total of $219.9 billion. The primary responsible organizations and objectives for new voted spending are:

  • the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to implement settlement agreements and provide compensation ($3.0 billion for out-of-court settlements, $677.6 million to replenish the Specific Claims Settlement Fund, $673.5 million for Treaty 8 land entitlement claims, $673.0 million for childhood claims);
  • the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Department of Indigenous Services to support COVID‑19 measures, both in Canada and abroad ($732.0 million to support public health measures in developing countries, $696.2 million for research and vaccine development, $455.5 million targeted to Indigenous communities, $400.0 million for border and travel measures and isolation sites);
  • the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to provide disaster financial assistance ($1.5 billion);
  • the Department of Citizenship and Immigration and partner organizations for immigration and settlement measures and supports ($658.5 million to resettle Afghan refugees, $182.4 million in measures for Ukrainians, $170.7 million to provide asylum seekers with temporary accommodations and support); and
  • the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to address urgent housing needs ($458.2 million for housing in Indigenous communities, $441.6 million for the Rapid Housing Initiative).

Reflecting these and other activities, 8 organizations are each seeking $500 million or more (excluding transfers) to support their priorities:

  • the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs ($6.3 billion);
  • the Department of Indigenous Services ($2.2 billion);
  • the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness ($1.7 billion);
  • the Treasury Board Secretariat ($1.4 billion);
  • the Public Health Agency of Canada ($1.4 billion);
  • the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development ($1.2 billion);
  • the Department of Citizenship and Immigration ($1.2 billion); and
  • the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation ($694.6 million).

Changes to forecasts of statutory spending are included in these Estimates to provide additional information on organizations’ total estimated expenditures. Statutory budgetary expenditures are forecast to rise $5.0 billion (2.4%) to a total of $213.1 billion. The increase is primarily due to:

  • $2.0 billion for a one-time top-up to the Canada Health Transfer;
  • $1.8 billion for COVID‑19 tests; and
  • $750.0 million in payments to provinces and territories for transit and housing.

These Estimates also include $1.95 billion in non-budgetary statutory expenditures for financial assistance to Ukraine.

Major Items

The following is a list of the major voted initiatives, which are included in these Supplementary Estimates to seek parliamentary approval.

Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs: $3.0 billion

Funding for out-of-court settlements

The federal government is committed to resolving legal challenges through respectful discussions and mediation. As such, it is in active discussions related to various legal challenges. This funding will ensure that the department is in a position to quickly implement negotiated settlements, should agreements be reached.

Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness: $1.5 billion

Funding for the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements

In the event of a large-scale natural disaster, the Government of Canada provides financial assistance to provincial and territorial governments. Federal funding is based on a cost-sharing formula, with a wide range of eligible expenses, including clean-up and repairs to public infrastructure, property of individuals, small businesses and farms. This funding will be used to assist British Columbia with its response and recovery costs from recent natural disasters: the 2020 flood and landslides as well as the 2021 fires, floods and landslides.

Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development: $732.0 million

Funding to support access by developing countries to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics to fight COVID‑19 (Budget 2022)

This funding will be used to procure and distribute COVID vaccines, diagnostic tests and therapeutics, as well as to build capacity in developing countries’ health systems. This funding will also support additional activities in targeted countries with low vaccination rates, including COVID vaccine delivery support, outreach and awareness campaigns to increase vaccine confidence, and vaccine production.

Public Health Agency of Canada: $696.2 million

Funding for medical research and vaccine developments

This funding is to support the continued development and acquisition of vaccine doses, including new formulations to provide the best protection against COVID‑19.

Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs: $677.6 million

Funding for replenishment of the Specific Claims Settlement Fund

Specific claims are grievances against the federal government regarding alleged failures to fulfill its historic treaty obligations or mismanagement of Indigenous lands and assets. Specific claims settlements and tribunal awards valued at up to $150 million are paid from the Specific Claims Settlement Fund. The fund is being replenished based on anticipated payments for negotiated settlements and tribunal awards.

Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs: $673.5 million

Funding for the settlement of the Blueberry River, Doig River, Halfway River and West Moberly First Nations’ Treaty 8 Land Entitlement specific claims

This funding is for compensation to First Nations for loss of use of lands which should have been provided under the treaty. The funding will also be used for costs of negotiation, ratification and addition of lands to reserves.

Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs: $673.0 million

Funding for childhood claims, abuse compensation and administration costs for the Federal Indian Day Schools and Sixties Scoop Settlement Agreements

Childhood claims refer to a broad category of past and ongoing legal actions against the Government of Canada seeking redress for harms Indigenous claimants experienced while children, including experiences relating to residential schools, boarding homes, Indian hospitals, adoption and foster care. The funding will be used to make compensation payments related to the Federal Indian Day School Settlement Agreement (McLean) and to cover the cost of the ongoing management of childhood claims, including payments for existing agreements.

Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada Border Services Agency, Public Health Agency of Canada and Department of Employment and Social Development: $658.5 million

Funding for the resettlement of Afghan refugees (Budget 2022)

This funding will be used to process new permanent resident admissions, deliver settlement services, support the resettlement of refugees, undertake security and enforcement activities, perform health screening and assessments and issue Social Insurance Numbers.

Treasury Board Secretariat: $536.5 million

Funding for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Life and Disability Insurance Plan

The RCMP Disability Insurance Plan provides long-term disability coverage to regular members, civilian members and employees hired under the Public Service Employment Act who are unable to perform their duties due to a disability. This amount includes a payment of $499 million to bring the plan out of deficit and replenish the reserve fund for anticipated claims, as well as funding to support increased employer-paid premium costs.

Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs: $458.2 million

Funding for self-governing and modern treaty First Nation, Inuit, and Métis housing (Budget 2022)

This funding will support site planning and preparation, new construction, major and minor repairs, land and lot development, operations and maintenance, capacity support, and other housing-related needs.

Department of Indigenous Services: $455.5 million

Funding to support COVID‑19 public health responses and the Indigenous Community Support Fund (Budget 2022)

This funding will support public health measures (such as vaccination and testing) in Indigenous communities and address emerging needs as a result of the COVID‑19 pandemic (e.g. perimeter and food security, mental health, elder and cultural supports). Funding will also be used to increase home care support services and to contract with agencies for nursing staff to address shortages in the short-term.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: $441.6 million

Funding for the Rapid Housing Initiative (Budget 2022)

This funding will help address the urgent housing needs of vulnerable Canadians, through the rapid construction of affordable housing. Planned expenditures include the acquisition of land, the construction of housing and the conversion/rehabilitation of existing buildings to affordable housing.

Treasury Board Secretariat: $415.0 million

Funding for the operating budget carry forward

This funding will be used to allow eligible organizations to carry forward unspent operating funds from 2021–22, up to the 5% limit.

Public Health Agency of Canada: $400.0 million

Funding for border and travel measures and isolation sites

This funding will be used for COVID‑19 testing of international travellers entering Canada, designated quarantine facilities for travellers, as well as continued oversight, development, implementation and monitoring of border measures.

Comparison of the Fall Economic Statement 2022 and Estimates

The following reconciliation is for the purpose of providing greater clarity on the relationship between the figures presented in the Fall Economic Statement 2022 and the 2022󈞃 Estimates and to allow for a more effective comparison and study of how the Estimates cash requirements are derived from the accrual-based budget plan.

Table 2. Comparison of the Fall Economic Statement 2022 and Estimates to date 2022–23
(billions of dollars)
Estimates to Date 2022–23 433.0
Of which:
Related to Budget 2022
Plus: Items not included in Estimates 57.1
Of which:
Employment Insurance benefits
Canada Child Benefit
Other Tax Credits and Repayments
Plus: Netted Revenue 13.5
Less: Accrual and other (31.1)
Fall Economic Statement 2022 (Projected Total Expenses for 2022-23) 472.5

Items not included in the Estimates

The Fall Economic Statement forecast covers the complete scope of the Government’s fiscal framework, including revenues, program and tax expenditures, statutory expenditures such as Employment Insurance benefits, and provision for future obligations such as public service pensions. The scope of the Estimates is narrower than the Fall Economic Statement forecast. The main purpose of the Estimates is to support Parliament’s consideration of the appropriation bills, which are the legal instruments for authorizing certain payments.

The Estimates are therefore focused on the government’s cash needs which require parliamentary appropriations and exclude certain items reported in the Fall Economic Statement. Costs related to children’s benefits and Employment Insurance benefits are the largest components of the items excluded from the Estimates.

The Canada Child Benefit is legislated through the Income Tax Act and is considered an expenditure for government financial reporting purposes. Parliament does not authorize annual spending for this item or for any other tax expenditure or refundable tax credit.

Most Employment Insurance costs are paid directly out of the Employment Insurance Operating Account, rather than a departmental appropriation, and are therefore not included in the Estimates.

Netted revenues

Certain expenditures are funded through departmental revenues. Accrual expenses in the Fall Economic Statement are on a ‘gross’ basis, meaning the revenues are included in the accrual-based revenue forecast, while they are netted against expenditures in the Estimates.

Accrual and other

The Fall Economic Statement is presented on a full accrual basis whereas the Estimates are presented on a modified cash basis. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes income when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred, whereas cash accounting recognizes them when the cash or its equivalent has been paid. As a result, certain items will be reported differently between the two publications, for example legal settlements and capital projects. This category also includes costs related to consolidated Crown corporations that are funded from their own revenues, as well as adjustments for items that have been approved and earmarked in the fiscal framework (at the time of the Fall Economic Statement and since then).

Additional and Technical Information

Structural Changes and Changes to Voted Authorities

The following new or amended authorities are sought through the appropriation act for these Estimates:

  • the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development is amending Vote 20 to increase the maximum amount payable to international financial institutions and is adding Vote 35 to write off debts relating to posting loans and security deposits; and
  • the Treasury Board Secretariat is adding Vote 15 for compensation adjustments.

Appropriation Acts in 2022–23

The following acts have provided supply for appropriation-dependent organizations:

  • Appropriation Act No. 1, 2022–23 provided interim supply of $75,483,404,546 to cover requirements for the first three months of the fiscal year;
  • Appropriation Act No. 2, 2022–23 provided the remaining supply of $115,056,882,851 for the 2022–23 Main Estimates; and
  • Appropriation Act No. 3, 2022–23 provided supply of $8,795,403,218 for the spending requirements presented in Supplementary Estimates (A), 2021–22.

In December 2022, the President of the Treasury Board will introduce a bill to provide supply for the spending requirements presented in these Supplementary Estimates (B), 2022–23.

Tabled and Online Information

For this exercise, the President of the Treasury Board tables a document in Parliament that includes:

  • highlights of incremental financial requirements and major funding requests;
  • a comparison of the Fall Economic Statement to planned expenditures in the 2022–23 Estimates;
  • an overview of structural changes and new authority requirements;
  • a summary of appropriation acts for the current fiscal year;
  • funding details by organization; and
  • a proposed schedule to the appropriation bill to be approved by Parliament.

In addition to the tabled document, the following supplemental information is also available online:

  • a detailed listing of statutory expenditures reported through the Estimates;
  • a complete breakdown of planned expenditures by standard object, such as personnel, professional services and transfer payments;
  • planned expenditures by purpose in accordance with each organization’s Departmental Reporting Framework;
  • a listing of horizontal items presenting funding requirements; and
  • allocations from Treasury Board Central Votes.

Estimates by Organization

128 organizations are represented in the 2022–23 Estimates. Of these, 89 organizations are included in these Supplementary Estimates: 2 for information only and 87 for consideration by Parliament.

Table 3. Estimates by Organization (dollars)
Department, Agency or Crown corporation 2020–21 Expenditures 2021–22 Estimates to date Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 68,149,589 74,580,873 80,822,089 0 80,822,089
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 575,045,616 455,591,783 439,761,553 24,300,000 464,061,553
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 940,740,678 1,228,304,417 1,174,652,615 151,921,268 1,326,573,883
Canada Border Services Agency 2,167,437,848 2,258,213,387 2,523,152,163 240,068,729 2,763,220,892
Canada Council for the Arts 428,631,145 510,389,080 414,189,080 9,200,000 423,389,080
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 2,876,263,646 5,144,252,458 3,594,548,808 693,431,621 4,287,980,429
Canada Post Corporation 22,209,960 22,210,000 22,210,000 0 22,210,000
Canada Revenue Agency 9,983,997,939 11,340,456,515 13,228,745,690 230,147,487 13,458,893,177
Canada School of Public Service 82,282,833 78,546,225 81,451,242 16,100 81,467,342
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization 14,604,139 20,065,557 21,414,288 0 21,414,288
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 686,325,308 859,539,905 897,220,739 25,468,387 922,689,126
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,366,915,479 1,250,423,241 1,266,123,241 21,000,000 1,287,123,241
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 11,705,653 15,511,637 11,540,881 0 11,540,881
Canadian Commercial Corporation 0 0 13,000,000 0 13,000,000
Canadian Dairy Commission 4,576,877 4,094,435 4,153,333 0 4,153,333
Canadian Energy Regulator 99,832,928 108,293,192 102,143,248 3,625,003 105,768,251
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 809,563,619 841,330,587 864,413,152 19,516,795 883,929,947
Canadian Grain Commission (11,845,907) 6,769,580 13,416,140 0 13,416,140
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 22,275,271 32,217,110 33,464,390 3,000,000 36,464,390
Canadian Human Rights Commission 30,999,159 38,609,933 41,331,987 898,286 42,230,273
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 1,503,461,560 1,390,047,422 1,245,628,251 106,080,641 1,351,708,892
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 4,665,243 6,030,478 6,336,478 0 6,336,478
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 29,187,388 29,336,716 25,436,716 5,300,000 30,736,716
Canadian Museum of History 81,526,259 84,580,111 73,223,111 4,056,000 77,279,111
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 10,606,268 9,546,694 8,111,694 845,000 8,956,694
Canadian Museum of Nature 34,903,027 35,687,206 27,655,236 5,142,000 32,797,236
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 101,219,284 91,250,845 101,221,879 7,404,287 108,626,166
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 139,527,021 143,850,667 145,647,719 4,804,582 150,452,301
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 0 6,180,001 5,000,000 115,542 5,115,542
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 39,335,110 17,947,335 20,208,809 3,941,248 24,150,057
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 676,899,701 629,442,558 677,806,209 1,303,451 679,109,660
Canadian Space Agency 330,409,653 453,869,186 599,527,832 12,156,947 611,684,779
Canadian Tourism Commission 95,665,913 121,159,703 156,159,703 0 156,159,703
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 36,373,762 35,534,869 37,261,361 0 37,261,361
Canadian Transportation Agency 41,397,229 43,914,654 42,631,965 0 42,631,965
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 11,416,237 10,425,537 10,492,784 2,337,748 12,830,532
Communications Security Establishment 779,685,543 796,790,141 829,466,889 100,510,616 929,977,505
Copyright Board 3,902,388 4,279,807 4,486,621 0 4,486,621
Correctional Service of Canada 2,931,216,086 3,043,758,610 3,205,283,376 113,938,136 3,319,221,512
Courts Administration Service 104,702,994 107,558,215 103,309,900 4,014,074 107,323,974
Department for Women and Gender Equality 219,463,386 236,507,753 312,297,734 14,417,111 326,714,845
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 3,037,615,395 3,907,384,340 3,336,219,448 258,496,247 3,594,715,695
Department of Canadian Heritage 1,961,542,247 2,229,421,812 2,204,684,083 170,446,002 2,375,130,085
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 3,159,572,050 3,802,391,522 4,480,880,449 1,203,294,127 5,684,174,576
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 5,391,042,033 7,046,265,332 7,350,933,090 6,348,873,229 13,699,806,319
Department of Employment and Social Development 162,637,306,616 101,338,951,419 87,317,454,966 411,389,407 87,728,844,373
Department of Finance 117,660,227,875 110,744,456,804 112,115,858,577 2,752,380,642 114,868,239,219
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 3,346,987,381 4,828,551,810 4,291,576,758 453,280,095 4,744,856,853
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 9,341,706,896 8,329,830,320 7,586,348,598 1,311,435,245 8,897,783,843
Department of Health 3,116,652,943 8,513,035,907 3,967,836,351 1,940,910,869 5,908,747,220
Department of Indigenous Services 16,353,245,516 21,767,441,835 41,850,373,030 2,213,278,361 44,063,651,391
Department of Industry 2,853,177,513 4,922,401,445 5,821,666,273 61,563,619 5,883,229,892
Department of Justice 832,853,145 905,885,104 949,801,705 47,138,335 996,940,040
Department of National Defence 26,827,037,837 25,737,937,313 26,972,186,470 196,894,530 27,169,081,000
Department of Natural Resources 1,401,833,512 2,813,495,928 3,650,892,064 315,886,018 3,966,778,082
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 777,373,633 1,180,243,242 1,715,899,354 1,597,848,840 3,313,748,194
Department of Public Works and Government Services 4,446,870,947 5,311,050,960 4,697,627,101 192,226,799 4,889,853,900
Department of the Environment 1,746,786,588 1,982,491,793 2,040,737,846 189,735,378 2,230,473,224
Department of Transport 1,897,164,688 2,623,253,597 3,298,742,892 118,184,432 3,416,927,324
Department of Veterans Affairs 4,836,633,503 6,318,730,513 5,524,467,632 78,029,166 5,602,496,798
Department of Western Economic Diversification 907,497,946 654,740,800 425,668,271 136,369,462 562,037,733
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 550,375,899 548,599,111 587,767,793 126,482,591 714,250,384
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario 0 22,047,446 124,153,391 9,465,952 133,619,343
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 692,746,495 426,117,490 702,054,682 1,200,000 703,254,682
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 61,710,954 87,515,017 77,076,436 20,056,799 97,133,235
House of Commons 610,110,361 561,408,931 562,974,268 18,407,187 581,381,455
Immigration and Refugee Board 244,758,989 284,681,311 292,141,181 2,029,351 294,170,532
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 76,883,489 79,887,937 82,749,346 1,000,000 83,749,346
International Development Research Centre 145,652,683 155,251,325 153,701,325 2,384,203 156,085,528
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) 8,975,239 12,194,293 9,308,650 760,123 10,068,773
Invest in Canada Hub 29,622,107 34,271,556 35,325,134 (16,100) 35,309,034
Law Commission of Canada 0 0 4,675,069 0 4,675,069
Leaders’ Debates Commission 330,748 5,466,477 688,970 0 688,970
Library and Archives of Canada 130,379,206 155,678,293 231,216,911 17,807,544 249,024,455
Library of Parliament 48,475,342 54,446,785 55,835,039 0 55,835,039
Marine Atlantic Inc. 140,567,000 149,875,667 153,830,379 4,690,390 158,520,769
Military Grievances External Review Committee 7,195,220 6,985,084 7,312,378 0 7,312,378
Military Police Complaints Commission 4,946,675 4,852,883 5,105,478 0 5,105,478
National Arts Centre Corporation 59,238,129 59,920,409 44,294,459 19,890,000 64,184,459
National Capital Commission 153,713,387 187,981,730 154,216,469 36,929,660 191,146,129
National Film Board 71,749,922 70,644,492 68,048,623 5,298,000 73,346,623
National Gallery of Canada 54,490,639 51,956,671 45,756,671 4,500,000 50,256,671
National Museum of Science and Technology 38,544,965 43,117,196 31,514,196 8,050,000 39,564,196
National Research Council of Canada 1,648,655,313 1,616,242,939 1,483,176,717 57,074,128 1,540,250,845
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat 12,251,375 31,394,919 29,659,489 (12,900) 29,646,589
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 1,488,475,254 1,416,949,031 1,357,966,273 4,873,118 1,362,839,391
Northern Pipeline Agency 236,169 571,820 572,250 0 572,250
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 5,492,387,892 10,440,871,614 9,366,217,498 5,562,657 9,371,780,155
Office of the Auditor General 100,128,705 118,856,715 124,183,679 0 124,183,679
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 208,830,161 172,866,204 205,956,981 0 205,956,981
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 627,116,632 685,870,730 711,689,166 0 711,689,166
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 4,888,378 5,219,899 5,498,601 175,000 5,673,601
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 22,663,084 22,206,232 22,840,367 0 22,840,367
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 7,061,080 7,670,110 8,143,039 0 8,143,039
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada 5,827,476 5,468,720 5,722,258 0 5,722,258
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 192,472,505 208,891,606 222,502,023 7,119,206 229,621,229
Office of the Governor General’s Secretary 24,677,175 23,686,460 24,868,517 0 24,868,517
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner 2,165,847 2,533,375 2,654,039 0 2,654,039
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer 6,096,099 7,246,196 7,401,122 0 7,401,122
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 5,391,658 5,665,323 5,929,985 0 5,929,985
Office of the Senate Ethics Officer 961,777 1,352,901 1,408,848 0 1,408,848
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 199,627,403 200,750,762 220,521,651 0 220,521,651
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 47,944,224 48,389,857 46,982,430 277,619 47,260,049
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada 0 154,657,784 256,195,550 85,535,883 341,731,433
Parks Canada Agency 1,305,569,917 1,320,694,011 1,129,172,340 75,075,559 1,204,247,899
Parliamentary Protective Service 73,786,578 90,753,007 100,749,866 0 100,749,866
Parole Board of Canada 57,744,963 62,540,992 68,244,353 3,975,000 72,219,353
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 15,259,083 18,892,322 17,568,337 0 17,568,337
Privy Council Office 202,293,324 209,381,653 228,037,991 11,888,865 239,926,856
Public Health Agency of Canada 8,757,759,632 16,736,186,393 10,263,630,571 1,360,345,411 11,623,975,982
Public Service Commission 93,561,358 91,848,552 97,235,556 0 97,235,556
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 39,232,191 39,635,739 40,925,143 3,880,150 44,805,293
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 3,827,365,703 4,099,390,480 4,393,427,250 386,055,265 4,779,482,515
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 3,185,516 6,432,998 6,442,098 0 6,442,098
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians 2,431,245 3,648,039 3,821,756 0 3,821,756
Senate 117,199,504 115,563,738 121,821,702 0 121,821,702
Shared Services Canada 2,312,197,273 2,200,841,666 2,881,052,871 8,499,533 2,889,552,404
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 1,419,118,607 1,012,527,351 1,074,875,948 28,074,228 1,102,950,176
Standards Council of Canada 18,575,862 18,661,250 15,647,708 314,358 15,962,066
Statistics Canada 621,318,868 893,545,058 625,586,459 18,420,319 644,006,778
Telefilm Canada 132,308,241 295,355,601 301,908,479 9,200,000 311,108,479
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 6,061,390 18,497,000 5,303,000 0 5,303,000
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 232,073,141 324,803,854 280,004,519 0 280,004,519
The National Battlefields Commission 9,416,161 15,076,719 12,192,219 3,907,300 16,099,519
Treasury Board Secretariat 3,230,779,736 9,663,816,793 4,989,926,068 1,371,210,940 6,361,137,008
Veterans Review and Appeal Board 10,505,680 11,215,236 11,695,807 0 11,695,807
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 651,558,580 900,018,544 980,546,235 110,647,500 1,091,193,735
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 440,674,062 971,574,541 961,830,406 144,663,594 1,106,494,000
Total Budgetary 436,696,706,367 413,846,225,057 408,216,287,877 25,782,320,295 433,998,608,172
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (170,911,067) 3,209,467,541 (164,412,879) 0 (164,412,879)
Canadian Dairy Commission (21,366,517) 0 0 0 0
Correctional Service of Canada (33) 0 0 0 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 25,288,431 0 0 0 0
Department of Citizenship and Immigration (11,405,611) 0 0 0 0
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 18,572,316 25,903,000 25,903,000 0 25,903,000
Department of Employment and Social Development 1,401,936,776 237,433,472 (205,643,530) 0 (205,643,530)
Department of Finance 46,682,276,764 3,305,109,002 361,709,001 1,950,000,000 2,311,709,001
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 38,363,238 301,602,233 348,321,231 0 348,321,231
Department of Industry 7,503,000,000 800,000 800,000 0 800,000
Department of National Defence (2,736,588) 0 0 0 0
Department of Public Works and Government Services (5,198,509) 0 1 0 1
Total Non-budgetary 55,457,819,200 7,080,315,248 366,676,824 1,950,000,000 2,316,676,824

Note: The Estimates by Organization table includes two-year appropriations of $178,489,543 for the Canada Border Services Agency and $713,962,209 for the Canada Revenue Agency under Authorities To Date and Proposed Authorities. These two agencies have the authority to carry forward funds approved in 2021–22 to 2022–23. Other differences between the two charts relate to adjustments to estimated statutory expenditures for employee benefit plans.

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