National Acadian Day funding

Funds are available to promote the 2025 National Acadian Day and to give Acadians from across Canada the opportunity to get together and celebrate their unique heritage and history.

The Acadian people, pioneers and builders of the country, have celebrated Acadian Day on August 15 since 1881, the year in which the first national Acadian convention was held in Memramcook, New Brunswick. The National Acadian Day Act was passed by the Government of Canada in 2003.

Events during the celebrations of National Acadian Day on August 15 highlight the contribution of Acadians to the Canadian cultural fabric, recognize their historical presence on the land, and celebrate their cultural specificity in all its diversity.

Who can apply

The following organizations are eligible for funding:

  • a Canadian not-for-profit organization, such as a corporation, trust, cooperative, unincorporated association, etc.
  • a Canadian business corporation where projects are non-commercial in nature
  • a Canadian educational institution, Canadian municipal government or other municipal, provincial/territorial institution
  • an Indigenous Peoples institution or organization (Indigenous Peoples include Inuit, Métis, Status and Non Status people)
  • a local band council, local tribal council or other local Indigenous government or organization (First Nations, Inuit or Métis)

The following organizations are not eligible:

  • Federal, provincial and territorial governments

Eligible projects

To be eligible for funding, your project must be:

  • held on August 15 or on the weekend before or after
  • free of charge (no admission fees or donation required for entry)
  • open to the public and promoted as such

Application deadline

February 21, 2025 to submit a funding application for a community event.

Funding available

Amounts requested to the program to organize a community celebration for the National Acadian Day cannot exceed $5,000.

Contact us

Department of Canadian Heritage
Atlantic Regional Office
Unit 106-1045 Main St, 4th floor
Moncton, NB  E1C 1H1

1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)
1-888-997-3123 (toll-free)

Agents are available to answer your questions, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ET).

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