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Publié par : L'Agence de la santé publique du Canada
Date de publication : avril 2023
ISSN: 2368-7398
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Les chercheurs de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada contribuent également à des travaux publiés dans d’autres revues et livres. Voici quelques articles publiés en 2022 et 2023.
Baillot A, Chaput J-P, Prince SA, […] Lang JJ. Effets sur la santé du respect des nouvelles Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures selon les catégories de l’indice de masse corporelle chez les adultes canadiens. Rapports sur la santé. 2022;33(11):3-16.
Blair D-L, Shields M, Tonmyr L. Concerns about household violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(22):14633.
Borderon M, Ludwig A, Brazeau S. Vulnerable populations. Dans : Brazeau S, Ogden NH, dir. Earth observation, public health and One Health: activities, challenges and opportunities. Oxfordshire (UK): CABI; 2022. p. 66-77.
Brazeau S, Vignolles C, Krishnamurthy RS, […] Kotchi SO, […] Ogden NH, Ludwig A, et al. Needs, challenges, and opportunities: a review by experts. Dans : Brazeau S, Ogden NH, dir. Earth observation, public health and One Health: activities, challenges and opportunities. Oxfordshire (UK): CABI; 2022. p. 93-103.
Campeau A, Tanaka M, McTavish JR, […] Hovdestad WE, […] Tonmyr L. Asking youth and adults about child maltreatment: a review of government surveys. BMJ Open. 2022;12(11):e063905.
Davis Z, de Groh M, Rainham DG. The Canadian Environmental Quality Index (Can-EQI): development and calculation of an index to assess spatial variation of environmental quality in Canada's 30 largest cities. Environ Int. 2022;170:107633.
Fahim C, Wiebe N, Nisenbaum R, […] Holmes NM, et al. Changes in mammography screening in Ontario and Alberta following national guideline dissemination: an interrupted time series analysis. F1000 Res. 2022;10:1044.
Halsall T, Mahmoud K, Iyer SN, Orpana H, et al. Implications of time and space factors related with youth substance use prevention: a conceptual review and case study of the Icelandic Prevention Model being implemented in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 2023;18(1):2149097.
Halsall T, Mahmoud K, Pouliot A, et al. Building engagement to support adoption of community-based substance use prevention initiatives. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):2213.
Khattar J, Griffith LE, Jones A, De Rubeis V, de Groh M, Jiang Y, et al. Symptoms of depression and anxiety, and unmet healthcare needs in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):2242.
Lange S, Roerecke M, Orpana H, et al. Alcohol use and the gender-specific risk of suicidal behavior: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Syst Rev. 2022;11(1):279.
Luke S, Hobbs AJ, Smith M, […] Nelson C. Cannabis use in pregnancy and maternal and infant outcomes: a Canadian crossjurisdictional population-based cohort study. PLoS ONE. 2022;17(11):e0276824.
MacNeil A, Birk S, Villeneuve PJ, Jiang Y, de Groh M, et al. Incident and recurrent depression among adults aged 50 years and older during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(22):15032.
Pagnotta VF, King N, Donnelly PD, Thompson W, et al. Access to medical care and its association with physical injury in adolescents: a cross-national analysis. Inj Prev. 2022.
Plouffe R, Grywacheski V, Luo W, Nelson C, Orpana H. Neonatal abstinence syndrome hospitalizations in Canada: a descriptive study. Can J Public Health. 2022.
Rodrigue L, Manaugh K, El-Geneidy A, […] Wasfi R, […] Butler G. Factors influencing subjective walkability: results from built environment audit data. J Transp Land Use. 2022;15(1):709-27.
Saxena S, Liu L, Pollock N, McFaull SR. Self-harm emergency department visits in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a sentinel surveillance system. Inj Epidemiol. 2023;10(1):1.
Warner E, Nadouri D, Orpana H, et al. A scoping review of the definition of walkability and its relationship with depression and anxiety symptoms. Can J Community Ment Health. 2022;41(2):46-67.
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