DAOD 5005-1, Governance of Civilian Human Resources Management
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2003-02-28
Application: This is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members) who act as managers of DND employees.
Approval Authority: This DAOD is issued under the authority of the Director, Business Management, (ADM(HR - Civ)) Chief of Staff (COS).
Enquiries: ADM(HR - Civ) Chief of Staff (COS)
Accountability Framework
2.1 The governance structure for civilian human resources management consists of an accountability framework that includes:
- functional direction;
- performance measurement;
- committee structure; and
- delegation of authorities.
Functional Direction
2.2 ADM(HR - Civ) shall produce a functional plan to provide strategic direction and guidance to other senior managers, as set out in the Defence Plan On-Line, with respect to the execution of the civilian human resources program including:
- functional guidance on the alignment of departmental and Public Service priorities;
- planning guidance related to operational needs;
- consistent, cohesive, coherent and integrated direction and standards; and
- co-ordination and management of issues and activities related to corporate civilian human resources committees.
Performance Measurement Framework
2.3 The civilian human resources performance measurement framework:
- provides senior managers with a common set of balanced, results-oriented performance information that will assist them in decision-making on civilian human resources management matters;
- focuses on a comprehensive set of measures and indicators that directly address the priorities of DND and the CAF for civilian human resources management; and
- links to the DND and CAF performance measurement framework.
Civilian Human Resources Management Committees
2.4 The main senior management committees in DND and the CAF with specific mandates to address civilian human resources management matters are the:
- Defence Management Committee (DMC);
- Civilian Human Resource Committee (CHRC);
- Strategic Human Resource Management Council (SHRMC);
- Civilian Human Resource Planning and Coordination Committee (CHRPCC);
- Union Management Consultative Committee; and
- Regional Human Resources Planning and Coordination Committees.
Committee Structure
2.5 The following chart describes the Civilian Human Resources Management Committee Structure:
2.6 The Defence Management Committee (DMC) provides DM/CDS with decision support/advice with respect to issues of strategic importance relating to strategic resource allocation, in addition to others, thereby providing for the establishment of sub-committees to deal with human resources issues.
2.7 DMC is supported by the Civilian Human Resources Committee (CHRC) which provides the DM, the committee chair, with a policy and decision-making body for strategic civilian human resources management issues.
2.8 The national Civilian Human Resources Planning and Coordination Committee (CHRPCC), chaired by the Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian), is subordinate to the CHRC and serves as the strategic cross-functional forum for stakeholders to formulate, prioritize, recommend, review and monitor civilian human resources management plans, policies and strategies. The national CHRPCC is supported by the Regional Human Resources Planning and Coordination Committee, chaired by Regional Service Centre Directors; strategic issues raised at these meetings are staffed up to the national CHRPCC for discussion and resolution.
2.9 The Strategic Human Resource Management Council (SHRMC), co-chaired by the Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources – Civilian) and Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources – Military), serves as a forum to involve senior line managers and stakeholders across the organization in discussing, resolving and providing guidance on strategic resource policies and issues.
2.10 An important ancillary committee is the Union-Management Consultation Committee, which was established to deal with department-wide policies, programs and strategic issues. DND management are represented by the DM, L1s and other management representatives designated by the DM. Bargaining agents and union representatives are represented by national Union Presidents and Heads of Unions or their delegates.
Flow of Issues through the Committee Structure
2.11 Consideration should be given to conducting business and decision-making through avenues other than committees. However if committee consultation is required, the aim is to have the right information available for the right people at the right time and to resolve issues at the lowest level possible.
2.12 A clear delineation of responsibilities between committees is required for good governance practices. The terms of reference of the civilian human resources management committees outline the mandate for each committee and are listed in the Related References block.
2.13 In general the following table represents the flow of issues through the committee structure:
Items that ... | should be raised ... |
focus on regional matters |
first for discussion and issue resolution at the applicable Regional Human Resources Planning and Coordination Committee. |
require elevation |
by regional staff through their chain of command. |
require national level committee consultation |
to the CHRPCC or SHRMC. |
are solely related to civilian human resources management |
to the CHRC. |
are both joint military and civilian human resources management issues |
to DMC, if required. |
Responsibility Table
3.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities for this policy:
The ... | is/are responsible for ... |
ADM(HR - Civ) |
senior managers |
civilian and military managers |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- DAOD 5005-0, Civilian Human Resources Management
- Defence Plan On-Line
Other References
- ADM(HR - Civ) Functional Plan
- Civilian Human Resources Management Performance Measurement Framework
- Terms of Reference for the Civilian Human Resource Committee
- Terms of Reference for the Strategic Human Resource Management Council
- Terms of Reference for the Civilian Human Resource Planning and Coordination Committee
- Terms of Reference for the Union Management Consultative Committee
- Terms of Reference for the Regional Planning and Coordination Committees
- Regulations, policies and directives of central agencies
Page details
- Date modified: