Commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Current status: Closed

Please note: The application intake is now closed. You may contact the program in the Fall of 2025 for more information about the next intake process.

Mental health supports available

Former residential school students can call 1-866-925-4419 for emotional crisis referral services and information on other health supports from the Government of Canada.

Indigenous peoples across Canada can also go to The Hope for Wellness Help Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for counselling and crisis intervention.

Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat (Please use Google Chrome).

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation component of the Commemorate Canada program provides funding (up to a maximum of $10,000 per organization) to eligible recipients for initiatives that increase awareness and commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30).

Who can apply

To be eligible for funding, your organization must be:

  • an Indigenous government, band council, or tribal council, or its delegated authority
  • an Indigenous not-for-profit organization or group
  • a for-profit Indigenous organization, provided that the project for which you are requesting funding will not result in income generation for your sole benefit
  • an Indigenous ad hoc committee that has formed for a specific project
  • an Indigenous-led institution including accredited programs

Non-Indigenous applicants are considered in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Program. The organization must work in close partnership with an Indigenous organization and include a letter of support outlining their role in the project.

In the case of partnerships, one organization must assume the lead role and responsibility for the overall management and coordination of the project.

The following are not eligible:

  • private individuals and political parties
  • federal government, its institutions and portfolio agencies
  • non-Indigenous organizations without a letter of support

In addition, organizations with overdue final program reports may be ineligible to receive funds from the program.

Eligible projects

To be eligible for funding from the component, your project must:

  • demonstrate that it meets the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation objectives
  • take place on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day (September 30), during the month of September or in the week following September 30
  • be free of charge (no admission fees or donation required for entry)
  • be open to the public and/or community

Examples of eligible projects:

  • community ceremonies
  • healing workshops, Elder, Survivor or Knowledge Keeper presentations
  • commemorative murals, cairns and plaques
  • educational and awareness materials, speaker series
  • cultural and artistic initiatives

Application deadline

Applications must be received by January 23, 2025, 11:59 pm (local time).

How to apply

Applicants are required to:

You must meet all eligibility requirements and submit a complete application package to be considered for funding.

Contact us

Commemorate Canada
Department of Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy St
Gatineau QC  J8X 4B5

1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)
1-888-997-3123 (toll-free)

Agents are available to answer your questions, Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Eastern time)

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