DAOD 3029-1, Cleaning, Disinfection and Disinfestation of Vehicles, Military Equipment and Personal Goods Entering Canada and Leaving Areas Within Canada Regulated for Soil-Borne Plant Pests and Animal Diseases
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2012-11-05
Date of Last Modification: 2014-08-26
Application: This DAOD is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
Supersession: CFAO 36-4, Disinfestation of Vehicles, Military Equipment and Personal Goods Entering Mainland Canada
Approval Authority: Director of Staff, Strategic Joint Staff (DOS SJS)
Enquiries: Strategic Joint Staff J4 Transportation (Strat J4 Tn)
2.1 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of federal laws regarding the importation of goods contaminated with soil and the movement of goods contaminated with soil from areas in Canada regulated for soil-borne plant pests or terrestrial animal diseases of concern. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of these laws as they apply at the border. Appropriate control of contaminated goods is necessary to preserve the safety and security of Canadians and the Canadian plant and terrestrial animal resource base.
2.2 The CFIA has advised that highly destructive plant pests and serious animal diseases, regulated by Canada and capable of being transported in soil, are prevalent in soil at locations in and outside Canada where CAF members may be stationed or participate in military exercises.
2.3 The importation of goods contaminated with soil or diseases from abroad is prohibited under federal laws. Goods must be cleaned or disinfected to ensure freedom from soil and diseases. In the case of domestic movement from regulated areas, goods should, if possible, be cleaned to remove soil and disinfected. If this is not possible, goods may, under certain limited circumstances, be disinfested instead. Any treatment that does not leave the goods free from soil must be approved by the CFIA prior to the movement of the goods.
2.4 In the context of this DAOD, "disinfestation" covers any required cleaning, heat or chemical treatment that either removes all traces of soil from goods or renders plant pests and animal diseases non-viable following treatment.
2.5 This DAOD prescribes the requirements related to the:
- cleaning, disinfection or disinfestation of military vehicles (including trailers), other military equipment, privately-owned motor vehicles (POMVs), certain items of personal clothing and other goods entering Canada from abroad; and
- movement of goods in Canada from areas regulated for soil-borne plant pests and terrestrial animal diseases.
First Point of Arrival (FPOA)
3.1 All goods entering Canada are subject to inspection by the CFIA or CBSA officials at the FPOA. Any goods found to be contaminated with soil may be impounded for cleaning or disinfection at the expense of the owner.
Goods Contaminated With Soil
3.2 Goods contaminated with soil are not admissible into Canada. Subject to paragraph 3.3, contaminated goods are normally refused entry and ordered removed from Canada at the FPOA under the authority of:
- the Health of Animals Act; and
- the Plant Protection Act.
3.3 Under highly regulated circumstances, and where operational capacity exists, remedial action may be taken for goods contaminated with soil by:
- cleaning the goods within a CBSA-controlled environment at the FPOA by a CFIA-approved mobile wash facility; or
- transporting the goods fully enclosed via a bonded carrier, using a CFIA-approved route, to a CBSA bonded facility within the immediate geographical area of the FPOA for cleaning by a CFIA-approved wash facility, provided such action does not result in the introduction of foreign soil into the environment.
Plants and Plant Products
3.4 Plants and plant products are not eligible for remedial action.
CFIA Requirements
4.1 All goods leaving an area within Canada that is regulated for soil-borne plant pests or terrestrial animal diseases are subject to CFIA requirements under the authority of:
- the Health of Animals Act; and
- the Plant Protection Act.
Movement Restrictions
4.2 The specific movement restrictions depend on the regulated plant pests and animal diseases in question. In most cases, goods must be fully cleaned free from soil, disinfected or disinfested, before they may be moved. The local CFIA office should be consulted for guidance on the appropriate plant-pest and animal-disease specific procedures. See section 5 for specific procedures.
4.3 Movement restrictions for animal diseases are established only on an as-needed basis. Areas regulated for plant pests traditionally remain in place for the long term. Currently, the following areas are regulated for soil-borne plant pests:
- the province of Newfoundland and Labrador; and
- small areas in the provinces of Quebec, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and Alberta.
Note – The CFIA Web site and the local CFIA office should be consulted for a complete list of specific regulated areas in Canada.
4.4 Goods leaving these areas that have come in contact with soil that is potentially infested with regulated plant pests must be cleaned free of soil or otherwise disinfested before being eligible for movement. A CFIA-issued Movement Certificate may be required for the movement of such goods and the local CFIA office should be consulted. See the CFIA document PI-016: Procedure for inspecting regulated articles for freedom from soil, plants, plant parts and related matter, for additional detail.
5.1 The following table describes the cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation procedures normally followed for goods before entry into Canada or from a regulated area in Canada:
If the goods are ... | they ... |
military vehicles, |
cleaning at the dockside is not practical, then ... the vehicle must be cleaned at the nearest facility and driven to the dockside over paved roads. |
generators, shovels, tent pegs, picks, and other military equipment used in support of military exercises and field operations, |
personal items such as souvenirs containing untreated or unsterilized straw or hay, |
personal and military clothing, including boots, |
POMVs, |
the vehicle is to be cleaned by the carrier, then ... a cleaning certificate must be:
Note – In the case of domestic movement from areas regulated for plant pests, the CFIA does not require a specific cleaning method as long as soil is removed. Thorough brushing rather than washing may be sufficient.
Responsibility Table
6.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:
The ... | is or are responsible for ... |
Strat J4 Tn |
DND and CAF clients |
DND employees and CAF members |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- Health of Animals Act
- Plant Protection Act
- DAOD 3020-0, Transportation
Other References
- PI-016: Procedure for inspecting regulated articles for freedom from soil, plants, plant parts and related matter, CFIA
- CFIA Web site
Page details
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