Call for Proposals to Address GBV through Promising Practices: Eligibility

We are no longer accepting applications for this call for proposals. The deadline for applications was February 8, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. (noon) Pacific time.

2. Stream 1 - Promising Practices: Eligibility

Objectives of the promising practices stream of the call for proposals

The objective of this stream is to strengthen the GBV sector through projects that will:

Key action areas

Key actions will focus on promising practices that strengthen the GBV sector. They will also address gaps in prevention and supports for at-risk populations. The key action areas are:


To apply, you must meet all the eligibility criteria in the following sections.

Applicants and funding

All applicants under this call for proposals must meet the following criteria:

Applicants that are not eligible include:

For a project to develop, put in place, and evaluate a promising practice, you can apply for the maximum amounts below. These are total amounts for the whole project:

For a project to scale a successful promising practice in a new location or with a new population, you can apply for the maximum amounts below. These are total amounts for the whole project:

There are often extra costs of living and travelling in northern or remote areas. You may apply for an extra 35% for activities in these areas (see question Activity location type for definitions).


Projects should aim to start no earlier than summer 2023 and must end by March 31, 2026.


Before starting an application, we encourage you to take the free online course: Introduction to Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus).

GBA Plus is a process used to assess how diverse people may experience policies and programs. The “plus” in GBA Plus shows that GBA goes beyond sex and gender differences. We all have many identity factors that intersect to make us who we are. It also considers many other identity factors like ethnicity and age.

Eligible Activities

The activities must align with the following objective: To fund projects to develop, put in place, and evaluate or to scale promising practices to strengthen the GBV sector.

Projects in this stream must be one of the following types:


The call for proposals will support activities that:

We will prioritize proposals that:

Ineligible activities

The call for proposals will not support activities that:


The Department will only fund eligible costs. Eligible costs are those that are necessary to support the purpose of the project. We will only reimburse eligible costs incurred after the signature of an agreement. Read the Guidelines on Eligible Expenditures for Funding Programs for more information.

Total government funding for the project must not exceed 100% of eligible costs. For universities, colleges, and CÉGEPs, the federal government will only fund up to 50% of the total project budget. This includes all levels of government. We will adjust the level of funding and seek reimbursement if necessary.

There are two categories of eligible costs:

The Department will determine the final value of funding.

Eligible costs

The Department will fund as many projects as possible to have a greater impact, but funding is limited. As such, please only request eligible costs that are necessary to deliver the project. For this call for proposals, eligible costs include:

Direct costs (necessary to deliver the project)

Administrative costs (to manage and support the project)

Include audit costs for projects above $300,000 in your administrative costs. The Department requires the following on an annual basis:

Administrative costs can only add up to 20% of the total funding requested from the Department.

Ineligible costs

Ineligible costs include:

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