DAOD 5003-5, Pregnancy Administration

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Overview
  4. Operating Principles
  5. Duties
  6. Administration
  7. Compliance and Consequences
  8. Responsibilities
  9. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2001-06-26

Date of Last Modification: 2018-04-23

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).


Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

Enquiries: Director Military Careers Policy and Grievances (DMCPG)

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
CF H Svcs Gp Canadian Forces Health Services Group
CO commanding officer
LWOP leave without pay
MELs Medical Employment Limitations
MO medical officer
MOA Multiple Occupant Accommodation
SOA Single Occupant Accommodation

3. Overview


3.1 The CAF is committed to gender integration and employment equity policies as well as a supportive work environment that enables CAF members to balance military duties and family responsibilities.

3.2 The CAF will help pregnant CAF members to maintain their health, safety and welfare throughout the period of pregnancy and birth. In support of this policy, CAF members are provided adequate time away from military duties with compensation so that they can recuperate from childbirth and care for their new-born child, free from undue financial or duty-related concerns.

4. Operating Principles

Health Care

4.1 A CAF member of the Regular Force or Reserve Force on Class "B" or "C" Reserve Service who is pregnant, or believes she may be pregnant, must report to the supporting CF Health Services (CFHS) facility. Laboratory testing will be ordered to confirm the pregnancy.The CAF member must be examined by a physician and assigned temporary MELs for a specified period of time. Detailed information on the medical administration of pregnant members is found in CF H Svcs Gp Instruction 3100-23, Medical Administration of Pregnant Members.

4.2 CAF members may choose to have their pregnancy monitored and their child delivered by a civilian health care provider, e.g., a civilian obstetrician, a family practitioner providing obstetrical care or a midwife where authorized under provincial law.

Civilian Referrals

4.3 If the CAF member chooses a civilian health care provider, she must provide her supporting CF H Svcs Gp facility with the details so that liaison between the civilian health care provider and the CF H Svcs Gp facility may be established.

4.4 The CF Health Gp facility must:

4.5 A CAF member whose pregnancy is being followed by a civilian health care provider must report to the nearest CF H Svcs Gp facility to have recommendations for sick leave or MELs reviewed and approved by a MO.

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5. Duties


5.1 Decisions regarding duty during pregnancy must be the result of a consultative process between the CO, MO and the CAF member. If there is any doubt or question as to the potential hazard of any particular duty assignment, including temporary duty or courses, a MO must first certify the fitness of the CAF member to undertake such duty.

5.2 The CO of a pregnant CAF member must ensure that the CAF member performs duties that:

5.3 Temporary MELs will be assigned in accordance with CF H Svcs Gp Instruction 3100-23.

Prior to Completion of Basic Training

5.4 If a CAF member is diagnosed as pregnant prior to the completion of basic training and requests her release, the CAF member must be released under Item 4(c) of the Table to QR&O article 15.01, Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members.

5.5 If a CAF member is diagnosed as pregnant prior to completion of basic military training and does not request her release, she must:

Prior to Occupational Qualification

5.6 The following table details actions to be taken if a CAF member is confirmed to be pregnant prior to military occupational qualification.

If a pregnant member has completed basic training and is undertaking training or subsidized education (hereinafter training), and, in the opinion of a MO, ... then the CAF member ...

cannot complete her training,

must cease training and perform duties commensurate with her previous training and experience until maternity leave commences.

is able to complete her current phase of training but is unable to complete the next phase,

must perform duties commensurate with previous training or experience commencing at the completion of the phase she is currently attending until such time as maternity leave commences.

is able to complete all phases of training prior to her expected delivery date,

must be permitted to do so.

5.7 A CAF member required to cease military occupation qualification training due to pregnancy must be rescheduled for a later course.

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6. Administration

Maternity and Parental Leave and Allowances

6.1 If a CAF member chooses to take maternity leave or parental leave, application must be made in accordance with DAOD 5001-2, Maternity and Parental Benefits, which provides details with respect to policy, procedures, eligibility and the application process.

Sick Leave

6.2 Sick leave is granted under QR&O 16.16, Sick Leave, during maternity leave for any period during which, in the opinion of the MO, a CAF member is unfit for duty.

6.3 The granting of sick leave during maternity leave may affect entitlement to maternity allowance and unemployment insurance maternity benefits.

6.4 Where a CAF member does not request maternity leave, sick leave is granted for any period during which she is, in the opinion of an MO, unfit for duty.

6.5 Once an MO determines that the CAF member is again fit for duty, she will commence full or restricted duties in accordance with any MELS that the MO determines to be necessary, having regard to her state of health.


6.6 A pregnant CAF member must commence wearing the CAF distinctive environmental maternity uniform when other orders of dress are no longer comfortable or appropriate.


6.7 Regular Force pregnant CAF members may request their release in accordance with CFAO 15-2, Release - Regular Force.

6.8 A pregnant CAF member who requests release must be counseled as to her requirement for insurance coverage for medical and hospital care on release.

6.9 If requested and when medically fit, re-enrolment will be considered without restriction for a CAF member who was released.

Pay Allotments

6.10 A CAF member is authorized to retain pay allotments while on maternity or parental leave. The total monthly value of the pay allotments must not exceed the monthly allowance received by the member.


6.11 CAF members living in SOA who become pregnant are required to secure alternate accommodation in either MOA or in the private housing market. If, for reasons beyond the control of the CAF member (medical, operational, etc.), she is unable to vacate the SOA prior to hospitalization, she must be permitted to remain in SOA for up to 17 weeks beyond the date of birth or until the end of maternity leave, whichever is the later. During that time, the CAF member is required to secure MOA or private housing…

Leave Without Pay

6.12 The implications of LWOP are set out in A-PP-005-LVE/AG-00, Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual.

7. Compliance and Consequences


7.1 CAF members must comply with this DAOD. Should clarification of the policies or instructions set out in this DAOD be required, CAF members may seek direction through their chain of command. Military supervisors have the primary responsibility for and means of ensuring the compliance of their CAF members with this DAOD.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

7.2 CAF members are accountable to their military supervisors for any failure to comply with the direction set out in this DAOD. Non-compliance with this DAOD may result in administrative or disciplinary action, or both, for a CAF member. Non-compliance may also result in the imposition of liability on the part of Her Majesty in right of Canada and CAF members.

8. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

8.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:

The ... is or are responsible for ...


  • ensuring that duties assigned to the CAF member are appropriate to the CAF member’s MELs.

CF H Svcs Gp staff

  • granting sick leave;
  • recommending MELS;
  • offering the CAF member advice on various health options available;
  • providing information, advice and counseling on health issues throughout the pregnancy;
  • arranging necessary initial tests, and consultation with other caregivers such as a social worker or dietician;
  • providing the CAF member with written documentation regarding MELs;
  • acting as liaison between the CAF and any civilian systems involved, including the provision of the necessary medical information and documentation for the civilian health care provider and for pre-registration at the hospital;
  • approving tests to be conducted at a civilian health care facility; and
  • ensuring payment of invoices.

CAF Member

  • reporting to the nearest CF H Svcs Gp facility to confirm suspected pregnancy;
  • informing CF Health Svcs Gp staff of her choice in obstetrical health care provider;
  • ensuring that her supervisor is aware of all MELs and anticipated absences from the workplace; and
  • applying, if she chooses, for maternity leave, parental leave, or both.

9. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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