DAOD 8000-1, Conduct of Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Overview
- Operating Principles for Operations
- Disposal
- Exceptional Hazard Allowance and Improvised Explosive Device Bonus
- CAF Explosive Ordnance Disposal Working Group
- Training
- Certification and Recertification
- Reporting and Recording
- Equipment
- Consequences
- Responsibilities
- References
1. Introduction
Date of Issue: 2003-09-12
Date of Last Modification: 2013-12-20
Application: This DAOD is a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence (DND employees) and an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).
Approval Authority: Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS)
Enquiries: Officer in charge (OIC) of Canadian Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal (CFEOD)
2. Definitions
ammunition (munition)
Device charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition or nuclear, biological or chemical material, for use in military operations, and includes a non-charged or inert replica of such a device. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 15923)
booby trap (piège)
A device designed, constructed or adapted to kill or injure, which functions when a person disturbs or approaches an apparently harmless object or performs an apparently safe act. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 42357)
defence explosives (explosifs de défense)
Explosives that, by section 151 of the Explosives Regulations, are deemed to be under the direction or control of the Minister of National Defence.
Note – Section 151 of the Explosives Regulations provides that explosives are deemed to be under the direction or control of the Minister while they are:
(a) in or on any area or structure under the control of the Minister or in or on any area or structure at his direction;
(b) being used by the Canadian Forces, the Defence Research Board or any other branch or service of the Department for military purposes;
(c) in or on a departmental vehicle or a vehicle that, on behalf of the Department is operated by, or in the custody of an officer or man or civilian employee of the Department;
(d) in or on any vehicle under the supervision of an officer or man or civilian employee of the Department acting within the scope of his duties or employment; or
(e) under the direction and control of the armed forces cooperating with the Canadian Forces. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 47811)
defence explosive ordnance (explosifs et munitions militaires)
An explosive ordnance, currently or formerly the property of the CAF, a visiting force or other military force, that is located in Canada or in the territorial waters of Canada. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 43034)
explosive (explosif)
Means any thing that is made, manufactured or used to produce an explosion or a detonation or pyrotechnic effect, and includes any thing prescribed to be an explosive by the regulations, but does not include gases, organic peroxides or any thing prescribed not to be an explosive by the regulations. (Section 2 of the Explosives Act)
explosive ordnance (explosifs et munitions)
All munitions containing explosives, nuclear fission or fusion materials and biological and chemical agents. This includes bombs and warheads; guided and ballistic missiles; artillery, mortar, rocket and small arms ammunition; all mines, torpedoes and depth charges, demolition charges; pyrotechnics; clusters and dispensers; cartridge and propellant actuated devices; clandestine and improvised explosive devices; and all similar or related items or components explosive in nature. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 4220)
explosive ordnance disposal (neutralisation des explosifs et munitions)
The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance.
Note – Explosive ordnance disposal may also include explosive ordnance that has become hazardous by damage or deterioration. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 43388)
explosive ordnance disposal procedures (procédures d'élimination des explosifs)
Those particular courses or modes of action taken by explosive ordnance disposal personnel for access to, diagnosis, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of explosive ordnance or any hazardous material associated with an explosive ordnance disposal incident. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 4222)
improvised explosive device (dispositif explosif de circonstance)
A device placed or fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals and designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass or distract.
Note – It may incorporate military stores, but is normally devised from non-military components. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 4502)
improvised explosive device disposal (élimination des dispositifs explosifs de circonstance)
The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of improvised explosive devices. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 29077)
non-defence explosive ordnance (explosifs et munitions non militaires)
A non-military ammunition, explosive, hazardous chemical, pyrotechnic or improvised explosive device. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 43150)
stray ammunition (munitions perdues)
Those items of ammunition located or discovered outside of authorised CAF ranges or training areas. (Paragraph 3 of Part I of C-09-008-003/FP-000, Ammunition and Explosives Procedural Manual – Explosive Ordnance Disposal – Disposal of Stray Ammunition)
unexploded explosive ordnance (munition explosive non explosée)
Explosive ordnance which has been primed, fused, armed or otherwise prepared for action, and which has been fired, dropped, launched, projected or placed in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to operations, installations, personnel or material and remains unexploded either by malfunction or design or for any other cause. (Defence Terminology Bank record number 1519)
Abbreviation | Complete Word or Phrase |
Assistant Deputy Minister |
assistance to law-enforcement agencies |
ammunition technical officer |
Counter-IED Task Force |
CA |
Canadian Army |
Canadian Special Operations Forces Command |
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear |
Chief of the Defence Staff |
P.C. 1993-624, 30 March 1993, Directions Respecting the Provision of Armed Assistance by the Canadian Forces to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to Deal with Disturbances of the Peace Affecting the National Interest |
P.C. 1996-833, 4 June 1996, Canadian Forces Assistance to Provincial Police Forces Directions |
Canadian Joint Operations Command |
conventional munitions disposal |
CO |
commanding officer |
CoE |
centre of excellence |
Comd |
commander |
Def EO |
defence explosive ordnance |
DtD |
defeat the device |
exceptional hazard allowance |
EO |
explosive ordnance |
explosive ordnance disposal |
foreign military out-service training |
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship |
HQ |
headquarters |
improvised explosive device |
improvised explosive device disposal |
joint task force |
law enforcement agency |
military occupation |
Minister of National Defence |
National Defence Act |
non-Def EO |
non-defence explosive ordnance |
NRCan |
Natural Resources Canada |
other government department |
QL |
qualification level |
Royal Canadian Air Force |
Royal Canadian Navy |
regional joint task force |
render-safe procedures |
range training area |
standard operating procedures |
NATO standardization agreement |
tactics, techniques and procedures |
unexploded explosive ordnance |
WG |
working group |
4.1 In this DAOD, EOD includes IEDD.
4.2 This DAOD applies to any conduct of EOD by DND employees and CAF members and to contractors retained on behalf of the DND and the CAF.
4.3 The concept of operations for all EOD is set out in detail in B-GJ-005-316/FP-001, Explosive Ordnance Disposal and DAOD 8000-0, Explosive Ordnance Disposal.
4.4 The following table provides information on the conduct of EOD:
If the EOD is conducted during a ... | apply ... |
domestic operation, |
deployment outside Canada, |
posting or training outside Canada, |
EOD in Canada
4.5 The following table sets out the responsibilities of the DND, CAF, NRCan and LEAs in respect of the disposal of explosives and EO in Canada:
The ... | has or have responsibility for ... |
DND and the CAF |
NRCan |
LEAs such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and provincial and municipal police forces |
CFEOD Organization
4.6 The CFEOD is part of the C-IED TF. The Comd of the C-IED TF reports to the Comd CA through the Chief of Staff Land Strategy. For additional information, see CANFORGEN 178/07, Establishment of the C-IED TF.
EOD Coordination and Response in Canada
5.1 The Comd CJOC has overall responsibility for the conduct of EOD in Canada.
5.2 Comds of RJTFs are responsible for the coordination of the disposal of Def EO, including UXO, in Canada. The applicable Comd coordinates the receipt of an EOD request and the response.
EOD Coordination and Response Outside Canada
5.3 The Comds of CJOC and CANSOFCOM have overall responsibility for the conduct of EOD by CAF members in their applicable operational commands when deployed outside Canada.
5.4 The Comd of a task force outside Canada directs and coordinates EOD in accordance with the concept of operations set out in B-GJ-005-316/FP-001 and B-GJ-005-316/FP-101, Improvised Explosive Device Disposal.
Assistance by DND Employees
5.5 As described in paragraphs 9 to 14 of Ammunition and Explosives Instruction #15 (Change 2), Recognized Civilian Qualifications Applicable to Ammunition and Explosives Employment, currently qualified DND employees may be employed on work to conduct the following EOD-related activities:
- destruction of UXO;
- destruction of surplus or obsolete ammunition and explosives at a CAF ammunition facility;
- destruction of dud or misfired ammunition on CAF ranges and training areas;
- support to authorized engineering tests and trials;
- support to research and development;
- third-level screening of munitions scrap;
- free from explosives inspection of dummy and display ammunition; and
- assisting, in the role of a Number 2, a properly qualified CAF EOD operator with the pick-up and destruction of stray ammunition (see paragraphs 5.12 and 6.3 of this DAOD).
Assistance by Contractors
5.6 A CO must not permit a contractor to dispose of Def EO or non-Def EO during any EOD operation or tasking directed by the CAF. This prohibition does not apply to UXO legacy site programmes and contracted UXO work on active RTAs.
CAF Members of the Reserve Force
5.7 Reserve Force units do not contain EOD teams. However, CAF members of the Reserve Force may be trained to fulfill EOD roles. Requests to train CAF members of the Reserve Force must be submitted to the CFEOD.
Response to an EOD Incident on a Defence Establishment
5.8 The Comd of a base, wing or station, the CO of an HMCS or the OIC of any other defence establishment not located on a base, wing or station, e.g. a recruiting centre, must make plans, in consultation with their RJTF and CJOC, for responding to EOD incidents on their defence establishment.
Approval of ALEA Requests
5.9 CAF assistance to provincial police forces for IEDD outside a defence establishment requires a Class 1 or 3 CFAPPFD request. A Class 1 request may only be approved by the MND. In accordance with the approval authority granted to the CDS by the MND, operational Comds are delegated authority to approve Class 3 support requests. This delegation of approval authority may not be delegated further.
5.10 In any case in which the distinction between a Class 1 or 3 request is vague or the nature of the CAF assistance could be contentious, the ALEA request must be referred for guidance to the Comd CJOC.
5.11 CAF assistance to a federal LEA for IEDD outside a defence establishment may be provided pursuant to:
- subsection 273.6(2) of the NDA, with the approval of the request by the Governor in Council or the MND; or
- the CFAAD, with the approval of the request by the MND.
5.12 A Comd or CO must ensure that only EOD operators (CAF members certified to conduct EOD) and currently qualified DND employees (see subparagraph 5.5.h), using approved equipment, are assigned in support of a request by a LEA to conduct EOD. The Comd CJOC may direct training for EOD operators in consultation with RCN, CA and RCAF representatives in preparation for a specific domestic operation.
Note – A DND employee would only be so employed if there was an insufficient number of EOD operators in the immediate geographic area of the unit to generate a minimum of a two-person EOD team. The DND employee would only be employed as a Number 2.
5.13 The Comd of an RJTF or delegated representative may authorize participation in collective training with civil authorities to:
- foster an understanding of CAF domestic operational capabilities and EOD procedures; and
- increase realism through the simulation of CAF-civil authority interaction.
5.14 A Comd or CO must not engage in any planning that promises or implies a pre-commitment of DND or CAF resources.
5.15 The neutralization and subsequent disposal of Def EO is a routine defence activity as part of the "cradle to grave" management approach to Def EO and is not to be confused with support to a LEA. When CAF authorities are advised by a LEA of discarded "war trophies" or recovered Def EO, any subsequent CAF EOD action is conducted as a routine operation.
Request from an OGD – Disposal of Hazardous Chemicals
5.16 The Comd of an RJTF may respond to a request from Environment Canada, NRCan, Public Safety Canada or OGD, which may not have EOD resources, to provide assistance in the disposal of hazardous chemicals. This support may be provided under the B-GS-055-000/AG-001, Provision of Services to Non-Defence Agencies, if it does not involve ALEA.
5.17 A request for assistance is coordinated between the CJOC continental watch officer and the requesting OGD.
Def EO Disposal Capability
5.18 The CO of a defence establishment is responsible for the maintenance of a resident Def EO disposal capability. However, not every base, wing, station or HMCS has a resident EOD capability with EOD operators. Comds of RJTFs are to maintain a list of CMD and IEDD capable resources within their area of responsibility.
Release of Information
5.19 A DND employee or CAF member must not, without authority, release any information that may compromise the operational security of EOD capabilities, equipment or tactics.
5.20 Any request for the personal information of an EOD operator, such as name or home address, must be forwarded to the Director Access to Information and Privacy. The CJOC and CFEOD are to be advised.
5.21 Any display or demonstration of EOD capabilities must conform to EOD information security standards. The OIC of the CFEOD may be contacted for further guidance.
Disposal of Def EO
6.1 The Comd of the geographically nearest base, wing or station or CO of an HMCS is responsible for the collection and disposal of Def EO on a defence establishment. Disposal of Def EO outside a defence establishment will be actioned when requested by a LEA.
6.2 If EOD operators are not available at the base, wing, station or HMCS, the tasking must be forwarded to the applicable RJTF HQ for coordination and execution.
6.3 Only CAF members whose MOC or occupation specialty specification allows them to conduct EOD may be tasked for the disposal of Def EO. In exceptional circumstances, a currently qualified DND employee may be tasked to assist an EOD operator in the disposal of Def EO. A DND employee may not assist when the item in question is determined to be an IED.
Disposal of EO Other Than Def EO
6.4 The responsibility for the disposal of EO other than Def EO is set out in the following table:
The disposal of ... | is the responsibility of ... |
non-Def EO located on a defence establishment |
the defence establishment or directed to the nearest defence establishment or LEA with disposal capability. Any request for LEA assistance must be made to the Comd CJOC through the RJTF HQ. |
non-Def EO located outside a defence establishment |
the applicable LEA. Depending on which LEA is involved, the CAF may be requested to provide disposal assistance in accordance with the Class 1 or 3 approval process, subsection 273.6(2) of the NDA or the CFAAD. |
EO, including IED or UXO, during a deployment outside of Canada |
the task force Comd, or the Comd CANSOFCOM for any deployment conducted by special operations forces. |
Note – A LEA may not have the capability to positively identify if an item is Def EO or not, or to certify that an item suspected of being Def EO is free from explosive, non-hazardous or safe to handle and hold. If any doubt exists as to the true nature of an item (e.g. locally-manufactured hand grenades or landmines), the item will be treated as Def EO and disposed of accordingly.
6.5 This DAOD does not preclude an EOD operator from using whatever TTPs are necessary or local resources that are available if such action, after confirmation with the chain of command, is necessary to save lives.
6.6 Any deviation from standard EOD TTPs for a planned operation must be:
- requested in writing prior to a trial, evaluation or operation; and
- forwarded to the OIC of the CFEOD for approval.
EHA Approval and Payment
7.1 The conditions governing the payment of the EHA are set out in CBI 205.38, Exceptional Hazard Allowance (EHA).
7.2 The Comd of an RJTF is the approving authority for the payment of EHA in a domestic operation.
7.3 The Comd CJOC is the approving authority for the payment of EHA in a deployment outside Canada.
7.4 The advice of the CJOC may be sought as to entitlement to EHA. Requests for EHA that remain in contention will be directed to the CFEOD through CJOC.
7.5 No more than two CAF members may normally receive EHA for a given incident.
7.6 Once EHA approval has been received, the CAF member submits a claim for EHA through the unit orderly room using a CF 52 Form, General Allowance Claim, with financial code 2202ZA C103 01222. Only a CO may certify that the claimant was ordered to carry out the specific EOD action.
7.7 The CFEOD must be informed of all approved EHA claims by the approval authority that is administering the claim.
IED Bonus
7.8 The conditions governing the payment of the IED bonus are set out in CBI 210.94, Improvised Explosive Device Bonus – Regular Force. A CAF member submits a claim for the IED bonus through the unit orderly room using a CF 52 Form, with financial code 2202ZA C103 01222.
7.9 The IED bonus is taxable but is not subject to deductions for superannuation purposes.
7.10 Forfeiture of the IED bonus may be imposed in accordance with QR&O article 208.318, Forfeiture of Improvised Explosive Device Bonus – Regular Force.
7.11 If a CAF member who is paid the IED bonus does not complete, for any of the reasons set out in QR&O subparagraphs 208.318(a) to (c), the period for which the IED bonus was paid, the amount of the forfeiture must be calculated as follows:
Total amount of bonus received X Months of service remaining ÷ total months of the period of service for the bonus = Repayment amount
7.12 Part of a month must be considered a full month.
7.13 The advice of the CFEOD may be sought as to entitlement or forfeiture of the IED bonus.
CAF EOD Working Group
8.1 The OIC of the CFEOD acts as the chairperson of the CAF EOD WG.
8.2 In accordance with the CAF EOD WG terms of reference, the WG consists of representatives from applicable level one advisor organizations, commands and directorates. The chairperson may also authorize attendance at the WG of EOD subject-matter experts and other stakeholders and persons.
8.3 The chairperson may direct specific sub-WGs to be convened to deal with significant
EOD-related issues, concerns or projects.
8.4 The chairperson must convene a CAF EOD WG to resolve any extraordinary EOD issues.
8.5 Routine issues that require dispute resolution, guidance or a decision on safety, operational procedures or policy are forwarded through the appropriate chain of command to the CFEOD for possible review by the WG.
Competency Codes
9.1 The following competency codes for qualifications are used in this DAOD:
Competency Code | Qualification |
CMD (advanced – naval) |
chemical-biological munitions disposal |
CMD (basic) |
IEDD assistant operator |
IEDD operator |
CMD (advanced) |
IEDD (advanced) |
9.2 EOD operators require specific training to obtain certification to conduct EOD in their applicable environments.
Note – CBRN and IEDD training received during training for the AEDV or AJFB qualification is not considered the equivalent of the IEDD operator, IEDD assistant or CBRN disposal CAF courses.
EOD Training
9.3 CAF EOD training may be completed as part of:
- MOC training which is mandatory (i.e. EOD is a core capability to the MOC) in accordance with the MOC specification; or
- specialty training which is voluntary and based on job requirements in accordance with an occupation specialty specification.
9.4 Mandatory and voluntary EOD training is provided for CAF members in the following MOCs and occupation specialty:
Mandatory Training | Voluntary Training |
Reattendance on EOD Courses and Retesting
9.5 Given the critical and dangerous nature of EOD, the CO of a CAF member who is unsuccessful on an EOD course must ensure that the CAF member receives unit mentoring, training and experience prior to returning for a second attempt. Only the OIC of the CFEOD may approve more than two attempts to complete an EOD course. A third attempt should only be considered in exceptional circumstances. This does not apply to a CAF member who ceased training for a medical or compassionate reason.
9.6 If the training establishment responsible for EOD professional standards assesses that a CAF member lacks the competency to work safely in an EOD environment, the CAF member may not be nominated for further EOD training unless approved by the OIC of the CFEOD.
9.7 Multiple attempts in a test setting on an EOD course are not reflective of real world performance. Therefore, testing must not permit more than two attempts on a performance check, with any exceptions approved on a case-by-case basis.
Advanced EOD Training
9.8 Advanced EOD training is provided for CMD and IEDD. Training is completed in the order as set out in the following table:
For CMD, | For IEDD, |
9.9 Only EOD operators who meet the applicable proficiency standards may proceed on advanced training.
Training for Divers to Conduct EOD
9.10 A clearance diver who has completed QL5A training is qualified to conduct surface and
sub-surface demolitions. The QL5A qualification is the equivalent of the AJEJ qualification for the purpose of meeting pre-requisites for selection for IEDD assistant training.
9.11 A clearance diver or clearance diving officer with an AEDV qualification is qualified to conduct underwater disposal of any EO.
9.12 A combat engineer diver with an AJEJ or AJFB qualification is qualified to dispose of, in location, non-influence land force munitions in non-tidal waters to the maximum water depth set out in B-GG-380-000/FP-002, Canadian Forces Diving Manual, Volume 2, Organization, Regulations, Rules & Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus (CABA) Diving.
Training in the Safe Use of Explosives
9.13 In a theatre of operation, any CAF member who has received formal training in the safe use of explosives may be authorized by their CO to conduct on-site explosive destruction of explosive devices that are:
- impeding the tactical advance of CAF or allied forces; or
- a significant hazard to CAF or allied forces.
9.14 If possible, these devices should be marked and bypassed for subsequent disposal by EOD operators.
9.15 Explosive breaching and disposal of booby traps are normally conducted by combat engineers and are not considered EOD actions, but may be conducted by EOD operators with the qualifications set out in paragraph 9.17.
9.16 A CAF member who has received formal training in the safe use of explosives or who has an AJEJ qualification may conduct disposal only if:
- the destruction may be accomplished in place; or
- RSP is not required before removal.
Qualifications for Other EOD Operations
9.17 Required qualifications for other EOD operations are set out in the following table:
A CAF member with the following qualification ... | may carry out the following ... |
RSP on EO, other than an IED or biological-chemical EO. |
RSP on an IED. |
disposal of a marked device. |
10.1 Upon successful completion of recognized EOD training or FMOST, a CAF member is certified as an EOD operator and may conduct EOD during a three-year period. On behalf of the CFEOD, the DtD CoE issues an IEDD certification card that is valid for the three-year period. The card is only required for domestic IEDD response to a LEA request, in order to prove that a CAF member is certified.
10.2 A recertification solicitation message is automatically generated to the applicable operational or environmental command HQ. Recertification nominations are to be submitted to the CFEOD 45 days in advance of a course start. The CFEOD reviews all nominations and coordinates prioritization for course loading.
10.3 An EOD operator should recertify prior to the expiry of the certification period. Should this prove impossible, the OIC of the CFEOD may, on a request for service reasons from the EOD operator's chain of command, grant an extension of certification for a period of up to one year for the EOD operator to successfully complete the recertification programme.
10.4 An EOD operator who fails to complete the recertification programme loses their certification and is no longer permitted to act as the team operator or Number 1 during an operation. The EOD operator may, however, continue to train with their unit and be employed as an assistant or Number 2 until successfully completing the recertification programme.
10.5 If a CO determines that an EOD operator is no longer competent to conduct EOD, the CO of the unit must rescind the EOD operator's certification and advise the OIC of the CFEOD. The EOD operator's log must also be annotated to reflect the rescinding of the certification. The EOD operator may still be employed as a Number 2, but is not permitted to conduct EOD operations as a Number 1 until successfully completing a formal recertification serial.
Voluntary Withdrawal
10.6 If a CAF member no longer wishes to serve as an EOD operator, the EOD operator may submit a request for voluntary withdrawal to their CO. The request must stipulate the EOD operator's reason for the withdrawal. The OIC of the CFEOD must be informed of all withdrawals. A CO who receives a request by a CAF member to be reinstated as an EOD operator must submit the request to the OIC of the CFEOD, recommending that the CAF member attend a formal recertification serial. The CO's recommendation must include a statement indicating that the circumstances surrounding the CAF member's voluntary withdrawal have been resolved.
Maintaining and Monitoring Operational Readiness
10.7 An EOD operator who has completed certification or recertification is considered operationally ready if:
- the CO of the EOD operator determines that the EOD operator has met the proficiency standards in the regular exercise of the EOD skill-set within successive three-month periods during the three-year period; and
- the EOD operator has met any other readiness standards that may be set by a Comd of a command.
10.8 An operational or environmental Comd must take appropriate measures when an EOD operator does not meet the proficiency standards. The senior EOD advisor for the applicable operational or environmental command HQ may consult the CFEOD in these circumstances.
10.9 An EOD operator who fails to meet the proficiency standards in the regular exercise of the EOD skill-set must complete a series of EOD scenarios to the satisfaction of the senior EOD operator appointed for the unit by the CO. Upon successful completion, the CO must forward notification of reinstatement of proficiency status to the senior EOD advisor for the operational or environmental command HQ.
Suspected or Confirmed Impairment
10.10 Any physical or mental health issue, or use of certain drugs, may potentially impair an EOD operator's capability to maintain a high degree of concentration and attention. Given the potential consequences of any impairment in EOD, the EOD operator and the supervisor and CO of the EOD operator must ensure that any impairment or suspected impairment is reviewed without delay by a medical officer. In any case in which impairment is confirmed, the CO must, in consultation with the senior EOD operator of the unit, suspend that EOD operator's certification until such time, subject to paragraph 10.11, as the EOD operator is determined fit by a medical officer to return to EOD duties. Impairment of an EOD operator's capability may result from:
- a physical health issue such as a traumatic brain injury, an acute or chronic injury associated with significant pain, a cardiac arrhythmia, the use of a prescription medication such as an opioid, antinauseant or sleep aid that may impair concentration, or a neurological condition associated with tremor, reduced sensation or strength; or
- a mental disorder (e.g. major depression, panic disorder or trauma-related), a significant psycho-social problem that may be overtly distracting to the operator (e.g. financial distress, relationship conflict or work-related stress), or use of a psychiatric medication (e.g. a benzodiazepine or neuroleptic) that may impair concentration.
10.11 A CO must immediately suspend the EOD certification for an indefinite period if there is reliable evidence that an EOD operator has used a drug contrary to QR&O article 20.04, Prohibition.
Requirement to Report
11.1 A CO of an EOD unit must report, as soon as possible, through the chain of command, any EOD operation or tasking. The report must be made to the applicable operational or environmental HQ and the CFEOD.
11.2 The procedures and format for a report set out in B-GJ-005-316/FP-001 must be followed.
11.3 If the EOD operation or tasking has the potential to affect domestic operations or national security, CJOC must forward information to the Canadian Bomb Data Centre in the case of:
- an actual or attempted bombing;
- an IED; or
- recovery or disposal of a:
- stolen or abandoned commercial detonator or explosive; or
- home-made detonator or explosive.
Channels of Communication
11.4 In addition to normal reporting channels, direct liaison is authorized as set out in the following table:
An ... | is authorized direct liaison on EOD technical matters with the ... |
EOD unit |
CFEOD, CJOC Joint Engineer EOD and the DtD CoE. |
EOD unit or EOD operator |
NATO EOD Technical Information Centre. |
EOD Operator's Log
11.5 All EOD operators must maintain an EOD operator's log in accordance with applicable instructions.
11.6 Information in an EOD operator's log must be forwarded quarterly to the EOD operator's unit senior EOD operator and annually to the unit CO. The senior EOD operator must have an AJFA qualification and either an AEDV or AJFB qualification.
11.7 The senior EOD operator must determine if an EOD operator is operationally ready
(see paragraph 10.7) and must advise the unit CO. The CFEOD also confirms competency standards as part of an annual EOD inspection.
11.8 Additional guidance, instructions and amendments in respect of an EOD operator's log may be provided in orders issued by the CFEOD on behalf of the Comd CA.
Development and Procurement
12.1 Only equipment authorized for use by the CFEOD is to be employed. The development and procurement of EOD equipment involve some or all of the following:
- participation in EOD international standardization and cooperative research, development and production programmes;
- implementation of applicable equipment standards and scales established in ratified agreements, with emphasis on procedural standardization and physical or functional interoperation with allied nations;
- requirements coordination by the OIC of the CFEOD and the Director Land Requirements, in conjunction with research and development, procurement, and ammunition and explosive safety organizations, as appropriate; and
- environmental specific requirements coordination by the CFEOD and the appropriate RCN, CA and RCAF requirements directorate.
12.2 The CFEOD must monitor operational EOD activities with regard to:
- life cycle materiel management of in-service EOD equipment;
- the release of EOD operational and logistic stock equipment;
- coordination of the development and maintenance of equipment lists for EOD operations and training; and
- the requirement for new capabilities or emerging technologies.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
13.1 Non-compliance with this DAOD may have consequences for both the DND and the CAF as institutions, and for DND employees and CAF members as individuals. Suspected non-compliance will be investigated. The nature and severity of the consequences resulting from actual non-compliance will be commensurate with the circumstances of the non-compliance. Consequences of non-compliance may include one or more of the following:
- the ordering of the completion of appropriate learning, training or professional development;
- the entering of observations in an EOD operator's log;
- increased reporting and performance monitoring;
- the withdrawal of any authority provided under this DAOD to a DND employee or CAF member;
- the reporting of suspected offences to responsible law enforcement agencies;
- the liability of Her Majesty in right of Canada;
- the application of specific consequences as set out in applicable laws, codes of conduct, and DND and CAF policies and instructions; and
- other administrative or disciplinary action, or both.
Note – In respect of the compliance of DND employees, see the Treasury Board Framework for the Management of Compliance for additional information.
Responsibility Table
14.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:
The ... | is or are responsible for ... |
ADM (Materiel) |
Comds of the RCN, CA and RCAF |
Comd CA |
ADM (Infrastructure and Environment) |
ADM (Science and Technology) |
Comd CJOC |
Chief of Defence Intelligence |
Comd of an RJTF |
CO of a unit with EOD operators |
OIC of the CFEOD |
Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD
- Explosives Act
- National Defence Act
- Visiting Forces Act
- Explosives Regulations, Part XV, Explosives Under the Direction or Control of the Minister of National Defence
- P.C. 1993-624, 30 March 1993, Directions Respecting the Provision of Armed Assistance by the Canadian Forces to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to Deal with Disturbances of the Peace Affecting the National Interest
- P.C. 1996-833, 4 June 1996, Canadian Forces Assistance to Provincial Police Forces Directions
- Framework for the Management of Compliance, Treasury Board
- QR&O article 20.04, Prohibition
- QR&O article 208.318, Forfeiture of Improvised Explosive Device Bonus – Regular Force
- CBI 205.38, Exceptional Hazard Allowance (EHA)
- CBI 210.94, Improvised Explosive Device Bonus – Regular Force
- DAOD 8000-0, Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Other References
- DAOD 3002-0, Ammunition and Explosives
- CANFORGEN 056/08, CDS Organizational Order – Stand-up of CF EOD
- CANFORGEN 178/07, Establishment of the C-IED TF
- Canadian Joint Operations Command Domestic Explosive Ordnance Disposal Instruction
- National Defence Security Policy (NDSP)
- B-GG-380-000/FP-002,Canadian Forces Diving Manual, Volume 2, Organization, Regulations, Rules & Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus (CABA) Diving
- B-GJ-005-300/FP-000, Canadian Forces Operations
- B-GJ-005-316/FP-001, Explosive Ordnance Disposal
- B-GJ-005-316/FP-004, Canadian Forces Counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Handbook
- B-GJ-005-316/FP-101, Improvised Explosive Device Disposal
- B-GL-361-001/FP-001, Land Force Engineer Operations – Volume 1
- B-GL-381-001/TS-000, Training Safety
- B-GL-381-003/TS-000, Range and Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO) Clearance Handbook
- B-GS-055-000/AG-001, Provision of Services to Non-Defence Agencies
- B-GS-138-001/FP-001, Nuclear Emergency Response
- C-09-008-002/FP-000, Ammunition and Explosives Procedural Manual – Destruction of Dud and Misfired Ammunition on CF Ranges and Training Areas
- C-09-008-003/FP-000, Ammunition and Explosives Procedural Manual – Explosive Ordnance Disposal – Disposal of Stray Ammunition
- Terms of Reference Canadian Forces EOD Working Group (WG) (available in English only)
- Ammunition and Explosives Instructions
- NATO EOD STANAGs 2143, 2186, 2221, 2282, 2283, 2369, 2370, 2377, 2389, 2391, 2609, 2834, and 2897
- CF 52 Form, General Allowance Claim
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