DND/CAF’s Science Integrity Policy
The Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) are committed to promoting a culture of scientific integrity by setting high standards for all of the department’s areas of defence and security research. It is a priority of the Government of Canada that outcomes and associated communications of DND/CAF research remain trustworthy and decision-making transparent and based on sound science.
Scientific integrity is the responsibility of all employees, not just of scientists and researchers. This new policy takes effect on 1 April 2019 and will be implemented gradually as we work out associated processes, directives and guidelines.
More broadly, the objectives of this Science Integrity Policy are to:
- Foster a culture that supports and promotes scientific integrity in the design, conduct, management, review, use and communication of research, science, and related activities.
- Increase public, employee and stakeholder trust in the credibility and reliability of defence research and scientific activities.
- Set out expectations regarding the design, conduct, management, review and communication of research, science, and related activities.
- Enhance employee understanding of the contributions of research and science to evidence-informed decision-making, as well as the role of managers, communication specialists, researchers and scientists in the development of government policy and advice.
- Ensure that DND employees and CAF members are aware of, and have access to resources, support, and training to enable implementation of this Policy.
Principles at a Glance
Scientific integrity is the responsibility of all employees, not just of scientists and researchers.
This Policy puts forward principles that apply to the design, conduct, review, management, communication and use of research, science, as well as all other related activities.
As such, DND employees and CAF members are expected to abide by the following principles:
- Excellence: All research and science activities shall be carried out in a manner that is consistent with all relevant and applicable standards of scientific excellence, research ethics, and responsible research
- Independence: The conduct of defence and security research and science and any research or scientific products, as well as any associated use and communications, shall be free from political, commercial and stakeholder interference.
- Timeliness: Research and scientific information produced or commissioned by DND or the CAF shall be released to the public in a timely manner as outlined in established procedures.
- Credit: The contributions of scientists and researchers to research or scientific work shall be represented accurately and appropriately acknowledged.
- Conflict of interest: Any real, potential or apparent conflict of interest should be addressed immediately and appropriately.
- Open dialog: Discussions based on differing interpretations of research and scientific evidence shall be encouraged as a legitimate and necessary part of the research and scientific processes.
- Recognition: Significant contributions by researchers and scientists to government programs, policies, regulations, and decision-making shall be acknowledged in official publications or communications to the extent practical.
- Integrity: Any breach of these principles shall be reported appropriately.
Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of implementing this DND/CAF Policy are that:
- DND employees and CAF members understand and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the principles of scientific integrity.
- DND and the CAF will be recognized by its employees, its members, stakeholders, and the public as a reliable and credible source of research and scientific information.
- DND employees and CAF members will understand and seek to enhance the contributions of research and science advice to DND and the CAF, government policy and evidence-informed decision-making.
- Allegations of breach of the principles of scientific integrity will be addressed through a timely, fair and respectful process.
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