Commonly Asked Questions

General Charitable Campaign Questions

New: How does the GCWCC recover costs from other registered charities?

Alongside United Way Centraide and HealthPartners, more than 6,800 charities are supported each year through the GCWCC. United Way Centraide Canada as the Campaign Manager relies on a federated network of 58 United Way Centraides (UWC) across Canada to assist in administering the campaign, including the distribution of funds to other registered charities.

A cost recovery fee may be applied on donations to other registered charities. This will vary depending on how the donation has been made but will cover the direct costs to process the payment. For example, the cost to process a one-time credit card donation is different from the cost to process an annual payroll deduction donation. As each UWC operates as its own legal entity, each has their own policy on cost recovery fees when sending funds to the other registered charities. This may be a percentage or a flat rate, it may be up to a certain amount, or it may be per transaction.

Due to these factors, it’s difficult to provide an accurate national average of what percentage of a donation goes to cost recovery fees. However, if you would like to know about your donation specifically, we encourage you to reach out to your local United Way Centraide, and they will be able to provide that information.

What is the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC)?

The GCWCC is the federal public service’s workplace charitable campaign. It’s part of our values as public servants and another way we give back to help improve the lives of Canadians.

It is the largest and most generous workplace campaign in Canada and takes place each year between September and December. In 2023, employees and retirees donated $28.9 million through the Campaign.

Through the GCWCC, federal public servants and retirees as well as current and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP can support the named recipients — HealthPartners and United Way Centraide — or any other registered Canadian charities.

Why does the GCWCC matter?

In 2023, the GCWCC helped more than 6,900 charities to deliver impact and help people in communities across the country. The generosity of campaign donors helped deliver critical care and services — when and where they were needed most — to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable Canadians.

Thanks to your donations:

  • Children and youth have the support that they need to excel in school, and reach their full potential.
  • People are overcoming barriers in our communities by gaining access to the resources and opportunities that they need for a brighter future.
  • Neighborhoods and communities are becoming more vibrant where everyone feels a sense of belonging and connection.
  • Researchers are on the cutting edge of fighting disease and discovering treatments and cures for over 400 chronic illnesses.
  • Quality of life is being enhanced for families living with chronic diseases by providing wigs for cancer patients, counseling for families, equipment loans, and support programs for caregivers.
  • Disease prevention strategies are reducing barriers.
  • Educational tools are being developed for disease management, prevention, treatment, and caregiving, and also for raising awareness campaigns to break stigma and encourage early diagnosis.

Supporting charities is a personal choice, so you can donate to the causes you care about most.

How many registered charities are there in Canada?

According to Canada Revenue Agency, there are over 86,000 registered charities to choose from.

How can I donate?

Donations can be made via payroll deductions, cash, cheque, credit card or PayPal. Use the GCWCC’s safe and secure online giving platform ePledge to make your donation.

What is ePledge?

ePledge is an online tool that provides you with a fast, easy and secure way to donate. Note that ePledge and Phoenix are not linked.

ePledge allows you to give a one-time or monthly credit card donation, or a one time PayPal donation, or divide your donation across the year through payroll deduction.

Are there tax benefits to donating?

Your donation is tax deductible. All those who make a charitable donation of $20 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt, issued by the GCWCC processor, United Way East Ontario. Those giving under $20 may receive a receipt upon request.

Charitable donations made using payroll deduction are noted on your annual T4 slip or Relevé 1 (Québec).

Electronic receipts are provided for one-time donations made by credit card or PayPal via ePledge.

Who are the GCWCC Named Recipients?

The GCWCC has two Named Recipients: HealthPartners and United Way Centraide. They have been chosen because of their ability to create impact in communities, their capacity to support large workplace campaigns such as the GCWCC, and their reputation within the Canadian charitable sector. Each are experts in their respective impact areas.

The Named Recipients use research, local knowledge, and community partnerships to make informed investment decisions, maximizing the impact of donations. You can also direct your support to one or as many causes or charities you care about by selecting any registered Canadian charity when completing your pledge.


  • HealthPartners harnesses the power of workplace giving to raise funds for 17 of Canada's most respected health charities, including the Canadian Cancer Society, Heart & Stroke, and Diabetes Canada.
  • At some point in their lives, 9 out of 10 Canadians are likely to be affected by one or more of the major illnesses HealthPartners charities are working to eradicate.
  • A donation to HealthPartners helps fuel:
    • RESEARCH: keeping researchers on the cutting edge of fighting disease by discovering treatments and cures.
    • EDUCATION: giving Canadians trusted information on all aspects of managing and coping with chronic disease and acute health conditions.
    • PROGRAMS & SERVICES: enhancing the quality of life for Canadians affected by chronic and acute health conditions.
    • ADVOCACY: reducing barriers by improving health policy and access to care.
  • HealthPartners’ charities serve Canadians from coast to coast to coast. Your donation will help save lives and will contribute to better health outcomes for all people in Canada.
  • Together with donors and volunteers, HealthPartners are creating a healthier Canada.

United Way Centraide:

  • United Way Centraides (UWC) serve more than 7.3 million people in 5,000 community agencies across Canada every year, helping to improve lives from coast to coast to coast. Locally and nationally, the goal is the same: to create a more equitable future for all.
  • UWC brings people and organizations together to meet immediate needs and tackle the complex social issues at the root of those needs.
  • UWC's work focuses on three key strategies to improve lives locally and build a brighter future for everyone:
    • Moving people from poverty to possibility
    • Helping kids be all they can be
    • Building strong and healthy communities
  • With your support, opportunities are created for everyone in our communities to live a better life. Donations stay in your community, creating lasting, positive change in the very place where you live and work.

Visit to find out more about the Named Recipients

Do I need to support a specific charity?

It is your choice to support one or as many causes that you care about including  the Named Recipients - United Way Centraide and HealthPartners - or any registered Canadian Charity.

What is the overhead cost of fundraising?

The fundraising costs (cost recovery rate) of the GCWCC are recovered from the Named Recipients, HealthPartners and United Way Centraide Canada.

In previous years, the GCWCC’s fundraising costs averaged 16%, below the Canada Revenue Agency’s acceptable level of 35%.

As registered Canadian charities, all United Way Centraides file T3010 reports with CRA annually, detailing all their fundraising, related operating costs, executive compensation, and other costs. The latest data can be found on CRA’s website.

Are public service managers compensated for achieving their charitable campaign targets?

GCWCC champions, leaders, volunteers and executives do not receive financial incentives for achieving GCWCC targets.

Can I continue to support the campaign when I retire?

You will receive an invitation via mail to participate in the GCWCC every year after you retire. The invitation includes a GCWCC gift form. If you would like to receive your invitation by email, send an email to

If you currently support the GCWCC through payroll deduction, you can continue to give after you retire via pension deductions, credit card or cheque.

There are three simple ways to make your donation:

You can mail your completed form to:
GCWCC Retirees
363 Coventry Road
Ottawa ON  K1K 2C5

When giving through the GCWCC, how long does it take for donations to arrive at designated charities?

Local United Way Centraides are directed to distribute cash, cheque or credit card donations to Other United Ways (Box 2) and HealthPartners (Box 3) within 45 days of the end of the campaign (January 31).

Designation donation payments to Other Canadian Registered Charities are distributed based on the local United Way’s designation payout schedule. Some United Way Centraides distribute funds twice a year, some do it quarterly. In both instances, one-time cash, cheque or credit card donations are delivered to charities in the first payment, whereas payroll deduction gifts are divided equally into all distribution payments as funds are received by government pay offices. Donation designation payments are subjects to minimum transfer thresholds.

For more information regarding designated donations in your region, contact your local United Way Centraide.

Table for FAQ
Donation Type Campaign close* Local United Way Centraide schedule
(cash, cheque, credit card)

(credit card)

Payroll deduction
(26 pay days)

*Within 45 days of campaign close

Pay-Related Questions

Could the campaign be affected by any Phoenix pay issues?

There has been no reported Phoenix pay issues related to the GCWCC. Phoenix has been deducting charitable contributions through the payroll system without any problems since its implementation in February 2016.

Specific measures were taken to ensure that Phoenix could successfully process the correct amount of charitable donations from payroll donations.

Campaign ambassadors are aware of the various methods of payment available to donors including cash, cheque, credit card, PayPal and payroll deduction.

Can I donate by automatic bank withdrawals as an alternative to payroll deduction?

The banking platform does not support Pre-Authorized Debit transactions.

Can I change my payroll deduction method of payment to another option?

You may change your method of payment and your pledge within one month of the start of the deductions. Contact the GCWCC processor for information. Remember, donations through payroll deduction appear automatically on your T4 or Relevé 1 (Québec) and allows you to donate to many charities with just one contribution.

If I experience an issue with my pay, can I stop my charitable campaign payroll deductions?

Donations can be stopped at any time. Contact the GCWCC processor for more information.

What happens to my payroll deduction pledge if I need to take leave? 

If an employee has decided to make payroll deductions donation, and the employee in question must be absent from work on unpaid leave (long term disability, parental leave, etc.). Payroll deductions will be halted and will not be restarted upon return to work.

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