DAOD 2010-1, Modelling and Simulation Management
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue:2006-09-08
Application: This is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Vice Chief of Defence Staff (VCDS).
Enquiries: Director General Force Development Analysis (DGFDA)
2.1 The need for a DND and CAF modelling and simulation (M&S) coordination office is recognized in the Creating the CF of 2020: Concept Development and Experimentation and Modelling and Simulation discussion paper. Objectives of the coordination office include:
- establishing and coordinating enforcement of standards;
- setting up a common technical framework; and
- representing the DND and the ACF at international M&S fora.
2.2 Achievement of these objectives requires senior level management and coordination of M&S activity in order to optimize the benefits and effectiveness accrued through reuse and interoperability amongst all users. The goal is to provide readily available, operationally valid and verifiable synthetic environments (SEs) that link models, simulations, people (real or simulated) and equipment (real or simulated) into a common representation of the world.
2.3 The DND and the CAF can use SEs in relation to:
- concept development and experimentation;
- material acquisition and support;
- joint and combined training as well as mission rehearsal;
- development of doctrine and tactics;
- formulation of new operational plans and capabilities;
- assessment of war fighting; and
- support for technology assessment, system upgrade, prototyping, full-scale development and force structuring.
2.4 The DND and CAF Synthetic Environment Coordination Office (SECO) acts as the M&S coordination office in the DND and the CAF.
2.5 The purpose of this DAOD is to provide:
- environmental chiefs of staff (ECSs), group principals and the Operational Commanders with direction to:
- establish an M&S authority for their respective organization;
- define their M&S objectives and requirements;
- participate in the establishment and maintenance of DND and CAF M&S policies, plans and standards; and
- establish the management processes required to support and sustain the achievement of the above, consistent with the DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan; and
- direction, guidance and identification of responsibilities for the DND and CAF management of M&S, in order to enhance reuse and interoperability in a valid and verifiable manner in the DND and the CAF and with allied countries.
Enabling Principles
3.1 Effective M&S activity in the DND and the CAF should:
- provide meaningful results that have been adequately documented, verified, validated and accredited, and that meet the real world needs of users;
- be based upon the establishment of a common framework for different SEs which will allow components such as models, terrain and simulations, as well as common services such as those for scenario generation and validation, to be shared and re-used, thus facilitating interoperability;
- use common, open architecture and enduring standards to the maximum extent possible, including NATO standardization agreements that allow for linkages among live, virtual and constructive simulations over networks and in a distributed environment;
- exploit commercial capabilities;
- be part of a simulation support plan to show how M&S supports the life cycle management of acquisition projects;
- be able to be modified to accommodate security requirements;
- allow users to train on interfaces, if practical, which are as close as possible to the real-world systems - ideally, the actual equipment used in operations should be simulated to allow the users to train as they work; and
- foster pan-governmental, inter-service, inter-agency, industry and academia coordination and cooperation to the maximum extent possible.
DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan
3.2 A DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan shall be developed and used to provide guidance and direction for the analysis, development and implementation of coordinated and cooperative M&S initiatives in the DND and the CAF, and with other government departments, allied countries, industry and academia. The DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan is approved by the CFD.
3.3 The DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan shall:
- document the strategy needed to implement M&S policy;
- establish the management and resource allocations for common M&S interoperability and reuse;
- identify the technical framework required to support interoperability and reuse;
- identify common-use M&S initiatives and the required supporting common service;
- establish the process and criteria for the development or acquisition of common SEs, simulations and tools, and their support;
- establish a process for the sharing and maintenance of data, models, simulations and related authoritative assets, as well as supporting documentation; and
- describe the processes for incorporation of technological advances and processes.
DND and CAF Synthetic Environment Coordination Office
3.4 The DND and CAF SECO is the focal point for information, coordination, guidance and support concerning M&S issues affecting more than one capability component.
3.5 The DND and CAF SECO:
- solicits input from M&S stakeholders;
- drafts and seeks approval for DND and CAF M&S policy and standards, and the DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan;
- maintains the identification of DND and CAF M&S lead authorities for specific M&S assets;
- coordinate development of a M&S resource repository, which acts as a bank for M&S shareable models, data and information;
- identifies and establishes appropriate approval processes required for M&S plans, policies and standards;
- establishes the process for defining simulation capabilities, including:
- overseeing the implementation of the DND and CAF Strategic M&S Plan; and
- identifying M&S application, tools, standards and databases used by or common to two or more ECSs, group principals or the DCDS; and
- defines the M&S standards for:
- domestic and international interoperability;
- the roles and responsibilities of the lead authorities for their specific area of expertise and authority;
- a common verification, validation and accreditation process;
- a common management framework and technical framework;
- common SE representation; and
- reusability.
DND and CAF Synthetic Environment Working Group
3.6 The DND and CAF Synthetic Environment Working Group (SEWG) consists of representatives of the ECSs, group principals, VCDS and Operational Commanders, normally at the major/lieutenant-commander or lieutenant-colonel/commander rank, or equivalent civilian level. The DND and CAF SECO Head acts as the chairperson of the DND and CAF SEWG.
3.7 The purpose of the DND and CAF SEWG is to:
- act as the primary coordination body for M&S in the DND and the CAF;
- promote cooperation among DND and CAF directorates and their partners;
- build consensus regarding M&S policies and plans;
- act as the principle generation, coordination and review body for the DND and CF Strategic M&S Plan;
- maximize efficiency and effectiveness in the M&S environment;
- assist the identification, prioritization, development and support for joint and common M&S initiatives; and
- maximize and document M&S interoperability, commonality and reusability.
M&S Authorities
3.8 Each ECS, group principal and the Operational Commanders shall establish an M&S authority in their organization.
3.9 The M&S authority, as directed by the Level 1 Advisor set out in the Defence Plan On-Line, shall:
- act as the approval authority for M&S policy and development planning in their organization;
- represent their Level 1 Advisor in DND and CAF M&S issues;
- ensure the appropriate technical and approval authorities are designated for their participation in the establishment and execution of approved common activities, including the establishment of M&S common policy, standards, plans and initiatives;
- ensure the commitment of required resources to support their share of approved common initiatives;
- ensure delivery of their portion of approved common initiatives; and
- ensure appropriate representation on all DND and CAF SE bodies.
Responsibility Table
4.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities for M&S management:
The ... | is/are responsible for ... |
ECSs, group principals, VCDS and Operational Commanders |
M&S authorities |
Head, SECO |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- DAOD 2010-0, Modelling and Simulation
- Creating the CF of 2020: Concept Development and Experimentation and Modelling and Simulation (discussion paper approved by VCDS, DCDS and Assistant Deputy Minister (Science & Technology)), 1 November 2000
Other References
- Defence Plan On-Line
- Defence Plan 2001
- Modelling and Simulation: Enabling the Creation of Affordable, Effective 2020 Canadian Forces (concept paper), April 2000
- VCDS Instruction 04/91, Policy for Use of Simulation in Training for the Canadian Forces
- ADM(PER) Instruction 09/94, Policy Framework for Training Technology
- Record of Decisions, Synthetic Environment Working Group, 13 October 2001
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