Chapter 204 - Pay of Officers & Non-Commissioned Members
On this page
Section 1 – Pay - Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service - General
- 204.01 - Application
- 204.015 - Pay Increments
- 204.0151 - Designated Authority - Pay Increments Determinations
- 204.02 - Pay on Leave
- 204.03 - Pay on Occupational Transfer
- 204.04 - Rate of Pay on Promotion
- 204.075 - Rate of Pay on Promotion - Retroactive Pay Increase
- 204.08 - Rate of Pay on Promotion - Coincident with a Pay Increase
- 204.09 - Rate of Pay on Commissioning - Simultaneous Promotion to a Higher Rank
- 204.10 Officer and Non-Commissioned Pay Categories
- 204.11 – Rate of Pay – Subsidized Education – Officers – Medical, Medical Specialist, or Dental
Section 2 – Pay - Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service - Officers
- 204.20 - Application
- 204.21 - Pay – General Officers – Colonel and General Service Officers
- 204.211 - Pay - General Service Officers - Officer Entry Plans - Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet
- 204.215 - Pay - Officers - Pilots - Lieutenant-Colonel, Major and Captain
- 204.216 - Pay - Medical Officers
- 204.217 - Pay - Dental Officers
- 204.218 - Pay - Officers - Legal
- 204.219 - Pay During Transition - Former Chief of Defence Staff
- 204.22 - Transitional Provision - Implementation of Revised Regular Force Pay Instructions - Officers - 1 April 2002
Section 3 – Pay - Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service - Non-Commissioned Members
Section 4 – Canadian Forces Severance Pay
Section 5 - Pay - Reserve Force on Other than Class C Reserve Service - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
- 204.50 - Application
- 204.51 - Pay - Conditions of Payment
- 204.5105 - Pay - Officers - Chaplains
- 204.511 - Pay Increments - Reserve Force
- 204.5111 - Designated Authority - Pay Increments Determinations - Reserve Force
- 204.5115 - Transitional Provision - Implementation of Revised Reserve Force Pay Plan - 1 April 1997
- 204.515 - Pay on Occupational Transfer - Reserve Force
- 204.516 - Limitation of Pay
- 204.517 - Rate of Pay on Promotion - Reserve Force - Retroactive Pay Increase
- 204.518 - Rate of Pay on Promotion - Coincident with a Pay Increase
- 204.519 - Rate of Pay on Commissioning - Simultaneous Promotion to a Higher Rank - Reserve Force
- 204.52 - Pay - Officers
- 204.522 - Transitional Provision - Implementation of Revised Reserve Force Officer Pay Instructions - 1 April 2002 (New 1 Apr 02) Amendment 1 (Effective 1 April 2003)
- 204.53 - Pay - Non-Commissioned Members
- 204.531 - Pay - Special Forces and Search and Rescue Specialists
- 204.535 - Trade Group Protection on Component Transfer - Non-Commissioned Members
Section 7 – Premium in Lieu of Leave - Reserve Force
Section 8 – Retroactive Pay
- 204.60 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999 - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service
- 204.605 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 - Officers of the Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service
- 204.61 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999 - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Reserve Force on Class A and B Reserve Service
- 204.615 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 - Officers of the Reserve Force on Class A and B Reserve Service
204.01 - Application
The instructions in this section apply to officers and non-commissioned members who:
- are enrolled in the Regular Force;
- transfer from the Reserve Force to the Regular Force; or
- commence a period of Class C Reserve Service.
(TB, effective 22 June 2006)
204.015 - Pay Increments
204.015(1) (Purpose) Pay increments as set out in the tables to the CBIs in this chapter serve two purposes:
- to determine the rate of pay on enrolment, transfer or change in class of Reserve Service based on pay credits that, in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of Defence Staff, reflect the amount of qualifying service, academic or other special qualifications possessed by an applicant that are determined to be of military value; and
- to provide a means of progression through the pay range for each rank.
204.015(2) (Qualifying service) Subject to paragraph (4) and other conditions as may be prescribed in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, qualifying service includes:
- subject to paragraph (3) of this instruction, all previous service of an officer or non-commissioned member in the member's present rank, equivalent rank or any higher rank, including paid acting rank in:
- the Regular Force and all other permanent armed forces of Her Majesty,
- any component of the Canadian Forces and of all other armed forces of Her Majesty, when on active service,
- the Reserve Force on Class B or Class C Reserve Service;
- one-quarter of all previous service in the Reserve Force, other than Class B or C Reserve Service, in the officer's or non-commissioned member's present rank, equivalent rank or any higher rank, including paid acting rank, in the Primary Reserve, the Cadet Instructors Cadre or the Canadian Rangers; and
- for an officer or non-commissioned member on enrolment in the Canadian Forces, a period as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, for academic or other special qualifications considered by the designated authority at CBI 204.0151 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations) to be of military value.
204.015(3) (Determination of pay increments on transfer, re-enrolment or on commencement of Class C service) The determination of a member's pay increment shall include all qualifying service as determined in paragraph (2) and shall take into consideration any other relevant factor set out in the following table as may be applicable to the member's circumstance:
When a member is | The member is entitled to |
an officer who was appointed or commissioned to an officer rank directly from the rank of corporal or above, or an officer in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant who was entitled to pay level B or C in Table B to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers) prior to a component transfer. | the number of pay increments that would have been awarded under CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion) had the officer been transferred in a non-commissioned member rank as determined in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, at the pay increment determined in paragraph (2) of this instruction, and promoted directly to their substantive officer rank on the day of transfer. |
placed on Class “C” Reserve service in their substantive rank with less than 120 hours-notice, then effective for the period commencing on 22 June 2006, |
the same pay increment for their rank and, if applicable, pay level or trade group or both as they were entitled to under section 5 of this chapter immediately prior to changing classes of service. The new rate of pay so determined shall be valid for a period not to exceed 60 days, commencing on the 61st day the members' rate of pay shall be recalculated in accordance with subparagraph (c). |
placed on Class C service in their substantive rank with more than 120 hours notice, or has completed a 60 day period during which their pay was calculated in accordance with subparagraph (b), then effective 22 June 2006. | the greater of:
204.015(4) (Exception) Qualifying service for pay increments does not include:
- any service prior to a continuous interruption of more than five years during which no service designated in paragraph (2) was performed, unless the member during the period of the interruption has maintained relevant skills or qualifications considered by the designated authority at CBI 204.0151 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations) to be of military value;
- any service that is not declared on enrolment;
- any service prior to the date of a promotion to a higher substantive rank, other than a period of continuous service in an acting rank at the end of which the officer or non-commissioned member is promoted to the same substantive rank;
(TB, effective 22 June 2006) - any period of forfeiture imposed under QR&O 208.30 (Forfeitures - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) or QR&O 208.31 (Forfeitures, Deductions and Cancellations - When No Service Rendered), or leave without pay other than a period granted under QR&O 16.26 (Maternity Leave) or QR&O 16.27 (Parental Leave) or
- any period in excess of one year, where a member does not meet the qualifications standards for progression to the next pay increment under CBI 204.215(6) (Pay Groups – Captain Pilots).
(TB, 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)
204.015(5) (Promotion on enrolment) An officer or non-commissioned member who is promoted to a higher rank effective the date of the member's enrolment or the day following enrolment is, for the purpose of pay increment increases, deemed to have been enrolled in the rank to which the member was promoted.
204.015(6) (Reduction or reversion) On reduction in rank or reversion to a lower rank, an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid at the pay increment for that lower rank that is determined by taking into account all previous qualifying service in that rank and in any higher rank, with the exception of a medical officer, medical specialist, dental officer, legal officer and pilot, where only qualifying service in their military occupation shall be considered.
204.015(7) (General) Following the initial determination of the rate of pay on enrolment, component transfer or change in class of service, an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid at the monthly rate of pay for the next higher pay increment for the member's rank and, if applicable, pay level or trade group or both, as established in the applicable CBI in this Chapter, if the member has:
- met the performance standards established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff; and
- has completed one year of qualifying service, or after such lesser amount of qualifying service as may be authorized by the designated authority at CBI 204.0151 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations).
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.0151 - Designated Authority - Pay Increments Determinations
The officer who holds the position of Director General Compensation and Benefits (DGCB) or the incumbent who holds the position of Director of Pay Policy and Development (DPPD) is authorized to make pay increment determinations under subparagraphs (2)(c), (4)(a) and (7)(b) of CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) and paragraph (12) of CBI 204.211 (Pay – General Service Officers – Officer Entry Plans – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet).
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.02 - Pay on Leave
An officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid for any period of leave except when the leave has been granted as leave without pay.
204.03 - Pay on Occupational Transfer
204.03(1) (Definitions)The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- compulsory occupational transfer
means an officer or non-commissioned member who is obligated to change their military occupation as a result of:
- the elimination of their military occupation;
- the amalgamation of two or more military occupations;
- not meeting the minimum medical standard for their occupation; or
- a change in the overall military establishment military, including a surplus or deficiency in a military occupation. (reclassement obligatoire)
TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023
- occupational career progression
means the achievement by a non-commissioned member of occupational or professional qualifications – established by or under the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff – that entitle the member to a rate of pay in a higher trade group, and includes progression from a junior to a qualified level within the same occupation.
(TB, effective 1 March 2012)
- voluntary occupational transfer
means an officer or non-commissioned member who has precipitated a change in their military occupation as a result of:
- a personal decision to change occupation;
- personal inefficiency, including personal performance or conduct, in their former occupation;
- their failure to achieve the academic or maintain the academic, professional or military standard in their occupation;
- the Officer Voluntary Transfer Program (OVOTP);
- the Annual Voluntary Occupation Transfer (AVOT);
- the Continuing Occupation Transfer Program (COTP);
- the Land Occupation Transfer Program (LOTP);
- the Naval Technician Training Plan (NTTP), or
- any circumstance where an officer occupationally transfers to a non-commissioned member occupation. (reclassement volontaire)
204.03(2) (Rate of pay – compulsory occupational transfer) Subject to paragraph (3), the rate of pay of an officer or non-commissioned member who was compulsorily occupationally transferred shall be the greater of:
- the rate of pay established for the pay increment determined in accordance with CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) for the member’s rank, pay level and new trade group that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day immediately prior to the member’s transfer, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in the new rank and trade group; or
- the rate of pay before the change of military occupation until the rate of pay in the new military occupation for the rank, pay increment and, if applicable, pay level and trade group is greater than or equal to the rate of pay before the change of military occupation and any higher pay increment for the rank and, if applicable, pay level and trade group to which the member would have become entitled had the member remained in the former military occupation;
together with any upwards adjustments to the rates of pay determined under subparagraphs (a) and (b) that may be established from time to time.
(TB, 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.03(3) (Exception - compulsory occupation transfer) Paragraph (2) of this instruction does not apply to pilots who are paid under CBI 204.215 (Pay – Officers – Pilots).
(TB, effective 12 December 2024)
204.03(4) (Rate of pay – reassignment of occupation to a higher trade group) A non-commissioned member in an occupation that has been reassigned to a higher trade group shall be paid at the rate of pay in the higher trade group for the rank and pay increment that they held on the day before the reassignment and any higher pay increment to which the member would have become entitled had the member’s occupation not been reassigned, together with any upwards adjustments to the rates of pay that may be established from time to time.
(TB, 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.03(4.1) (Rate of pay – reassignment of occupation to a lower trade group) A non-commissioned member in an occupation that has been reassigned to a lower trade group shall be paid at the rate of pay they were receiving on the day prior to the reassignment until such time as the rate of pay for their current rank, pay increment and new trade group become greater than or equal to the rate of pay before the change of trade group together with any upwards adjustments to the rates of pay that may be established from time to time.
(TB, 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.03(5) (Rate of pay - occupational career progression) A non-commissioned member who progresses in their occupational career shall be paid the rate of pay established in the senior Military Occupational Structure Identification (MOSID) in a specialist occupation, for the pay increment and qualifying service for their rank pertaining to the sum of:
- the pay increment for their rank in the higher trade group that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day immediately prior to meeting the conditions the senior MOSID; and
- despite paragraph (2) of CBI 204.015 (Qualifying Service), only the qualifying service accumulated in the junior MOSID of the same occupation for the member's present rank, including any acting rank, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in their new trade group.
(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)
204.03(6) (Rate of pay - voluntary occupational transfer) An officer or non-commissioned member who voluntarily transfers to a military occupation, under such conditions as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, shall be paid the rate of pay established for the member's rank, pay level, new trade group, if applicable, and pay increment determined in accordance with CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments). Once a member achieves occupational qualified status, their rate of pay shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (5) of this instruction.
With the exception of non-commissioned members transferring directly to the Electrical Technician, Flight Engineer, Marine Engineering Artificer, Marine Engineering Technician or Non-Destructive Technician occupations, a non-commissioned member in receipt of specialist pay who voluntarily transfers to a new specialist occupation will be assigned on the date of the transfer to the Junior subdivision of the new occupation and shall be paid at the standard rate of pay until they are fully qualified in the new occupation. The date of transfer to the qualified subdivision is the date at which both the necessary qualification and rank level have been obtained.
(TB, effective 1 March 2012)
204.03(7) (Rate of pay - transfer to the pilot occupation) Prior to meeting the conditions in paragraph (1) in CBI 204.215 (Pay - Officers - Pilots), an officer who transfers to the pilot occupation in the rank of captain shall be paid the rate of pay established for the officer's rank in CBI 204.21 (Pay - General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments).
204.03(8) (Rate of pay - Military legal training plan) After July 2008, an officer in the military legal training plan who has not met the conditions in paragraph (1) in CBI 204.218 (Pay - Officers - Legal) shall be paid at rate of pay for the rank of captain in CBI 204.21 (Pay - General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments). For greater certainty, despite CBI 204.215 (Pay Officers - Pilots), a pilot in the military legal training plan is no longer under an obligation to fly and shall be paid a rate of pay in CBI 204.21 (Pay - General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments).
204.03(9) Repealed by TB, Effective 1 March 2022
204.03(10) (Rate of pay - Military Chaplain or Pharmacy Training Plan) After July 2008, an officer, other than an officer paid under CBI 204.21 (Pay - Officers - General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers), who is enrolled in the Military Chaplain or Pharmacy Training Plan, shall be paid as a General Service Officer at the rate of pay for the rank of captain in CBI 204.21 at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments).
(TB, effective 1 August 2004)
204.04 - Rate of Pay on Promotion
204.04(1) (General) The rate of pay on promotion or commission for an officer up to the rank of lieutenant-general and for a non-commissioned member is based on the member’s rate of pay on the day prior to their promotion. A pay increment higher than basic in the new rank may be determined in accordance with this instruction.
(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)
204.04(2) (Application) This instruction applies to officers and non-commissioned members paid under Section 2 and 3 of this Chapter, with the exception of:
- officer cadets commissioned to second lieutenant to whom the Direct Entry Officer Plan applies ; and
- corporals on appointment to master corporal.
204.04(3) (Rate of pay on promotion) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid, on promotion to a higher rank, at the rate of pay established in the applicable CBI which is the greater of:
- the basic rate of pay for the member's new rank and, if applicable, pay level and trade group; or
- the rate of pay for the pay increment and, if applicable, pay level and trade group, for the member’s new rank that is nearest to, but at least equal to, the sum of the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day before the effective date of the promotion plus an amount equal to the rate of pay established for pay increment 1 minus pay increment Basic in the member’s new rank, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in the new rank.
(TB 1 June 2017, effective 1 September 2017)
204.04(3.1) (Exception – Rate of pay on promotion) When immediately prior to promotion:
- a non-commissioned member is in receipt of specialist pay, and their promotion will cause them to revert to the Standard Pay level, the member shall be paid in the same manner as described in CBI 204.03(2); or
- an officer is a pilot and is promoted to the rank of Colonel or above, the member shall be paid in the manner described in CBI 204.21(7).
(TB, 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.04(3.2): REPEALED BY TB, EFFECTIVE 15 JUNE 2023
204.04(4) (General Service Officer - Officer Entry Plans) If an officer is paid under CBI 204.211 (Pay - General Service Officers - Officer Entry Plans -Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet) and is entitled to receive pay level D on promotion to a higher rank, but the rate calculated under subparagraph (3)(b) of this instruction exceeds the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in pay level D in Table B or C, as applicable for the officer's new rank, the officer shall be paid under pay level E in that table in accordance with paragraph (3).
204.04(5) (Medical, Medical Specialist and Dental officers) If a medical officer or dental officer is promoted to the rank of captain or above or a medical specialist is promoted to the rank of major or above:
- basic rate of pay for the purpose of subparagraph (3)(a) is pay increment 1; and
- the difference between the rate of pay established for pay increment 1 and pay increment Basic for the purpose of subparagraph (3)(b) is the difference between the rate of pay established for pay increment 2 and pay increment 1.
204.04(6) (Commissioning) A member to whom CBI 204.31 applies and who commissions and will be paid under CBI Chapter 204, Section 2 – Pay – Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class ‘C’ Service – Officers, shall, prior to having their pay as an officer calculated::
a. revert to the rate of pay established for the pay increment, determined in accordance with CBI 204.015 – Pay Increments; and
b. determine their rate of pay at the member’s current rank and pay level in CBI 204.30 – Pay – Non-Commissioned Members based on the following:
i. if the member was a Special Forces Operator or CBRN Operator, in the Specialist 1 Trade Group; or
ii. if the member was a Search and Rescue Technician or Special Operations Assaulter, in the Specialist 2 Trade Group.
iii. (Repealed)
(TB 12 December 2024, effective 1 April 2021)
204.075 - Rate of Pay on Promotion – Retroactive Pay Increase
When an officer or non-commissioned member has been promoted, and a revision of the rate of pay established in the CBI that applies to the member is approved after the date on which the member was promoted, as a result of which payment of the revised rate of pay for the member's new rank and pay increment and, if applicable, pay level and trade group is to commence prior to the date of the member's promotion, the member shall be paid from the date of the promotion at the rate of pay that is determined by the application of the CBI that determine the member's rate of pay on promotion, as if the revised rates of pay had been approved prior to the date of the promotion.
204.08 - Rate of Pay on Promotion –Coincident with a Pay Increase
An officer or non-commissioned member who is promoted coincidentally with a pay increase shall have the rate of pay resulting from that promotion determined as if the member had been promoted on the day prior to the pay increase.
204.09 - Rate of Pay on Commissioning – Simultaneous Promotion to a Higher Rank
An officer, on being commissioned, who is promoted on the same day on which the officer is commissioned, or on the day following the day on which the officer was commissioned, shall be paid as if they were commissioned in that higher rank.
204.10 Officer and Non-Commissioned Pay Categories
No member who is a non-commissioned member as described in QR&O 3.01 shall be paid as an officer. No member who is an officer as described in QR&O 3.01 shall be paid as an NCM except those who are paid pursuant to CBI 204.211 while holding the rank of Officer Cadet.
204.11 – Rate of Pay – Subsidized Education – Officers – Medical, Medical Specialist, or Dental
204.11(1) (Rate of pay – Subsidized Education – Medical, Medical Specialist or Dental Officer – Captain) After July 2008, a Medical, Medical Specialist, or Dental officer in the rank of captain who is receiving subsidized education and has not met the conditions in paragraph (1) in:
- CBI 204.216 (Pay – Medical Officers and Medical Specialists); or
- CBI 204.217 (Pay – Dental Officers),
shall be paid the rate of pay prescribed for the officer’s rank in CBI 204.21 (Pay – General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments). For greater clarity, despite CBI 204.215 (Pay – Officers – Pilots), a pilot who is receiving subsidized education as a Medical, Medical Specialist, or Dental officer is no longer under an obligation to fly and shall be paid a rate of pay in CBI 204.21 (Pay – General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments).
204.11(2) (Rate of pay – Subsidized Education – Medical Officer, Medical Specialist Officers or Dental Officer – Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant) After 28 February 2022, an officer in the ranks of lieutenant or second lieutenant, who is receiving subsidized education and training as a Medical Officer, Medical Specialist or Dental Officer, shall be paid a rate of pay prescribed for the officer's rank in CBI 204.211 (Pay - General Service Officers - Officer Entry Plans - Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet) at the pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments). Pay level shall be determined using the determining rules established under CBI 204.211(9) (Rate of pay - DEO).
(TB 9 December 2021, effective 1 March 2022)
Section 2 – Pay - Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service - Officers
204.20 - Application
This section applies to officers of the
- Regular Force; and
- Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service.
204.205: Repealed by TB, Effective 1 April 2005
204.21 - Pay – General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers
204.21(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer in the rank of lieutenant-general, major-general, brigadier-general, colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major or captain, other than an officer who:
- is paid under:
- CBI 204.215 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – Lieutenant-colonel, Major and Captain);
- CBI 204.216 (Pay – Medical Officers and Medical Specialists);
- CBI 204.217 (Pay – Dental Officers);
- CBI 204.218 (Pay – Officers –Legal); or
- QR&O 204.22 (Rates of Pay – Military Judges – Regular Force and Class “C” Reserve).
- holds a position to which the officer is appointed by the Governor in Council.
204.21(2) (Rate of pay) Subject to paragraphs (3), (4) and CBI 204.075 (Rate of Pay on Promotion – Retroactive Pay Increase), the rate of pay of an officer to whom this instruction applies is, for each month after the month and year specified in the Table A to this instruction, as prescribed for the officer's rank and pay increment in the aforementioned table.
204.21(3) (Commissioning From the Ranks) If a non-commissioned member is promoted to the rank of captain when commissioned, the member shall be deemed to have been promoted directly to that rank for the purpose of CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion).
204.21(4) (Acting Pay – Senior Officers) An officer in the substantive rank of colonel or above to whom this instruction applies, and who is appointed to a position established for a higher rank in accordance with instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, shall be paid in accordance with Instructions for the administration of acting pay in Appendix D of the Salary Administration Policy for the Executive Group, issued by the Treasury Board Secretariat.
204.21(5) (Limitation) The entitlement under Paragraph (4) of this instruction is limited as follows:
- officers in those ranks which are benchmarked to a Public Service Executive Group level of EX 4 or above are subject to the limitations in Appendix D of the Salary Administration Policy for the Executive Group, issued by the Treasury Board Secretariat, and
- acting pay is limited to the pay for one rank higher than the officer's substantive rank.
- This policy will be applied in the Canadian Forces context with the powers and functions of a Deputy Minister or a deputy head to be exercised by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
- For the purposes of paragraph (4), a position established for a higher rank includes a civilian position one or more levels higher in the reporting structure than the officer's substantive position.
(TB, effective 1 April 2006)
204.21(6) (Pay – Pharmacy Officers)
204.21(6.1) (Definition) For the purpose of this instruction, “Pharmacy Officer” means an officer in the rank of captain, major or lieutenant-colonel who is employed as a pharmacist in the Canadian Forces and who holds an unrestricted license to carry out practice as a pharmacist in a Canadian province or territory.
204.21(6.2) (Rate of Pay) The rate of pay of a pharmacy officer is:
- for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the pay increment in Table A; and
- the special military differential specified in Table B to this instruction.
204.21(7) (Pay- Pilots - Colonel) For those pilots in the rank of colonel or above whose pay does not exceed the pay prescribed for lieutenant-colonel pilots, they will be paid the rate of pay prior to their promotion, including any upward adjustments had they remained in the rank of lieutenant-colonel, until the rate of pay in their new rank is greater than or equal to the rate of pay being earned under CBI 204.215.
(TB 9 December 2021, effective 1 April 2021)
Rank | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
captain |
7841 |
8138 |
8437 |
8734 |
9024 |
9303 |
9579 |
9864 |
10030 |
10195 |
10364 |
major |
10604 |
10789 |
10974 |
11157 |
11340 |
11521 |
11706 |
11889 |
lieutenant-colonel |
12289 |
12487 |
12680 |
12879 |
13078 |
colonel |
14239 |
14800 |
15363 |
15925 |
brigadier-general |
16859 |
17308 |
17785 |
18250 |
major-general |
19340 |
20450 |
21600 |
22717 |
lieutenant-general |
24833 |
25506 |
26212 |
26883 |
Rank | Annual amount in dollars after March 2018 |
Captain and above |
15000 |
204.211 - Pay - General Service Officers - Officer Entry Plans - Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet
204.211(1) (Purpose) The purpose of this instruction is to establish the rate of pay for an officer on enrolment, component transfer or commissioning, taking into consideration the number of pay increments awarded in accordance with CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments), CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion), and the officer's rank and entry plan.
204.211(1.1) (Abbreviations) The following abbreviations are used in this CBI:
means Continuing Education Officer Training Plan
means Commissioned From the Ranks Plan
means Direct Entry Officer
means Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service and Former Service)
means Regular Officer Training Plan
means Special Commissioning Plan
means University Training Plan Non-Commissioned Member
204.211(1.2) (Application) This instruction applies to
- an officer cadet to whom the ROTP, the UTP(NCM), the OCTP, the CEOTP, the SCP or the CFRP applies;
- a lieutenant or a second lieutenant who has successfully completed the ROTP, the UTP(NCM), the CEOTP, the SCPl or the OCTP ;
- a DEO in the rank of lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet;
- a lieutenant or second lieutenant commissioned directly from the rank of warrant officer or below; and
- a pilot who was appointed to the rank of officer cadet or enrolled in the DEO Program after 30 September 1998.
204.211(2) (Pay on promotion) In accordance with paragraphs (3) and (4) of CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion), an officer shall be paid on promotion at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank, pay increment and pay level as set out in the tables to this instruction.
204.211(3) (Rate of pay – ROTP) An officer to whom the ROTP applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment as follows
- if a lieutenant or second lieutenant
- with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level A of Table B or C to this instruction, or
- with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private, in pay level A of Table B or C to this instruction; or
- with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of corporal or above, in pay level D of Table B or C to this instruction; and
- subject to QR&O 203.20 (Officers – Regular Force – Limitation of Payments) , if an officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level A of Table A to this instruction.
204.211(4) (Rate of pay – UTP(NCM) and SCP) A lieutenant or second lieutenant to whom the UTP(NCM) or SCP applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer's rank and pay increment as follows:
- if appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private, in pay level A of Table B or C to this instruction;
- if appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of corporal or above, in pay level D of Table B or C to this instruction.
- if commissioned directly to the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant from a non-commissioned member rank, in pay level D of Table B or C to this instruction.(CDS 1 April 2003)
204.211(5) (Rate of pay – OCTP (No Former Service)) A lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet to whom the OCTP (No Former Service) applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in pay level B of Table A, B or C to this instruction.
204.211(6) (Rate of pay – OCTP (Former Service) A lieutenant or a second lieutenant to whom the OCTP (Former Service) applies, and who was appointed to the rank of officer cadet directly from the rank of private or above shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in pay level D of Table B or C to this instruction.
204.211(7) (Rate of pay – CEOTP) An officer to whom the CEOTP applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer's rank and pay increment as follows:
- for an officer in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant
- in the rank of officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level B of Table A to this instruction.
204.211(8) (Rate of pay – CFR) An officer to whom the CFR Plan applies and who was commissioned from the rank of warrant officer, sergeant, master corporal or such lower rank as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, directly to the rank of lieutenant, or such lower rank as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff, shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in pay level E of Table B or C to this instruction.
204.211(9) (Rate of pay – DEO) An officer to whom the DEO plan applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay for the officer's rank and pay increment as follows:
- in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant
- in the rank of officer cadet with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level C of Table B to this instruction.
204.211(9.1) (Rate of pay – officer with former non-commissioned member service on component transfer or re-enrolment) A lieutenant or second lieutenant with former non-commissioned member service on component transfer or re-enrolment to whom an entry plan in paragraph (4), (6), (7), (8) or (9) to this instruction applies shall be paid at the rate of pay in pay level D of Table B or C to this instruction for the pay increment calculated in accordance with CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments).
204.211(10) (Officer Cadet - former non-commissioned member) An officer cadet who is appointed directly to that rank from a non-commissioned rank shall be paid, regardless of component prior to appointment, as follows:
- if the member was a private trained, corporal or any greater rank, the pay level and trade group for the rank held on the day immediately prior to appointment and any higher pay increment to which the officer cadet would have become entitled under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) had the officer cadet remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member; and
- if the member, the day immediately prior to appointment was a private untrained, in pay level A of Table “A”, "B" or "C" to CBI 204.211.
(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 March 2022)
204.211(10.1) (Transitional provision – officer cadet pay level D to Table A) The rate of pay for an officer cadet, who was paid under pay level D to Table A on 31 March 2006, shall be, for each month after March 2006, the greater of:
- the rate of pay as determined under subparagraph (10)(b) to this instruction as though the changes to that subparagraph had been in effect on the day immediately prior to the date the officer was appointed to the rank of officer cadet; and
- the rate of pay that the officer was receiving on 31 March 2006.
204.211(10.2) (Rate of pay – Reserve Force officer on Class C Service) A Reserve Force lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet on Class C Reserve Service shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) in accordance with this table:
An officer holding the rank of | and prior to the start of Class C Reserve Service was paid a rate of pay set out in CBI 204.52 at | is entitled to the rate of pay in the following table to this instruction |
lieutenant or second lieutenant | Pay level A to Table B | Pay level C of Table B or C |
lieutenant or second lieutenant | Pay level B to Table B | Pay level D of Table B or C |
lieutenant | Pay level C to Table B | Pay level E of Table C |
lieutenant pilot | Table C | Pay level D of Table C |
officer cadet | Table B | Pay level B of Table A |
officer cadet | former non-commissioned member rate in CBI 204.53 | CBI 204.30 |
204.211(11) (Limitations on pay increments) Despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) and paragraph (12), the number of pay increment increases may not exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table to this instruction, and is further limited as follows:
- in the case of an officer cadet who is paid under pay level B in Table "A", to a maximum of one increase;
- in the case of a second lieutenant who is paid under Table "B", to a maximum of one increase, and in the case of a lieutenant who is paid under Table "C", to a maximum of three increases; and
- in the case of an officer cadet who is paid under pay level C in Table "B", no increases.
(TB 12 December 2024, effective 1 March 2025)
204.211(12) (Completion of training) If the designated authority at CBI 204.0151 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations) determines that an officer cannot complete military occupation training required for progression to the next rank solely as a result of a delay from scheduling of the training or a change in training requirements in the military occupation, and the required occupation training is not subsequent to a voluntary occupational transfer after one year of occupation training in the former military occupation, the maximum number of pay increment increases that may be provided to an officer under paragraph (11) is increased, but not to exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table, as follows:
- in the case of a delay of one year or less, by one pay increment; and
- in the case of a delay of more than one year, by two pay increments.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.211(13) (Voluntary withdrawal – ROTP) An officer cadet to whom the ROTP applies, and who voluntarily withdraws from the academic portion of the ROTP, shall be paid, despite any other provisions of the CBI, for any subsequent period of obligatory service required to be performed during which the officer remains as an officer cadet, at the rate of pay to which entitled at the time of the withdrawal from the plan, including any upward adjustments to that rate of pay that may be established from time to time.
Rank | Pay Level | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 |
Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
Officer Cadet | A | 2578 | 2624 | 2684 | 2734 | |||||||
Officer Cadet | B | 3579 | 3727 | 4311 | 4478 | |||||||
Officer Cadet | D |
Rank | Pay Level | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
Second Lieutenant | A | 5675 | 5758 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | B | 4510 | 4776 | 5230 | 5693 | |||||||
Second Lieutenant | C | 4853 | 5264 | 5726 | 6097 | 6514 | 6932 | 7349 | ||||
Second Lieutenant | D | 6195 | 6377 | 6569 | 6831 | 6974 | 7180 | 7396 | 7616 | 7844 | 8079 | 8320 |
Second Lieutenant | E | 6269 | 6455 | 6712 | 6968 | 7070 | 7266 | 7484 | 7708 | 7938 | 8180 | 8419 |
Rank | Pay Level | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
Lieutenant | A | 6185 | 6604 | 7024 | 7442 | |||||||
Lieutenant | B | 4776 | 5230 | 5693 | 6196 | 6708 | ||||||
Lieutenant | C | 5336 | 5796 | 5970 | 6185 | 6396 | 6604 | 6864 | 7024 | 7234 | 7442 | |
Lieutenant | D | 6361 | 6614 | 6878 | 7156 | 7440 | 7740 | 8048 | 8371 | 8706 | 9051 | 9417 |
Lieutenant | E | 6607 | 6872 | 7148 | 7431 | 7733 | 8041 | 8363 | 8700 | 9045 | 9410 | 9785 |
204.215 - Pay – Officers – Pilots – Lieutenant-Colonel, Major and Captain
204.215(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a pilot in the rank of lieutenant-colonel, major or captain who is qualified in the flying of aircraft to the standard established in orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff and who is under a continuous obligation to fly as determined in orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
204.215(2) (Rate of pay – Lieutenant-colonel, Major and Captain) A pilot in the rank of lieutenant-colonel, major or captain shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank, pay group and pay increment in the Table to this instruction, as applicable.
204.215(3) Repealed by TB, Effective 1 April 2011
204.215(4) (Occupation transfer to the pilot occupation) Despite paragraph (6), an officer on occupation transfer to the pilot military occupation in the rank of captain, and who meets the conditions of paragraph (1), shall be paid at the rate of pay for the pay group and pay increment determined under paragraph (2) that is equal to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on the day immediately prior to meeting the conditions of paragraph (1).
204.215(5) (Pay Increment - Anniversary Date) Despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) a pilot's pay increment anniversary date is as follows:
- the date the pilot is promoted to the next higher rank is the pilot’s new pay increment anniversary date for that rank, except that;
- a pilot in the rank of captain to which paragraphs (4) and (7.1) apply will have their anniversary date set on the date they became qualified to progress in the current pay group or advance to the next pay group.
(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)
204.215(6) (Pay Groups – Captain Pilots) Pilots in the rank of captain are divided into four groups for the purposes of pay. Progression between pay groups shall be based on qualification standards established in Orders and Instructions issued by the Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force. These groups are:
- Pay Group 1: Will progress from Pay Increment Basic to Pay Increment 4;
- Pay Group 2: Eligible to progress up to Pay Increment 9;
- Pay Group 3: Eligible to progress up to Pay Increment 13; and
- Pay Group 4: Eligible to progress to Pay Increment 20.
204.215(7) (Pay Increment Progression Between Groups) Pilots in the rank of captain who qualify for a pay group that is greater than their current pay group, shall continue to progress to the next pay increment by one pay increment per year until such time as they reach the maximum pay increment for that pay group, at which time they will cease to progress until qualified for a higher pay group.
204.215(7.1) (Pay Increment Progression - Unqualified for Pay Group) After 31 March 2021, despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) a pilot in the rank of captain assigned to a pay group for which they are not qualified will remain at the determined pay increment until the qualification standard established for that pay group pursuant to paragraph (6) has been met. Progression to the next pay increment resumes in accordance with paragraphs (5) and (7) upon qualification for that pay group.
204.215(8) (Transitional provision – Captain) Despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments), the rate of pay of a Captain at pay increment 7 or lower, on 1 April 2024, shall be the rate of pay that is closest or equal to, but not less than, the rate of pay that they were receiving on 31 March 2024 plus 2.26%. The member’s anniversary date established in accordance with paragraph (5) of this instruction, shall remain unchanged.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
Rank | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
Captain | 7841 |
8138 |
8437 |
8734 |
9024 |
9303 |
9579 |
9864 |
10242 |
10651 |
11077 |
Pay Incr 11 | Pay Incr 12 | Pay Incr 13 | Pay Incr 14 | Pay Incr 15 | Pay Incr 16 | Pay Incr 17 | Pay Incr 18 | Pay Incr 19 | Pay Incr 20 | ||
Captain | 11519 | 11980 | 12460 | 12959 | 13476 | 14016 | 14576 | 15159 | 15311 | 15684 | |
Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 | |
Major | 12959 | 13219 | 13483 | 13751 | 14027 | 14308 | 14664 | 15031 | 15332 | 15716 | 16245 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 16081 | 16242 | 16406 | 16569 | 16805 |
204.216 - Pay – Medical Officers
204.216(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- medical officer
an officer assigned to the medical officer occupation and who holds the rank of captain or above and who holds a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of Family Medicine in a Canadian province or territory. (médecin militaire)
After July 2008, a commissioned officer to whom the Medical Officer Training Plan or the Military Medical Training Plan applies and who does not yet hold a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of medicine in a Canadian province or territory is paid a rate of pay under this instruction if in the rank of lieutenant or below, or in CBI 204.21 (Pay – General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) if in the rank of captain.
- medical specialist
- an officer assigned to the medical specialist occupation and who holds the rank of major, lieutenant colonel or colonel and who holds a fellowship certification through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in one of the following specialties:
i. general surgery;
ii. anaesthesiology;
iii. internal medicine;
iv. psychiatry;
v. orthopaedics;
vi. diagnostic radiology;
vii. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Physiatry); or
viii. Emergency Medicine (Emergentologist);
ix. Obstetrics and Gynecology; or
b. a medical officer, medical specialist or dental officer in the rank of major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel who, on 31 March 1999, was in receipt of an allowance under the former QR&O article 205.43 (Medical and Dental Officer Specialist Allowance), as it read on 31 March 1999. (médecin spécialiste)
Subject to paragraph 204.015 (Pay Increments) an officer assigned to the medical specialist occupation in the rank of captain, who is licenced to practice family medicine in one of the provinces or territories in Canada, shall be paid under Table C of this instruction. A captain in the medical specialist occupation who does not hold an unrestricted licence to practice family medicine in one of the provinces or territories of Canada shall be paid the rate of pay in CBI 204.21.
- pay
includes for all medical officers in the rank of captain or above, and all medical specialists in the rank of major and above, the special pay differential for medical officers and medical specialists. (solde)
204.216(2) (Rate of pay – captain and above – other than qualified medical specialist) Subject to CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion) and CBI 204.075 (Rate of Pay on Promotion - Retroactive Pay Increase), a member in the rank of captain or above who holds a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of Family Medicine in a Canadian province or territory shall be paid:
- for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in Table "C" to this instruction; and
- on a monthly basis the special military differential specified in Table “G” to this instruction
204.216(2.1) (Rate of pay – lieutenant and below) An officer in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant who on 28 February 2022 was in receipt of pay under this instruction shall be paid, commencing 1 March 2022, in accordance with CBI 204.11 (Rate of pay - Officers - Subsidized Education - Medical, Medical Specialist or Dental) at the rate of pay closest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on 28 February 2022.
204.216(3) (Rate of pay – major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel – qualified medical specialist) Subject to CBI 204.075 (Rate of Pay on Promotion – Retroactive Pay Increase), a medical specialist in the rank of major, lieutenant–colonel or colonel shall be paid:
- for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the pay increment in Table E to this instruction to which the officer would have been entitled under paragraph (2); and
- on a monthly basis the special military differential specified in Table G to this instruction.
(TB, effective 1 April 2005)
204.216(4) (Repealed)
204.216(5) (Repealed)
204.216(6) (Repealed)
204.216(7) (Repealed)
204.216(8) (Transfer to the medical officer occupation) Despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments), an officer on transfer to the medical officer occupation in the rank of captain, who has successfully achieved their unrestricted licence to practice Family Medicine in one of the provinces or territories of Canada, shall be paid at the rate of pay in Table C to this instruction for the pay increment which is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on the day immediately prior to meeting the conditions of this paragraph.
Table “A” to 204.216: Repealed by TB on 1 March 2022
Table “B” to 204.216: Repealed by TB on 1 March 2022
Table C to CBI 204.216 - Monthly Rates (in dollars) after March 2024
Rank | Pay Incr 1 |
Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 |
captain |
14325 |
16416 |
17238 |
18104 |
19450 |
20022 |
20592 |
major |
20022 |
20592 |
21160 |
21730 |
22300 |
lieutenant-colonel |
23004 |
24175 |
25538 |
26859 |
colonel |
24032 |
25443 |
26860 |
28284 |
brigadier-general |
25492 |
26991 |
28488 |
29994 |
major-general |
27043 |
28635 |
30218 |
31808 |
Table D to CBI 204.216 - Repealed
Rank | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 |
Major | 24024 | 24710 | 25391 | 26076 | 26757 | ||
Lieutenant-colonel | 28379 | 29652 | 30261 |
30943 | |||
Colonel | 28838 | 30532 | 32233 | 33939 |
Table F to CBI 204.216 – Repealed
Rank | Special Military Differential for Medical Officers (annual amount in dollars) after March 2018 |
Captain and above | 39000 |
204.217(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- dental clinical specialist
a dental officer in the rank of major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel who is certified for licensure as a specialist by a Canadian provincial regulatory authority or is certified as a Diplomate of the American Board of General Dentistry in one of the following clinical specialties:
- oral and maxillofacial surgery,
- prosthodontics,
- periodontics, or
- advanced general dentistry; or
a dental officer in the rank of major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel who, on 31 March 1999, was in receipt of an allowance under the former QR&O 205.43 (Medical and Dental Officer Specialist Allowance), as it read on 31 March 1999.
(TB, effective 1 April 2011)
- dental officer
means an officer in the rank of captain or above who holds a commission as a dental officer and who has a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of dentistry in a Canadian province or territory. After July 2008, a commissioned officer to whom the Dental Officer Training Plan or the Military Dental Training Plan applies and who does not yet hold a license to carry out the unrestricted practice of dentistry in a Canadian province or territory is paid a rate of pay under this instruction if in the rank of lieutenant or below, or in CBI 204.21 (Pay - General Officers, Colonels and General Service Officers) if in the rank of captain.
(TB, effective 1 March 2011)
- pay
includes for all dental officers in the rank of captain or above, the special military differential for dental officers.
204.217(2) (Rate of pay – captain and above – other than dental clinical specialist) Subject to CBI 204.04 (Rate of Pay on Promotion) and CBI 204.075 (Rate of Pay on Promotion - Retroactive Pay Increase), a dental officer in the rank of captain or above shall be paid:
- for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in Table "C" to this instruction; and
- on a monthly basis the special military differential specified in Table “G” to this instruction.
204.217(2.1) (Rate of pay – lieutenant and below) An officer in the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant who on 28 February 2022 was in receipt of pay under this instruction shall be paid, commencing 1 March 2022 in accordance with CBI 204.11 (Rate of pay - Officers - Subsidized Education - Medical, Medical Specialist or Dental) at the rate of pay closest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on 28 February 2022.
204.217(3) (Rate of pay – major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel – dental clinical specialist) Subject to CBI 204.075 (Rate of Pay on Promotion - Retroactive Pay Increase), a dental officer in the rank of major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel who is a dental clinical specialist shall be paid
- for each month after the month and year specified in the table, at the rate of pay established for the pay increment in Table E to this instruction to which the officer would have been entitled under paragraph (2); and
- on a monthly basis the special military differential specified in Table G to this instruction.
204.217(4) (Repealed)
204.217(5) (Repealed)
204.217(6) (Repealed)
204.217(7) (Repealed)
204.217(8) (Transfer to the dental officer occupation) Despite CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments), an officer on transfer to the dental officer military occupation in the rank of captain, who has successfully achieved their licensure as a dentist by a Canadian provincial Dental Regulatory Authority, shall be paid at the rate of pay in Table C to this instruction for the pay increment which is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on the day immediately prior to meeting the conditions of this paragraph.
(TB 9 December 2021, effective 1 March 2022)
Rank | Pay Incr 1 |
Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 |
captain |
14325 |
16416 |
17238 |
18104 |
19450 |
20022 |
20592 |
major |
20022 |
20592 |
21160 |
21730 |
22300 |
lieutenant-colonel |
23004 |
24175 |
25538 |
26859 |
colonel |
24032 |
25443 |
26860 |
28284 |
brigadier-general |
25492 |
26991 |
28488 |
29994 |
Table D to CBI 204.217 - Repealed
Rank | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 |
Major | 24024 | 24710 | 25391 | 26076 | 26757 | ||
Lieutenant-Colonel | 28379 | 29652 | 30943 | 32233 | |||
Colonel | 28838 | 30532 | 32233 | 33939 |
Table F to CBI 204.217 – Repealed
Rank | Special Military Differential for Dental Officers (annual amount in dollars) after March 2018 |
Captain and above | 19000 |
204.218 - PAY – OFFICERS – LEGAL
204.218(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- legal officer
means a commissioned officer who is a barrister or advocate and
- who is a member in good standing of a provincial law society; and
- who, in accordance with orders issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, is assigned to the Legal military occupation.
- MLTP legal officer
means a legal officer of the rank of captain who has completed training under the Military Legal Training Plan.
204.218(2) (Rate of Pay) The rate of pay of a legal officer, other than one who holds a position to which the officer is appointed by the Governor in Council is
- for each month after the month and year specified in table A to this instruction, as established for the officer's rank and pay increment in table A to this instruction; and
- for a legal officer in the rank of colonel or lieutenant-colonel, including paid acting rank, on a monthly basis, during the period beginning on 1 April 2013 and ending on the last moment of 31 March 2016, the special military differential specified for their rank in table B to this instruction.
204.218 (2.1) (Transitional Provision – Captain, Major and Lieutenant-Colonel – 1 April 2022) Effective 1 April 2022, the rate of pay of a legal officer in the rank of captain, major or lieutenantcolonel, including paid acting rank, shall be the rateof pay in Table “A” to this instruction for the payincrement in the officer’s rank that is nearest to, but not less than, their rate of pay on 31 March 2022 after being multiplied by 1.047. For greater clarity, a legal officer’s anniversary date for progressing to their next higher pay increment, if applicable, shall remain the same date as prior to this transitional provision.
204.218(3) (Former military judge) The rate of pay of a former legal officer who ceases to hold office as a military judge is, on the officer’s ceasing to hold office, an amount equal to the maximum rate of pay established for their rank in the table to this instruction.
(TB, effective 1 June 2014)
204.218(4) (Rate of pay on transfer) The rate of pay of an officer on transfer to the legal military occupation shall be an amount that is nearest to, but not less than the rate of pay prescribed in CBI 204.21 (Pay – General Service Officers) for the pay increment as determined under CBI 204.015 (Pay Increments) before the transfer.
204.218(5) (Acting Pay - Legal Officers) An officer in the substantive rank of major or above, to whom this instruction applies, and who is designated in writing by the Judge Advocate General, or any officer acting under the authority of the Judge Advocate General, in accordance with the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces, Duties and Responsibilities of Officers, 4.081(4), to perform the duties of a position established for a higher rank on an acting basis for a period of at least thirty (30) consecutive days, shall be paid at the rate established for the higher rank calculated from the date on which the officer commenced those duties.
204.218(6) (Rate of Acting Pay – Legal Officers) An officer in receipt of Acting Pay shall initially be paid at the pay increment that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving the day prior to commencing those acting duties. An officer in receipt of Acting Pay for a consecutive period greater than one year shall be deemed, for the purposes of calculating Acting Pay, to have completed one year of qualifying service.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.218(7) (Limitation) The entitlement under Paragraph (5) of this instruction is limited to the pay for one rank higher than the officer's substantive rank.
Rank | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
Captain | 8196 | 8581 | 8985 | 9407 | 9849 | 10312 | 10796 | 11304 | |||
Major | 11912 | 12471 | 13057 | 13671 | 14314 | 14986 | 15691 | 16428 | 17201 | 18009 | 18855 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 15752 | 16492 | 17317 | 17837 | 18372 | 19107 | 20158 | 21170 | |||
Colonel | 19996 | 21206 | 22418 | 23635 | |||||||
Brigadier-General | 20036 | 21505 | 22971 | 24444 |
Rank | Special Military Differential for Legal Officers |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 17078 |
Colonel | 21786 |
204.219 - Pay During Transition - Former Chief of Defence Staff
204.219(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer in the rank of general the day immediately following the termination of their appointment by the Governor in Council as Chief of the Defence Staff.
204.219(2) (Intent) To establish a rate of pay for a former Chief of the Defence Staff during their period of transition, beginning on the day immediately following the termination of their appointment, and ending on the day of their release from the Canadian Forces. This transitional period allows for the completion of release administration processes and to expend any accumulated or unused leave.
204.219(3) (Rate of Pay) The monthly rate of pay that an officer to whom this instruction applies is entitled to is equal to the annual salary the officer was entitled to on the last day of their Governor in Council appointment as Chief of the Defence Staff, not including performance pay, bonuses or allowances, divided by 12.
204.219(4) (Limitation) An officer to whom this instruction applies shall not be entitled to a rate of pay determined under this instruction for a period exceeding 3 months.
(TB, effective 13 June 2024)
204.22 - Transitional Provision - Implementation of Revised Regular Force Pay Instructions - Officers - 1 April 2002
204.22(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer whose rate of pay on 31 March 2002 was governed by:
- CBI 204.2111 (Pay – General Service Officers – Regular Officer Training Plan – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet);
- CBI 204.2112 (Pay – General Service Officers – University Training Plan (Non-commissioned Members) – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet);
- CBI 204.2113 (Pay – General Service Officers – Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service) – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet);
- CBI 204.21135 (Pay – General Service Officers – Officer Candidate Training Plan (Former Service) – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet);
- CBI 204.2114 (Pay – General Service Officers – Direct Entry Officer – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet);
- CBI 204.212 (Pay – General Service Officers – Lieutenant and Officer Cadet to Whom the Commissioned from the Ranks Plan Applies);
- CBI 204.213 (Pay – General Service Officers – Captain – Commissioned From the Ranks);
- CBI 204.2151 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – Regular Officer Training Plan – Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant);
- CBI 204.2152 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – University Training Plan (Non-Commissioned Members) – Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant);
- CBI 204.2153 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – Officer Candidate Training Plan (No Former Service) – Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant);
- CBI 204.21535 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – Officer Candidate Training Plan (Former Service) – Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant); or
- CBI 204.2154 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – Direct Entry Officer – Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant).
204.22(2) (Rate of pay) For each month after March 2002, the rate of pay of an officer to whom this instruction applies shall be the rate of pay for the officer's rank, incentive pay category and pay level that is nearest to, but at least equal to, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on 31 March 2002, as set out in the applicable CBI as follows, and shall be applied as if that CBI were in force on the day immediately prior to the date the officer was promoted to the rank the officer held on 1 April 2002:
- 204.21 (Pay – General Service Officers)
- 204.211 (Pay – General Service Officers – Officer Entry Plans – Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant and Officer Cadet);
- 204.215 (Pay – Officers – Pilots –Lieutenant-colonel, Major and Captain); or
- 204.2156 (Pay – Officers – Pilots – Officer Entry Plans – Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant).
(CDS 8 October 2002, effective 1 April 2002)
Section 3 – Pay - Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service - Non-Commissioned Members
204.30 - Pay- Non-Commissioned Members
204.30(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service.
204.30(2) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- occupation
means a grouping of related jobs having similar duties and tasks and requiring similar qualifications, and are referred to by their Military Occupational Structure Identification (MOSID). These military occupations may be further subdivided into Junior and Senior sub-divisions. (groupe professionnel)
- trade group
means the standard, specialist 1 and specialist 2 groupings set out in Table A to this instruction. (groupe de spécialité)
(CDS 28/04, effective 1 August 2004)
204.30(2.1) (Approving Authority – Assignment of Non-commissioned Member Military Occupations to Trade Groups) The Secretary of the Treasury Board is the approving authority for the assignment of each non-commissioned member occupation to a trade group.
204.30(2.2) (Accounting – Assignment of Non-commissioned Member Military Occupations to Trade Groups) On the recommendation of the Director General Compensation and Benefits, the approving authority may assign a military occupation to a trade group which:
- is effective on the date determined by the approval authority; and
- must be published on a defence website as defined in article 1.21 (Publication of Regulations, Orders and Instructions) of the QR&O unless the information is protected or classified.
(TB, effective 8 June 2023)
204.30(3) (Rate of pay - Standard trade group) Subject to paragraphs (3.1) and (4), and CBI 204.03 (Pay on Occupational Transfer), a non-commissioned member to whom this instruction applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in Table A to this instruction, at the rate of pay established for the member's rank, pay increment, and pay level in the Standard trade group column.
204.30(3.1) (Rate of Pay - Specialist trade group) After July 2004, and subject to paragraph (4) and CBI 204.03 (Pay on Occupational Transfer), a non-commissioned member to whom this instruction applies shall be paid, for each month after the month and year specified in Table A to this instruction, at the rate of pay established for the member's rank, pay increment, and pay level in the Specialist 1 or Specialist 2 trade group column, as applicable, if they:
- are assigned to the Qualified sub-occupation in an occupation;
(TB, effective 1 April 2011) - meet the occupational qualifications as determined by the branch's Managing Authority; and
- have achieved the required rank.
204.30(4) (Appointment of master corporal) A corporal who holds the appointment of master corporal shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a corporal, Pay Level 5B, in Table A to this instruction at the same pay increment to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, as a corporal, had the member not been appointed master corporal.
204.30(5) (Repealed)
204.30(6) (Rate of Pay – Chief Warrant Officer Appointment) A Chief Warrant Officer shall be paid at the rate of pay established in Table "A" to this instruction for their leadership sector:
- Tactical Leadership Sector, in pay level 8A;
- Post Tactical Leadership Sector, in pay level 8B;
- Strategic Leadership Sector, in pay level 8C; and
- Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer, in pay level 8C, plus on a monthly basis, the special differential specified in Table B to this instruction.
204.30(6.1) (Rate of pay – leadership sector corresponding to a higher pay level) A Chief Warrant Officer who is appointed to a position within a leadership sector corresponding to a higher pay level shall, upon their appointment, have their rate of pay determined in accordance with the pay level corresponding with that new leadership sector, at the same pay increment they held on the day of the appointment.
204.30(6.2) (Rate of pay - leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level) A Chief Warrant Officer who, due to a deficiency in available positions in their current leadership sector, is appointed to a position within a leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level shall, upon their appointment, have their rate of pay determined in accordance with the pay level and pay increment they held on the day prior to the appointment.
204.30(6.3) (Rate of pay limitation – leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level) A Chief Warrant Officer who, due to a performance or conduct deficiency or personal decision, is appointed to a position within a leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level shall, upon their appointment, have their rate of pay determined in accordance with the pay level corresponding with that new leadership sector, at the same pay increment they held on the day of the appointment.
204.30(7) (Repealed by TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.30(7.1) (Repealed by TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.30(8) (Repealed)
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
- The total number of corporals who may be appointed as master corporals is established by the Minister.
- The total number of chief warrant officers, Pay Level 8B or 8C, who may be appointed as the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer, or to the Senior Appointments List, is established by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
- After July 2004, a Reserve Force non-commissioned member on Class C Reserve service must be qualified to Regular Force occupational standards, as determined by the branch Managing Authority, in order to receive a Specialist rate of pay, provided their designated position is allocated to a Specialist MOSID.
- After July 2004, a non-commissioned member enrolled or component transferred to an occupation in the Specialist trade group will be enrolled into the Junior sub-occupation until such time as they are qualified in the sub-occupation.
- After July 2004, a non-commissioned member promoted to an Acting Lacking rank shall remain in the Junior sub-occupation until such time as they are qualified in the sub-occupation. Once qualified, the member will be transferred to the applicable Specialist sub-occupation in accordance with CBI 204.03 (Pay on Occupational Transfer).
(TB, effective 1 April 2004)
Pay level | Trade group | PI 1 | PI 2 | PI 3 | PI 4 |
1 | Standard | 3614 | 4413 | 5304 | n/a |
Pay level | Trade group | Basic pay | PI 1 | PI 2 | PI 3 | PI 4 |
5A | Standard | 6069 | 6175 | 6279 | 6383 | 6493 |
5A | Specialist 1 | 6731 | 6793 | 6907 | 7021 | 7142 |
5A | Specialist 2 | 7202 | 7269 | 7390 | 7512 | 7642 |
5B | Standard | 6299 | 6409 | 6516 | 6621 | 6939 |
5B | Specialist 1 | 6929 | 7050 | 7168 | 7283 | 7404 |
5B | Specialist 2 | 7414 | 7544 | 7670 | 7793 | 7922 |
Pay level | Trade group | Basic pay | PI 1 | PI 2 | PI 3 | PI 4 |
6A | Standard | 7043 | 7147 | 7245 | 7315 | 7380 |
6A | Specialist 1 | 7677 | 7790 | 7825 | 7900 | 7970 |
6A | Specialist 2 | 8214 | 8335 | 8373 | 8453 | 8528 |
Pay level | Trade group | Basic pay | PI 1 | PI 2 | PI 3 | PI 4 |
6B | Standard | 7694 | 7761 | 7832 | 7900 | 7962 |
6B | Specialist 1 | 8310 | 8382 | 8459 | 8532 | 8599 |
6B | Specialist 2 | 8892 | 8969 | 9051 | 9129 | 9201 |
Pay level | Trade group | Basic pay | PI 1 | PI 2 | PI 3 | PI 4 |
7 | Standard | 8556 | 8643 | 8730 | 8815 | 8900 |
7 | Specialist 1 | 8984 | 9075 | 9167 | 9256 | 9345 |
7 | Specialist 2 | 9298 | 9393 | 9442 | 9515 | 9607 |
Pay level | Trade group | Basic pay | PI 1 | PI 2 | PI 3 | PI 4 |
8A | Standard | 9347 | 9443 | 9547 | 9642 | 9735 |
8A | Specialist 1 | 9347 | 9443 | 9547 | 9642 | 9735 |
8A | Specialist 2 | 9347 | 9443 | 9547 | 9642 | 9735 |
8B | Standard | 10000 | 10106 | 10214 | 10315 | 10420 |
8B | Specialist 1 | 10000 | 10106 | 10214 | 10315 | 10420 |
8B | Specialist 2 | 10000 | 10106 | 10214 | 10315 | 10420 |
8C | Standard | 10401 | 10511 | 10623 | 10728 | 10834 |
8C | Specialist 1 | 10401 | 10511 | 10623 | 10728 | 10834 |
8C | Specialist 2 | 10401 | 10511 | 10623 | 10728 | 10834 |
Table “B” To CBI 204.30 - Special Differential for Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer
Annual amount in dollars - After March 2019 |
4374 |
(TB 30 May 2019, effective 1 October 2018)
204.31(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or Reserve Force on Class “C” Reserve Service in the following occupations:
- Special Forces Operator;
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Operator;
- Special Operations Assaulter;
- Search and Rescue Technician; and
- Chief Warrant Officer Corps who transferred from an occupation in sub-paragraph (a) to (d) above and are employed directly within a search and rescue (SAR) function or serve as the Canadian Special Operations Command Chief Warrant Officer, Sergeant-Major of the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), Joint Task Force -2 (JTF-2), Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU) or Canadian Special Operations Training Centre (CSOTC).
(TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2021)
204.31(2) (Rate of Pay – Table A) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), a non-commissioned member in the Special Forces Operator or Chemical Biological Radiation Nuclear Operator occupation, or a Chief Warrant Officer who was transferred from one of those occupations and is serving in a position listed in subparagraph (1)(e) of this instruction, shall be paid pursuant to Table A.
(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.31(3) (Rate of Pay – Table B) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), a non-commissioned member in the Special Operations Assaulter or Search and Rescue Technician occupation, or a Chief Warrant Officer who was transferred from one of those occupations and is serving in a position designated in paragraph (1)(e) of this instruction, shall be paid pursuant to Table B.
(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.31(4) (Appointment of master corporal) A corporal who holds the appointment of master corporal shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a corporal, Pay Level 5B, in either Table “A” or “B” to this instruction at the same pay increment to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, as a corporal, had the member not been appointed master corporal.
204.31(5) (No Entitlement) A member to whom this instruction applies shall be paid under this instruction, except that they shall be paid under CBI 204.30 if:
- they have informed their commanding officer in writing that they refuse to perform the duties assigned to them; or
- a qualification the member requires to perform the duties of their occupation is cancelled.
204.31(6) (Occupational Transfer) A member who is subject to an occupational transfer from one of the occupations listed in paragraph 1 of this instruction shall, prior to having their pay calculated in accordance with CBI 204.03 – Pay on occupational transfer:
- revert to the rate of pay established for the pay increment, determined in accordance with CBI 204.015 – Pay Increments; and
- determine their rate of pay at the member’s current rank and pay level in CBI 204.30 – Pay – Non-Commissioned Members based on the following:
- if the member was a Special Forces Operator or CBRN Operator, in the Specialist 1 Trade Group; and
- if the member was a Search and Rescue Technician or Special Operations Assaulter, in the Specialist 2 Trade Group.
- (Repealed)
(TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2021)
204.31 (7) (Benefit in relation to allowances) A member in receipt of pay under this instruction is not entitled to the following:
- CBI 205.30 (Paratroop Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.305 (Paratroop Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.315 (Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.325 (Aircrew Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.341 (Diving Deep Danger Allowance);
- CBI 205.342 (Diving Experimental Saturation Allowance);
- CBI 205.345 (Diving Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.3855 (Special Operations Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.401 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)), and
- CBI 205.4015 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Casual)).
204.31(8) Repealed, TB on 9 March 2023 effective 1 April 2023
204.31(9) (Rate of Pay on Qualification) After 31 March 2023, despite CBI 204.015 - Pay Increments, a member who becomes qualified in an occupation listed at paragraph (1) of this instruction shall be paid at the pay increment that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the member was receiving the day prior to becoming qualified in their new occupation.
(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
Rank | Corporal | Corporal | Sergeant | Warrant Officer | Master Warrant Officer | Chief Warrant Officer | |
Pay level | 5A | 5B | 6A | 6B | 7 | 8A | |
Pay Increment | Basic | 8189 |
8441 |
9190 |
9823 |
10496 |
10859 |
1 |
8305 |
8564 |
9258 |
9894 |
10587 |
10957 |
2 |
8448 |
8708 |
9365 |
10000 |
10705 |
11085 |
3 |
8562 |
8790 |
9441 |
10072 |
10797 |
11183 |
4 |
8682 |
8943 |
9511 |
10140 |
10885 |
11276 |
5 |
8735 |
8959 |
9527 |
10155 |
10899 |
11291 |
6 |
8746 |
8975 |
9542 |
10171 |
10916 |
11306 |
7 |
8756 |
8989 |
9558 |
10186 |
10931 |
11324 |
8 |
8763 |
9013 |
9580 |
10209 |
10955 |
11345 |
9 |
8773 |
9033 |
9603 |
10230 |
10976 |
11367 |
10 |
8796 |
9055 |
9623 |
10251 |
10997 |
11387 |
11 |
8813 |
9072 |
9642 |
10270 |
11014 |
11406 |
12 |
8833 |
9093 |
9660 |
10289 |
11033 |
11424 |
13 |
8851 |
9147 |
9679 |
10308 |
11053 |
11443 |
14 |
8868 |
9152 |
9729 |
10323 |
11068 |
11459 |
15 |
8918 |
9157 |
9731 |
10338 |
11083 |
11475 |
16 |
8934 |
9159 |
9766 |
10355 |
11100 |
11490 |
17 |
8954 |
9213 |
9783 |
10411 |
11156 |
11548 |
Rank | Corporal | Corporal | Sergeant | Warrant Officer | Master Warrant Officer | Chief Warrant Officer | |
Pay Level | 5A | 5B | 6A | 6B | 7 | 8A | |
Pay Increment | Basic | 10077 |
10325 |
10965 |
11742 |
12533 |
13465 |
1 |
10164 |
10414 |
11032 |
11815 |
12619 |
13561 |
2 |
10486 |
10728 |
11337 |
12118 |
12939 |
13896 |
3 |
10572 |
10818 |
11411 |
12195 |
13025 |
13992 |
4 |
10653 |
10908 |
11478 |
12267 |
13110 |
14086 |
5 |
10775 |
11029 |
11599 |
12389 |
13233 |
14207 |
6 |
10895 |
11150 |
11720 |
12510 |
13353 |
14328 |
7 |
11018 |
11272 |
11841 |
12632 |
13474 |
14450 |
8 |
11200 |
11454 |
12025 |
12816 |
13658 |
14634 |
9 |
11383 |
11640 |
12208 |
12999 |
13841 |
14817 |
10 |
11567 |
11822 |
12392 |
13184 |
14026 |
15001 |
11 |
11895 |
12150 |
12718 |
13510 |
14353 |
15328 |
12 |
12223 |
12476 |
13048 |
13836 |
14681 |
15655 |
13 |
12548 |
12802 |
13373 |
14162 |
15006 |
15980 |
14 |
13492 |
13746 |
14317 |
15105 |
15950 |
16924 |
204.35 - Transitional Provision - Implementation of Revised Regular Force Pay Instructions - Non-Commissioned Members - 1 April 2002
(Rate of pay) The rate of pay of a non-commissioned member, whose rate of pay on 30 November 2001 was governed by paragraphs (5) or (6) of CBI 204.30 (Pay – Non-Commissioned Members) as it read on 31 March 2002, shall be, for each month after November 2001, the rate of pay for the member's rank, incentive pay category, pay level and trade group as determined under CBI 204.03 (Pay Protection on Compulsory Occupational Transfer).
204.40 - Canadian Forces Severance Pay
204.40(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
means Canadian Forces Severance Pay
- eligible service
means a member's number of years of service after the member's most recent date of enrolment but does not include any years of:
- YPB (see definition);
- service in the Supplementary Reserve, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service and Canadian Rangers, other than years that the member has served on Class B Reserve Service or Class C Reserve Service;
- exemption from Primary Reserve duty and training, other than years of exemption under QR&O articles 9.09 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Maternity Purposes) and 9.10 (Exemption from Duty and Training – Parental Purposes);
- Primary Reserve non-effective strength, as determined by or under the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff;
- leave without pay granted under QR&O articles 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances);
- a limitation of payments under QR&O article 203.20 (Officers – Regular Force – Limitation of Payments);
- absence – without leave or as a deserter – for which a forfeiture has been imposed under QR&O article 208.30 (Forfeitures – Officers and Non-commissioned Members); and
- a forfeiture that has been imposed under QR&O article 208.31 (Forfeitures, Deductions and Cancellations – When No Service Rendered).
- exceptional member
- on the day their release was initially approved under QR&O article 15.01(3) (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members), by reason of
- Item 3(a), 3(b), 5(b), 5(d), or 5(e) in the Table to that article, or
- Item 5(c) in the Table to that article and the member has not reached retirement age under QR&O chapter 15 (Release) but has completed the period of service required because of a change in classification or trade specifications or in the establishment requirements of the Canadian Forces; or
- by reason of death.
- on the day their release was initially approved under QR&O article 15.01(3) (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members), by reason of
- member
means an officer or non-commissioned member who satisfies all of the following conditions:
- they serve in the Regular Force or Primary Reserve;
- they are not a military judge; and
- they are not a person who pursuant to law is attached or seconded as an officer or non-commissioned member to the Canadian Forces.
- senior officer
means a member who – during the period beginning on 1 October 2011 and ending on the last moment of 29 February 2012 – held the substantive rank of
- Colonel or above; or
- Lieutenant-colonel and who was paid under CBI 204.218 (Legal Officers) or Table E to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers).
- year
includes part of a year, rounded up to two decimal places.
- YPB (Years of Prior Benefit)
means the total number of years in respect of which any severance benefits and payments in lieu of severance benefits were paid or granted to a member under
- QR&O article 16.19 (Rehabilitation Leave);
- QR&O articles 204.40 (Severance Pay) and 205.54 (Reserve Force Retirement Gratuity);
- QR&O chapter 204 (Financial Benefits And Pay Of Military Judges);
- CBI 204.40 (Severance Pay) and CBI 204.54 (Reserve Force Retirement Gratuity); and
- this instruction.
204.40(2) (Payment In Lieu – Election Period) An election for a payment in lieu of CFSP shall be offered once to all members during a period that
- commences on a date that is specified by or under the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff and that is before 15 December 2012; and
- ends at the first moment of the 91st day after it commenced.
204.40(3) (Payment In Lieu – Entitlement) A member is entitled to receive a payment in lieu of all or part of CFSP if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member has not served – during the period beginning on 1 March 2012 and ending on the last moment of the last day of the election period – in the Supplementary Reserve, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service or Canadian Rangers;
- the member – during the election period – irrevocably elects to receive a payment in lieu of all or part of CFSP;
- the member makes the election in writing on the form in this instruction;
- another member witnesses the member's election and attests to the election and the date on which it was made, on the form in this instruction;
- the completed election form is received by the Chief of the Defence Staff – or by an officer designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff – not later than the last moment of the 15th day after the election period ends; and
- during the member's eligible service, the release of the member under Item 1, 2, or 5(f) in the Table to QR&O article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) is not approved before the end of the election period.
204.40(4) (Payment In Lieu – Entitlement – Date) A member who, under paragraph (3), has become entitled to receive a payment in lieu of all or part of CFSP is deemed to be entitled on the date that the member made the election in writing on the form in this instruction.
204.40(5) (Payment In Lieu – Election – Invalid) An election made before or after the election period is of no force and effect and cannot be considered, deemed, or otherwise determined to have been made during the election period.
204.40(6) (Payment In Lieu – Amount) The amount of a payment in lieu of all or part of CFSP is calculated by the formula
(MP ÷ 30) X 7 X Y
MP is the monthly rate of pay – for the member's substantive rank, pay increment, and occupation or trade group –
- that was,
- in respect of a member who was a senior officer on 1 October 2011, established for that date,
- in respect of a member who became a senior officer during the period beginning on 2 October 2011 and ending on the last moment of 29 February 2012, established for the date on which the member became a senior officer, and
- in any other case, established for 1 March 2012; and
- that is,
- in respect of a member of the Regular Force or of the Primary Reserve who is serving on Class C Reserve Service, established under Section 2 or 3 of this chapter. and
- in respect of a member of the Primary Reserve who is not serving on Class C Reserve Service, the product of (30 × the rate of pay prescribed for a period of duty or training of six hours or more, established under Section 5 of this chapter); and
Y is the lesser of
- any number of years of eligible service,
- in respect of a member who was a senior officer on 1 October 2011, that were served before 1 October 2011 and that are chosen by the senior officer,
- in respect of a member who became a senior officer during the period beginning on 2 October 2011 and ending on the last moment of 29 February 2012 , that were served before the date on which the member became a senior officer and that are chosen by the senior officer, and
- in any other case, that were served before 1 March 2012 and that are chosen by the member; and
- the difference of (30 – YPB).
204.40(7) (CFSP – Entitlement) A member is entitled – on the day before the member ceases to serve in the Regular Force or in the Primary Reserve – to CFSP unless
- the release of the member under Item 1, 2, or 5(f) in the Table to QR&O article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) has been approved before that day and during the member's eligible service; or
- the member has served – after 29 February 2012 – in the Supplementary Reserve, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service or Canadian Rangers and is not an exceptional member.
204.40(8) (CFSP – Amount) The amount of CFSP is calculated by the formula
(MP ÷ 30) X 7 X Y
MP is the monthly rate of pay – on the day before the member ceases to serve in the Regular Force or in the Primary Reserve and for the member's substantive rank, pay increment, and occupation or trade group – that,
- in respect of a member of the Regular Force or of the Primary Reserve who is serving on Class C Reserve Service, is established under Section 2 or 3 of this chapter, and
- in respect of a member of the Primary Reserve who is not serving on Class C Reserve Service, is the product of (30 × the rate of pay prescribed for a period of duty or training of six hours or more, established under Section 5 of this chapter); and
Y is the lesser of
- the number of years of eligible service,
- in respect of a member who is not a senior officer and who is not an exceptional member, that were served before 1 March 2012,
- in respect of a member who was a senior officer on 1 October 2011 and who is not an exceptional member, that were served before 1 October 2011,
- in respect of a member who became a senior officer during the period beginning on 2 October 2011 and ending on the last moment of 29 February 2012 and who is not an exceptional member, that were served prior to the date on which the member became a senior officer, and
- in respect of an exceptional member, that were served before the effective date of release that was determined – under QR&O article 15.03 (Date of Release) – on the date that the release was approved under QR&O article 15.01(3) (Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members) or before the date on which the death occurred; and
- the difference of (30 – YPB).
204.40(9) (Thirty Year Rule) Notwithstanding anything in this instruction or any other instruction under section 35 of the National Defence Act, no person is entitled during their lifetime to be paid or granted severance benefits and payments in lieu of severance benefits in respect of more than 30.00 years service in the Canadian Forces, unless otherwise provided by law.
204.40(10) (Retroactive Pay) All pay that is determined and regulated under this instruction is subject to the Retroactive Remuneration Regulations – Canadian Forces.
Canadian Forces Severance Pay – Election Form
(CBI 204.40(4))
1. I, (service number, rank, name, unit) of the Regular Force or of the Primary Reserve irrevocably elect to receive a payment in lieu of Canadian Forces Severance Pay.
2. I choose (all or a number of years) years of eligible service for the purpose of my election.
3. I acknowledge that:
- it is my responsibility to ensure that my completed election form is received by the Chief of the Defence Staff – or an officer designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff – no more than 15 days after the election period ends;
- I have had sufficient time to consult with persons of my choosing regarding any of the consequences of this election, including consequences upon my personal income tax and my future entitlement to Canadian Forces Severance Pay; and
- I am responsible for any of the consequences of this election.
Irrevocably elected and signed by me:
(location at which elected and signed)
Witnessed by me, a member of the Canadian Forces:
(service number, rank, name)
Section 5 – Pay - Reserve Force on Other than Class C Reserve Service - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
204.50 - Application
204.50(1) (Application) The instructions in this section apply to officers and non-commissioned members of the Reserve Force except for:
- those serving on class C Reserve Service; and
- reserve force military judges.
204.50(2) (Class C Reserve Service) Rates of pay and conditions of payment for officers and non-commissioned members of the Reserve Force serving on Class C Reserve Service are as established in sections 1, 2 and 3.
204.50(3) (Reserve force military judge) The rates and conditions of payment for reserve force judges are as established in articles 204.22 (Rate of Pay – Military Judges – Regular Force and Class C Reserve Service) and 204.221 (Rates of Pay – Military Judges – Class A and B Reserve Service) of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces.
(TB, effective 1 June 2014)
204.51 - Pay – Conditions of Payment
204.51(1) (Pay) Subject to CBI 204.5105 (Pay – Officers – Chaplains) and 204.516 (Limitation of Pay), an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid
- in the case of an officer paid under CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers), at the rate of pay for the officer's rank and pay increment established for the period of duty or training as determined under paragraph (2), in the appropriate table to CBI 204.52;
- repealed;
- in the case of a non-commissioned member, at the rate of pay established for the member's rank, pay increment, pay level and trade group for the period of duty or training as determined under paragraph (2) in the table to CBI 204.53 (Pay – Non-commissioned Members); or
- in the case of a non-commissioned member to whom CBI 204.531(1) applies, at the rate of pay established for the member’s rank, pay increment and pay level for the period of duty or training as determined under paragraph (2) in the tables to CBI 204.531 – Pay – Special Forces and Search And Rescue Specialists – Reserve Force.
204.51(2) (Period of duty or training) For the period of duty or training in the tables to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers), 204.53 (Pay – Non-commissioned members) and 204.531 (Pay – Special Forces & Search and Rescue Specialists – Reserve Force) under which an officer or non-commissioned member is paid, the rate of pay is determined as follows:
- for a period, or authorized cumulative periods, of duty or training of less than 6 hours in a calendar day, 50% of the member's rate of pay shall be used; and
- for a period, or authorized cumulative periods, of duty or training of not less than 6 hours in a calendar day, the member's rate of pay shall be used.
For the purpose of paragraph (2) of this instruction, cumulative periods of duty or training considered in the determination of rates of pay in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) may be accumulated within a period extending beyond a calendar day as described in orders or instructions issued by the Director General Compensation and Benefits on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(CDS 8 October 2002, effective 1 April 2002)
204.5105 – Pay – Officers – Chaplains
Despite CBI 204.51 (Pay - Conditions of Payment), for each day on which a chaplain conducts divine worship for a unit of the Reserve Force, the chaplain is entitled to the rate of pay established, for the chaplain's rank and pay increment in Table B to CBI 204.52 (Pay - Officers).
204.511 – Pay Increments – Reserve Force
204.511(1) (General) Subject to the remainder of this instruction, an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid at the rate of pay for the next higher pay increment for the member's rank and, if applicable, pay level or trade group or both, as established in the applicable CBI in this Chapter, if the member has:
- met the performance standards established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff; and
- has completed one year of qualifying service, or after such lesser amount of qualifying service as may be authorized by the designated authority at CBI 204.5111 (Designated authority – Pay Increments Determinations – Reserve Force).
204.511(2) (Qualifying service) Subject to conditions prescribed in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of Defence Staff, qualifying service for pay increments includes
- subject to paragraph (3), all previous service for an officer or non-commissioned member at the member's present rank, equivalent rank or any higher rank, including paid acting rank in
- the Regular Force and all other permanent armed forces of Her Majesty,
- any component of the Canadian Forces and of all other armed forces of Her Majesty, when on active service, or
- the Primary Reserve, Cadet Instructors Cadre and the Canadian Rangers of the Reserve Force; and
- for an officer or non-commissioned member on enrolment in the Canadian Forces, a period as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, for academic or other special qualifications considered by the designated authority at CBI 204.5111 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations – Reserve Force) to be of military value.
204.511(3) (Exceptions) Qualifying service for pay increments does not include
- any service prior to a continuous interruption of more than five years during which no service designated in paragraph (2) was performed, unless the member during the period of the interruption has maintained relevant skills or qualifications considered by the designated authority at CBI 204.5111 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations – Reserve Force), to be of military value;
- any service that is not declared on enrolment; or
- any service prior to the date of a promotion to a higher substantive rank, other than:
- a period of continuous service in an acting rank at the end of which the officer or non-commissioned member is promoted to the same substantive rank,
- any period of service of an officer or non-commissioned member in the higher substantive rank if the member is promoted to the same substantive rank following a period of Class B Reserve Service or Class C Reserve Service for which the member relinquished the higher substantive rank and was promoted in accordance with paragraph (4) to QR&O 11.12 (Relinquishment of Rank)
- any period of service of an officer of the Cadet Instructors Cadre in the higher substantive rank if the officer is promoted to the same substantive rank following relinquishment of the rank in order to perform Reserve Service in a Cadet Instructor Cadre position established at a lower rank.
- any period in excess of one year, where a member does not meet the qualifications standards for progression to the next pay increment under CBI 204.52(17) (Pay Groups – Captain Pilots).
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.511(4) (Promotion on enrolment) An officer or non-commissioned member who is promoted to a higher rank effective the date of the member's enrolment or effective the day following enrolment is, for the purpose of pay increment increases, deemed to have been enrolled in the rank to which the member was promoted.
204.511(5) (Reduction or reversion) On reduction in rank or reversion to a lower rank, an officer or non-commissioned member shall be paid at the rate of pay for that lower rank that is determined by taking into account all previous qualifying service in that rank and in any higher rank, with the exception of a medical officer, medical specialist, dental officer, legal officer and pilot, where only qualifying service in their military occupation shall be considered.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.511(6) (Pay increment protection on transfer from the Regular Force or enrolment in the Reserve Force) Subject to paragraph (3), a Regular Force officer or non-commissioned member who transfers to or enrolls in the Reserve Force at the same rank held at the time of their transfer or release from the Regular Force is entitled to the greater of:
- the pay increment pertaining to the qualifying service determined in paragraph (2) of this instruction; or
- the pay increment, and the qualifying service towards their next higher pay increment, if applicable, they held on their last day of service in the Regular Force.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.5115 - Transitional Provision – Implementation of Revised Reserve Force Pay Plan – 1 April 1997
204.5115(1) (Rate of pay) Despite CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force), an officer or non-commissioned member, other than an officer to whom CBI 204.5205 (Pay – Officers – On Performance Pay) applied, who on 1 April 1997 had previous qualifying service in the rank the member held on that date, shall
- effective 1 April 1997, be paid at the rate of pay for the incentive pay category to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, having regard to the application of the Public Sector Compensation Act, had the applicable incentive pay category approved effective 1 April 1997 been in effect on the day immediately prior to the date that the member was promoted to the rank they held on 1 April 1997; and
- be paid at the rate of pay for the next incentive pay category, if applicable, on the anniversary date which would otherwise have applied, having regard to the application of the Public Sector Compensation Act, had the applicable incentive pay category approved 1 April 1997 been in effect on the day immediately prior to the date that the member was promoted to the rank they held on 1 April 1997.
204.5115(2) (Basic pay) Despite CBI 204.5205 (Pay – Officers – On Performance Pay), as it existed prior to 1 April 2005, an officer to whom that instruction applied, shall be paid, effective 1 April 1997, for the rank that the member held on 1 April 1997, basic pay that is the greater of
- the rate of pay that the member was entitled to on 31 March 1997,
- the minimum rate of pay for the member's rank established in the appropriate table to CBI 204.5205, and
- the maximum rate of pay after 31 March 1997, for the rank that is one rank lower than the rank that the member held on 1 April 1997, plus 5 percent of the maximum rate of pay established in the applicable table to CBI 204.5205, for the rank that the member held on 1 April 1997, rounded to the nearest even cent.
204.515 – Pay on Occupational Transfer - Reserve Force
204.515(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- compulsory occupational transfer
means an officer or non-commissioned member who is obligated to change their military occupation as a result of:
- the elimination of their military occupation;
- the amalgamation of two or more military occupations;
- not meeting the minimum medical standard for their occupation; or
- a change in the overall military establishment, including a surplus or deficiency in a military occupation. (reclassement obligatoire)
(TB, 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
- occupational career progression
means an officer in the pilot occupation or a non-commissioned member who has achieved the required occupational or professional qualifications in order to be entitled:
- in the case of a pilot, to a rate of pay in Table C to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers); or
- in the case of a non-commissioned member, to a rate of pay in a higher trade group, including progression from a junior to a qualified level within the same occupation. (avancement professionnel)
- voluntary occupational transfer
means an officer or non-commissioned member who has precipitated a change in their military occupation as a result of:
- a personal decision to change occupation;
- personal inefficiency, including personal performance or conduct, in their former occupation; or
- their failure to achieve the academic or military standard in their occupation. (reclassement volontaire)
204.515(2) (Rate of pay – compulsory occupational transfer) Subject to paragraph (3), the rate of pay of an officer or non-commissioned member who was compulsorily occupationally transferred shall be the greater of:
- the rate of pay established for the pay increment determined in accordance with CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force) for the member’s rank, pay level and new trade group that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day immediately prior to the member’s transfer, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in the new rank and trade group; or
- the rate of pay before the change of military occupation until the rate of pay in the new military occupation for the rank, pay increment and, if applicable, pay level and trade group is greater than or equal to the rate of pay before the change of military occupation and any higher pay increment for the rank and, if applicable, pay level and trade group to which the member would have become entitled had the member remained in the former military occupation;
together with any upwards adjustments to the rates of pay determined under subparagraphs (a) and (b) that may be established from time to time.
204.515(3) (Exception - compulsory occupation transfer) Paragraph (2) of this instruction does not apply to pilots who are paid under Table “C” to CBI 204.52 (Pay - Officers).
(TB, effective 12 December 2024)
204.515(4) (Rate of pay – reassignment of occupation to a higher trade group) A non-commissioned member in an occupation that has been reassigned to a higher trade group shall be paid at the rate of pay in the higher trade group for the rank and pay increment that they held on the day before the reassignment and any higher pay increment to which the member would have become entitled had the member’s occupation not been reassigned, together with any upwards adjustments to the rates of pay that may be established from time to time.
(TB, 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.515(4.1) (Rate of pay – reassignment of occupation to a lower trade group) A non-commissioned member in an occupation that has been reassigned to a lower trade group shall be paid at the rate of pay they were receiving on the day prior to the reassignment until such time as the rate of pay for their current rank, pay increment and new trade group become greater than or equal to the rate of pay before the change of trade group; together with any upwards adjustments to the rates of pay that may be established from time to time.
(TB, 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.515(5) (Rate of pay - occupational career progression) An officer in the pilot occupation or a non-commissioned member who achieves occupational qualified status under such conditions as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, shall be paid the rate of pay established:
- in the case of a pilot who was in the rank of lieutenant or captain prior to being qualified in the flying of aircraft to the standard established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, for the pay increment in Table "C" to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers) that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving pursuant to Table “B” to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers) on the day immediately prior to being qualified in the flying of aircraft;
- for the purpose of paragraph (1) in CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force), the pay increment anniversary date is as follows:
- in the rank of lieutenant, the date the pilot became qualified in the flying of aircraft to the standard established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, to which is added any qualifying service accumulated in the rank of lieutenant in the pilot occupation prior to meeting the standard for the flying of aircraft;
- in the rank of lieutenant-colonel, major or captain, the date the pilot is promoted to the next higher rank, except that;
- for a pilot in the rank of captain to whom CBI 204.52(4) (Rate of pay on occupational transfer to pilot) and CBI 204.52(17.2) (Pay Increment Progression - Unqualified for Pay Group) apply, it is the date they became qualified to progress in the current pay group or advance to the next pay group.
but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in their new trade group.
(TB 24 March 2022, effective 1 April 2021)
204.515(6) (Rate of pay - voluntary occupational transfer) An officer or non-commissioned member who voluntarily transfers to a military occupation, under such conditions as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, shall be paid the rate of pay established for the pay increment for the member's rank, pay level, and new trade group, if applicable, determined in accordance with CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments - Reserve Force).
- Subject to Note B to this instruction, a non-commissioned member who voluntarily transfers from one occupation in which the member was receiving specialist pay to a new specialist occupation, the member will be assigned on the date of the transfer to the Junior sub-division of the new occupation and shall be paid at the standard rate of pay until they are fully qualified in the new occupation. The date of transfer to the qualified sub-division is the date at which both the necessary qualification and rank level in Table A to CBI 204.53 (Pay – Non-commissioned members – Reserve Force) have been obtained.
- A non-commissioned member who voluntarily occupational transfers to an occupation in the Specialist 1 or Specialist 2 trade group shall have their rate of pay determined in accordance with paragraph (5) of this instruction once they achieve occupational qualified status.
(CDS 8 October 2002, effective 1 August 2004)
204.516 - Limitation of Pay
In any one training year, an officer or non-commissioned member shall not be paid for more than the maximum number of days of training established by the Chief of the Defence Staff for that training year.
204.517 - Rate of Pay on Promotion – Reserve Force – Retroactive Pay Increase
Where an officer or non-commissioned member has been promoted, and a revision of the rate of pay established in the CBI that applies to the member is approved after the date on which the member was promoted, as a result of which payment of the revised rate of pay for the member's new rank and pay increment and, if applicable, pay level and trade group is to commence prior to the date of the member's promotion, the member shall be paid, from the date of promotion, at the rate of pay that is determined by the application of the CBI that determines the member's rate of pay on promotion, as if the revised rates of pay had been approved prior to the date of the member's promotion.
204.518 - Rate of Pay on Promotion - Coincident with a Pay Increase (New 1 Apr 02)
An officer or non-commissioned member who is promoted coincidentally with a pay increase shall have the rate of pay resulting from that promotion determined as if the member had been promoted on the day prior to the pay increase.
(CDS 8 October 2002, effective 1 April 2002)
204.519 - Rate of Pay on Commissioning - Simultaneous Promotion to a Higher Rank - Reserve Force
An officer, on being commissioned, who is promoted on the same day on which the officer is commissioned, or on the day following the day on which the officer was commissioned, shall be paid as if they were commissioned in that higher rank.
(CDS 8 October 2002, effective 1 Apr 02)
204.52 - Pay – Officers
204.52(1) (General) Subject to CBI 204.51 (Pay – Conditions of Payment) an officer shall be paid in the manner determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment:
- if the officer is a medical officer, in Table "A" and the special military differential established in Table “D” to this instruction;
- if the officer is a general service officer other than a pilot, in Table "B" to this instruction;
- if the officer is a pilot, in Table "C" to this instruction;
- if the officer is a legal officer, in Table “E” and the special military differential established in Table “J” to this instruction, during the period beginning on 1 April 2013 and ending on the last moment of 31 March 2016, if the officer is a legal officer in the rank of colonel or lieutenant-colonel, including paid acting rank;
- if the officer is a dental officer, in Table "F" and the special military differential established in Table “D” to this instruction;
- if the officer is a medical specialist, in Table “G” and the special military differential established in Table “D” to this instruction; or
- if the officer is a dental clinical specialist, in Table “H” and the special military differential established in Table “D” to this instruction; or
- if the officer is a pharmacist in the rank of lieutenant-colonel, major or captain in Table “B” and the special military differential established in Table “D” of this instruction.
(TB 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.52(1.1) (Definitions) In this instruction,
- pay
includes the special military differential in the case of a medical officer, medical specialist, dental officer or legal officer;
- dental clinical specialist
a dental clinical specialist, as set out in CBI 204.217 (Pay – Dental Officers);
- medical specialist
a medical specialist as set out in CBI 204.216 (Pay - Medical Officers and Medical Specialists) and includes the following medical specialties:
i.General Surgery;
ii. Anaesthesiology;
iii. Internal Medicine;
iv. Psychiatry;
v. Orthopaedic Surgery;
vi. Diagnostic Radiology;
vii. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Physiatry);
viii. Cardiology;
ix. Dermatology;
x. Emergency Medicine (Emergentology);
xi. Gastroenterology;
xii. Neurosurgery;
xiii. Obstetrics and Gynecology;
xiv. Ophthalmology;
xv. Otolaryngology;
xvi. Paediatrics;
xvii. General Pathology;
xviii. Plastic Surgery;
xix. Thoracic Surgery; or
xx. Urology;
A medical specialist or dental officer – in the rank of major, lieutenant-colonel or colonel – who, on 31 March 1999, was in receipt of an allowance under the former QR&O article 205.43 (Medical and Dental Officer Specialist Allowance), as it read on 31 March 1999, is a medical specialist for the purpose of this Instruction;
- pilot
has the same definition as set out in CBI 204.215 (Pay - Officers - Pilots - Lieutenant-Colonel, Major and Captain), with the exception that this instruction also includes a pilot in the rank of lieutenant; and
- legal officer
has the same definition as set out in CBI 204.218 (Pay - Officers - Legal).
204.52(2) (Rate of pay – Lieutenant, Second-Lieutenant and Officer Cadet) An officer in the rank of Lieutenant, Second-Lieutenant and Officer Cadet will be paid as follows:
a. if a lieutenant or second-lieutenant :
i. with no former non-commissioned member service, in pay level A of Table B to this instruction
ii. with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet from the rank of Pte, in pay level A of Table B to this instruction;
iii. with former non-commissioned member service and appointed to the rank of officer cadet from the rank of Cpl or above, in pay level B of Table B to this instruction
iv. with former non-commissioned member service and commissioned under the special commissioning plan, in pay level B of Table B to this instruction
v. with former non-commissioned member service and commissioned under the Commissioning from the Ranks Plan, in pay level C of Table B to this instruction
vi. if a qualified pilot of the rank of lieutenant, in Table "C" to this instruction.
b. if an officer cadet with no former service, in Table B to this instruction.
204.52 (2.1) (Transitional Provision – Legal Officers – Captain, Major and Lieutenant-Colonel – 1 April 2022) Effective 1 April 2022, the rate of pay of a legal officer in the rank of captain, major or lieutenant-colonel, including paid acting rank, shall be the rate of pay in Table “E” to this instruction forthe pay increment in the officer’s rank that is nearest to, but not less than, their rate of pay on 31 March 2022 after being multiplied by 1.047. For greater clarity, a legal officer’s anniversary date for progressing to their next higher pay increment, if applicable, shall remain the same date as prior to this transitional provision.
204.52(3) (Rate of pay – officer cadet – former private pay increment 1 or 2) An officer in the rank of officer cadet who is appointed to that rank directly from the rank of private paid in pay increment 1 or 2 shall be paid at the rate of pay for the pay increment for an officer cadet in Table B to this instruction that is nearest to, but at least equal to, the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day immediately prior to the date of appointment.
(TB 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.52(4) (Rate of pay – officer cadet – former private pay increment 3 or above) An officer in the rank of officer cadet who is appointed to that rank directly from the rank of private paid in pay increment 3 or above shall be paid at the rate of pay which is, including any upwards adjustments to the rate of pay that may be established from time to time, and any upward adjustments resulting from the reallocation of the last military occupation in which the officer served as a non-commissioned member to a higher trade group, the rate of pay established for:
- the rank, pay increment, pay level and trade group the officer held on the day immediately prior to the date of appointment to the rank of officer cadet; and
- any higher pay increment to which the officer would have become entitled had the officer remained in the former rank, pay level and trade group as a non-commissioned member.
(TB 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.52(5) (Commissioning from the Ranks) : If a non-commissioned member is promoted to the rank of captain when commissioned, the member shall be deemed to have been promoted directly to that rank for the purpose of paragraph (8) and paid as determined under CBI 204.52(1).
(TB 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.52(6) (Rate of pay – officers – pilots to whom the Commissioned from the Ranks Plan applies) An officer in the pilot military occupation, other than an officer cadet, who is promoted to the officer’s current rank directly on commissioning, shall:
- if qualified in the flying of aircraft to the standard established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, be considered to have been promoted to the applicable officer rank directly from the non-commissioned rank held by the member and, subject to paragraph (6) of this instruction, be paid at the rate of pay established for the officer’s rank and pay increment in Table "C" to this instruction; or
- if not yet qualified in the flying of aircraft, and promoted to the rank of:
i. captain or above, be paid under table “B”, and
ii. lieutenant or second lieutenant, be paid under Table “B”, Level “C”.
(TB 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.52(7) (Rate of pay on occupation transfer to pilot) Despite paragraph (17), an officer on occupation transfer to pilot in the rank of captain or below shall be paid at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment in Table “C” to this instruction which is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving on the day immediately prior to the occupation transfer.
204.52(8) (Rate of pay on promotion) Subject to paragraph (8.1), an officer to whom this instruction applies shall be paid on promotion at the rate of pay which is the greater of:
- the basic rate of pay for the officer’s new rank and pay level; or
- the rate of pay for the pay increment and pay level for the officer’s new rank that is nearest to, but at least equal to, the sum of the rate of pay the officer was receiving on the day immediately prior to the date of promotion, plus an amount equal to the difference between the rate of pay established for pay increment 1 and pay increment Basic in the officer’s new rank, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in the new rank.
204.52(8.1) (Exception - Rate of pay on promotion) For pilots in the rank of colonel or above whose pay does not exceed the pay prescribed for lieutenant-colonel pilots, they will be paid the rate of pay prior to their promotion, including any upward adjustments had they remained in the rank of lieutenant colonel, until the rate of pay in their new rank is greater than or equal to the rate of pay being earned under Table “C” to this instruction.
(TB, 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.52(9) (Limitations on pay increments) Subject to CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force) and paragraph (10) the number of pay increment increases may not exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table to this instruction, and is further limited as follows in Table B and C
- in the case of second lieutenant paid under pay level B or C, to a maximum of one increase; and
- in the case of lieutenant paid under pay level B or C, to a maximum of three increases.
204.52(10) (Completion of training) If the designated authority at CBI 204.5111 (Designated Authority – Pay Increments Determinations – Reserve Force) determines that an officer cannot complete military occupation training required for progression to the next rank solely as a result of a delay from scheduling of the training or a change in training requirements in the military occupation, and the required occupation training is not subsequent to a voluntary occupational transfer after one year of occupation training in the former military occupation, the maximum number of pay increment increases that may be provided to an officer under paragraph (9) is increased, but not to exceed the maximum number of pay increments for the applicable pay level and table, as follows:
- in the case of a delay of one year or less, by one pay increment; and
- in the case of a delay of more than one year, by two pay increments.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.52(11) (Rate of pay – Former Regular Force officer) A lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet having former commissioned service in the Regular Force shall be paid at the rate of pay established for the officer's rank and pay increment determined under CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force) as follows:
An officer of the rank of | who prior to component transfer was paid a rate of pay set out in CBI 204.211 at | is entitled to the rate of pay in the following table to this instruction |
Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant | pay level A, B or C to Table B or C | pay level A of Table B |
Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant | pay level D to Table B or C | pay level B of Table B |
Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant | pay level E to Table B or C | pay level C of Table B |
204.52(12) (Acting Pay - Legal Officers) An officer in the substantive rank of major or above, to whom this instruction applies, and who is designated in writing by the Judge Advocate General, or any officer acting under the authority of the Judge Advocate General, in accordance with the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces, Duties and Responsibilities of Officers, 4.081(d), to perform the duties of a position established for a higher rank on an acting basis for a period of at least thirty (30) consecutive days, shall be paid at the rate established for the higher rank calculated from the date on which the officer commenced those duties.
204.52(13) (Rate of Acting Pay – Legal Officers) An officer in receipt of Acting Pay shall initially be paid at the pay increment that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the officer was receiving the day prior to commencing those acting duties under paragraph (12). An officer in receipt of Acting Pay for a consecutive period greater than one year shall be deemed, for the purposes of calculating Acting Pay, to have completed one year of qualifying service.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.52(14) (Limitation) The entitlement under Paragraph (12) of this instruction is limited to the pay for one rank higher than the officer's substantive rank.
(TB, effective 1 April 2005)
204.52(15) (Former reserve force – military judge) Where the name of a reserve force military judges is removed from the Reserve Force Military Judges Panel, the rate of pay of the former legal officer is an amount equal to the maximum rate of pay established for their rank in table E to this instruction.
(TB, effective 1 June 2014)
204.52(16) (Commissioning) A member to whom CBI 204.531 applies and who commissions and will be paid under CBI 204.52 (Pay - Officers), shall, prior to having their pay as an officer calculated:
- revert to the rate of pay established for the pay increment, determined in accordance with CBI 204.511 – Pay Increments – Reserve Force; and
- determine their rate of pay at the member’s current rank and pay level in CBI 204.53 – Pay – Non-Commissioned Members Increments – Reserve Force based on the following:
- if the member was a Special Forces Operator or CBRN Operator, in the Specialist 1 Trade Group; or
- if the member was a Search and Rescue Technician or Special Operations Assaulter, in the Specialist 2 Trade Group.
- (Repealed)
(TB 12 December 2024, effective 1 April 2021)
204.52(17) (Pay Groups – Captain Pilots) Pilots in the rank of captain are divided into four groups for the purposes of pay. Progression between pay groups shall be based on qualification standards established in Orders and Instructions issued by the Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force. These groups are:
- Pay Group 1: Will progress from Pay Increment Basic to Pay Increment 4;
- Pay Group 2: Eligible to progress up to Pay Increment 9;
- Pay Group 3: Eligible to progress up to Pay Increment 13; and
- Pay Group 4: Eligible to progress to Pay Increment 20.
204.52(17.1) (Pay Increment Progression Between Groups) Pilots in the rank of captain who qualify for a pay group that is greater than their current pay group, shall continue to progress to the next pay increment by one pay increment per year until such time as they reach the maximum pay increment for that pay group, at which time they will cease to progress until qualified for a higher pay group or promoted to major.
204.52(17.2) (Pay Increment Progression – Unqualified for Pay Group) Despite CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force) a pilot in the rank of captain assigned to a pay group for which they are not qualified will remain at the determined pay increment until the qualification standard established for that pay group has been met. Progression to the next pay increment resumes in accordance with paragraphs 204.515(5) and 204.52(17.1) upon qualification for that pay group.
204.52(17.3) (Transitional provision – Captain Pilot) Despite CBI 204.511 (Pay Increments – Reserve Force), the rate of pay of a Captain paid under Table “C” of this instruction at pay increment 5 or lower, on 1 April 2024, shall be the rate of pay that is closest or equal to, but not less than, the rate of pay that they were receiving on 31 March 2024 plus 2.26%. The member’s anniversary date established in accordance with CBI 204.515(5), shall remain unchanged.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
Table A to CBI 204.52 (Medical Officers) - Daily rates (in dollars) after March 2024 for a period of duty or training of 6 hours or more
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
captain | 437.08 | 500.88 | 525.92 | 552.40 | 593.46 |
610.88 |
628.28 |
major | 610.88 | 628.28 | 645.60 | 662.98 | 680.36 | ||
lieutenant-colonel | 701.88 | 737.60 | 779.20 | 819.48 | |||
colonel | 733.20 | 776.28 | 819.50 | 862.94 | |||
brigadier-general | 777.80 | 823.54 | 869.24 | 915.16 |
Table "B" to CBI 204.52 (General Service Officers other than Pilots) - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024, for a Period of Duty or Training of 6 Hours or more.
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
officer cadet | 133.16 | 138.64 | 144.20 | 160.16 | |||||||
second lieutenant A | 149.44 | 162.10 | 179.88 | 187.74 | |||||||
second lieutenant B | 190.80 | 196.38 | 207.30 | 212.76 | 218.74 | 221.08 | 227.76 | 234.50 | 241.56 | 248.82 | 256.24 |
second lieutenant C | 193.02 | 198.78 | 208.90 | 210.88 | 217.28 | 223.74 | 230.46 | 237.34 | 244.44 | 251.88 | 259.20 |
lieutenant A | 186.44 |
192.12 | 198.08 | 207.46 | 208.66 | ||||||
lieutenant B | 195.90 | 207.76 | 211.78 | 220.34 | 229.12 | 238.34 | 247.80 | 257.74 | 268.06 | 278.70 | 289.96 |
lieutenant C | 203.46 | 211.62 | 220.10 | 228.82 | 238.10 | 247.62 | 257.56 | 267.92 | 278.52 | 289.72 | 301.28 |
captain | 239.24 | 248.32 | 257.46 | 266.50 | 275.34 | 283.86 | 292.32 | 300.98 | 306.04 | 311.04 | 316.24 |
major | 323.54 | 329.20 | 334.80 | 340.42 | 346.00 | 351.58 | 357.20 | 362.76 | |||
lieutenant-colonel | 374.92 | 374.92 | 386.86 | 393.00 | 399.04 | ||||||
colonel | 434.44 | 451.56 | 468.72 | 485.88 | |||||||
brigadier-general | 514.38 | 528.06 | 542.62 | 556.80 | |||||||
major-general | 590.06 | 623.94 | 659.02 | 693.10 | |||||||
lieutenant-general | 757.66 | 778.18 | 799.72 | 820.20 |
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Lieutenant | 221.32 | 227.54 | 233.96 | 243.24 | 252.98 | 263.16 | 273.64 | 284.50 | |||
Captain | 239.24 | 248.32 | 257.46 | 266.50 | 275.34 | 283.86 | 292.90 | 304.64 | 316.82 | 329.52 | 342.68 |
Pay Increment | |||||||||||
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | ||
Captain | 356.38 | 370.64 | 385.44 | 400.88 | 416.92 | 433.60 | 450.94 | 468.96 | 473.66 | 485.18 | |
Pay Increment | |||||||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Major | 400.88 | 408.92 | 417.08 | 425.40 | 433.94 | 442.60 | 453.62 | 465.04 | 474.30 | 486.16 | 502.50 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 497.50 | 502.48 | 507.50 | 512.54 | 519.82 |
Table "D" TO CBI 204.52 (Special Military Differential for Medical, Medical Specialists, Dental Officers, Dental Officers – Clinical Specialist And Pharmacy Officers) - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2018 Period of Duty or Training of Six Hours or More
Rank | Special Military Differential for Medical Officers and Medical Specialists | Special Military Differential for Dental Officers | Special Military Differential for Pharmancy Officers |
Captain and above | 107 | 52 | 42 |
(TB, effective 1 April 2018)
Table "E" to CBI 204.52 (Legal Officers – Other than Military Judges) - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024, for a Period of Duty or Training of 6 Hours or More.
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Captain | 250.06 | 261.82 | 274.14 | 287.02 | |||||||
Major | 363.44 | 380.50 | 398.38 | 417.10 | 436.72 | 457.22 | 478.74 | 501.22 | 524.80 | 549.46 | 575.26 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 480.60 | 503.18 | 528.34 | 544.20 | |||||||
Colonel | 610.08 | 647.00 | 683.98 | 721.10 | |||||||
Brigadier-General | 611.30 | 656.12 | 700.84 | 745.78 |
Table "F" to CBI 204.52 (Dental Officers) - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024 for a Period of Training of 6 Hours or More
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Captain | 437.08 |
500.88 |
525.92 |
552.40 |
593.46 |
610.88 |
628.28 |
Major |
610.88 |
628.28 |
645.60 |
662.98 |
680.36 |
Lieutenant-colonel |
701.88 |
737.60 |
779.20 |
819.48 |
Colonel |
733.20 |
776.28 |
819.50 |
862.94 |
Brigadier-general |
777.80 |
823.54 |
869.24 |
915.16 |
Table "G" to CBI 204.52 (medical officer – clinical specialist) - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024 for a period of duty or training of 6 hours or more
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Major | 732.98 | 753.92 | 774.70 | 795.58 | 816.40 | ||
Lieutenant-colonel | 865.86 | 904.70 | 944.10 | 983.46 | |||
Colonel | 879.84 | 931.54 | 983.46 | 1035.50 |
Table "H" to CBI 204.52 (Dental Officers – Clinical Specialist) - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2023 for a Period of Training of 6 Hours or More
Rank | Pay Increment | ||||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Major | 732.98 | 753.92 | 774.70 | 795.58 | 816.40 | ||
Lieutenant-colonel | 865.86 | 904.70 | 944.10 | 983.46 | |||
Colonel | 879.84 | 931.54 | 983.46 | 1035.50 |
Table "J" to CBI 204.52 Special Military Differential for Legal Officers - Daily Rates (in dollars) Effective Beginning on 1 April 2013 and Ending after 31 March 2016 for a Period of Duty or Training of 6 Hours or More
Rank | Special Military Differential for Legal Officers |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 39.78 |
Colonel | 50.74 |
204.5205 - Repealed by TB, Effective 1 April 2005
204.522 - Transitional Provision - Implementation of Revised Reserve Force Officer Pay Instructions - 1 April 2002
204.522(1) (General) The rate of pay of an officer, whose rate of pay on 31 March 2002 was governed by CBI 203.21 (Officer Cadets – Reserve Force on Other Than Class C Reserve Service) or CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers – Other Than Officers on Performance Pay), shall be, after March 2002, the rate of pay for the officer's rank under the applicable table in CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers)), as had the changes to that instruction been in effect on the day immediately prior to the date that the officer was promoted to the rank held on 1 April 2002.
204.522(2) (Rate of pay – lieutenant, second lieutenant and officer cadet) If the rate of pay of an officer in the rank of lieutenant, second lieutenant or officer cadet would be reduced as a result of the amendment of Table B to CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers), the officer shall be paid at the rate of pay that the officer was receiving on 31 March 2002 until such time as the rate of pay for the present rank, incentive pay category and pay level becomes greater.
(CDS 6 May 2003, effective 1 April 2003)
204.53 - Pay - Non-Commissioned Members - Reserve Force
204.53(1) (Rate of Pay - Standard trade group) Subject to paragraphs (1.1) and (2), and CBIs 204.51 (Pay - Conditions of Payment) and 204.515 (Pay on Occupational Transfer - Reserve Force), a non-commissioned member shall be paid at the rate of pay established in Table to this instruction for the member's rank, pay increment, and pay level in the Standard trade group column.
204.53(1.1) (Rate of Pay - Specialist trade group) Subject to paragraph (2), and CBIs 204.51 (Pay - Conditions of Payment) and 204.515 (Pay on Occupational Transfer - Reserve Force), a non-commissioned member to whom this instruction applies shall be paid at the rate of pay established in Table to this instruction, for the member's rank, pay increment, and pay level in the Specialist 1 or Specialist 2 trade group column, as applicable, if they:
- are assigned to the Qualified sub-occupation in an occupation listed in the Table to this instruction;
- meet the occupational qualifications as determined by the branch's Managing Authority;
- have achieved the required rank; and
- when required by the Managing Authority, have completed a minimum of four years of service in the Canadian Forces.
204.53(2) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- occupation
means a grouping of related jobs having similar duties and tasks and requiring similar qualifications, and are referred to by their Military Occupational Structure Identification (MOSID). These military occupations may be further subdivided into Junior and Senior sub-divisions. (groupe professionnel).
- trade group
means the standard, specialist 1 and specialist 2 groupings set out in Table A to this instruction. (groupe de spécialité)
204.53(2.1) (Approving Authority – Assignment of Non-commissioned Member Military Occupations to Trade Groups) The Secretary of the Treasury Board is the approving authority for the assignment of each non-commissioned member occupation to a trade group.
204.53(2.2) (Accounting – Assignment of Non-commissioned Member Military Occupations to Trade Groups) On the recommendation of the Director General Compensation and Benefits, the approving authority may assign a military occupation to a trade group which:
- is effective on the date determined by the approval authority; and
- must be published on a defence website as defined in article 1.21 (Publication of Regulations, Orders and Instructions) of the QR&O unless the information is protected or classified.
(TB, effective 8 June 2023)
204.53(3) (Rate of pay on promotion) Subject to paragraph (3.1), a non-commissioned member to whom this instruction applies shall be paid on promotion at the rate of pay which is the greater of:
- the basic rate of pay for the member's new rank and pay level; or
- the rate of pay for the pay increment and pay level for the member's new rank that is nearest to, but at least equal to, the sum of the rate of pay the member was receiving on the day immediately prior to the date of promotion, and an amount equal to the difference between the rate of pay established for pay increment 1 and pay increment Basic in the member's new rank, but not to exceed the rate of pay for the highest pay increment in the new rank.
204.53(3.1) (Exception - Rate of pay on promotion) Where a member, immediately prior to promotion is in receipt of specialist pay, and their promotion will cause them to revert to the Standard Pay level, the member shall be paid in the same manner as described in CBI 204.515(2).
(TB 16 August 2023, effective 15 June 2023)
204.53(4) (Pay – corporal) A corporal shall be paid at the rate of pay established for corporal (A) in the table to this instruction, except that a corporal who is holding the appointment of master corporal shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a corporal (B) in the Table to this instruction and at the same pay increment to which the member otherwise would have been entitled, as a corporal, had the member not been appointed master corporal.
204.53(5) (Repealed)
204.53(6) (Repealed by TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
204.53(7) (Rate of Pay – Chief Warrant Officer Appointment) A chief warrant officer shall be paid at the rate of pay established in the table to this instruction for their leadership sector:
- Tactical Leadership sector, in pay level 7A; or
- Post Tactical Leadership Sector, in pay level 7B.
204.53(7.1) (Rate of pay – leadership sector corresponding to a higher pay level) A Chief Warrant Officer who is appointed to a position within a leadership sector corresponding to a higher pay level shall, upon their appointment, have their rate of pay determined in accordance with the pay level corresponding with that new leadership sector, at the same pay increment they held on the day of the appointment.
204.53(7.2) (Rate of pay – leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level) A Chief Warrant Officer who, due to a deficiency in available positions in their current leadership sector, is appointed to a position within a leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level shall, upon their appointment, have their rate of pay determined in accordance with the pay level and pay increment they held on the day prior to the appointment.
204.53(7.3) (Rate of pay limitation – leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level) A Chief Warrant Officer who, due to a performance or conduct deficiency or personal decision, is appointed to a position within a leadership sector corresponding to a lower pay level shall, upon their appointment, have their rate of pay determined in accordance with the pay level corresponding with that new leadership sector, at the same pay increment they held on the day of the appointment.
204.53(8) (Repealed by TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
- The total number of corporals who may be appointed as master corporals is established by the Minister.
- The total number of chief warrant officers, Pay Level 7B or 7C, who may be appointed as the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer, or to the Senior Appointments List, is established by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
- After July 2004, a non-commissioned member enrolled or component transferred to an occupation in the Specialist trade group will be enrolled into the Junior sub-occupation until such time as they are qualified in the sub-occupation.
- After July 2004, a non-commissioned member promoted to an Acting Lacking rank shall remain in the Junior sub-occupation until such time as they are qualified in the sub-occupation. Once qualified, the member will be transferred to the applicable Specialist sub-occupation in accordance with CBI 204.515 (Pay on Occupational Transfer - Reserve Force).
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
Table to CBI 204.53 - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024 for period of duty or training of 6 hours or more
Rank | Pay Level | Trade Group | Pay Increment | ||||
Basic | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
private |
1 |
Standard |
127.22 |
136.10 |
163.58 |
corporal (A) |
2 |
Standard |
185.20 |
188.42 |
191.64 |
194.78 |
198.16 |
Specialist 1 |
205.40 |
207.26 |
210.80 |
214.26 |
217.98 |
Specialist 2 |
219.78 |
221.80 |
225.56 |
229.28 |
233.22 |
corporal (B) |
3 |
Standard |
192.22 |
195.60 |
198.82 |
202.04 |
211.72 |
Specialist 1 |
211.44 |
215.16 |
218.70 |
222.24 |
225.92 |
Specialist 2 |
226.26 |
230.24 |
234.02 |
237.80 |
241.72 |
sergeant |
4 |
Standard |
214.92 |
218.05 |
221.06 |
223.24 |
225.20 |
Specialist 1 |
234.26 |
237.68 |
238.74 |
241.10 |
243.22 |
Specialist 2 |
250.68 |
254.60 |
255.46 |
258.02 |
260.24 |
warrant officer |
5 |
Standard |
234.78 |
236.82 |
239.02 |
241.10 |
242.96 |
Specialist 1 |
253.56 |
255.78 |
258.14 |
260.40 |
262.40 |
Specialist 2 |
271.32 |
273.70 |
276.22 |
278.60 |
280.78 |
master warrant officer |
6 |
Standard |
261.06 |
263.72 |
266.34 |
268.98 |
271.56 |
Specialist 1 |
274.12 |
276.92 |
279.66 |
282.44 |
285.14 |
Specialist 2 |
283.72 |
286.60 |
288.04 |
290.34 |
293.12 |
chief warrant officer |
7A |
Standard |
285.22 |
288.16 |
291.26 |
294.18 |
297.04 |
Specialist 1 |
285.22 |
288.16 |
291.26 |
294.18 |
297.04 |
Specialist 2 |
285.22 |
288.16 |
291.26 |
294.18 |
297.04 |
chief warrant officer |
7B |
Standard |
305.14 |
308.36 |
311.64 |
314.76 |
317.90 |
Specialist 1 |
305.14 |
308.36 |
311.64 |
314.76 |
317.90 |
Specialist 2 |
305.14 |
308.36 |
311.64 |
314.76 |
317.90 |
chief warrant officer |
7C |
Standard |
317.38 |
320.72 |
324.16 |
327.28 |
330.56 |
Specialist 1 |
317.38 |
320.72 |
324.16 |
327.28 |
330.56 |
Specialist 2 |
317.38 |
320.72 |
324.16 |
327.28 |
330.56 |
204.531(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a non-commissioned member of the Reserve Force on Class “B” or “A” Reserve Service in the following occupations:
a. Special Forces Operator;
b. CBRN Operator;
c. Special Operations Assaulter; and
d. Search and Rescue Technician.
e. Chief Warrant Officer Corps occupation who transferred from an occupation in sub-paragraph (a) to (d) above and are employed directly within a search and rescue (SAR) function or serve as the Canadian Special Operations Command Chief Warrant Officer, Sergeant-Major of the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), Joint Task Force -2 (JTF-2) or Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit (CJIRU), or Canadian Special Operations Training Centre (CSOTC).
(TB 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2021)
204.531(2) (Rate of Pay – Table A) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5) and CBI 204.51, (Pay – Conditions of Payment) a non-commissioned member in the Special Forces Operator or Chemical Biological Radiation Nuclear Operator occupation, or a Chief Warrant Officer who transferred from one of those occupations and is serving in a position designated in paragraph (1)(e) of this instruction, shall be paid pursuant to Table A.
(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.531(3) (Rate of Pay – Table B) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5) and CBI 204.51, a non-commissioned member in the Special Operations Assaulter or Search and Rescue Technician occupation, or a Chief Warrant Officer who transferred from one of those occupations and is serving in a position listed in paragraph (1)(e) of this instruction, shall be paid pursuant to Table B.
(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
204.531(4) (Appointment of master corporal) A corporal who holds the appointment of master corporal shall be paid at the rate of pay established for a corporal, Pay Level 5B, in either Table “A” or “B” to this instruction at the same pay increment to which the member would otherwise have been entitled, as a corporal, had the member not been appointed master corporal.
204.531(5) (No Entitlement) A member to whom this instruction applies shall be paid under this instruction, except that they shall be paid under CBI 204.53 if:
a. they have informed their commanding officer in writing that they refuse to perform the duties assigned to them; or
b. a qualification the member requires to perform the duties of their occupation is cancelled.
204.531(6) (Occupational Transfer) A member who is subject to an occupational transfer from one of the occupations listed in paragraph 1 of this instruction shall, prior to having their pay calculated in accordance with CBI 204.515 – Occupational Transfer – Reserve Force:
a. revert to the rate of pay established for the pay increment, determined in accordance with CBI 204.511 – Pay Increments – Reserve Force; and
b. determine their rate of pay at the member’s current rank and pay level in CBI 204.53 – Pay – Non-Commissioned Members – Reserve Force based on the following:
i. if the member was a Special Forces Operator or CBRN Operator, in the Specialist 1 Trade Group; and
ii. if the member was a Search and Rescue Technician or Special Operations Assaulter, in the Specialist 2 Trade Group.
iii. (Repealed).
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2021)
204.531(7) (Benefit in relation to allowances) A member in receipt of pay under this instruction is not entitled to the following:
- CBI 205.30 (Paratroop Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.305 (Paratroop Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.315 (Rescue Specialist Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.32 (Aircrew Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.325 (Aircrew Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.34 (Diving Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.341 (Diving Deep Danger Allowance);
- CBI 205.342 (Diving Experimental Saturation Allowance);
- CBI 205.345 (Diving Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.385 (Special Operations Allowance (Monthly));
- CBI 205.3855 (Special Operations Allowance (Casual));
- CBI 205.401 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Monthly)), and
- CBI 205.4015 (Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (Casual)).
204.531(8) Repealed by TB on 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023.
204.531(9) (Rate of Pay on Qualification) After 31 March 2023, despite CBI 204.511 - Pay Increments – Reserve Force, a member who becomes qualified in an occupation listed at paragraph (1) of this instruction shall be paid at the pay increment that is nearest to, but not less than, the rate of pay the member was receiving the day prior to becoming qualified in their new occupation.
(TB 9 March 2023, effective 1 April 2023)
Table "A" to CBI 204.531 - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024 for a period of duty or training of 6 Hours or more
Rank | corporal | corporal | sergeant | warrant officer | master warrant officer | chief warrant officer |
Pay Level | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7A) |
Basic | 249.86 |
257.58 |
280.40 |
299.68 |
320.26 |
331.36 |
1 |
253.42 |
261.28 |
282.50 |
301.90 |
323.00 |
334.30 |
2 |
257.76 |
265.70 |
285.74 |
305.16 |
326.64 |
338.28 |
3 |
261.20 |
269.22 |
288.10 |
307.34 |
329.42 |
341.16 |
4 |
264.96 |
272.88 |
290.22 |
309.38 |
332.10 |
344.04 |
5 |
266.66 |
273.38 |
290.68 |
309.88 |
332.58 |
344.52 |
6 |
266.72 |
273.84 |
291.18 |
310.32 |
333.10 |
345.00 |
7 |
266.82 |
274.32 |
291.66 |
310.82 |
333.56 |
345.50 |
8 |
267.08 |
274.98 |
292.34 |
311.52 |
334.24 |
346.16 |
9 |
267.72 |
275.66 |
292.94 |
312.14 |
334.86 |
346.80 |
10 |
268.36 |
276.30 |
293.62 |
312.82 |
335.54 |
347.46 |
11 |
268.90 |
276.86 |
294.18 |
313.38 |
336.08 |
348.00 |
12 |
269.48 |
278.52 |
294.76 |
313.92 |
336.66 |
348.60 |
13 |
270.08 |
279.12 |
295.36 |
314.50 |
337.26 |
349.16 |
14 |
270.58 |
279.32 |
297.02 |
315.00 |
337.72 |
349.66 |
15 |
272.24 |
279.38 |
297.30 |
315.46 |
338.22 |
350.14 |
16 |
272.84 |
279.84 |
297.98 |
315.96 |
338.70 |
350.62 |
17 |
273.24 |
281.16 |
298.46 |
317.68 |
340.38 |
352.32 |
Table "B" to CBI 204.531 - Daily Rates (in dollars) after March 2024 for Period of Duty or Training of 6 Hours or more
Rank | corporal | corporal | sergeant | warrant officer | master warrant officer | chief warrant officer | |
Pay Level | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7A) | |
Pay Increment |
Basic | 307.46 |
315.06 |
334.58 |
358.30 |
382.44 |
410.80 |
1 |
310.14 |
317.76 |
336.62 |
360.50 |
385.06 |
413.76 |
2 |
319.98 |
327.28 |
345.92 |
369.78 |
394.84 |
424.00 |
3 |
322.58 |
330.06 |
348.14 |
372.10 |
397.40 |
426.88 |
4 |
325.04 |
332.80 |
350.20 |
374.28 |
400.02 |
429.74 |
5 |
328.76 |
336.54 |
353.90 |
378.02 |
403.74 |
433.50 |
6 |
332.46 |
340.22 |
357.64 |
381.72 |
407.46 |
437.18 |
7 |
336.14 |
343.88 |
361.32 |
385.38 |
411.14 |
440.86 |
8 |
341.74 |
349.52 |
366.92 |
390.98 |
416.74 |
446.48 |
9 |
347.36 |
355.12 |
372.52 |
396.64 |
422.34 |
452.08 |
10 |
352.98 |
360.74 |
378.10 |
402.24 |
427.98 |
457.70 |
11 |
362.92 |
370.68 |
388.10 |
412.18 |
437.92 |
467.66 |
12 |
372.90 |
380.68 |
398.08 |
422.20 |
447.90 |
477.68 |
13 |
382.88 |
390.66 |
408.00 |
432.16 |
457.86 |
487.60 |
14 |
411.66 |
419.42 |
436.82 |
460.90 |
486.64 |
516.40 |
204.535 - Repealed by TB Effective 1 April 2008
204.54 - Repealed by TB Effective 1 March 2012
204.55 - Premium in Lieu of Leave – Reserve Force
204.55(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2), an officer or non-commissioned member shall, in addition to the pay to which the member is otherwise entitled under this chapter, be paid a premium equal to 9% of the pay to which the member is entitled in respect of:
- any Class A Reserve Service which the member served after 31 March 1997; and
- any Class B or C Reserve Service of a total continuous period of less than one month, which commenced after 31 March 1997.
204.55(2) REPEALED (TB 1 March 2022)
204.55(3) (Reduction) A premium payable under paragraph (1) for a single period of Reserve Service shall be reduced by the amount of pay received in respect of a day that falls within that period of Reserve Service that is, in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, a designated or other holiday and in respect of which the officer or non-commissioned member did not undergo training or perform duties.
204.55(4) (Payment in arrears) The premium to which an officer or non-commissioned member may be entitled under this instruction shall be paid in arrears at such intervals as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff which shall not be less than once per calendar year.
204.55(5) (Not applicable) A premium is not payable under this instruction in respect of a period of Class B or C Reserve Service for which there is an entitlement to annual leave under QR&O 16.14 (Annual Leave).
204.60 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999 - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service
204.60(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a person who was an officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force or the Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service at any time during the period from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999.
204.60(2) (Retroactive pay) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), a person is entitled to receive as pay for each day of the period set out in paragraph (1) in respect of which the person received pay, 1/30th of the monthly amount established at Table A or B to this instruction that corresponds to their rank, incentive pay category, and if applicable, pay level and trade group, and to the QR&O article that established their rate of pay for that day.
204.60(3) (Limitation) A person's entitlement under paragraph (2) in respect of any calendar month shall not exceed the greatest monthly amount established at Tables A and B, that is applicable to that person during that calendar month.
204.60(4) (Payments and allowances) The amount payable under this instruction is not pay for the purpose of determining the amount of any payment or allowance that is calculated based on rates of pay, except for the Maternity Allowance.
(CDS, 21 December 2001)
Rank |
Reference to articles of the QR&O Establishing Rate of Pay | Incentive Pay Basic |
Inc Pay 1 |
Inc Pay 2 |
Inc Pay 3 |
Inc Pay 4 |
Inc Pay 5 |
Inc Pay 6 |
Inc Pay 7 |
Inc Pay 8 |
Inc Pay 9 |
Inc Pay 10 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 204.21 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 83 | ||||||
Lieutenant-Colonel | 204.215 | 81 | 82 | 82 | 83 | 84 | ||||||
Major | 204.21 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | |||
Major | 204.215 | 76 | 76 | 77 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 79 | 80 | |||
Captain | 204.21 | 50 | 51 | 53 | 55 | 57 | 59 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 66 |
Captain | 204.214 | 67 | ||||||||||
Captain | 204.215 Table A | 53 | 55 | 58 | 63 | 67 | 69 | 71 | 73 | 74 | 74 | 75 |
Captain | 204.215 Table B | 50 | 53 | 58 | 63 | 67 | 69 | 71 | 73 | 74 | 74 | 75 |
Lieutenant | 204.2111 | 36 | 39 | 42 | 44 | 47 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2113 | 30 | 33 | 36 | 39 | 42 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.21135 Table A | 109 | 118 | 127 | 136 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay C | 34 | 36 | 39 | 42 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay D | 36 | 39 | 42 | 44 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay E | 36 | 39 | 42 | 44 | 47 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay F | 39 | 42 | 44 | 47 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2151 | 39 | 43 | 45 | 48 | 51 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2153 | 32 | 37 | 39 | 43 | 46 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.21535 Table A | 112 | 122 | 131 | 140 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2154 Rate of pay C | 36 | 40 | 43 | 45 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2154 Rate of pay D | 39 | 43 | 45 | 48 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2154 Rate of pay E | 39 | 43 | 45 | 48 | 51 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.216 Table B | 39 | 42 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2111 | 36 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2113 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.21135 Table A | 104 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay C | 31 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay D | 33 | 36 | 39 | 41 | 44 | ||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay E | 36 | 39 | 41 | 44 | 46 | ||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2114 Rate of pay F | 39 | 41 | 44 | 46 | |||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2151 | 38 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2153 | 31 | 33 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.21535 Table A | 106 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2154 Rate of pay C | 33 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2154 Rate of pay D | 35 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2154 Rate of pay E | 38 | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.216 Table A | 32 | 34 | 37 | ||||||||
Officer Cadet | 204.2111 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | |||||||
Officer Cadet | 204.2113 | 71 | 74 | |||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Corporal 5A – Standard | 125 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Corporal 5A – Specialist 1 | 136 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Corporal 5A – Specialist 2 | 146 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Corporal 5B – Standard | 130 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Corporal 5B – Specialist 1 | 141 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Corporal 5B – Specialist 2 | 151 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Sergeant – Standard | 141 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Sergeant – Specialist 1 | 152 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Sergeant – Specialist 2 | 161 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Warrant Officer – Standard | 157 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Warrant Officer –Specialist 1 | 164 | ||||||||||
Former Service | 204.2155 Warrant Officer –Specialist 2 | 170 |
Rank | Reference to QR&O 204.30 Establishing Rate of Pay | Incentive Pay Basic |
Inc Pay 1 | Inc Pay 2 | Inc Pay 3 | Inc Pay 4 |
Private | Standard | 70 | 86 | 103 | ||
Corporal 5A | Standard | 118 | 120 | 122 | 123 | 125 |
Corporal 5A | Specialist 1 | 127 | 130 | 132 | 134 | 136 |
Corporal 5A | Specialist 2 | 135 | 138 | 140 | 143 | 146 |
Corporal 5B | Standard | 123 | 125 | 126 | 128 | 130 |
Corporal 5B | Specialist 1 | 132 | 135 | 137 | 139 | 141 |
Corporal 5B | Specialist 2 | 140 | 143 | 145 | 148 | 151 |
Sergeant | Standard | 136 | 137 | 138 | 140 | 141 |
Sergeant | Specialist 1 | 146 | 148 | 149 | 151 | 152 |
Sergeant | Specialist 2 | 155 | 157 | 158 | 159 | 161 |
Warrant Officer | Standard | 151 | 153 | 154 | 156 | 157 |
Warrant Officer | Specialist 1 | 159 | 160 | 161 | 163 | 164 |
Warrant Officer | Specialist 2 | 165 | 166 | 167 | 169 | 170 |
Master Warrant Officer | Standard | 167 | 169 | 170 | 172 | 174 |
Master Warrant Officer | Specialist 1 | 171 | 173 | 175 | 177 | 178 |
Master Warrant Officer | Specialist 2 | 175 | 177 | 178 | 180 | 182 |
Chief Warrant Officer | Standard | 185 | 187 | 189 | 191 | 193 |
Chief Warrant Officer | Specialist 1 | 185 | 187 | 189 | 191 | 193 |
Chief Warrant Officer | Specialist 2 | 185 | 187 | 189 | 191 | 193 |
204.605 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 - Officers of the Regular Force and Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service
204.605(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer of the Regular Force or the Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service at any time during the period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006.
204.605(2) (Retroactive pay) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), an officer is entitled to receive as pay for each day of the period set out in paragraph (1) in respect of which the person received pay, 1/30th of the monthly amount established in the Table to this instruction that corresponds to their rank, incentive pay category, and if applicable, pay level, and to the CBI that established their rate of pay for that day.
204.605(3) (Limitation) An officer's entitlement under paragraph (2) in respect of any calendar month shall not exceed the greatest monthly amount established in the Table to this instruction, that is applicable to that person during that calendar month.
204.605(4) (Payments and allowances) The amount payable under this instruction is not pay for the purpose of determining the amount of any payment or allowance that is calculated based on rates of pay, except for the Maternity and Parental Allowances.
(TB, effective 1 April 2006)
Table to CBI 204.605 - Retroactive Monthly Pay for the Period of 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006
Rank | Reference to the CBI Establishing Rate of Pay | Pay Increment Basic | Pay Incr 1 | Pay Incr 2 | Pay Incr 3 | Pay Incr 4 | Pay Incr 5 | Pay Incr 6 | Pay Incr 7 | Pay Incr 8 | Pay Incr 9 | Pay Incr 10 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | 204.21 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | ||||||
Lieutenant-Colonel | 204.215 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | ||||||
Major | 204.21 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 68 | 69 | |||
Major | 204.215 | 69 | 70 | 70 | 71 | 71 | 72 | 72 | 73 | |||
Captain | 204.21 | 45 | 47 | 49 | 50 | 52 | 54 | 55 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
Captain | 204.214 | 61 | ||||||||||
Captain | 204.215 Table A | 48 | 51 | 53 | 58 | 61 | 63 | 65 | 67 | 68 | 68 | 68 |
Captain | 204.215 Table B | 46 | 49 | 53 | 58 | 61 | 63 | 65 | 67 | 68 | 68 | 68 |
Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level A | 36 | 38 | 41 | 43 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level B | 28 | 30 | 33 | 36 | 39 | ||||||
Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level C | 31 | 33 | 34 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 41 | 42 | 43 | |
Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level D | 37 | 30 | 40 | 41 | 43 | 45 | 46 | 48 | 50 | 52 | 54 |
Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level E | 38 | 40 | 41 | 43 | 45 | 46 | 48 | 50 | 52 | 54 | 56 |
Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level A | 39 | 41 | 44 | 46 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level B | 33 | 36 | 39 | 42 | |||||||
Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level C | 33 | 35 | 36 | 39 | 41 | 44 | 46 | ||||
Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level D | 38 | 39 | 41 | 43 | 44 | 46 | 48 | 50 | 52 | 54 | 56 |
Lieutenant | 204.216 | 30 | 33 | 35 | ||||||||
Lieutenant | 204.217 | 30 | 33 | 35 | ||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level A | 33 | 33 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level B | 26 | 28 | 30 | 33 | |||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level C | 28 | 30 | 33 | 35 | 38 | 40 | 42 | ||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level D | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 47 | 48 |
Second Lieutenant | 204.211 Pay Level E | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 46 | 47 | 49 |
Second Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level A | 35 | 35 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level B | 28 | 29 | 31 | 32 | |||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level C | 30 | 32 | 35 | ||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.2156 Pay Level D | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 47 | 48 | 50 |
Second Lieutenant | 204.216 | 38 | 40 | |||||||||
Second Lieutenant | 204.217 | 38 | 40 | |||||||||
Officer Cadet | 204.211 Pay Level A | 11 | 12 | 12 | 12 | |||||||
Officer Cadet | 204.211 Pay Level B | 21 | 22 | 25 | 26 | |||||||
Officer Cadet | 204.211 Pay Level D | 21 | 22 | 25 | 30 | 34 | 35 | 35 | 36 | 36 | 38 | 40 |
204.61 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999 - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Reserve Force on Class A and B Reserve Service
204.61(1) (Application) This instruction applies to a person who was an officer or non-commissioned member of the Reserve Force on Class A or B reserve service at any time during the period from 1 April 1999 to 30 September 1999.
204.61(2) (Retroactive pay) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), a person is entitled to receive as pay for each day of the period set out in paragraph (1) on which they performed a period of duty or training, the amount established at Table A or B to this instruction that corresponds to their rank, incentive pay category, and if applicable, pay level and trade group, and to the QR&O article that established their rate of pay for that day.
204.61(3) (Limitation) A person who performed a period of duty or training of less than 6 hours on any day during the period set out in paragraph (1) is, in respect of that day, entitled to receive only 50% of the amount established in Table A or B, as applicable.
204.61(4) (Payments and allowances) The amount payable under this instruction is not pay for the purpose of determining the amount of any payment or allowance that is calculated based on rates of pay, except for the maternity allowance.
(Effective 21 December 2001)
Rank |
Reference to the Table in 204.52 Establishing Rate of Pay for 6 Hours or More | |||||||||||
Incentive Pay Basic |
Inc Pay 1 |
Inc Pay 2 |
Inc Pay 3 |
Inc Pay 4 |
Inc Pay 5 |
Inc Pay 6 |
Inc Pay 7 |
Inc Pay 8 |
Inc Pay 9 |
Inc Pay 10 |
Lieutenant- Colonel | Table B | 2.18 | 2.20 | 2.22 | 2.26 | 2.32 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Lieutenant- Colonel | Table C | 2.26 | 2.30 | 2.30 | 2.32 | 2.34 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Major | Table B | 1.88 | 1.90 | 1.92 | 1.98 | 2.02 | 2.04 | 2.06 | 2.10 | - | - | - |
Major | Table C | 2.12 | 2.12 | 2.16 | 2.14 | 2.18 | 2.20 | 2.20 | 2.24 | - | - | - |
Captain | Table B | 1.40 | 1.42 | 1.48 | 1.54 | 1.60 | 1.64 | 1.70 | 1.72 | 1.76 | 1.78 | 1.84 |
Captain | Table C | 1.48 | 1.54 | 1.62 | 1.76 | 1.88 | 1.92 | 2.00 | 2.04 | 2.06 | 2.08 | 2.10 |
Lieutenant (Commissioned from the Ranks) | Table B | 3.72 | 3.84 | 3.96 | 4.10 | 4.24 | 4.38 | 4.54 | 4.68 | 4.84 | 4.98 | 5.16 |
Lieutenant (Commissioned from the Ranks) | Table C | 3.92 | 4.04 | 4.16 | 4.30 | 4.44 | 4.58 | 4.74 | 4.88 | 5.04 | 5.18 | 5.36 |
Lieutenant | Table B | 1.12 | 1.14 | 1.16 | 1.22 | 1.22 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Lieutenant | Table C | 1.32 | 1.38 | 1.40 | 1.44 | 1.50 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Second Lieutenant (Commissioned from the Ranks) | Table B | 3.38 | 3.48 | 3.58 | 3.68 | 3.80 | 3.90 | 4.02 | 4.14 | 4.26 | 4.40 | 4.52 |
Second Lieutenant (Commissioned from the Ranks) | Table C | N/A | ||||||||||
Second Lieutenant | Table B | 0.86 | 0.88 | 0.92 | 0.98 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Second Lieutenant | Table C | N/A | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Rank |
Reference to QR&O 204.53 Establishing Rate of Pay for 6 Hours or More | |||||
Incentive Pay Basic |
Inc Pay 1 |
Inc Pay 2 |
Inc Pay 3 |
Inc Pay 4 |
Private | Standard | 2.24 | 2.56 | 2.86 | ||
Corporal 5A | Standard | 3.30 | 3.36 | 3.40 | 3.44 | 3.48 |
Corporal 5A | Specialist 1 | 3.54 | 3.62 | 3.68 | 3.74 | 3.80 |
Corporal 5A | Specialist 2 | 3.76 | 3.86 | 3.90 | 4.00 | 4.08 |
Corporal 5B | Standard | 3.44 | 3.48 | 3.52 | 3.58 | 3.64 |
Corporal 5B | Specialist 1 | 3.70 | 3.76 | 3.84 | 3.90 | 3.94 |
Corporal 5B | Specialist 2 | 3.92 | 4.00 | 4.06 | 4.14 | 4.22 |
Sergeant | Standard | 3.80 | 3.84 | 3.86 | 3.92 | 3.94 |
Sergeant | Specialist 1 | 4.08 | 4.12 | 4.16 | 4.22 | 4.24 |
Sergeant | Specialist 2 | 4.32 | 4.38 | 4.42 | 4.44 | 4.50 |
Warrant Officer | Standard | 4.22 | 4.26 | 4.32 | 4.36 | 4.38 |
Warrant Officer | Specialist 1 | 4.44 | 4.46 | 4.50 | 4.56 | 4.58 |
Warrant Officer | Specialist 2 | 4.60 | 4.64 | 4.68 | 4.72 | 4.76 |
Master Warrant Officer | Standard | 4.68 | 4.72 | 4.74 | 4.80 | 4.86 |
Master Warrant Officer | Specialist 1 | 4.78 | 4.82 | 4.88 | 4.94 | 4.98 |
Master Warrant Officer | Specialist 2 | 4.90 | 4.94 | 4.98 | 5.02 | 5.10 |
Chief Warrant Officer | Standard | 5.16 | 5.24 | 5.28 | 5.34 | 5.38 |
Chief Warrant Officer | Specialist 1 | 5.16 | 5.24 | 5.28 | 5.34 | 5.38 |
Chief Warrant Officer | Specialist 2 | 5.16 | 5.24 | 5.28 | 5.34 | 5.38 |
204.615 - Retroactive Pay for the Period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 - Officers of the Reserve Force on Class A and B Reserve Service
204.615(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer of the Reserve Force on Class A or B reserve service at any time during the period from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006.
204.615(2) (Retroactive pay) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), an officer is entitled to receive as pay for each day of the period set out in paragraph (1) on which they performed a period of duty or training, the amount established in the Table to this instruction that corresponds to their rank, incentive pay category, and if applicable, pay level, and to the Table in CBI 204.52 (Pay – Officers) that established their rate of pay for that day.
204.615(3) (Limitation) An officer who performed a period of duty or training of less than 6 hours on any day during the period set out in paragraph (1) is, in respect of that day, entitled to receive only 50% of the amount established in the Table to this instruction.
204.615(4) (Payments and allowances) The amount payable under this instruction is not pay for the purpose of determining the amount of any payment or allowance that is calculated based on rates of pay, except for the Maternity and Parental Allowances..
(TB, effective 1 April 2006)
Table to CBI 204.615 - Retroactive Pay for the Period of 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006
Rank |
Reference to the Table in CBI 204.52 Establishing Rate of Pay | Pay Increment Basic |
Pay Incr 1 |
Pay Incr 2 |
Pay Incr 3 |
Pay Incr 4 |
Pay Incr 5 |
Pay Incr 6 |
Pay Incr 7 |
Pay Incr 8 |
Pay Incr 9 |
Pay Incr 10 |
Lieutenant-Colonel | Table B | 1.98 | 2.00 | 2.04 | 2.06 | 2.10 | ||||||
Lieutenant-Colonel | Table C | 2.04 | 2.06 | 2.10 | 2.14 | 2.16 | ||||||
Major | Table B | 1.70 | 1.72 | 1.76 | 1.80 | 1.82 | 1.84 | 1.90 | 1.92 | |||
Major | Table C | 1.92 | 1.96 | 1.96 | 1.98 | 1.98 | 2.02 | 2.02 | 2.04 | |||
Captain | Table B | 1.26 | 1.32 | 1.38 | 1.40 | 1.44 | 1.50 | 1.54 | 1.60 | 1.62 | 1.66 | 1.68 |
Captain | Table C | 1.34 | 1.42 | 1.48 | 1.62 | 1.70 | 1.76 | 1.82 | 1.86 | 1.92 | 1.92 | 1.92 |
Lieutenant | Table B Level A | 1.02 | 1.06 | 1.08 | 1.12 | 1.14 | ||||||
Lieutenant | Table B Level B | 1.04 | 1.06 | 1.10 | 1.16 | 1.20 | 1.26 | 1.28 | 1.34 | 1.38 | 1.44 | 1.50 |
Lieutenant | Table B Level C | 1.06 | 1.12 | 1.16 | 1.20 | 1.26 | 1.28 | 1.34 | 1.38 | 1.44 | 1.52 | 1.56 |
Lieutenant | Table C | 1.20 | 1.24 | 1.26 | 1.32 | 1.38 | 1.44 | 1.50 | 1.54 | |||
Second Lieutenant | Table B Level A | 0.80 | 0.84 | 0.88 | 0.90 | |||||||
Second Lieutenant | Table B Level B | 1.02 | 1.04 | 1.06 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 1.14 | 1.20 | 1.22 | 1.26 | 1.30 | 1.34 |
Second Lieutenant | Table B Level C | 1.00 | 1.02 | 1.06 | 1.08 | 1.14 | 1.18 | 1.20 | 1.24 | 1.28 | 1.32 | 1.36 |
Officer Cadet | Table B | 0.74 | 0.76 | 0.80 | 0.84 |
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