Expenditures by Purpose for Supplementary Estimates (C), 2022-23

Table 1. Expenditures by Purpose - Budgetary
  Estimates to Date Operating Capital Transfer Payments Revenues and other reductions Total Revised Estimates
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

Support services and facilities to federal administrative tribunals and its members

53,244,672 1,515,123 0 0 (1,515,123) 0 53,244,672

Internal Services

23,227,436 167,786 0 0 (167,786) 0 23,227,436
Total 76,472,108 1,682,909 0 0 (1,682,909) 0 76,472,108
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Economic Development in Atlantic Canada

433,089,581 0 0 500,000 0 500,000 433,589,581
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 27,714,064 0 0 0 0 0 27,714,064
Total 460,803,645 0 0 500,000 0 500,000 461,303,645
Canada Border Services Agency

Border Management

1,785,229,435 26,781,138 1,328,960 0 0 28,110,098 1,813,339,533

Border Enforcement

322,277,499 22,201,635 0 0 0 22,201,635 344,479,134

Internal Services

476,647,703 2,919,401 0 0 0 2,919,401 479,567,104
Total 2,584,154,637 51,902,174 1,328,960 0 0 53,231,134 2,637,385,771
Canada Council for the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts

423,389,080 (66,700) 0 0 0 (66,700) 423,322,380
Total 423,389,080 (66,700) 0 0 0 (66,700) 423,322,380
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Assistance for housing needs

2,868,539,741 1,105,500,000 0 0 0 1,105,500,000 3,974,039,741

Financing for housing

1,212,071,726 9,300,000 0 0 0 9,300,000 1,221,371,726

Housing expertise and capacity development

207,368,962 3,817,245 0 0 0 3,817,245 211,186,207
Total 4,287,980,429 1,118,617,245 0 0 0 1,118,617,245 5,406,597,674
Canada Revenue Agency


3,973,611,791 241,092,407 0 0 0 241,092,407 4,214,704,198


7,710,263,257 31,601,142 0 (498,000,000) 0 (466,398,858) 7,243,864,399

Internal Services

1,050,703,061 135,792,666 0 0 0 135,792,666 1,186,495,727
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 4,424,229 0 0 0 0 0 4,424,229
Total 12,739,002,338 408,486,215 0 (498,000,000) 0 (89,513,785) 12,649,488,553
Canada School of Public Service

Common Public Service Learning

59,046,398 98,284 0 0 0 98,284 59,144,682

Internal Services

19,682,133 32,761 0 0 0 32,761 19,714,894
Total 78,728,531 131,045 0 0 0 131,045 78,859,576
Canadian Energy Regulator

Energy Adjudication

19,052,559 2,833,139 0 0 0 2,833,139 21,885,698

Energy Information

7,485,862 1,352,498 0 0 0 1,352,498 8,838,360


9,950,480 503,888 0 0 0 503,888 10,454,368

Safety and Environment Oversight

25,496,810 416,085 0 0 0 416,085 25,912,895

Internal Services

41,906,351 5,854,744 0 0 0 5,854,744 47,761,095
Total 103,892,062 10,960,354 0 0 0 10,960,354 114,852,416
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Safe food and healthy plants and animals

683,776,215 26,414,328 0 236,221 0 26,650,549 710,426,764

Internal Services

173,557,269 5,243,774 0 0 0 5,243,774 178,801,043
Total 857,333,484 31,658,102 0 236,221 0 31,894,323 889,227,807
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Funding Health Research and Training

1,312,612,130 128,346 0 10,331,131 0 10,459,477 1,323,071,607

Internal Services

35,953,163 147,257 0 0 0 147,257 36,100,420
Total 1,348,565,293 275,603 0 10,331,131 0 10,606,734 1,359,172,027
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Nuclear Regulation

100,954,898 636,941 0 2,940,000 0 3,576,941 104,531,839

Internal Services

47,531,837 153,115 0 0 0 153,115 47,684,952
Total 148,486,735 790,056 0 2,940,000 0 3,730,056 152,216,791
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Regulate and Supervise the Communications System

15,993,055 1,269,631 0 0 (1,269,631) 0 15,993,055

Internal Services

5,083,443 340,678 0 0 (340,678) 0 5,083,443
Total 21,076,498 1,610,309 0 0 (1,610,309) 0 21,076,498
Canadian Security Intelligence Service

Security and Intelligence

649,461,036 7,157,799 0 0 0 7,157,799 656,618,835
Total 649,461,036 7,157,799 0 0 0 7,157,799 656,618,835
Canadian Tourism Commission

Canadian Tourism Commission

156,159,703 (29,440) 0 0 0 (29,440) 156,130,263
Total 156,159,703 (29,440) 0 0 0 (29,440) 156,130,263
Communications Security Establishment

Defend and advance Canada’s interests and values in and through cyberspace, and through foreign intelligence

899,017,088 14,405,266 0 0 0 14,405,266 913,422,354
Total 899,017,088 14,405,266 0 0 0 14,405,266 913,422,354
Correctional Service of Canada

Correctional Interventions

487,003,244 4,618,534 (4,618,534) 0 0 0 487,003,244
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 2,677,662,354 0 0 0 0 0 2,677,662,354
Total 3,164,665,598 4,618,534 (4,618,534) 0 0 0 3,164,665,598
Courts Administration Service

Administration Services for the Federal Courts

74,252,427 2,392,300 0 0 0 2,392,300 76,644,727

Internal Services

29,068,639 663,500 0 0 0 663,500 29,732,139
Total 103,321,066 3,055,800 0 0 0 3,055,800 106,376,866
Department for Women and Gender Equality

Advancing Gender Equality

306,115,145 450,808 0 0 0 450,808 306,565,953

Internal Services

18,615,318 78,954 0 0 0 78,954 18,694,272
Total 324,730,463 529,762 0 0 0 529,762 325,260,225
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Science and Innovation

777,539,109 0 5,500,000 4,224,660 0 9,724,660 787,263,769

Domestic and International Markets

890,827,438 0 0 275,340 0 275,340 891,102,778

Sector Risk

1,723,921,942 (4,487,586) 0 3,500,000 0 (987,586) 1,722,934,356

Internal Services

169,546,973 (1,905,951) 2,000,000 0 0 94,049 169,641,022
Total 3,561,835,462 (6,393,537) 7,500,000 8,000,000 0 9,106,463 3,570,941,925
Department of Canadian Heritage

Heritage and Celebration

206,225,235 21,285,522 0 4,310,000 0 25,595,522 231,820,757

Diversity and Inclusion

279,997,630 3,272,904 0 1,500,000 0 4,772,904 284,770,534

Creativity, Arts and Culture

769,355,637 750,000 0 4,000,000 (750,000) 4,000,000 773,355,637


340,534,029 938,905 0 0 0 938,905 341,472,934

Internal Services

91,833,416 579,892 0 0 0 579,892 92,413,308
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 666,864,844 0 0 0 0 0 666,864,844
Total 2,354,810,791 26,827,223 0 9,810,000 (750,000) 35,887,223 2,390,698,014
Department of Citizenship and Immigration

Immigrant and Refugee Selection and Integration

4,393,997,156 104,142,176 0 199,873,991 0 304,016,167 4,698,013,323

Visitors, International Students and Temporary Workers

462,709,273 3,080,697 0 0 0 3,080,697 465,789,970

Citizenship and Passports

200,464,299 1,684,406 0 0 0 1,684,406 202,148,705

Internal Services

505,273,068 8,220,211 1,955,712 0 0 10,175,923 515,448,991
Total 5,562,443,796 117,127,490 1,955,712 199,873,991 0 318,957,193 5,881,400,989
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs

Crown-Indigenous Relations

12,653,434,530 21,485,667 0 52,405,689 0 73,891,356 12,727,325,886

Northern Affairs

861,809,860 1,187,593 3,773,662 21,850,000 0 26,811,255 888,621,115

Internal Services

128,867,424 16,851,758 0 0 0 16,851,758 145,719,182
Total 13,644,111,814 39,525,018 3,773,662 74,255,689 0 117,554,369 13,761,666,183
Department of Employment and Social Development

Pensions and Benefits

69,871,152,736 62,919,912 0 1,226,053,145 (26,707,054) 1,262,266,003 71,133,418,739

Learning, Skills Development and Employment

10,413,034,085 460,415,354 0 (199,582,050) (90,656,413) 170,176,891 10,583,210,976

Social Development

6,466,655,559 (793,832) 0 24,398,332 0 23,604,500 6,490,260,059

Working Conditions and Workplace Relations

183,478,689 900,000 0 0 (900,000) 0 183,478,689

Internal Services

381,534,959 98,035,169 0 0 (75,533,817) 22,501,352 404,036,311
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 273,549,720 0 0 0 0 0 273,549,720
Total 87,589,405,748 621,476,603 0 1,050,869,427 (193,797,284) 1,478,548,746 89,067,954,494
Department of Finance

Economic and Fiscal Policy

114,811,992,774 4,144,885,248 0 (847,620,970) 0 3,297,264,278 118,109,257,052

Internal Services

50,785,671 21,902 0 0 0 21,902 50,807,573
Total 114,862,778,445 4,144,907,150 0 (847,620,970) 0 3,297,286,180 118,160,064,625
Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Marine Operations and Response

1,444,093,314 55,534,920 0 0 0 55,534,920 1,499,628,234

Aquatic Ecosystems

460,280,145 11,477,308 146,000 154,082 0 11,777,390 472,057,535


1,587,793,865 7,196,306 0 2,340,400 0 9,536,706 1,597,330,571

Marine Navigation

360,386,036 2,321,260 0 0 0 2,321,260 362,707,296

Internal Services

587,595,120 25,065,725 0 0 0 25,065,725 612,660,845
Total 4,440,148,480 101,595,519 146,000 2,494,482 0 104,236,001 4,544,384,481
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Development, Peace and Security Programming

5,917,348,946 5,491,567 0 520,876,740 0 526,368,307 6,443,717,253

International Advocacy and Diplomacy

911,802,846 12,431,517 0 6,837,717 0 19,269,234 931,072,080

Support for Canada’s Presence Abroad

1,222,675,365 11,171,518 0 0 0 11,171,518 1,233,846,883

Trade and Investment

387,492,700 (211,019) 0 7,312,391 0 7,101,372 394,594,072

Help for Canadians Abroad

64,930,256 6,075,534 672,390 0 0 6,747,924 71,678,180

Internal Services

276,244,738 3,402,148 9,093,106 0 0 12,495,254 288,739,992
Total 8,780,494,851 38,361,265 9,765,496 535,026,848 0 583,153,609 9,363,648,460
Department of Health

Health Care Systems

4,745,080,113 353,616,348 0 1,154,000 0 354,770,348 5,099,850,461

Health Protection and Promotion

808,819,952 132,386,923 2,396,452 0 0 134,783,375 943,603,327

Internal Services

285,012,695 13,915,463 0 0 0 13,915,463 298,928,158
Total 5,838,912,760 499,918,734 2,396,452 1,154,000 0 503,469,186 6,342,381,946
Department of Indigenous Services

Health and Social Services

31,523,225,162 72,560,117 0 431,200,202 0 503,760,319 32,026,985,481

Governance and Community Development Services

7,412,019,726 2,682,952 0 280,540,000 0 283,222,952 7,695,242,678

Indigenous Self-Determined Services

2,236,436,061 0 0 (15,000,000) 0 (15,000,000) 2,221,436,061

Internal Services

241,540,388 3,112,149 2,236,031 0 0 5,348,180 246,888,568
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 2,608,566,229 0 0 0 0 0 2,608,566,229
Total 44,021,787,566 78,355,218 2,236,031 696,740,202 0 777,331,451 44,799,119,017
Department of Industry

Companies, Investment and Growth

3,146,177,725 15,393,096 (400,000) 3,432,000 0 18,425,096 3,164,602,821

Science, Technology, Research and Commercialization

1,117,545,750 0 0 5,468,000 0 5,468,000 1,123,013,750

Internal Services

185,179,343 (377,149) 0 0 0 (377,149) 184,802,194
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 1,397,175,815 0 0 0 0 0 1,397,175,815
Total 5,846,078,633 15,015,947 (400,000) 8,900,000 0 23,515,947 5,869,594,580
Department of Justice

Legal Services

218,974,651 2,543,839 0 0 0 2,543,839 221,518,490

Justice System Support

668,435,285 2,357,076 0 0 0 2,357,076 670,792,361

Internal Services

81,485,474 739,927 0 0 0 739,927 82,225,401
Total 968,895,410 5,640,842 0 0 0 5,640,842 974,536,252
Department of National Defence


1,290,283,617 503,942,257 8,117,493 261,854,000 0 773,913,750 2,064,197,367

Procurement of Capabilities

4,797,594,007 93,622,061 (25,928,000) 0 0 67,694,061 4,865,288,068

Future Force Design

817,949,191 42,919,058 2,688,719 0 0 45,607,777 863,556,968

Defence Team

3,738,773,999 29,623,493 323,918 0 0 29,947,411 3,768,721,410

Ready Forces

10,454,182,235 17,206,863 0 0 0 17,206,863 10,471,389,098

Sustainable Bases, Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure

4,120,934,626 (614,062) 0 0 0 (614,062) 4,120,320,564

Internal Services

1,427,524,411 (387,371) 0 0 0 (387,371) 1,427,137,040
Total 26,647,242,086 686,312,299 (14,797,870) 261,854,000 0 933,368,429 27,580,610,515
Department of Natural Resources

Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development

2,366,072,613 10,668,022 250,000 212,416 0 11,130,438 2,377,203,051

Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors

849,389,106 (483,433) 0 3,420,927 0 2,937,494 852,326,600

Natural Resource Science and Risk Mitigation

528,437,401 1,342,019 0 500,000 0 1,842,019 530,279,420

Internal Services

181,340,035 1,399,161 0 0 0 1,399,161 182,739,196
Total 3,925,239,155 12,925,769 250,000 4,133,343 0 17,309,112 3,942,548,267
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Community Safety

604,454,026 8,251,698 0 103,700,000 0 111,951,698 716,405,724

Emergency Management

2,600,350,057 4,671,235 0 27,528,841 0 32,200,076 2,632,550,133

National Security

26,345,147 571,515 0 0 0 571,515 26,916,662

Internal Services

73,810,246 2,428,662 0 0 0 2,428,662 76,238,908
Total 3,304,959,476 15,923,110 0 131,228,841 0 147,151,951 3,452,111,427
Department of Public Works and Government Services

Property and Infrastructure

3,446,996,136 8,533,359 0 0 (159,173) 8,374,186 3,455,370,322

Government-Wide Support

164,921,320 2,658,168 0 0 0 2,658,168 167,579,488

Payments and Accounting

568,126,724 8,703,012 0 0 (8,703,012) 0 568,126,724

Internal Services

309,013,466 445,856 0 0 0 445,856 309,459,322
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 342,782,300 0 0 0 0 0 342,782,300
Total 4,831,839,946 20,340,395 0 0 (8,862,185) 11,478,210 4,843,318,156
Department of the Environment

Taking Action on Clean Growth and Climate Change

593,889,704 1,260,293 0 11,350,000 0 12,610,293 606,499,997

Conserving Nature

652,169,058 (1,797,227) 0 5,000,000 0 3,202,773 655,371,831

Preventing and Managing Pollution

403,883,926 (5,177,062) 0 5,000,000 0 (177,062) 403,706,864

Internal Services

226,134,253 140,406 0 0 0 140,406 226,274,659
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 281,875,508 0 0 0 0 0 281,875,508
Total 2,157,952,449 (5,573,590) 0 21,350,000 0 15,776,410 2,173,728,859
Department of Transport

Efficient Transportation System

1,917,777,390 3,082,241 26,737,963 7,186,536 0 37,006,740 1,954,784,130

Safe and Secure Transportation System

461,693,098 12,669,990 0 12,000,000 0 24,669,990 486,363,088

Green and Innovative Transportation System

741,751,538 (12,803,265) 0 20,120,000 0 7,316,735 749,068,273

Internal Services

219,003,812 8,207,293 0 0 0 8,207,293 227,211,105
Total 3,340,225,838 11,156,259 26,737,963 39,306,536 0 77,200,758 3,417,426,596
Department of Veterans Affairs

Benefits, Services and Support

5,413,566,412 (43,456,000) 0 135,472,000 0 92,016,000 5,505,582,412


45,048,457 226,500 0 4,400,000 0 4,626,500 49,674,957

Internal Services

122,393,436 861,151 0 0 0 861,151 123,254,587
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 4,481,326 0 0 0 0 0 4,481,326
Total 5,585,489,631 (42,368,349) 0 139,872,000 0 97,503,651 5,682,993,282
Department of Western Economic Diversification

Economic Development in the Prairies

544,813,402 1,907,645 0 21,661,000 0 23,568,645 568,382,047
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 15,024,743 0 0 0 0 0 15,024,743
Total 559,838,145 1,907,645 0 21,661,000 0 23,568,645 583,406,790
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario

Economic Development Agency in Northern Ontario

127,956,225 (2,500,000) 0 5,000,000 0 2,500,000 130,456,225
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 5,332,625 0 0 0 0 0 5,332,625
Total 133,288,850 (2,500,000) 0 5,000,000 0 2,500,000 135,788,850
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Internal Services

16,184,386 994,868 0 0 0 994,868 17,179,254
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 685,602,210 0 0 0 0 0 685,602,210
Total 701,786,596 994,868 0 0 0 994,868 702,781,464
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation

Fresh Water Fish Marketing

0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Total 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

Impact Assessment

70,989,289 (405,000) 0 (5,150,000) 0 (5,555,000) 65,434,289
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 10,080,828 0 0 0 0 0 10,080,828
Total 81,070,117 (405,000) 0 (5,150,000) 0 (5,555,000) 75,515,117
International Development Research Centre

International Development Research Centre

156,085,528 2,845,200 0 0 0 2,845,200 158,930,728
Total 156,085,528 2,845,200 0 0 0 2,845,200 158,930,728
Library and Archives of Canada

Providing access to documentary heritage

84,621,603 (5,400,000) 5,400,000 0 0 0 84,621,603
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 155,508,965 0 0 0 0 0 155,508,965
Total 240,130,568 (5,400,000) 5,400,000 0 0 0 240,130,568
National Arts Centre Corporation

National Arts Centre Corporation

64,184,459 1,926,860 0 0 0 1,926,860 66,111,319
Total 64,184,459 1,926,860 0 0 0 1,926,860 66,111,319
National Museum of Science and Technology

National Museum of Science and Technology

39,564,196 (49,565) 0 0 0 (49,565) 39,514,631
Total 39,564,196 (49,565) 0 0 0 (49,565) 39,514,631
National Research Council of Canada

Science and Innovation

1,347,812,676 31,049,489 25,400,000 (3,845,237) 0 52,604,252 1,400,416,928

Internal Services

146,649,676 8,460,536 0 0 0 8,460,536 155,110,212
Total 1,494,462,352 39,510,025 25,400,000 (3,845,237) 0 61,064,788 1,555,527,140
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Funding Natural Sciences and Engineering Research and Training

1,339,600,876 974,042 0 20,755,225 0 21,729,267 1,361,330,143
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 21,349,619 0 0 0 0 0 21,349,619
Total 1,360,950,495 974,042 0 20,755,225 0 21,729,267 1,382,679,762
Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Public Infrastructure and Communities Investment Oversight and Delivery

9,205,140,660 943,702 0 7,279,352 0 8,223,054 9,213,363,714

Public Infrastructure and Communities Investments

36,927,897 (510,000) 0 0 0 (510,000) 36,417,897
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 113,367,812 0 0 0 0 0 113,367,812
Total 9,355,436,369 433,702 0 7,279,352 0 7,713,054 9,363,149,423
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada

Economic Development in British Columbia

106,704,463 2,201,391 0 19,305,223 0 21,506,614 128,211,077

Internal Services

233,842,682 453,649 0 0 0 453,649 234,296,331
Total 340,547,145 2,655,040 0 19,305,223 0 21,960,263 362,507,408
Parks Canada Agency

Protecting and Presenting Canada’s Natural and Cultural Heritage

981,873,046 46,341,197 (18,000,000) (18,523,848) 0 9,817,349 991,690,395

Internal Services

115,349,346 133,704 0 0 0 133,704 115,483,050
Total 1,097,222,392 46,474,901 (18,000,000) (18,523,848) 0 9,951,053 1,107,173,445
Parliamentary Protective Service

Physical Security

100,749,866 5,648,459 0 0 0 5,648,459 106,398,325
Total 100,749,866 5,648,459 0 0 0 5,648,459 106,398,325
Privy Council Office

Serve the Prime Minister and Cabinet

128,169,120 2,773,222 0 0 0 2,773,222 130,942,342

Internal services

104,656,279 3,000,000 0 0 (3,000,000) 0 104,656,279
Total 232,825,399 5,773,222 0 0 (3,000,000) 2,773,222 235,598,621
Public Health Agency of Canada

Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

10,038,786,615 1,233,061 16,000,000 750,000 0 17,983,061 10,056,769,676

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention

428,339,833 8,431,582 0 187,099 0 8,618,681 436,958,514

Health Security

693,458,391 2,269,361 0 258,200 (155,000) 2,372,561 695,830,952

Internal Services

218,568,128 3,822,213 0 0 0 3,822,213 222,390,341
Total 11,379,152,967 15,756,217 16,000,000 1,195,299 (155,000) 32,796,516 11,411,949,483
Public Service Commission

Public Service Hiring and Non-partisanship

54,261,746 1,780,645 0 0 0 1,780,645 56,042,391

Internal Services

38,538,983 (10,000) 0 0 0 (10,000) 38,528,983
Total 92,800,729 1,770,645 0 0 0 1,770,645 94,571,374
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Contract and Indigenous policing

2,159,956,444 117,699,610 12,713,494 1 0 130,413,105 2,290,369,549

Federal Policing

1,080,582,387 39,403,048 0 0 0 39,403,048 1,119,985,435

National police services

691,163,009 2,982,734 0 0 0 2,982,734 694,145,743

Internal Services

688,557,248 2,889,791 (300,000) 0 0 2,589,791 691,147,039
Total 4,620,259,088 162,975,183 12,413,494 1 0 175,388,678 4,795,647,766
Shared Services Canada

Common Government of Canada Information Technology Operations

2,455,346,759 (14,763,109) 0 0 0 (14,763,109) 2,440,583,650

Internal Services

258,031,964 (345,000) 0 0 0 (345,000) 257,686,964
Total 2,713,378,723 (15,108,109) 0 0 0 (15,108,109) 2,698,270,614
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Funding Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Training

632,144,828 1,258,621 0 11,960,022 0 13,218,643 645,363,471

Internal Services

16,962,217 263,329 0 0 0 263,329 17,225,546
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 452,419,909 0 0 0 0 0 452,419,909
Total 1,101,526,954 1,521,950 0 11,960,022 0 13,481,972 1,115,008,926
Standards Council of Canada

Standards Council of Canada

15,962,066 1,740,433 0 0 0 1,740,433 17,702,499
Total 15,962,066 1,740,433 0 0 0 1,740,433 17,702,499
Statistics Canada

Statistical Information

505,583,676 24,062,135 0 0 0 24,062,135 529,645,811
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 89,530,892 0 0 0 0 0 89,530,892
Total 595,114,568 24,062,135 0 0 0 24,062,135 619,176,703
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc.

280,004,519 510,001 0 0 0 510,001 280,514,520
Total 280,004,519 510,001 0 0 0 510,001 280,514,520
Treasury Board Secretariat

Spending Oversight

5,145,204,318 149,265,000 0 0 0 149,265,000 5,294,469,318


3,850,271,152 1,848,292 0 0 0 1,848,292 3,852,119,444

Administrative Leadership

122,514,834 1,278,141 0 0 0 1,278,141 123,792,975

Internal Services

93,959,677 441,795 0 0 0 441,795 94,401,472
Purposes not listed in these Estimates 12,916,665 0 0 0 0 0 12,916,665
Total 9,224,866,646 152,833,228 0 0 0 152,833,228 9,377,699,874
Veterans Review and Appeal Board


11,256,654 2,973,070 0 0 0 2,973,070 14,229,724
Total 11,256,654 2,973,070 0 0 0 2,973,070 14,229,724
VIA Rail Canada Inc.

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

1,091,193,735 0 5,177,062 0 0 5,177,062 1,096,370,797
Total 1,091,193,735 0 5,177,062 0 0 5,177,062 1,096,370,797
Organizations not included in these Estimates 10,237,330,082 0 0 0 0 0 10,237,330,082
Total Budgetary 433,012,881,339 8,486,682,551 82,664,428 1,912,892,778 (209,857,687) 10,272,382,070 443,285,263,409
Table 2. Expenditures by Purpose - Non-Budgetary
  Estimates to Date These Supplementary Estimates Revised Estimates
Department of Employment and Social Development

Learning, Skills Development and Employment

(205,643,530) (2,951,205) (208,594,735)
Total (205,643,530) (2,951,205) (208,594,735)
Organizations not included in these Estimates 2,522,320,354 0 2,522,320,354
Total Non-budgetary 2,316,676,824 (2,951,205) 2,313,725,619

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